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Reply of
Khan's Reply
Interesting... I can see why they'd prefer a less public sale. I hope they make some money at it and get some new members. They certainly buried the offer well on Freeones.
06-21-12 08:51am
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
Thanks. Got it.
06-21-12 08:49am
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
I'm not really familiar with Freeones, but the limited experience I have with it (usually in tracking down a model that I can't recognize using just the one small thumbnail at IAFD) suggests that it isn't a tube site since it only links to tour pages of websites. I might be wrong on that, but if I'm right I hope that Khan will weigh in and allow the link.
Having said that though, I too can't find the discount link and I'd like to take advantage of it. Would you be so kind as to email that to me as well?
06-21-12 04:45am
Reply of
Drooler's Poll
Seriously doubt it...
06-19-12 01:34pm
Reply of
dracken's Review
Thanks for the review - and the warning. I could understand them offering a better price for streaming and a higher price for downloads, but to just eliminate downloads seems to be a bad idea. No downloads is pretty much a deal-breaker for me.
06-18-12 01:30pm
Reply of
graymane's Poll
All of the above for me too...
The civility and friendliness of this site (staff and members) is a huge draw for me. I occasionally read other forums and I come away even more impressed by this site and the people here.
06-17-12 05:35pm
Lethal Hardcore
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Thanks for this, exotics. I don't have an active membership anywhere right now, which is unusual for me, so I may sign on here. Like you, I wonder why so many studios have weak sites. You'd think that they'd put the resources into showcasing their material properly.
06-17-12 05:32pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
If there is a fairly significant error (and given the thoroughness of the staff at TBP that's rare) I'll post an error report there and a comment here at PU.
06-15-12 12:07pm
Reply of
slutty's Reply
Like you, I can't imagine that a site would release hundreds of unedited photos, but it would be nice...
06-15-12 12:06pm
Lethal Hardcore
Reply of
exotics4me's Review
Great review! This site has always been on the outer ring of my radar screen and I might finally take the plunge based on the information you provided. I'm glad you mentioned that what appear to be additional-cost add-ons are actually part of the membership because I probably wouldn't have even clicked on them in case they automatically billed me for that.
Like you, I like having access to older DVDs and it seems odd to me that the studio doesn't release more of them here. It appears, for example, that the series "Hot Bods and Tail Pipe" only has two DVDs on the site when the whole series has at least 30 editions. I really wish they'd plug those gaps...
06-14-12 09:33am
Reply of
Drooler's Poll
I have to agree that if there was an 'all of the above' choice that would be what I'd have selected.
I was wondering about photo sets the other day when looking at some sets I got from Wow Girls. I find the models to be among the best looking on the planet, I find the photographers to be among the best in the business and the resolution is class-leading. But... I still find myself wanting more. For example, (and this should be no surprise to regulars here) I find there aren't enough ass shots in many photo sets (not just Wow Girls). In looking at some photo sets it seems ass shots are few in many of the sets. But I also recognize that it might be for a breast man to complain of too many ass shots. So that got me thinking. What if sites were to offer the option fo downloading all of the photos taken during a shoot. I'm guessing for a photo set of 100 photos to be posted there are probably at least 500 photos. Sure, they could be offered as a lower resolution so the editor's work would still have value, but it would allow more shots of what individuals may want.
And while I'm at it, I know this is porn, but I love face shots too - including close-ups. I wish there were more of those.
And since I'm in mid-rant (or whine...) the photo set that got me thinking about all of this was a recent one of Gloria on Wow Girls where she's lounging on a bed in a small top and flannel pyjama bottoms. I LOVE those and would have happily looked at hundreds of her in that outfit before we saw her remove it. As with Wow and Diesel, there will likely be a video from the same shoot so that that means I'll be getting a membership at Wow again before I would normally do so.
06-14-12 09:23am
Young Legal Porn
Reply of
lk2fireone's Comment
I couldn't agree more with your statement. I find most of the Diesel models to be close to perfection.
06-11-12 01:02pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I'm surprised at how reserved many of you are! I'm an avowed girl watcher and I don't think that will ever change. I'm an equal opportunity ogler too: I'll happily gaze a gaggle of high school lasses stroll by but I'm equally happy watching a 50 year old co-worker walk out of the building in the evening. I hang out with a group of men in our neighbourhood and I've asked them about their opinions of cetain yummy-mommies and MILFs and while they're certainly not opposed to yummy-mommies and MILFs, it appears that if age isn't the one constant in my interests, then size is. I prefer petite women, and will happily gaze on a petite, fit woman in her 50s.
06-11-12 01:01pm
Bangbros Network
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Thanks for all the useful information. I do appreciate it. I agree that I'm probably pre-disposed to not liking the site because the models aren't what I normally look for, but even when I approach it objectively it has some serious flaws. The biggest annoyance is that the site is heavily reliant on ads. The price of your membership gets you access to a lot of porn, but also to a huge amount of advertising and upselling.
My membership turned out to have an unusual quirk too. TBP says that the trial is limited so I signed up for the full membership on May 30. That seemed fine until 10 minutes later when my bank called and said they had put a hold on my credit card because they were suspicious of the biller. I said everything was okay and they asked if there would be other charges through this biller and I said it wouold be just this once. This morning I tried to access Bang Bros and I can't download anything. Even the regular sites want me to 'upgrade.' I was about to contact support and when I was looking at the confirmation email it turns out I ended up with some sort of a one-day full trial membership. It was to rebill on the same day - May 30 - which seems weird. But... since I told my bank that this was a one-time thing they blocked the rebill so I no longer have access. That's the bad news. The good news is that I learned that I really don't like Bang Bros and I got off light with a $1.50 charge.
I only wish I could learn other lessons so inexpensively.
Again, thanks for taking the time to give me the information I was looking for.
06-02-12 05:17am
Bangbros Network
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Thanks for this exotics. These are the sites that are still available but there doesn't appear to be any ability to bundle any of them any more. There may be, but it isn't obvious. The fact that some of them are streaming only means I'll steer clear of them. One site I was thinking about paying for is pretty pricey and the reviews note that it hasn't updated in three years.
I'm really surprised at how middle-of-the-road this site is. The biggest thing I've noticed about the site (pat362 noted this as well) that the site is a tool to sell ads and ungrade. This happens on other sites too, but I've never had it so up-front.
05-31-12 08:30am
Bangbros Network
Reply of
exotics4me's Comment
Exotics - I just joined this site and have a question about the add-on packs. I can't see that there are any "packs" available, just individual add-on sites. And some of those can be very expensive. The site seems to have undergone a major re-work because the link from TBP takes me to a site that looks quite different from what the site looks like now, although I do have an option to go back to the old site look. I'd do that, but on the old site download managers don't seem to work even though they do for the same scene on the new site. Also, the old site seems to filter out scenes from the add-on sites but those are shown in the new site - with no warning that you can't download them. You might see a scene that you really want only to find when you click on it that you can't have it unless you pay an additional $20.
Anyway, all that to ask am I understanding you correctly when you say there were bundled add-on sites at one time? If so, those are either buried deep or not available anymore.
Overall, I'd have to say that I'm pretty underwhelmed by this network. I really expected better considering that they are so well known. I joined specifically for a new Tanner Mayes anal scene and in the WMV version the sound is completely screwed up. It seems to be in sync at the beginning but it gets out of whack throughout and by 3/4 the way through it has to be off by a minute or more. I'll try another version tomorrow.
05-30-12 06:21pm
Young Legal Porn
Reply of
bibo's Comment
I have to agree with the rest of the guys here - this is an excellent review and you should post it as such and take full credit for it. Members here would appreciate reading your opinions and information on sites.
05-27-12 06:31pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
Claypaws's Reply
It's nice to meet another Gloria fan here. She's my favourite Diesel model, but there are several others who aren't far off. I know people who wouldn't find her attractive, but she damn near perfection in my book.
Is it easy to turn java and flash off?
05-23-12 05:32pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
Claypaws's Reply
I think that this is the first time that someone has reviewed one of my reviews so thoroughly. Thanks for doing that and I hope that you did find it useful.
For the 317 pages, my guess is that you're right that the error comes from including all of the diesel sites too. I didn't notice that until slutty mentioned it but I would have felt cheated if I made my decision to buy a membership thinking that it was a large site. The current site has nothing to apologize for given the great quality, so I hope they fix this mistake soon.
The Wow Girls site does have the ability to shrink the size of the thumbnials and I did use that but I found that the picture pages still loaded slowly. That might be a factor of the way I select the pages though. Because they have to be downloaded through the browser I'd go to a model's page and open the sets I wanted in a new tab and work my way through the tabs. Opening two or three tabs didn't seem to be an issue, but opening more than five was a problem. The problem might be the way I'm using the site.
I don't want to get anyone's back up in answering your question, but the answer is that not much is left if you remove the material you listed. This is a guess (after browsing through the site to get a sense of what the count is) but I'd say there are fewer than 50 photo sets that don't have what you prefer to avoid. I have to add one huge caveat to this answer though - I'm no fan of screencaps or photos which simply mirror a video but with this site, like the Diesel sites, the photo shoot doesn't detract from the video and the videos don't detract from the photos. I'm not sure how the site does it, but the two can really stand apart.
I hope that answered your question. If not, let me know and I'll try to get the information you're looking for.
05-22-12 03:26pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
gaypornolover's Reply
Thanks for the compliment!
05-22-12 03:07pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
slutty's Reply
I haven't had a membership at the Diesel sites in a while but I didn't notice much overlap. Dieselman seems like a webmaster who takes an interest in his customers and I trust him when he explained the overlap.
The 317 pages of scenes is definitely an error. When you log in there are 25 pages of updates. I hope Dieselman pops in and sees your comment because that little error could make some people a bit mad.
And I agree with you 100% that the site should offer a more thorough preview. There is no reason not to - the models are amazing and the site is great. They should show it off to prospective mmebers.
05-21-12 05:13pm
Young Legal Porn
Reply of
Claypaws's Comment
As a former member who scored the site at 95 I was prepared to disagree with you, but you make some valid points. I’m not a big collector of photos so when I collect them I only collect those of models I really like. I did download a lot of photos from this network and was impressed with the quality. But I can understand how someone who is primarily interested in photos would find this site a bit disappointing.
I wasn’t aware that the models here aren’t exclusive until fairly recently. I don’t know or follow many European or Russian models so I made the assumption that they were exclusive since many of the models work together and the production values are equally high in all the videos.
I strongly agree with you that the way the site is organized doesn’t work well. There is no good reason to spread a model’s videos and photos throughout the ‘network.’ And it can be especially frustrating to see the same videos repeated, though that isn’t a common occurrence. It would seem to make a lot more sense to sell this as one large site and not as many small ones. I suspect the reason for the setup is that it makes it easier to sell as a network than a site even if all the material is the same.
But… being a video fan and really liking many of the models here, this ‘network’ is one that is on my list of sites that I return to occasionally to look for updates.
05-17-12 02:15pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I think it depends of the site. A site like Videobox can update several times a day because they have the resources to do so and the material to draw on. (Though I wish they'd scale back the frequency of those updates an focus more on quality.) I certainly wouldn't expect a site that produces their own material, like any Kink site or any of the Diesel Access sites, to update as frequently.
05-17-12 01:59pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
I'm not a photo collector so I really can't compare these to other sites, but I do collect photos of my favourite Diesel models. In terms of technical quality they can be great. The resolution on some of them is the highest I've ever seen.
I agree with you on the models. I don't know how the do it, but the models are incredible.
05-14-12 06:35pm
Wow Girls
Reply of
pat362's Reply
I see that now. Thanks.
05-13-12 05:02pm