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Visit 18 Closeup

18 Closeup

No updates since 2015? Oh, wait...there are some!

I just joined this site for the first time and initially it looked like there are no updates since 2015. How does that happen? Well, the webmasters are posting updates on the updates page, but they are not updating their update log page or model info. So it looks like the site is not updating until you scroll down on the specific updates page.
Earliest sets are from 2007 and there are quite a few videos and photo sets of some popular Eastern European models from years past. I'll try to write a review later.

10-16-16  08:20pm

Replies (0)
Visit 21 Naturals

21 Naturals

What is "Buy it for a lifetime"?

I have a subscription to this site and can download videos but there is an option at the top of each video that says "Buy it for a lifetime". When you click on it, the pop-up says it is about to charge my credit card $2.95. Does anyone have ANY idea what this is? There is no mention of DRM on the downloadable videos, so this is pretty confusing. Do the videos stop working after a subscription ends? If so, not disclosing it is criminal.

02-18-17  06:38am

Replies (1)
Visit 21 Naturals

21 Naturals

Seems like a bait site!

I joined 21Naturals from one of those "deals" pages that comes up on another site. It was $9.95 "for the next 12 hours!" I had never been to a 21 site so, thinking I was getting access to the entire network, I joined.

When you get to the main page, which is called 21members, 95% of the videos are locked! Across the top are 21Sextury, 21Sextreme and 21Naturals with a lock next to the first two. Turns out, the landing page for 21Naturals is sort of a bait page to get you to join the other two networks. (I'll bet the other sites land here, too.) The cost to join either of the other networks from here? $19.95 a month, the price I would have paid anyway. The videos here on 21Naturals are good, with a lot of SLOW sex and some foot fetish stuff, but I gladly would have paid the extra $10 to join the entire network. You should pay the extra $10, too. Eventually, when I fork out the $20, I will probably say it is worth it.

When looking at the "special deals" links, remember that if they look too good to be true, they are.

02-08-17  10:44pm

Replies (1)
Visit 21Sextury.com


Any clue what "Buy it for a lifetime" is?

I have a subscription to this site and can download videos but there is an option at the top of each video that says "Buy it for a lifetime". When you click on it, the pop-up says it is about to charge my credit card $2.95. Does anyone have ANY idea what this is? There is no mention of DRM on the downloadable videos, so this is pretty confusing. Do the videos stop working after a subscription ends? If so, not disclosing it is practically criminal.

02-18-17  06:40am

Replies (3)
Visit 21Sextury.com


Has anyone actually tried 21role?

I'm looking at this "interactive" micro-site on 21s called "21role.com" It is a POV choose your option game-like video stream reminiscent of Bob Guccione's "Penthouse Interactive Photo Shoot" from 1987 or so. In 21role, the first few choices (i.e. let Kimmy Granger sleep or wake her up) are free but then you have to PAY CREDITS (at 10 cents a credit) to continue to progress to the actual sex scenes. You have no idea going in how much one scene is going to cost you. Has anyone actually tried this? Anyone have anything good to say about it?

02-08-17  11:02pm

Replies (1)
Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

Just curious...Who likes the embroidery hoops?

I'm guessing that somebody out there likes the embroidery hoop spreader things they use on this site but I'm curious...do you? The question is a little specific for a survey but if you are a member of this site and don't mind responding, what are your thoughts on it? Ever seen it anywhere else?

02-26-17  08:39pm

Replies (2)
Visit Babes Network.com

Babes Network.com

Another bait and switch!

I just want to warn you that Babesnetwork.com/Babes.com is doing the same thing that Twisty's is regarding tiered pricing. (They are all run by the same group.) They offer discounted pricing and then when you sign up, you learn that the price you paid is for STREAMING ONLY and there are no zip files for photosets. If you want to download, it will cost you another $10 a month for the VIP membership. Nowhere when signing up does it explain any of this.
There is also a very expensive "premium" membership, but there is no real information on what that is other than additional material. Both Babes and Twisty's have removed a lot of old material so the premium membership may include that. Not sure.

That $10 a month extra applies regardless of the length of subscription you purchase. So if you find the super-cheap annual membership for $59.00, you will pay an additional $10 a month/$120 a year for the privilege of downloading, making this a very, very expensive $179 annual membership. This is one of the sleaziest money-grabs I've seen lately.

Twistys/Babes really needs to be more forthcoming with their pricing structure and what is included. The guys at TBP mention the download thing in passing, but the tiers need to be up there with the pricing.

02-11-17  07:51pm

Replies (2)
Visit Baeb


Has anyone tried this?

Has anyone tried this site? I keep getting links to it on other sites. Looks a little like POVD/Pasion-HD but it is very small.

03-17-17  05:51pm

Replies (1)
Visit Bang.com


Cross-checked from Vixen.com

I just signed up for Vixen.com (for $10 since it is small) and unchecked the offer for bang.com ($1 for 3 days then $29.95 a month). Even though I unchecked the option, I still got charged. Fortunately, they bill through Epoch and I was able to cancel immediately. Still, I have to warn everybody that these guys are using deceptive practices to charge you for sites you don't want.

05-29-17  07:23pm

Replies (4)
Visit Barely Legal

Barely Legal

No longer included with hustler.com

The last time I joined Hustler, this site was included in the network. Now I see it is still owned by LFP, but is part of a network that looks like it has a younger overall intended audience. It has been a long, long time since LFP material was top-notch, but I'm sure there is still some good stuff here.

If you put your email into the sign-up page and then back out at the credit card info page, you will eventually get a pretty good offer via email.

02-26-17  03:50pm

Replies (0)
Visit Brutal POV

Brutal POV

Site is part of Fetish Network.....use caution.

This site is one of the many BDSM sites in the Fetish Network and joining this site gives you access to the other sites in the network. I wrote a review of FN back in Februrary of 2017 that is still valid. FN has some OK stuff, but they do really dumb things like make it hard to cancel (cancel page makes a discount offer but doesn't actually let you cancel. You have to contact them for that.) and sign you up to other sites without consent. I just joined BrutalPOV and, true to form, I was charged $1 for something else even though I unchecked all of the cross-checks. Turns out they automatically sign you up for a site called fetishclub.com, which is a bunch of old psuedo-fetish videos in various categories. I ended up writing support to cancel both subscrtiptions so I won't have to screw around with this later. I just don't understand why these people screw over their subscribers like this. If you join this site, watch for other sign-ups and cancel them right away.

01-30-19  06:53pm

Replies (2)
Visit Casting Couch X

Casting Couch X

1-Day sign up is a FRAUD! FRAUD! FRAUD!

1-day intro is A FRAUD SCAM! FRAUD! FRAUD!
Only 1 video view allowed and viewing the 2nd video triggers an automatic $39.95 charge (which is more than the regular monthly charge)! NO WARNING OR REQUEST FOR APPROVAL!
Only 23 girls on the site as of 12/8/12
Each girl has 1 video except for doubles (3), so that is 20 videos, total!
$39 for that! Get real!

I saw right away that this site only has 20 or so videos, but they looked interesting, so I decided to give the 1-day membership a try. When the site did not like my username and asked me to change it, the cross-sales I had unchecked mysteriously became checked again. If I had not noticed it, I would have been charged $40 right then for a site I did not ask for and would not have even known about.

Once I got into the site, I started to download one video and was unable to right click and choose "download". As soon as I tried to EVEN LOOK AT a 2nd video, the page changed to an "UPGRADING ACCOUNT, please wait" page. I immediately paged back and tried another page. Same thing on the next page. Within 90 seconds, I got a call from my credit card company asking if I had authorized a $39.95 charge to Segway in Great Britain. Clearly, I did not! To ensure that they did not try to charge me again some other way, I had to cancel the card and get a new one issued.

There is absolutely nothing sleazier than baiting people with a 1-day intro pass and not telling them ON THE MAIN SIGNUP PAGE, what the limitations and expectations are. My experience with other sites in this network (SSC Group, LLC) has not been particularly good and I consider this baiting tactic just plain fraud!

Be very, very careful if you decide to join this site or other sites in this network. Clearly, they are a hit-and-run operation that does not care if they rip you off or not. DO NOT USE the 1-DAY PASS as you will almost certainly be charged the highest possible monthly rate just for clicking on a link to see what you thought you had already signed up for!

Oh, BTW, just to be completely fair, in the unlikely event that the webmaster for this network sees my review. Take a look at my 100% trust rating and then respond if you wish with a justification for the insanely unethical charging tactics you have. I will gladly retract this review if you can justify your tactics.

In the meantime, I recommend to everyone to STAY AWAY FROM THIS SITE AND NETWORK!

12-08-12  12:18pm

Replies (6)
Visit Czech VR Casting

Czech VR Casting

Part of a one-price network.

I'm a little confused as to why this is listed as a separate site because it is included with a subscription to CheckVR, which I reviewed. CheckVR, Check VR Castig and Check VR Fetish is all part of the same one-price network. Not separate!

If they are considering or have already broken these sites out to be separate, then the scores should be somewhat lower. I reviewed Check VR and included these sites.

05-06-17  08:16pm

Replies (4)
Visit Czech VR Fetish

Czech VR Fetish

All part of a single one-price network!

I'm a little confused as to why this is listed as a separate site because it is included with a subscription to CheckVR, which I reviewed. CheckVR, Check VR Castig and Check VR Fetish is all part of the same one-price network. Not separate!

05-06-17  08:14pm

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Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

DDF has VR!

I just signed up and am looking around now, but DDF has several VR videos! When I search VR it comes back with 61 videos! I will be sure to include this in a review within the next month or so.

Unfortunately, it looks like these are VR but not 3D VR.

02-12-18  06:18pm

Replies (4)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Be VERY careful with cross sales

I just got a $9.99 email offer and decideed to take them up on it. Filled in the card info, UNCHECKED the two cross sales and clicked sign-up. Error and the card number went away. re-entered it, went to click sign up and noticed that the cross sales had been re-checked. THIS IS HOW THEY GET YOU FOLKS! The default for the page is checked. Anything resets, the boxes are checked again.

02-12-18  06:01pm

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Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

OK, fixed and signed up at $24.99

I got a nice reply from the webmaster (thank you!) and finally signed up at $24.99. So far, I like what I see!

04-23-15  06:56pm

Replies (1)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Holy crap! Now it is $38.95!!!

So I'm back. Go to the site through PU and the monthly price is now $38.95!!!! I open Chrome and go direct to the site and get a $29.95 option. I tried to purchase that repeatedly but the option will not load the Epoch pay site (the $99 annual option will, though.) (Yes, I cleared the cache, etc.) Tried Mozilla and it is $38.95. Three months in a row I've tried to join this site. Three months in a row I've gotten something that bothers me enough to pass. Off to Joymii, I guess!

04-21-15  06:57pm

Replies (2)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Now the one month option is gone....

So I am sitting here looking for another site to join and again came back to DDF. This time, when I followed the link from PU, the sign up link only shows 2 options. Sign up for 3-MONTHS at $89.99 or sign up for a year at $99.99. Wow, that is just ballsy. On a whim, I went direct to the site in another browser and there is a one month sign-up for $29.95 but it renews at $44.95! So they are randomly changing their pricing and options and might even be thumbing their noses at PU. I'm going to pass...again...

04-18-15  09:27pm

Replies (4)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

dscount price up to $33.95

Well, I just tried to sign up and see two things that are a little frustrating.

First, the discounted price is up to $33.95. That is not a cache or related issue but is a revised discount from their new regular price of $44.95 a month. Wow...that has to be the most expensive monthly porn site price I have ever seen. Good luck with that.

And perhaps more annoying is that when I first went to the discounted sign-up page, I entered my site-unique username and password for this site into the form. Then I saw that the credit card handler is somebody I haven't heard of before (DDFsupport), NOT one of the ones listed on the charge page (like ccbill), so I backed out. After a few minutes, I decided to sign up anyway and came back to the sign up page. This time, the site said my username was already in use....because I typed it in 5 minutes earlier! This was unfortunate and was enough to make me decide to spend my money elsewhere. I hate getting jerked around before I even sign up for a site. Sorry, DDF, FTVgrls.com (and ccbill) gets my money today.

03-22-15  09:56am

Replies (1)
Visit Erito


Pixels, pixels everywhere!

This site shows up on the "porn portal" first page for Twisty's members and I almost signed up before looking here for reviews. Two things kill it. First, it is streaming only. Yes, there are ways around that, but it sucks. And second, every video and most images have pixelated genitalia. Everything. (Kind of ironic considering the sex-crazed reputation some areas in Japan have....) Now, I get that these are Japanese and that is the law in Japan, but it is pretty unacceptable in the rest of the world. I'll wait until they ship these girls out of the country to film some unpixelated stuff.

12-16-15  10:06am

Replies (1)
Visit Erotic Beauty

Erotic Beauty

It's all B roll!

I rejoined EB as part of a special with Watch4Beauty. The EB site has had a slight freshening, but I'm not terribly impressed with the most recent content. First, it is all "B" roll! It seems as though these are sets of slightly less attractive models or, if mainstream models, slightly lesser quality sets. So they may not have been good enough for the main site, Met Art, when they were taken. Second, it is an odd collection of old and new sets. I recognize several models that retired back around 2008 or earlier and here they are in "new releases" this month with different names and the exact same look. A few models have sets from 2007 and new sets in 2014 and they look exactly the same...because they are old sets just being released now. (To their credit, EB lists the age of the model when the sets were taken, but I don't think those ages are accurate.) That usually only happens because the set was not rated very highly back when the model was popular but now, what the heck, who cares, release it! Fourth, some sets of once popular models might be a bit off because when these sets were taken, these models were very near retirement. There are a few sets where I looked at the model, recognized her and although she was still very attractive, she was several years older than she was at her peak. My typical male reaction was "Wow, what happened? She used to be really hot!" There is nothing that reminds you that YOU are getting old more than images of a favorite model showing that SHE is getting old. Depressing. There are also a few sets from the time before a popular model perfected her look. A lot of eastern European girls took a little time to perfect their looks and some of these sets are the "before" pictures. And lastly, releasing a set in 3 parts is positively annoying. There is no reason for this other than to string us along and get more money. Many Met Art sets have 120-160 images in them. These EB sets usually have 40-60 images spread over 2-3 or more pages of 20 images a page. They either do that to minimize load on their servers, or to make it look like there are more images. Either way, its a really cheap trick!

This site is still better than a lot of others out there, but it is really unfortunate when a good site goes mediocre.

09-23-14  06:39pm

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Visit Erotic Snap

Erotic Snap

CCBill link inactive....

So...I see one model I like a lot and decided to try this site. Unfortunately, when you click on the "join" icon, you get a link to CCBill that says "account inactive". What kind of web site would let the billers account go inactive even for a minute? I'll follow up as now there is a quest (or maybe conquest) involved.

12-03-15  03:33pm

Replies (2)
Visit Eternal Desire

Eternal Desire

No longer discounted

I have a long term subscription to Met Art and although a few sites in their affiliation group are discounted or sometimes free for trial periods, many of the sites that were once $10 a month to Met-Art members are now full-price. So ED is $29.00 as of the date of this note. That's really too bad as I used to join an extra site in the network every month or so. At $10 or $15, I wouldn't think twice before joining. At $29.00, these sites are competing with literally every other site on the Internet and this network usually loses out on the opportunity to earn my subscription money as I'll chose some other site I have not been a member of before. If anyone finds a discount, publish it here!

08-10-14  10:53am

Replies (3)
Visit FAKings VR

FAKings VR

Teeny tiny VR collection

From what I can tell, there are only 12 VR videos here and they are among the most amateur I've ever seen. I think I'll wait a while and check back.

01-29-17  10:15pm

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