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Visit Eve Angel

Eve Angel
Reply of Denner's Comment

I'm not sure how "finally" this is - hasn't this site been just recycling old sets as they do over at MyaDiamond.com for quite some time?

07-18-09  12:04am

Visit Planet Mandy

Planet Mandy
Reply of kered's Comment

Yes, Mandylicious, Planet Mandy, Sinful Mandy - all the same person - but BadAndy - different person - lol

In none of her various names and on none of her various sites is she producing new material, though the site owners may pull some long-lost set out of their archives and present it as new - or do the EveAngel.com, MiaDiamond.com hustle of recycling old sets and presenting them as new

07-18-09  12:02am

Visit Sinful Mandy

Sinful Mandy
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

These are all dead sites. I have read nothing but unhappy comments from guys that have joined in recent months expecting otherwise.

07-17-09  11:57pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

It's their bodies - they take the risks with anal sex or whatever - if they don't want those risks, I have no right to claim that they're copping out.

It's interesting that Jana Cova has started doing more boy/girl stuff at her web site - and has done increasing amounts of it even though she had many members and guys that worked on her site asking her NOT to do it. She wanted to, so she is - good for her. Just like she passed up a lot of money that she could have been making doing boy/girl for major porn studios up to now.

07-17-09  11:56pm

Visit Private.com

Reply of rome476's Comment

Count yourself lucky, rome. I wish that I had been unable to join when I did - would have saved myself trouble and money. Private does a lot of great stuff and you can join Videosz or Videobox at good prices and get a lot of great Private stuff and other stuff as well - but I found Private.com to be a pain in the ass to deal with.

07-16-09  07:23pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

With women, it's like anything else. There is a ripening period when hot women do indeed get better and then there is a point when women are no longer in their prime. Hell, nobody's gonna stay in their prime forever or keep getting better forever - shit, what would it mean if they did?that after they expired was when they were the best sexually?

07-13-09  08:28pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

I had an underground rock club for a while years ago (it was a rehearsal space we used to have shows at every once in a while) and some friends found some of that old porn stuff - and it was so amateurish and endearing in a certain way - not a turn-on sexually but oddly compelling and fun to watch - that we decided to show it behind my friends' band at the next show.

A lot of people (mainly women) were offended, which cracked me up because it was so inoffensive to me - rather innocent because it was just ordinary people going at it on cam. Oh, well - it was definitely a conversation-starter and my friends and I were quite amused by all the hubbub.

07-11-09  03:53pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Bigger than that - similar to Misha Online. I don't recall exact dimensions, but they were in the middle of the pack for glamour site photos.

07-11-09  03:39pm

Visit Suze Network

Suze Network
Reply of Wittyguy's Comment

If you join Suze's site for the shortest possible amount of time and then leave, you will get multiple offers a week to rejoin at a really low price - and to join Holly's site at a really low price too. So that's a bargain-hunter's tip for you, Witty

07-09-09  07:51pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

The first site that I ever joined was LisaBoyle.com. And Lisa's a number of years older than she was then and now has Flauntgirls.com, which features her own photography. I probably joined Lisa's site when she was past her prime anyway, originally so several years later she doesn't look anywhere near as good to me

07-09-09  07:48pm

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Poll

I had a friend who used to trade clips with me via Yahoo messenger a few years ago - but it would be pretty impossible these days with the size of files, so it's just as well that I lost touch with the guy.

I think he got married and settled down - good for him.

07-07-09  06:36pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Yeah, it's the internet - In clicking around on sample sets, I have clicked on something that led me to a site that looked like child porn to me. I closed it and got the hell out of that whole area of sample sets.

07-06-09  10:14am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of SteveF's Review

Yeah - they don't respond at all about vid links that don't work.

07-05-09  11:35am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of GCode's Reply

The other issue - and the issue that really gets me - is their false advertising. If Brazzers thinks it's such a great deal to offer downloads of HD material after 6 months of continuous membership, how is it that 2 weeks after they announced that this is how they are handling this, they haven't put up "Download All HD Vids After Only 6 Months Of Continuous Membership!" all over the outside of their site. There is no indication on the outside of their site that there is any waiting period - never mind a 6 month waiting period.

They haven't put that up because they know it's a deal that nobody would want, if they told people in advance - so instead they do this totally dishonest bait-and-switch bull-shit.

It's thievery, in my opinion. There have been sites that have had crazy multi-level memberships - and if they're going to do that and be honest about it, that's fine with me. Brazzers is being completely dishonest about the way that they are handling this HD issue. And just try to deal with their "customer service" about this.

I just despise this site for their business practices.

07-05-09  11:33am

Visit ATK Petites

ATK Petites
Reply of Drooler's Review

As a fan of petite models, I joined for a month when I got an e-mail from ATK about this new site and a nice one-month-join offer.

Where this site lost me was on the excitement factor, which is totally subjective. I just didn't feel it from this site in hardly any of the material that I looked at. For my tastes, Nubiles.net & ALS Scan have much more exciting petite girl material.

07-04-09  05:47pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of roseman's Comment

Yeah - a site that lets you download their HD vids after only 6 months of uninterrupted membership - what could beat that?

Only every other site that lets you download their HD vids right when you join - oh, and Brazzers is so proud of their "download our HD vids after 6 months of uninterrupted membership that they still don't mention that little caviat anywhere on the outside of the site - sorry, but this is flat-out bait-and-switch bullshit!

07-04-09  05:34pm

Visit Misty Anderson

Misty Anderson
Reply of JDuB's Review

The other major "con" to this site for me - and one that has kept me from joining - is the infrequency of her updates to the site - at least if the front page of her site is accurate - she has a most recent update on June 10 - 3 weeks ago. Before that she did an update on May 22 - more than 2 weeks before that. Before that she did an update on May 11.

I'm flat-out never going to join a site that updates that infrequently, despite her statements on the front page that she pours her heart and soul into the site. She ought to pour her heart and soul into updating more frequently if she wants more members.

07-03-09  01:54pm

Visit Femjoy

Reply of Mr Fountain's Comment

I joined in late May, so I haven't been rebilled yet. I did receive a confirmation that specifies that I'll be rebilled for $29.95 every 60 days so it is not a one-billing cycle deal as they have done at times in the past.

07-01-09  08:51pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I vote yes. Sasha Grey has commented that when she did that non-porn film, she was pretty much expecting that she'd be getting attitude from the cast and crew and was pleasantly surprised at the fact that she was treated as respectfully as everyone else was. She's gotten decent reviews for her performance and "porn star" is just part of the description of her.

Attitudes are definitely changing in an opening way - at least at this point. Given how things go, that doesn't mean that there won't be a backlash further down the road.

07-01-09  07:55pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

Editing to try to avoid repeating what Sarah said above

She makes the point of how much more material thay shoot than can be posted on a regular schedule - so why don't the less popular models show up more?

They wouldn't be as successful if they were posting the less popular models in place of the more popular models so it wouldn't be in their interest to do so.

The thing to do with ALS Scan, since you say that you know that's how they work, is to make your voice heard. When you like a model, e-mail them, make sure they know. If there's material that you've been waiting for but haven't seen, e-mail them, make sure they know. Because, as you and I both know, it's not just the order of scenes, but when or if the scenes show up at all.

There have been times when a model was mentioned in the Director's Blog or a Casting Special and then you never see her material because they're more excited about other models and so are the members.

I'm encouraging them to put up some Anita Pearl stuff from the Caribbean '09 trip. Every pic I've seen of her and every moment of vid, she looks fantastic, but they haven't put up anything featuring her - apparently they have quite a bit, so I'm hoping to see more of her very soon - If not, I'll keep asking.

07-01-09  06:39am

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

Releases at ALS Scan are very much dependent on member feedback - if they're hearing from members that they want to see more more more of a certain model, they'll put up her stuff fast. If they don't hear from members, it can be a long time - a year or more - before more of her scenes are put up.

Not a problem to me.

06-30-09  08:44pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Fuggettaboutit's Comment

They haven't credited me even after I wrote to them. Instead they sent me a form that they said that they had to receive in Canada by the end of my first month of membership if I were going to be eligible for any refund. Since they didn't announce how they were going to be carrying out this HD program until I had been a member for 3 weeks and then didn't respond to my request for a refund for days, there's no way for me to get this form to Canada by the deadline they set.

They've earned my utter contempt. I despise them for their out-and-out bait and switch bullshit!

06-30-09  08:41pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

All these awards shows are good fun. Whether it's people in the industry voting or critics voting or fans voting - yeah, it's all subjective as hell and it has to do with who schmoozes and who has the best publicity machine - but the fact that Jenna Haze has done so well speaks to the fact that the awards go to exemplory performers often enough to give you people to root for.

06-29-09  07:24pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Reply

Yes, Amia has a tat on her neck - I like it, personally - tats on necks mean that the girls who have them REALLY like having their necks kissed, licked, bitten, etc

06-27-09  01:59pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of turboshaft's Reply

The only girl that had been on a previous trip was Jana Jordan

Amia Moretti now Amia Miley was there, though she was a disappointment - in a pissy mood the whole time, unfortunately

Jayme Langford was there, though I'm not terribly into her and she let Jana carve that wound into her wrist right before the trip - just to give me another reason to turn my head whenever she was around

Jana herself was fucking amazing

Blue Angel - first Caribbean trip - was fantastic

Tanner Mayes - first Caribbean trip - was as amazing as Jana

Hailey Young -first Caribbean trip - was a real revelation for me. I hadn't been into her before but she's got terrific sexual energy and is a really fun girl

Anita Pearl - first Caribbean trip - haven't seen much footage of her, but every pic I've seen is gorgeous

06-27-09  09:04am

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