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N/A Reply of LPee23's Reply

Why? What is the appeal in being able to count every pubic hair one a time? I like a pussy just the next guy but unless I have a real woman in front of me than I don't need to see as much detail as you seem to want from the ones on my computer screen.

05-19-15  07:05pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I`m not interested in 3D porn and that has nothing to do with the level of 3D technology. It`s just that I can`t think of a single scene where 3D would add anything substantial to the scene.

If someone wanted to create a technology that would enhance a porn scene than they need to create a kind of scene where the viewer is able to change the viewing angle so that each person is able to look at the scene from multiple angles simply by moving the mouse on his computer. Now that would be worth it.

05-17-15  08:11am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Yes because you are asking for trouble if you don't.

05-15-15  05:22pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of BLACKED's Reply

It was my pleasure. I try as much as possible to remove my personal feelings regarding a site when reviewing.(I don't always succeed). I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you can answer.

Is the update schedule going to be 1 in 5 consecutive days or 1 in 5 business days? You can imagine the difference if it's the later as it would really mean four updates per month instead of 6 updates.

Are you guys planning on shooting mote anal? I know you have a decent number already and I am curious if this is still something you plan on shooting?

The 30$ is high when compared to other sites/networks but it is comparable to your closest competitor Dogfart. In fact Dogfart actually charges a little more but they also add more shoots per month than you do. The join price is not an issue for me as I have paid more to join other sites and will gladly join yours again when you have added more of the scenes I enjoy.

Thanks for making a great site and hopefully you are stull turning out great scenes a decade from now.

05-15-15  05:21pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I seem to remember one or two who were more or less ex-bodybuilders many years ago. They were a little more muscular than average women but not so much that it was a distraction but I can't think of any current or past female bodybuilder doing porn and I suspect the main reason is that doing something as physically demanding alters a woman's appearance to such a degree that she stops looking desirable and starts to look frightening, and just so that I don't sound sexist. I think the same thing applies to male bodybuilders but to a lesser degree.

05-13-15  03:45pm

Visit Kiara Mia

Kiara Mia
Reply of bebelover's Reply

As far as I know she has nothing to do with the site as I don't think that she is active anymore. At least not in the industry. She might be camming but I don't actually call that doing porn. I believe that most of the performers on her network are all retired from performing.

05-12-15  06:02pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It's probably 5 years old but it still works amazingly well.

05-11-15  05:27pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I picked five or more but I really only have 3 that are still active memberships and the others are cancelled but I still have a few days before the membership expires. I rarely have less than 3 active memberships per month.

05-09-15  10:35am

N/A Reply of RustyJ's Poll

I'm with messmer.

05-07-15  03:08pm

N/A Reply of LPee23's Poll

I picked North America but I would have preferred to have the option to go with other so that I can say that I prefer US and French porn first followed by Eastern European than some Italian porn, than some British porn and finally a smidgen of German porn.

05-05-15  06:26pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked other since there wasn't an option for not my thing and I thought waste of time was too harsh a term to pick that one. I have no desire to watch cam shows of any kind and even if I did than the cost would make it a rare treat. That said I have no issue with anyone paying whatever amount they want to if they are happy when it's over.

05-01-15  05:50pm

Visit Clips 4 Sale

Clips 4 Sale
Reply of Whyme's Comment

Did you go through her clips4sale store for that custom shoot or was it done separately? if it was through clips4sale then write to them about what she did. Not sure it will do anything but what have you got to lose?

04-29-15  05:57pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

My first choice is always A cup but I think that as long as they are real (or appear real) then I'm not too picky. Of course I can't think of too many performers that make my list of favorite who have real D or bigger cup sized breast. there are sopme but the number is quite small when compared with women who have smaller breast size.

04-29-15  05:48pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I was going to pick other as my answer does include two of the possible choices but I stuck with 2-3 years because I think this is the more realistic number at this moment. Now let me expand on my answer. If a performer can actually survive the first year than she is likely going to stick with it for a couple more years before she migrates full time to escorting or does stuff that does not involve her being naked and having sex.

Of course you still have a few well established and popular performers that have been at it for more than five years and they still get plenty of work. Mind you these are the women who can and should be called pornstar because they have earned that title.

On the opposite end of the spectrum. You have a regular influx of late teen early twenty year old women who clearly did not realise what was involved when they were fooled into doing porn. They tend to make a few scenes for a very limited amount of studios and then disappear to never be heard again.

04-27-15  06:11pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It has to be several times a week because if the site updates every day then they would simply say daily updates and if they updates once a week then the answer is simply regular updates.

04-25-15  07:18am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of hardog's Reply

Just to add something to the conversation.

1-I can assure you that most if not all the updates of the last two months is leased material and worse some of it is older stuff.

2-The entire network has been dying for the last few years so if they can no longer remain active than you will have been warned of it's demise. I know what I'm talking about because I have kept track of the network for many years as I was a big fan once upon a time.

3-Having leased material is not a bad thing in of itself but for me it kind of sucked because I already had most of that stuff when I joined the site that had the source material.

4-My warning about long term membership was only directed at people that read what you wrote and wanted to buy what is often a great deal but in this case would definitely not be one.

04-24-15  04:57pm

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of hardog's Comment

This is both good and bad news. The good news is mostly for anyone who has never been a member or someone who was a member a few years ago because I'm sure these people will get plenty of great porn for their money but that is where the good news ends. The network as a whole is now almost dead. To prove my point. The last true update was for their site anal checkup and it's now two months old. Every other update since then is actually leased material. In fact most of the updates in the last couple of years is leased material.

Like I said. It can still be an amazing deal but it is one of those buyer beware type of membership. The one thing I recommend is that no one buy a long term membership because he will get cheated.

04-23-15  05:57pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Since I prefer not to use the word hate then I will simply say that I detest them all. I watch plenty of sick stuff and yet I find that facials and by extension bukkakes are things that are somehow fundamentally offensive toward women.

04-23-15  05:48pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I need top organize a lot more my collection. The scene are all well identified and it's easy to find what I want but I should clean some of the stuff I have because I have other 2Tb of porn and that is a lot of videos to go through even with keyword searches.

04-21-15  05:51pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of RustyJ's Comment

You have hit the nail right on the head. I've never understood the logic from a business stand point of why they do that. I assume (maybe wrongly) that they want new members or even want returning members so why make it main competitors all do it.

04-19-15  10:05am

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

I don't see what the Euro has to do with anything as most European sites use the American dollar when it comes to membership prices. I know of only a couple of sites that use the Euro or British Pound in their pricing.

04-19-15  10:00am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Maybe some have done it and I didn't notice it but I doubt it so no I never like it.

04-17-15  05:58pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I don't think sight is essential when it comes to lovemaking since lovemaking can be performed in the dark where neither party is able to see.

I would think that sight is primarily important in getting the juices flowing but frankly It sort of becomes redundant for the lovemaking as I prefer to use my hands, mouth, dick and more importantly my brain to make love with.

04-15-15  06:08pm

Visit Colette

Reply of RustyJ's Comment

My main issue with this site is that I honestly don't see what they are offering that is remotely different than what x-art is already offering. If they are hoping that people will buy a membership to both x-art and colette than I think they may be delusional because I don't see that happening. What I see happening is people picking and choosing to join one of them at a time and doing so less often if they see that the updates they loved are now getting split between two sites instead of feeding the needs of just one.

Let's be honest. Why would anyone want to join to mediocre sites when they can join one great site?

04-14-15  06:22pm

N/A Reply of LPee23's Poll

I only use screen caps to give me an idea of what the video will look like prior to downloading it. If I like what I see than I download the video. Otherwise I skip it altogether.

04-13-15  05:37pm

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