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N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

The score on a given site is somewhat important if you look at the user giving the score and how close they are to other sites you both have visited. But, just because that person did not score it well does not mean that you wouldn't, it just might not have been their thing.

It is nice to see the scores though because it gives a good representation of what many people think about a site, and people are usually right. The problem is that the major sites are scored a lot, but we all know they are most like good. The small site that you are interested in joining might have only been reviewed by one person, if any at all. So really they sites that would be most useful to have scores on do not have any. So someone has to risk it first to be able let the rest of us know how it is.

None the less, it is a great thing to have and I make good use of it! :)

05-11-08  12:36am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Ah yeah, even better! Everyone loves twins!

05-09-08  01:42pm

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Poll

It can vary so much from girl to girl and scene to scene. Many people can not wear them and look good and many scenes just are not appropriate for them. School girl scenes with a cute girl is okay, and sometimes the hot secretary. I can not stand those big ass sun glasses though. The ones that so many girls are wearing now to pretend like they are trying to hide their face.....celeb wanna-bes.

05-07-08  08:49am

N/A Reply of mrcallen's Poll

Gianna Michaels, now that would change my "maybe" to an absolute HELL YEAH!

05-05-08  12:07pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Poll

I have lost a bit of porn many years ago, so i could understand the person wanting it back. Personally if I found it I would have to at least look through it though, might find a DVD I would like to get myself. I would have to call the number and carefully ask if they lost it, you never know if the person who lost is the one that would answer the phone. WittyGuy says to call them out on it and tell everyone, which would be pretty funny but could really hurt someone though.

I would want someone to return something of mine if they found it. On the other hand, who leaves their phone number on their porn collection anyway?!

05-01-08  07:54pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Another problem to go along with the names is when you get websites using the same models but switching the names. Nubiles for example has around 300 models all with different first names? This seems unlikely to me. So when you see that girl somewhere else it is hard to tell if it is the same person or not at times. Sometimes even the big name people have different names here and there!

I think last names would be a good idea in these situations. I honestly do not care if they are made up, but they should choose one and stick to it. Sites like glamourmodelsgone bad for example have the name Amber for 4 or so girls. They just name them Amber 1 Amber 2 and so on. Now tell me, when you go to another site and see Amber 2 will her name be Amber 2, well no of course not. It will either be Amber or something totally different like Sarah. This miakes things difficult when you try to follow a few certain girls who are not mainstream.

04-27-08  09:28am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

The reason I was wondering why it posted where it did is because it did not post my reply to you under my comment about M&B, but rather it was posted under a pole question's reply section.

04-24-08  10:46pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Honestly i liked a lot of their pictures, I just wish I had a copy of them BEFORE the butchered them with heavy airbrushing. They air brush to the point of it looking like it was painted rather than photographed.

In a perfect world a webmaster who pulled that dirty trick of hiding fees would be shot. Fortunately, for the webmaster, it is not a perfect world. But, we can refuse to pay the fee. Using Download Them All for Firefox I believe would do the trick for downloading the photos without buying the zips. This would take a little extra time, but not too much. Certainly not $40 worth of time! This made me wish I was not a picture lover...I could have saved good money.

PS...Why the hell did this get posted in here! This post is for my comment about Mac&Bumble and the zip file fee.

04-24-08  05:59pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

The discounts are a great addition. I have saved good money on sites that have discounts. I frequently look through the sites that have discount simply because it is cheaper. Everyone wants more bang for their buck. Normally if I am torn between joining two sites I will end up with the cheaper one first.

I have noticed though that a lot of times the discount offered here is the same price the site gives when you go to cancel any the offer you a good deal to stick around. But, I can not complain one bit because it saves us the trouble of having to pay more for the first month at least.

As for Ron Harris, I was not over impressed either. Mac & Bummble pisses me off because they charge an extra $40 for access to the zips, at least they did a year or so ago.

04-23-08  07:21pm

N/A Reply of WeeWillyWinky's Poll

Now look...I am only 22 and I know exactly who you are talking about. Every self respecting American should know this. Hell it should be on the test for others to gain citizenship!

Anyway...this has always been a hard question to answer. I would love to have them both....but I would have to pick Ginger. Just a slender yet curvy figure, and a voice alone that could drive a man to....you get the idea. I think I might have to watch that show later on just to be sure of myself.

Nice poll! I would say Drooler answered this one about perfectly.

04-21-08  03:49pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

Perhaps 3000 miles can do that. CA is known for being a little more free going on certain things, which is great. What I am referring to is local to Ohio, fortunately for the rest of the states. Here there is s good bit of politicians using peoples sense of morality to get what they want done. In Ohio porn shops are frequently protested until the close if they are new. And the ones that make it have anti-porn and religious billboards placed next to them.

An additional tax is just what this country needs. We are on the verge of another depression, and they want to take more money away. I hope you guys have the ability to vote on this issue.

You did hit on a point though. Porn...more so sex, does greatly impact their "operation." Consider this. What two things that are not tangible and otherwise free do people pay for? Well, sex and religion. Sex is the competition of religion. If an institution can regulate the natural instincts of sex and reproduction they can control many things. Considering where this is being posted it is safe to assume that we both want to fuck everything that moves. But for thousand years it has been instilled on people that "no sex before marriage" is the only way to go. Well guess what, you have to get permission from someone else to be married....and he wants paid. Since this guy has his hands into everything, you have to do what he wishes otherwise there will be consequences. So to do what you want to do you first must pay this person. Restricting sex is a form of control over people. Every institution or company wants control.

04-13-08  06:59pm

N/A Reply of MargulisAZ's Poll

This is why I say download all you can now while you can. Never know when some dick hole will try to appeal to all the "high and mighty" extreme religious folk who believe that because they believe it that everyone else should too. I have seen several porn shops around here close because "down your throat" church people stand outside the shop 24/7 protesting and insulting people that go in. I have never seen pro-porn people protesting in front of a church. That is because we have enough respect to respect their wishes. For a group that teaches people not to judge they sure are quick to do so them selves.

Now it must be said that most people do mind their own business, so it truly is not fair stereotype those who choose to be religious. But it will be an appeal to this group that will be the attempt to end the days of porn. I just hope that they can see that what people do in their home in private has nothing to do with what they do publicly. Many very decent and law abiding citizens enjoy porn at home and should be able to with out fear of someone else pointing a finger at them. Many people that are publicly against porn watch it themselves. For example, a few months ago I went my local shop and they are having people sign a petition to keep porn shops in Ohio legal. The clerk told that a man came in a bought several videos, but refused to sign the form. The clerk ask why and the man replied that he was one of the politicians pushing for the shops to be closed. This is the kind of two faced bastard that tells people that porn is immoral and runs into churches and preaches vote against porn, then goes in the bathroom of the church to rub one out. But you know what, the porn shop turned down my suggestion of reporting that politicians purchase. So even under fire, the shop is willing to respects its customers, no matter who they are. There is not a lot of businesses that would do that.

I would also like to say that I am very sorry if my comments about religious people offends anyone. This is not my intention in any way. I only wish to point out that they are being used to push the anti-porn issues and it is being spun in such a way that a religious voter would almost have to vote against porn. The real issue is being covered, the politicians are abusing people's sense of morality.

04-13-08  01:50pm

N/A Reply of jd1961's Reply

Now JD, that dont hold too good here! :) Seriously, people need to say everything they know about a site here. Holding back things that are less favorable only leaves the rest of us open to disappointment. If someone rates a site they should give a little reasoning to back there rating. Say everything nice or not....I guess I should write a review for the one rating I did with no review!

04-12-08  06:38pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Reply

Perhaps I will keep that in mind. Even wonder what people would thinl as they go through your things should you die suddenly. I would have to say that my folks would shit themselves if they ever went through all of my stuff. I hope one day to pass down my collection of pictures, videos , magazines, and DVDs to someone who will appreciate all the work that when into massing it.

04-09-08  05:03pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Reply

I have had good luck with Sony and Fugifilm. I need to back everything up. I backed up some....but need about 2000 DVDs for everything! I believe I am somewhere between 8 and 9 TB at this point, but I really dont know! I have spent a lot of time organizing my stuff....takes a lot of work and copying around from drive to drive.

I am working on Bang Bros network at this point. And videobox ont he side as always. But, I will check it out.

04-08-08  08:43pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Reply

No problem at all. Hope you never have any issues with them. I have not, yet anyway. When CDs where first coming out more widespread they were supposed to be good for 100 years...I know that newer stuff can not last that long. But that is like any new item, the for a while they over build them, then they cut back on material until they find a sport that will last a while, but be cheaper to make.

Besides, now they will be that much easier to get to. Might find yourself digging through them more! :)

04-07-08  03:39pm

N/A Reply of MargulisAZ's Poll

Having never fisted a woman before I would have to at least give it try. Although I bang my girlfriend a good bit she has managed to stay pretty tight. I would rather keep the tightness rather than go for a fetish I would not mind living out.

Otherwise, I think it would be a pretty fun idea! :)

04-07-08  12:07pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Reply

I hope you do not literally put them in the attic!! DVDs do not last forever, the adhesive holds them together comes undone and the DVD is done. Attics get pretty hot, heat is not that good for them. So get them out of the attic!

It is good that you look through your backups though. This why you can find any that are bad disks. Terrible thing when you lose a hard drive, then you find the backup is junk too! :(

04-05-08  06:35pm

N/A Reply of heff's Poll

Hum...20 Hard drive failures, I dont see that happening. But you never know. I would cry for a year!!! 9 TB is a lot to loose! I would have to go ape shit for a year to get it all back and then some.

I have lost more porn than most people have collected...so I know exactly how it feels :(

04-05-08  10:33am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It is a feature that is not that useful to many people, but it hurts no one by being there. I would say the easiest way to track favorites is the the scores the person assigns. No one gives their favorite site a 62 score! VideoBox is my favorite site, and that is fairly clear to anyone who looks in my profile.

I can see the usefulness for storing site names that you have not visited yet. I might actually try that out myself. There are so many sites I wouldn't mind trying out that it is very hard to remember 90% of the ones I say "hey, I need to check into them when I am done with whatever I am working one." Maybe it is more useful that I originally thought!

04-03-08  07:44pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Reply

He was referring to the bottom half of the home page. It was missing for several days. I did not like it either when it was missing. It is there now, so no need for alarm!

04-03-08  09:35am

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Poll

On younger girls it gives that innocent look, very hot. But on models in their later 20s or higher it is less appealing. It depends greatly on the face and other aspects too. Braces is a dangerous thing, it can make a girl very hot or very ugly real fast.

04-01-08  09:31am

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

Hum....If Mary Palmer and her five sisters get you off in under two minutes you would not need much porn, so you would not be here! I guess the idea of porn is to assist the imagination, for us lazy brains.

03-31-08  09:07pm

N/A Reply of Toadsith's Reply

Well, there is always the option of watching porn that you downloaded while sticking it to your woman! Unless of course you answered "she hates it or doesn't know" to the question about your spouse knowing about your porn addiction.

03-31-08  06:31pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Reply

Well, they say admitting to having a problem is the first step. :)

03-26-08  11:17am

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