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Visit 3D Love Dolls

3D Love Dolls
Reply of Toadsith's Review from JBDICK:

Hi Toadsith

Thanks for your review. I will hold off until I see a better review and they have more content. Thanks for the pointer on the cancel. good plan.

These sites are dangerous...I ended up mesmerised and went off looking for more...I liked your review.

The Creepiness Factor can be quite high...hmmmm. I think that's the statement that nails it for me.

Mind you, if you could bring them to life, I'd want one for Xmas. Ding Dong

Is Uncanny Valley another website?

Do you know if this is beaten by a better equivalent or not

04-07-08  01:45pm

Visit CL Pass

CL Pass
REPLY TO #7 from JBDICK: (Toadsith's Reply)

Hi Toadsith

interesting about the cam stuff. Something I've never tried, but I know exactly what you are saying...

If I did it, I'd chose one the US ones because I know I'll feel better about it. I can see why the Met-Art would be okay though and the girls are Perfect...I guess they do get paid more, but they probably also have the respect of that business because it is so big, and I would imagine for them, there are times where the girls can chill out and chat together...

On these poor eastern sites, there's a sense of isolation, like lonely...very sad


04-07-08  01:15pm

Visit CL Pass

CL Pass
REPLY TO #5 from JBDICK: (Toadsith's Reply)


seems we have the same dry sense of wit.

attractive girls doing splits and what not, clothed, I can just go buy a ticket to a ballet and watch it live...

...you'd get arrested for being that close with your camera.

your comment...
ballet drop-outs that decided it was a better gig than unemployment. Some of the girls were exquisitely beautiful, but the cringe factor could be pretty high.

I can totally tune into that...it starting off being a curiousity trip for me at first but that soon wore off and I started feeling sad coz you can just tell the driver here is not the same as the girls from Prague or San Fernando Valley (who love it because they've been de-sensitised). these girls look lost...like you say, looking for a wage.

04-07-08  12:47pm

Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (Toadsith's Reply)

Thanks for the info. I'll have too keep this one in mind. I've enjoyed some of their other sites like Whipped Ass, and Sex and Submission. I like a little S & M, but sometimes they seem to go beyond my comfort zone. Like most modern porn. The interaction between actors in some of their scenes is lacking any kind of chemistry. I joined earlier this Year Chanta's Bitches, and I find that she has good chemistry with most of the girls that go on her site.

04-06-08  06:57pm

Visit Nasty Makeup

Nasty Makeup
REPLY TO #2 from JBDICK: (Toadsith's Reply)


as they say in the budweiser adverts...

true bud, true. i think your score is right for all the reasons you say.

I am seriously hooked on Sofia. Now that's worth 10 points...


04-06-08  01:32pm

Visit Nasty Makeup

Nasty Makeup
Reply of Toadsith's Review from JBDICK:


Good review. thanks. This is one of those sites you don't join until you hear someone else has. That's a high score, but I think I understand why you've given them this even though the depth of their catalogue is limited. I'm guessing you like the fact that this is something new. It's very raw but at the same time, has a glossy feel to it.

Gotta say, after reading your Review, I visited the site. Love Sofia. She reminded me of Dasha on Booyathong. They are both GEMS and me being a professional Porn Hunter know that one day I'll sign up for nastymakeup.com even if its only for her set. Ding Dong.

I was amused when I saw model: Angeles 'After Photo' on the promo pages. It made me think, hey that's what Teri Hatcher must look like after negotiating her next salary review on Desperate Housewives. Spitting image of her. Well tickled by that.

Got to the end of the promo pages, stickler for detail, there's another model call Sofi. Is that a typo or are there two girls that are Ding Dong. Marianna, Lupe, Martina looks quite nice and Tatiana caught my eye. but then I noticed, there's another entry for Tatiana quoting
The tanned blonde beauty named Tatiana is back. Kinda contradicts.

Having looked at the promo pages and reading your review. I'll put this on my list.

Moisto Gratis, oops I meant Mucho Gratis...

Toadsith, THANKS, Good recommendation. I Like it. Will definitely be a member at some stage.

04-06-08  11:28am

Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender
Reply of Toadsith's Review from pat362:

Hi Toadsmith. I've been curious about this site. I know that the winner of the wrestling match gets to abuse the other girl, but is there a lot of strap on anal sex between the performers.

04-06-08  10:32am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
REPLY TO #9 from pat362: (Toadsith's Reply)

Another problem with IAFD is that they have so many performers listed on their site and due to the new laws they had to remover the picture of the girls. There is no way to know if you're looking at the right filmography for that perfomer. Eurobabeindexx has a similar problem because they have so many girls listed that you have to dig through a lot of images before you find the correct one. Now my big problem is to find a new site to join.

04-06-08  10:29am

Visit Tussinee

REPLY TO #1 from JBDICK: (Toadsith's Reply)

hi Toadsith

Thanks for your reply and the compliment on my review. I try to write from the heart and wanted to give something slightly different to what you tend to see, lots of numbers and sterile pros and cons.

Tussinee is Hot, no doubt about it, but afterwards I felt like, oh that was okay, as a one off.

At the end of the day, you have to keep it real, if it doesn't stir my waters I know there's something not quite right.

The way I write my views is to try and open my mind back to when I've browsed the site, downloaded everything I can, viewed as much of it as possible, mental catalogue of the real GEMS, remind myself of the annoyances and irritate things that bothered me, then write.

So what you kind of get from me is a brain dump. Nuthing glamorous. pretty much just my raw thoughts, gut feel.

I've be doing Porn so long, I know my onions now, and I know what works for me and can see it quick enough that when I make a bad choice. I signed up to private.com on Thursday. Did 1.5 hours of looking/downloading, gave up...sorry I'm wandering off now...

Anyway, to return a general compliment, the reason I joined this review site was because I'd seen what others had written and thought, this is the best review site, no chasers...

Cheers...Oh, I will join tussineegold eventually, but after killergram (Denner told me about it) never heard of it. had a look, just gotta wait till next pay day...looks very interesting...

04-06-08  09:59am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
REPLY TO #7 from pat362: (Toadsith's Reply)

I don't often use sporty one, but www.egafd.com is a must for any fan of European performers. I also use www.bgafd.co.uk whenever I want to find an English girl. I'm guessing that egafd and bgafd are from the same people. Another good site is iafd.com, because they have a great many European performers listed. I enjoy looking for a specific performer, but I wish that the girls would make it easier by keeping the same name.

04-05-08  06:42pm

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
REPLY TO #5 from pat362: (Toadsith's Reply)

I don't know if you've visited the www.russianrealitysites.com yet, but they've added a link for the newer girls that brings you to their page on Eurobabeindex.com. That feature makes it so much easier to identify the actual performer. I don't know why but it seems like Eastern Europen girls change their names more often than their underwear.

04-05-08  09:43am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (Toadsith's Reply)

The video quality is pretty good but they are only .wmv files. Some of the newer videos are now 960 x 540. They only sites which appeal to me are: Teach my ass (30+ scenes), Girls got cream (30+ scenes), Try Teens (50+ scenes), and White teens Black cocks(50+ scenes). Be advised that most performers appears on 2 or more of these sites, but in my case that wasn't a problem. They have added "Ass teen mouth" to the network. It's not a bad deal, but like most; I'd prefer if it was a little less expensive.

04-04-08  07:04pm

Visit Asia Movie Pass

Asia Movie Pass
REPLY TO #1 from Lionheart: (Toadsith's Reply)

this site does have so much bukkake movies, just with the past pages, will be busy for along time with the movies.

04-02-08  06:41am

N/A REPLY TO #10 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

Well, there is always the option of watching porn that you downloaded while sticking it to your woman! Unless of course you answered "she hates it or doesn't know" to the question about your spouse knowing about your porn addiction.

03-31-08  06:31pm

N/A REPLY TO #8 from PinkPanther: (Toadsith's Reply)

My thoughts exactly, Toadsmith - and the length of time I can "really go", like how big my cock is and how much money I make is one of those things that I always lie about, because it's so much better that way - and if I'm with a girl and I lie in an obvious and silly way and she doesn't think it's amusing, well that's just proof that I'm with the wrong girl - but if she appreciates the absurdity of it all, then I know I'm going to have a good time with her no matter what happens.

But I've never had a porn site yet that displayed a message complaining about me having cum too fast so I must be a real stud!

03-30-08  05:39pm

N/A REPLY TO #5 from Jay G: (Toadsith's Reply)

I post average reviews brecause I'm too lazy to work real hard checking every pixel, but I do review unreviewed web-sites and share the info I'm interested in. I'd rather have sharing of information by porn users than professional style reviews that see the trees but miss the forest. That's why I read porn USERS more than professional reviews, even TBP reviews.

03-26-08  07:24am

N/A REPLY TO #1 from Drooler: (Toadsith's Reply)

Good point about Flash. Whatever it is, a user wants it quick and friendly. Autoplaying movie samples are fine so long as we don't have to wait through anything we don't care to concentrate on and we are allowed to replay the bits that we choose.

They give us taste of the content, but they're often too poor in image quality. It's hard to tell whether they represent the quality of a downloaded vid. For that one must find a good review of the site that gives us the specs and a well-considered opinion.

03-20-08  02:56am

Visit Cougars In Heat

Cougars In Heat
REPLY TO #1 from malikstarks: (Toadsith's Reply)

I appreciate your reasoned response. Yes, I meant that NA has more content that CougarsinHeat (CIH). Also remember that in the comment I did agree with you that the content on CIH is slightly better (more and better pics, very slightly higher vid quality etc.). However I still don't think these differences are significant enough to justify the price. Remember this site charges MORE than NA does for a pretty massive network. The only way it could offset that imo was if it was bringing a particular niche to the table that is unique, or hard to find, but the premise of the site is pretty much the same as NA, many of the models are also the same.

I had no problem at all with your review though, as a standalone sight it more than holds it's own, and many of your points are justifiable.

03-19-08  11:28pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #13 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

WOW!!! That is amazing. I have been thinking the same thing! At least it could browse the site and download the zips and the videos for you. But ever notice how so photo sets have high and low def? Or a site that uses .wmv and then a few scenes are only in .mpg for example. Or the fact that I spend a great deal of time renaming the zips or videos because the webmaster was too lazy and named them all 1,2,3.... AIs are not hard to teach, simply have it watch you as you do your normal thing, and they pick up on what you do.

Any one who can come up with an AI that does these things for you could become a very rich person, be loved by the porn users and hated by the webmasters!

And yes! I want it all! The reason I like that is because I have spent a great deal of time downloading from a 100 MBit LAN connection. So, there are times when the connection can out run me! Batch downloading is handy for smaller files since I can queue up a 1000 files in a matter of minutes. I can sort through them when I get home. It is actually more efficient this way since I can not spend all day on this network. It was not uncommon for me to download 18 GB per hour there, and that can be hard to queue up when the files are only 20 MB a piece!

03-18-08  10:52pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #11 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

Indeed! If you want to try out IDM you can get it at downloads.com. They give a 30 day trial I believe, and it is 30 or 35 bucks to buy, but i have definitely got my money's worth out of it. It also allows for atch downloading if you know a pattern to the URLs. Teendreams is a prime example of this. I just copied a link in the the batch and told it which characters were variables and the range, and bam! with in seconds I had queued up 90% of their site. It also allows for multiply download queues and other things. The only negative I can think of is if you go to myspace.com it will beat the shit out of you because it auto-graps the mp3s people have on those pages. But this is good because it also graps the streaming videos :) But all this can be turned off. Porn is more important than myspace anyway!

03-18-08  10:23pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #9 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

I just tried to download the latest video form them with Download Them All, it would not allow me to pause the download, it would only allow me to cancel it. If you use Internet Download Manager you integrate the manager into Firefox or whatever internet browser you would be using and it work perfectly with site with the goofy letter picture sign in pages that so may people are using know. Aaron's Web Vacuum and Web Cow will not work on these site which can be annoying. IDM allows you to manually log the manager in if you want to run a total site download as well. I guess this is all personal preference and whether or not you want to pay for a manager. You get what yo pay for usually.

But to give Download Them All credit, it is the only manager I have found so far that can get into Playboy's stuff. But the manager can not filter based on size, so you end up downloading both sizes of the same image.

03-18-08  08:31pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #7 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

Actually, I have been using that to download the pictures from Playboy's sites. It is pretty useful, but it does not let me choose a minimum file size to download. Download Studio works okay, but I have had the best luck with Internet Download Manager, but these are not free programs, but they do come with a free trial period. I might give it a try though with download them all. Also, I got a reply from the support team, they claim there is no resume restrictions. Not sure though.

03-18-08  07:07pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #5 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

Just curious, what download manager are you using? I typically use Internet Download Manager. I do not download in parts though, I get less issues that way.

03-18-08  05:46pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #3 from badandy400: (Toadsith's Reply)

I usually get an error message stating that the server does not allow resume downloads. I did send a ticket to the support team. I will update this if they reply with anything new. I agree this is irritating, sometimes the downloads take too long and end up stopped by the server if I am downloading 5 or 6 large videos at a time.

03-18-08  05:19pm

N/A REPLY TO #1 from jd1961: (Toadsith's Reply)

I think he means no porn period. Not just buying it or downloading it for free. I went 2 and a half years recently.

03-18-08  09:35am

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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