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Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #5 from messmer: (slutty's Reply)

You are welcome, slutty. To add to the negative impression I am getting of this site: I wrote to support over five days ago to find out about the missing 1080p updates so prominently displayed in their tour and am still waiting for an answer because they decided to take an extended Thanksgiving holiday. Latest word is that they will look at all the accumulated emails to support over these holidays and will answer them, the earliest ones first, which means my turn might come sometime down the road after the subscription has expired. Not very professional, is it? I am (have been) done with them.

11-27-12  10:24am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #5 from messmer: (slutty's Reply)

I find it quite the opposite, slutty. I've been a member for a month plus and have found very little plastic during this time. If I had to choose any of the three to stick with it would be RK. I suppose it also depends upon which sites within a network you like to visit. My favorites like Mike's Apartment, 8th Street Latinas and a couple of the others contain very little silicone, possibly because it's less prevalent in Europe and among Latinas.

09-06-10  09:15am

Visit Barely Legal

Barely Legal
REPLY TO #2 from Capn: (slutty's Reply)

Correct. ;0)

Cap'n. :0/

01-03-13  11:33pm

Visit Barely Legal

Barely Legal
Reply of slutty's Comment from Capn:

It doesn't inspire much confidence when their site is so poorly maintained it has different prices all over.

It always irritates me when you get an offer a different lower price when you click away from their site.

If they are happy with that lower subscription rate, why don't they just have the honesty to put it on the main join up page?

Cap'n. :0/

12-31-12  03:30am

Visit BB Films

BB Films
Reply of slutty's Comment from Th3Dodg3r:

I REALLY want info about this site ASAP. I wish TheBestPorn would do an official review soon. I like the look of their content very much but need to know about video download format and quality first. HELP!!!

01-02-11  08:14pm

Visit Beauty Angels

Beauty Angels
REPLY TO #2 from lk2fireone: (slutty's Reply)

They might run out of gas before reaching 100. Or maybe not. It's hard to know how long any of these sites or networks will last over the years. If I had more faith that Met-art would still be around a number of years from now, and that I would be around as well, then I'd sign up for their lifetime subscription. Because Met-art is my favorite site, and favorite niche: softcore teen erotic, and they do such a great job in the photography side. Their videos are basically a waste of time. $799 for lifetime of the site. Which is not cheap, but a great deal if the site is still around 20 years from now. But by then, I will be down below, unable to get into the site, even if my login name and password were still working. And I don't know who I could will them to on my passing. Lol.

03-31-11  07:55am

Visit Bound Gangbangs

Bound Gangbangs
Reply of slutty's Comment from pat362:

I think you're correct that the price is 29.95$ instead of 39.95$. I wish I could confirm but I'm a current member and I paid the special price of 19.95$ becaue I already had another membership.

07-27-11  08:10am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #3 from BadMrFrosty: (slutty's Reply)

When you are one of the owners of the company and also in charge of the IT infrastructure certain allowances can be made :)

09-24-10  04:50am

Visit Breath Takers

Breath Takers
REPLY TO #2 from BradlyH: (slutty's Reply)

Thanks, out of all the sites that i know of i think this one is defiantly list worthy if you are into this sort of erotica.

08-20-11  02:49pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #44 from JamesDavid: (slutty's Reply)

Douche attitudes?

Whatever man. I was crystal clear as to that we don't offer zips and I even went into why, you kept whining and moaning. you did this, I didn't.

Don't start trying to flip this into a you're a douche comment. Seriously, grow up already. The biggest laugh in this whole thread has been you moaning about things you can't have, even though you've not and never have been a member.

I've been polite, wishing you well and saying I hope you find what you're looking for - you just keep being a pain, for what reason - I have no idea. The fact that you bring up download software, and now torrenting, tells me you're most likely one of those tools that posts site content. I've learned over 17 years running sites to trust my instincts, they have yet to be incorrect.

Neat thing here I hope you've learned - sites don't take shit from random trolls on forums. If you think we jump through hoops to get memberships, you'd be incorrect. We have fun, we do what we do and guess what? Each week we have more people happy than the week before. In four solid years, we have outsold ourselves week after week. I guess we're doing something right after all.

Last time I respond to you, if you keep trolling I report you for doing so. Sound fair? You go your way, we go ours. I hope you find a site that suites your needs.

04-17-13  09:24pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #42 from Marcus: (slutty's Reply)

Thanks for this, and I do agree.

I'm not a fan of regional pricing, and although I respect Capn for his passionate stance on the matter, I think 15 points is far too many to consider docking a website for regional pricing.

Like you noticed, I've updated the review, reduced the score by 3, but I'll let PU members draw their own conclusions. The score is illustrative of my thoughts on the site. I've gone into detail in the pros/cons, so if a particular issue (eg, regional pricing) grinds somebody's axe, then they have every right not to join the site - I'm only sorry I missed this in the first review, but like I say, quality of content is more important to me than regional pricing which is why it slipped the net.

I don't know the whole story about regional pricing - for example, I don't know if webmasters have to shoulder extra costs from international members, so it's not really for me to by judge, jury and executioner.

04-17-13  12:09am

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #41 from JamesDavid: (slutty's Reply)

Wow. What part of if a site doesn't do something you do not like, move on do you not grasp? Not being to be combative? I've already explained this inside out and as I said, nothing has or will be changed. Yet you keep going. Not sure what you feel is gained? Here we go again. this time I'll try and make it easier to understand.

Zips don't matter to the majority of members.

I can say this with authority, based on 17 years experience running websites. It's not even 10% of the member base that actively downloads zips when they are available. Again, I can say this from a place of knowledge, not opinion. Sad thing is, in the 10%, you get assholes that post your content for free.

Bella Network isn't the first network I have owned/run and we didn't offer zips in the other networks either. There are a ton of large networks that don't offer photo zips. They do fine, their content isn't mass distributed. The content that is available in zips, all over the place for free.

When we removed zips, nobody said anything, nobody cared, cancelations didn't rise etc. The world didn't end basically. Again, nobody cared. In four years - FOUR people have emailed asking what's up.

I know this rubs you the wrong way, and this next line will upset you, but my job isn't to make you happy.

Yes the customer (albeit not you) is important, but the buck doesn't stop with the customer. The buck stops with the product itself, same as any supply/demand example. Customers will come for what is being sold and the customers that don't like what is being sold, will leave or not come at all. Again, FOUR people in 4 years. Do I think it's a big issue like the non members here are claiming? No, not in the least. For them it is, obviously. Photo collectors I am guessing, or traders for all I know.

My job is to make the GIRLS happy. I can deal with 1 in 10 (if that) customers being pissy and not signing up because we don't have zips. I wish them well and hope they find something they like elsewhere.

I can't deal with 1/1 girls being sad because her content is mass distributed for free so she quits. Keeping the model happy FAR outweighs keeping 1/10 people (actually lower than 1/10 but I rounded up for ease of example).

Now seriously slutty, you're not a member, you clearly don't like that we don't offer zips, so why are you still bitching/moaning? Are you trying to have a conversation on a closed topic? Sorry man but it's pretty much a dead topic. Not an option, never will be an option etc. Thank you for playing, game over - type of thing. Hope I was clear enough this time and best of luck finding your dream site.

04-16-13  10:16pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #34 from JamesDavid: (slutty's Reply)

So let me get this right - I say we don't zip images and you come in and acuse us of punishing members? Then you go on to say how there are ways to site rip etc? Ouch :(

I posted we had a survey and 80% of the members said videos are more important than photos. Not at any time say photos do not matter, I said videos matter more or photos don't matter as much and sorry if it upsets you, they don't.

I'm a professional photographer, I've been fortunate enough to shoot for Penthouse magazine in the past - you don't think it bothers me that photos don't matter as much? lol Of course it does man. I love photos!

if you were to look up the surveys in PornUsers - this exact topic has been covered and the same result was found. Videos matter more. Sorry to be the bad guy here.

How many guys you think fap to photos versus videos? (very few according to all the surveys)

Piracy happens no matter what the site is. There is always a way to save things, mass distribute them if someone decides they want to do this. Zips make it easier.

I respect you disagree but that's the great thing about the internet. There are tons of sites out there, you'll find one that makes you happy. I hope you find what you're searching for.

04-15-13  11:56pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #33 from Capn: (slutty's Reply)

The reviewer didn't point it out.

That is why I mentioned it in an earlier reply.
What you see in the review is a subsequent edit.

The only people that seem to defend it are either those charging it or those that are not effected by it.

Cap'n. :0)

04-15-13  11:26pm

Visit Cash For Sex Tape

Cash For Sex Tape
Reply of slutty's Comment from Serious Partner:

I totally agree with you, and we are doing our best to get more interesting scenes from our couples. The thing is they are real, amateur, so it's very difficult to make them film professionally. We usually cut out long scenes, and I believe the recent scenes look much better than the old ones as we try to improve the site according to our members' feedback.

08-26-13  04:56am

Visit Cash For Sex Tape

Cash For Sex Tape
Reply of slutty's Review from graymane:

Nice review, Slutty. Got right to the point and gave us what we needed.
I like these self-shot videos. The fact the girls are as pretty as you state certainly makes it more appealing. But because you did such a good job, I'll be by-passing this one.

12-01-10  09:43am

Visit Class 3Some

Class 3Some
Reply of slutty's Review from lk2fireone:

Another solid review.

11-23-10  03:11pm

Visit Club Nella

Club Nella
Reply of slutty's Comment from Drooler:

I just rejoined and did a count. There's about 96 photosets with the "new" breasts, and 118 with the former. Both ways they include lesbian stuff and solo content.

Videos, there's about 90 with the fake tits and 44 with the "honest bra." Same "lez/solo" comment.

If you join, you ought to do it by joining MyGlamourSite, since that way you get it plus ClubNella for the $30 price. And you get "archives" of the Silvia Saint site, though most pics of her have been taken off, leaving mostly licensed-type stuff of other models.

A couple more things: A least 4 galleries at ClubNella since late October last year have broken links to pics and zips. This is sloppy work.

Another problem thanks to the provider's inattention is that the text login link from MyGlamourSite to ClubNella takes you to "404 land," but if you click one of the sample pics just below that text link, you'll get in (with a separate login, so keep the usepass handy).

02-19-10  02:33am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
Reply of slutty's Comment from Khan:

Was a display problem. Should be fixed now.

Sorry for any inconvenience or confusion.

10-15-12  10:06am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
Reply of slutty's Comment from Denner:

This is just another regional pricing....at TBP it's $ 19.95 - by joining from Europe it's that amount in Euro (aproxx $ 26) - if it's still in Euros trying to join from US, they made another screw up.
BTW: Why join - it's only old material here...I looked at some of the updates....old, old, old stuff.

10-13-12  09:12am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
Reply of slutty's Comment from lk2fireone:

I see the same price that you do, 19.95 euros, approximately $25.88, at the join page.

10-13-12  08:44am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
REPLY TO #3 from International M: (slutty's Reply)

Hey there,

Thanks for your reply. I want you to know that there have been a lot of changes lately;

1. We offer Zip files for the picture galleries
2. You will have access to all the video content and not only to the sample DVD's anymore. So you will find more than 2200 video's to download
3. You will get 2 picture + 2 full video updates per day
4. You can search by model through the DVD's
5. We moved hosting and we are not on a real fast CDN network. Download speeds improved a lot!

Hope you like all these changes!

08-12-11  01:38am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
Reply of slutty's Comment from spazlabz:

Hi Slutty
Thank you for taking the time to make make that suggestion. I will see if that is something we can get done for you and our other members, it might not be practical or possible but I will see what we can do :)

02-08-11  05:51am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
REPLY TO #1 from nymano: (slutty's Reply)

I am not too interested in pictures. I think I seen ZIPs, but I am not sure. I did not see search by model in DVDs, but if you find model in one DVD, you can see all DVDs with her.

08-05-10  05:01am

Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen
REPLY TO #7 from graymane: (slutty's Reply)

Thanks for the tip. There seems to be a lot of interest in this site, And from a respectable number of savvy people, I might add.
It sure looks tempting, but for $40 it's gonna have to diliver what I want. I wish you better luck on your next attempt. I'm anxious to see what you will think of it, and will be looking out for your review.

08-05-10  01:18am

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