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Reply of
Wittyguy's Reply
There's nothing exceptional about the look of their supposedly HD vids when streaming them, I'll tell you that.
06-26-09 07:26pm
Reply of
rome476's Reply
And they'd be a much better site and wouldn't deserve all the hate if they didn't have such shady business practices, didn't carry out such out-and-out bait and switch and weren't such liars and thieves.
06-26-09 07:11pm
Reply of
Wittyguy's Reply
They don't promise HD?!! I fail to see how that's the case! If you go to their site, prominently on the upper right hand corner, it says, "Brazzers Now In Full HD 1080p - Join Now and Embrace The Future With the Best HD Experience"
Then once you're a member, they say:
"To our loyal Brazzers members,
As our gift to you, if you have had a brazzers membership for 6 uninterrupted months, you are automatically entitled to view and download every available HD 720p/1080p scene we offer. If you have not yet reached 6 consecutive months of subscription status, simply click on the download link below the video.
You will become an elite member in: 5 months and 9 days"
Yeah, as our gift to you, we're going to take your money for 6 months before we give you what was promised - explicitly - before you joined. They're liars and thieves!!!
06-26-09 06:57pm
Reply of
turboshaft's Reply
It's all in how you take it - she just likes to play
06-24-09 08:07pm
Reply of
asmith12's Poll
It's funny - this really tiny girl that I get together with sometimes wants to try anal with me - I must admit I get a mixed message - on the upside - "I trust you enough to try something with and to make sure that it's not too painful." - on the downside - "I don't think it will hurt too much before your dick isn't very big." lol
06-23-09 09:28pm
Club Kayden
Reply of
ace of aces's Review
I can't understand what you're saying in the last paragraph. It's true that this site is semi-exlusive - she's posting some stuff that she did just for this site and she is licensing stuff that she did for other sites. There are periodic live shows on this site and she posts vids and pics from the live events afterwards.
06-21-09 11:22am
Reply of
asmith12's Poll
Now that I've got a nice big monitor and that the majority of sites are posting at a good resolution, I watch on the PC within window at 100% of the original or at 200% if I feel that's needed. Now if everyone would go the ALS Scan route and post their new vids at 8000+ kbps bit rates, that's full screen anyway - and deliciously eye-popping.
06-20-09 02:42pm
Reply of
Torn4do's Review
Well done review of a site that seems to keep getting better.
06-18-09 09:34pm
Kedra Alliard
Reply of
Kedra's Reply
Is it the case that you can save pics individually but just can't get a zip download of the set? The way that I read it originally was that members are unable to save/download even individual pics, which may be a mis-read.
That is the case with some small model-run sites - such as Jannah Burnham's "Just Jannah". At least when I was a member for one month quite a while ago, when you tried to save any pics, you got a "property of Just Jannah" message. I've seen discussions in webmaster/model forums that this is a great idea for preventing piracy - as a person considering whether or not to join a site, though, it brings the value way down.
06-16-09 10:58pm
Kedra Alliard
Reply of
Kedra's Reply
Thanks for your posts, Kedra - makes me see why your members are so fond of you. I see nothing wrong with internet models or anybody involved in running a site encouraging their members to let other people know what they think of the site - you're not running it for nobody to ever see it, after all.
The reviews will have no meaning, though, if they are so over-the-top that they aren't believable. They'll just be dismissed by many, as they have been here, as bad advertising attempts, which might be entirely unfair to your site.
06-16-09 10:53pm
Kedra Alliard
Reply of
mbaya's Comment
Well, mbaya, let me remind you that though it doesn't have hardly any content, it does have
- Elegant design with ease of navigation
So there you go!
06-15-09 10:39pm
Kedra Alliard
Reply of
IWDAAL's Review
A 97 for a site where you can't download the pictures? Jeezzz!! If you find a site where you like the model and CAN download the pictures, I guess we'll be seeing a score of 1197.
06-15-09 07:08pm
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
Great, thorough review, lk - while you put your opinion out there, as you should, you also gave a ton of info so anybody that is interested in the site should be able to have a lot to help them decide whether or not it's worth joining.
06-15-09 07:00pm
Reply of
GCode's Poll
"Love to see another HQ solo site like inthecrack or ALS..."
Good one, williamj - Did I ever say that ALS Scan is my favorite....lol - only every day
Here's my idea of a missing niche site - In The Crack Style material of hot import models - you know, the hot girls at car shows, mainly Asians & Latinas with tight teenie tops and teenie tiny skirts or bootie shorts with hot tight bods and great legs - lots of tease material, lots of upskirt, leading to strip shows and masturbation, some girl/girl play, some scenes of girls oiling themselves down and doing sexy nude oil dances, occasional boy/girl stuff, but no great amount - all done in HD with swooping cameras and crazy angles - wonderful close-ups, including faces - lots of great lip shots.
The problem I have with the In The Crack stuff that I've seen is that it gets so specific - this 700 mb scene is going to feature feet, this 700 mb scene is going to feature calves, this 700 mb scene is going to feature ass, this 700 mb scene is going to be her pussy - it drives me fucking nuts. It's a whole woman, god damn it! Show her off, let us enjoy her.
The quality of their shots is undeniable, though, and I'd love to see it emulated in other ways, as I describe.
06-12-09 03:25pm
ATK Petites
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
I got a "we just opened" special offer and joined as well. I have already cancelled, which shows how impressed I was. It's quite a mixed bag and I can't tell how exclusive it is, since I had never been a member of ATK Premium or Exotics - I only ever had 2 3-month stints at ATK Galleria. I did download one Jana Jordan vid that had an ATK Premium watermark on it, so I believe that's where it came from.
Frankly, I'm glad that I got this special offer, because for $19.95 I get to see that I'm not all that much of a fan of what ATK is offering. It's fairly mediocre stuff. In terms of the young petite girl niche, Nubiles.net and ALS Scan are blowing this stuff away. ALS Scan only has solo and girl/girl material, but Nubiles.net has some boy/girl material as well - and the material on both those sites is worlds better than the material being presented here, in my opinion.
06-12-09 06:42am
Reply of
largeun's Reply
I don't begrudge good sites the money that they're making if they run good professional sites. Videobox does.
Brazzers is a more than decent site with shady close-to-bait-and-switch business practices and more hype than actuality with the whole HD thing, at this point - maybe in 3 months they'll have their shit together and really have something to be worthy of the hype.
DDF has been tremendously over-priced for a long time, in my book, and between filling their update schedule with out-take sets, ALS Scan material refurbished old stuff, really seem to be taking advantage of the good nature of their members.
As porn consumers, all we can do is vote with our wallets and give feedback to the sites.
06-12-09 06:35am
Reply of
largeun's Comment
I joined after the HD announcement - see my comments of my experience - not a fun one - under the Brazzers Network. So far the downloads of HD material are "coming soon". They say that they are posting HD streams, but I can't see that their HD streams looks much different at all than their non-HD material. It looks good, but so far the HD claim is hype, in my opinion.
As compared to when ALS Scan went HD and it was a world of difference between their HD and non-HD material.
06-11-09 09:47pm
Reply of
PinkPanther's Comment
I finally received a reponse to my actual question saying that they have no option to join both Brazzers & Mofos.com for one year. I went back through the original search and links that I had joined through and.... I found that they are correct, though it's rather deceptive, I believe.
First you get this page touting Brazzers Plus
Then you click on the "Get More Porn For Less Money" link and you get this page:
If you have very good vision you'll read all the tiny print that says that the one-year deal is for "All Brazzers Sites" and the only deal that includes Mofos.com is the 1 Month Membership of $34.95/month, but when you're starting from a page advertising Brazzers Plus and have clicked through from there and one price is advertising "you save 30% off Regular Price" and the price at the top is advertising in big letters, Best Value - You Save 70% Every Month - well, it's easy to miss those small letters.
I'm glad that they eventually answered my question. I'm not happy about how long it took and I have no compliments for their business practices, which I consider to be as close to Bait and Switch as you can get without actually being there.
06-10-09 06:06pm
Reply of
careylowell's Poll
What's ordinary-looking? There's a lot of porn babes that don't have perfect bods but have a lot of sexual energy. And there are a lot of non-porn-performers that also have a lot of charisma and sexual energy. The whole rating of women against a handful of media-chosen "perfect" women is a loser's game. One of the saddest things I ever saw was a group of junior-high-aged girls way back when "10" had just come out rating themselves - "I think of myself as a 7", etc.
06-09-09 07:52pm
Reply of
GCode's Reply
It's a Brazzers offer - they're the ones that do both Brazzers & Mofos.com - google BrazzersPlus and you can find the same offer that I bit on. It's not an offer from some random 3rd party
06-08-09 07:38pm
Reply of
GCode's Comment
Believe it or not, I've renewed my membership to Twisty's when it has expired so many times that I forgot what it was like to look at the site without being a member.
But the answer to your question is definitely "yes". As a member, when you click on any set - photo or vid - directly under the "featuring" info, it will say *This set is a Twistys Network Exclusive* when that is the case. Since people previewing the site cannot click on sets and vids to get to that second screen, they don't see this info.
In terms of rates of exclusive-non-exclusive, Shap has noted here that their rate of exclusivity has been climbing over time and today, for instance, only the Cherry Jul photoset is not exclusive - both other photosets and both vids are exclusive - the Alektra Blue vid was done by Gregory Black - of the Black Bros that did all that stuff for VCA years ago.
Of yesterday's updates, only the Dylan Rider vid was an exclusive - the 3 photosets and other vid were not.
Going back a couple of days, 1 of the 3 photosets and both vids were exclusives
So it varies - but there is a fairly high rate of exclusivity as compared to many other sites that also post non-exclusive material.
06-08-09 06:44pm
Reply of
lk2fireone's Comment
In this case, other PU members haven't expressed a similar opinion because you're just plain wrong!
Hopefully, you recognize that I'm kidding - well, to a certain extent anyway.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion but the refreshing thing about Femjoy is the unsullied beauty of their models - they look great and their photography is very high quality and there aren't very many sites around where gorgeous women are shown without TOO MUCH make-up or too much photo-shopping, so Femjoy is filling a niche that is underserved. They would be fools to reverse course and stop filling that niche. In my opinion.
06-08-09 06:31pm
Reply of
Cybertoad's Poll
Director for sure - I've got lots of ides whirring around my fuzzy little brain.
06-07-09 04:46pm
Reply of
GCode's Poll
I actually have a better sound system with my computer than my TV, so I tend to get better sound when watching porn vids than most of the non-porn stuff I watch - love that surround-sound moaning - mmmmm!!
06-05-09 06:56pm
Reply of
Duante Amorculo's Poll
If someone does great work in their medium - in a way that moves me in some way - I'll give them respect. The only category on this list that doesn't mean shit to me is reality stars - what is that? It's like some self-centered assholes, for the most part - but I do like some talent competitions that have "reality show" components - I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance right now - cause great dancers blow me away and this show has a LOT of great dancers.
Whether you're Meryl Streep or Jenna Haze or Manny Pacquiao or Stone Cold Steve Austin (did I say I'm a pro wrestling fan?), if you do what you do and you do it in an exceptional way that moves me, that's something to respect.
06-03-09 09:52pm