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The tour says it's "a different kind of web site"; Right then, you ... ?

Type: General

Submitted by Drooler (0)
think it might be 0% 0 Votes
doubt it 86% 31 Votes
(other) 14% 5 Votes

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36 Votes Total

Jun 19, 2012

Poll Replies (20)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


Cybertoad (Disabled) Sites are snatch and grab, once you virtually swipe your credit card its all over. So buyer beware. Impulse buying is what they are looking for. And teasers get purchases.
06-19-12  12:16am

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Toadsith (0) Are we now doing "Choose-A-Path" sponsored polls?

Tumbling down the staircase, Johnny Dangerously finds himself in a hallway with a red door. The gunman turns back to see Johnny clambering up from the floor and slowly raises his rifle. A startled duck waddles for cover. If Johnny tries to shoot the gunman first, turn to page 384. If Johnny dives for the red door, turn to page 193. If Johnny accepts his own mortality and the fleetingness of life and decides to spend his last moments raping the duck, turn to page 401.

06-19-12  12:21am

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Marcus (0) It's normally a hollow soundbite, and if it isn't abundantly clear from the rest of the tour, and they have to tell you it's a different kind of website, it normally isn't.

I find most tours are a poor representation of the member's area - I would say at least around half of the websites I have reviewed here promise weekly reviews and regularly don't update (if at all).

06-19-12  12:24am

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Claypaws (Suspended) I voted "doubt it". I am always suspicious of websites that tell me they are different or tell me they are world class leading and setting the new standard for the world in everything. The way to get me in is to stop making claims and give me a tour that shows me some actual content.
06-19-12  02:20am

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pat362 (0) Let me first say that I don't remember seeing any site with that statement before but I would doubt them if they did have such a statement. There are so many different porn sites on the net that it's actually impossible to have something different from one or more of the others. Maybe one day it will be but it will not be because of content but because of technology and the best anyone will be able to do is claim that they were the first to offer that new kind of technology since most other sites will add it to their site.
06-19-12  06:10am

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Drooler (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - Toadsith :

Oh, yes. We are. And given that previous polls also had choices of answers, we've been doing them for QUITE some time.
06-19-12  07:24am

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jberryl69 (Disabled) Hmmmm... that's suggesting that a statement like that even registered in my brain. Overall I tend to discount just about anything written in lieu of the 1000 words the photo/vids provide. Oh, that and the price.
06-19-12  07:58am

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Capn (0) I would require proof even if I were to be tempted to believe it!

Cap'n. :0/

06-19-12  09:50am

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rearadmiral (0) Seriously doubt it...
06-19-12  01:34pm

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elephant (0) Yeah don't often fall for BS these days I'd like to think anyway lol so I need to hear from others first with nearly everything I buy
06-19-12  02:17pm

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Toadsith (0) REPLY TO #6 - Drooler :

Haha - I was more commenting on the format in which the poll question was presented, not the idea of a poll in general. The language seemed strikingly reminiscent of those old choose-a-path (or was it pick-a-path?) books prior to early text only computer games.
06-19-12  04:01pm

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otoh (0) REPLY TO #4 - Claypaws :

Agree with Claypaws - show us the content if you want to prove you're different. I try to join only sites which show all updates etc - basically which give you the same browsing ability as members just without the actual downloads.
06-20-12  01:42am

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RustyJ (Suspended) I don't really care what they say. If people here say it's different or if it looks different judging by the content, then I do believe.
06-20-12  04:37am

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Denner (0) Sales talk.
06-20-12  08:09am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #2 - Toadsith :

I'm all for variety, or whatever floats your boat. But raping a duck seems like a poor finish for Johnny Dangerously. Couldn't he find a gorgeous girl (or three) to rape?
06-20-12  09:41am

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gaypornolover (0) Doubt it - they'd have to provide enough evidence in the preview to convince me before I handed over those magic credit card numbers!
06-20-12  09:46am

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HeatherMcXxx (Suspended) Maybe I should begin flirting with men by saying, "I'm a different kind of girl." How do you think that'll play? :)
06-20-12  04:01pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #2 - Toadsith :

A well written story!

What about the option of a duck-gunman-Johnny threeway?

06-22-12  10:57pm

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dracken (0) Ha ha, choose your adventure pools.

But in all seriousness read a review before joining unless you have money you can burn :)

06-25-12  11:36am

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slategrey (0) Go to PU & TBP to find out if its a good "different"
06-25-12  05:04pm

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