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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've never seen a 1$ trial membership that offered anything of value so I must conclude that it does not exist and therefore they are scams.

11-23-17  11:40am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

The male performer's looks aren't as important as the female but they are still key for whether or not I enjoy the scene they appear in. That's why there are some scenes that star some really good looking women having good porn sex but the male they happen to be appearing with is one that can't watch and therefore the scene becomes a pass.

11-14-17  06:14pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

In Canada we don't have Black Friday but even if we did then I still wouldn't participate.

11-08-17  06:47pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I`m trying to think of when I considered what I site did to me as having wronged me and I can`t think of one. I have lost access of a site for a very short period but that was technical in nature and I have joined some crappy sites in my life but if I had been more experienced then I wouldn`t have joined those sites so I really don`t know what I would expect but I`ll add my vote for extending membership.

11-06-17  03:27pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

I don't know if anyone has more info on the subject but as far as I know the only place where VR seems to be working is in videogames and that's primarily because it's a medium that can use the technology but in anything else it's not remotely close to be of any real use and that's why I haven't bothered to buy any VR equipment.

10-26-17  09:23am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have used it from time to time but it's on the rare side.

10-24-17  05:14pm

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

Now it's true that some of these are a little more important than the others but ultimately I still say all of the above.

10-13-17  12:12pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Although 51 may not be old in my mind. The reality is that most people would consider that to be old. That said I will continue collecting until I don't want to anymore.

10-12-17  06:30pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

It's the schoolgirl uniform and it doesn't matter the age of the performer because a 40 year old woman would be just as hot to me as a 20 year old in a schoolgirl's uniform.

10-08-17  11:50am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I picked fake boobs/ink because that can often be a deciding factor for me whether I can download or watch models that sport either of these things but I still own plenty of videos of women that have both. Size and location are often why one doesn't make my list.

10-08-17  11:49am

N/A Reply of elephant's Reply

The biggest problem with LP is that they make so much money from their illegal tube businesses that they can afford to offer much more money to their performers and that's why they can get so many women to do those crazy penetration scenes. For me it gets scary when I look at a young woman like Rebecca Sharon who started doing porn in 2015 at 19 years old and within 6 months she is doing DAP's and within another six months she is sporting a gigantic rosebud because the inner lining of her anal cavity is not detached.

10-08-17  11:32am

N/A Reply of skippy's Reply

I can't speak for your specific case but regularly interacting with a specific cam model or a stripper is going down a slippery road that can and may lead to infidelity if not physical than certainly mental.
I have worked with women my entire life and for the vast majority of that time I have being both friendly and on some occasions a little flirtatious but these woman were my coworkers and not a means to sexual gratification. I don't think you can say the same about cam models and in many ways about strippers because the relationship is one where you are sexually stimulated by the interaction and will in all likelihood lead to you masturbating to these women. I don't think you do that with the women at your gym, at the pool or at work.

That said this is your life so whatever opinion I offered should be taken with a box of salt because I don't know you and therefore I can only offer my point of view.

10-08-17  11:15am

N/A Reply of elephant's Reply

I'm not sure if you are aware but there isn't any lost love between Pierre and a couple of Eastern European producers and their various sycophant who love to post garbage about Pierre. That's why there are often a lot of negative comments when it comes to Pierre because he has taken many of them to task for their less than honest business practice or their utter disregard for the health of their performers.

The biggest culprit is the owner of Legal Porno. The man owns most of the biggest tube sites on the net so that already pisses Pierre but to make things worse LP tends to be a little loose when it comes to the health and safety of the performers who work for them. They are believe to be the ones in 2012 who hired a performer with an invalid STI test and he happened to have syphilis and there was a huge outbreak. At this point the jury is still out on the most recent syphilis problem in Europe(and likely America) but no one would be surprised if it lead back to LP and it's owner. Then there is the unhealthy use of numbing agents for the extreme anal scene that LP is known for. Almost every producers void using those products because the women can't feel the anal penetration and they also can't feel is there is damage being done to their anal cavity and that is bad in so many ways. Pierre posted some pics from one of the LP sets that showed the various creams and products that LP used to numb the women and many thought LP had stopped using them but sadly they haven't.

10-03-17  12:22pm

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Of course not. That's why they invented CGI. You just have to be willing to wear a green bodysuit and bunch of tiny white dots and voila you can be anything that a bunch of computer techs can devise with their computers.

10-02-17  05:32pm

N/A Reply of elephant's Reply

I recommend you visit Pierre Woodman's site and read the various post starting in late July/early August to get a better idea of the entire story but the gist of it is that Lana shot a casting with sex with Pierre and then did a WakeupNfuck video as well. She was booked to shoot two scenes in August. Pierre had negotiated with her and her agent to shoot one scene with three guys where there might have been a DAP and the a b/g with Manuel the next day or the day after that. everything was set-up, Lana arrived in Europe and sometime after that she got weird, lied to Pierre, left the Country and started to accuse him on social media of a slew of different things. One of which was rape or she at least implied it. Needless to say he didn't take it well. Especially when everything had been booked way ahead of time and there were no surprises.

Now you have a bunch of people that took Lana's side and that escalated the situation. Needless to say that Pierre is pissed at Lana and I can't help but feel that this is another bridge that she has burned. I don't know how many people remember that she was once represented by Mark Spiegler and he dropped her ass when she made a bunch of accusation that he was mistreating her.

10-02-17  03:30pm

N/A Reply of merc77's Reply

If I had to pick two shows out of my list than these two would be the ones that I'd pick. All the while knowing that the science behind Space 1999 made absolutely no scientific sense because the Moon would have had to travel at warp speed to reach the different planets it did during it's two year run. That said I really loved that show growing up. The Eagle was a classic spacecraft and one that could exist today. They had a kind of portable video phone with their communicator.

10-02-17  03:18pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Here is my short list of shows that I'd like to see remade.

Space 1999 would have to be changed to Space 2099 or 2199.

Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century. You wouldn't need to change anything.

UFO: A Gerry Anderson produced show about a secret Government agency called SHADO that combats the repeated attacks of a dying alien civilisation.

The Starlost: A Canadian produced show about a gigantic space Ark composed of hundreds of separate human habitats that has somehow gone off course and will crash into a star in the near future. Most often repeated phrase: Can I be of assistance.

Jason of Star Command: In many ways it was similar to Buck Rodgers except that the main character was from his time period.

Shows that I would to see remade but won't because they involve water.

Man From Atlantis and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. It can be argued that Voyage was remade by NBC when they made Seaview starring Roy Scheider.

10-02-17  11:00am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply

I Can't see Mission Impossible coming back to TV as long as they are making movies and even after they do stop making them because many of the plot lines that were popular in the 60's would simply no longer make sense in 2017.

Network TV couldn't afford to pay the salary of all the stars you would need to make a new Laugh In show. Most of them are either too cheap or they make more money with reality TV.

10-02-17  09:33am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Too Late. Rumor has it that The Weinstein company wants to make a remake/reboot starring Mark Wahlberg as the Six Billion Dollar Man. The film was originally scheduled for a Dec 2017 release but since they haven't actually started filming then don't expect this until 2018 at the earliest.

10-02-17  09:21am

N/A Reply of mbaya's Reply

Take a look at the reply I give elephant later today.

10-02-17  08:57am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have never and don't plan to for one simple reason. I don't want to meet any active performer because I might discover that they are miserable human beings and that would make watching them hard to impossible. I don't use any social media but even if I did then I would still avoid following any performer for the same reason.

I used to enjoy watching Lana Rhoades and what she did on social media to Pierre Woodman as soured my view to the point where I don't enjoy her anymore.

09-29-17  03:30pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

More often than not I start with the most recent update and move toward the oldest.

09-27-17  09:58am

N/A Reply of merc77's Reply

Not in my book. The only exception would be if it's a convertible and the top is down.

09-21-17  06:17pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I picked cellphone but that's really a cheat on my part because I don't own a cellphone and I can do anything a cellphone can using other types of technologies. If the choice was between television and internet than it would be easy since you can view almost any TV show from the net but let's say that each platform is exclusive than I would have to give up the internet first because I have lived the bulk of my life without the net but I've been watching TV since I was a child.

That said the one thing that I would give up last is books and magazines because unlike any of the other choices. This one requires only that you have some light and your imagination to work.

09-19-17  11:30am

N/A Reply of Yosemite's Reply

A very good analogy but I think it's worse that that because at least a dog gets to be taken off the leash but most people are enslaved to their smartphone to the point where they can't go anywhere or do anything without having their phone right beside them. That's why I look at cellphone/smartphone addiction as technology enslavement but where the person self-enslaved him/herself to a piece of technology.

09-19-17  11:21am

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