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N/A Reply of Your News

You should read the KayTBuffs review of SexArt that you're paying $150 for, the bottom line is a copy and paste of the BatorAly review of Gender X immediately below it. Something fishy going on here. Does nobody read or check submitted reviews anymore?

01-17-24  01:35am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Thanks for your kind words LKLK. I hope to get back to writing some reviews at some point. At this moment in time I haven't actually subscribed to any porn sites in around 18 months as up until a month ago I had literally been working 7 days a week for 18 months with only Christmas day off so limited time for the things I enjoy. Being self employed my business took a financial hit during the pandemic and lockdowns which racked up some debts so been working hard to clear those and get myself back to where I was before covid. Hopefully I can ease off a bit now and get back to the things I enjoy. Hope life is treating you well.

09-20-22  03:17am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

I think what he's actually done is mixed up the names and put Pinkerton instead of Pink Panther, Pinkerton has no reviews this month so far.

09-14-22  05:22am

N/A Reply of Your News

Thanks for the win, much appreciated especially this time of year. I assume you'll note my location as UK as you replied to Pinkerton earlier in this thread? Thanks again.

12-03-20  06:35am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I feel that I virtually always get my money's worth when joining sites. I pretty much know what I'm going to get when joining a site due to a combination of the site tours, reading reviews and seeing their content on forums.

I often wonder if the opposite is true, do the sites get their money's worth out of me? As an example my recent membership of MetArt I joined for 1 month on a $9.95 special and downloaded over 11,000 photo sets, over 1.3 million photos of nearly 1500 models. That's an awful lot of models and photographers to pay for their content with what's left from ten bucks by the time PU have had their referral fee.

09-25-20  07:53am

N/A Reply of Tom D Admin's Poll

A solid model index is the most important for me. Whenever I join a site I like to work my way through the models from A-Z. The update log only really comes into play for me on the second or subsequent times joining a site so that I can see what's new since my last membership.

09-25-20  07:40am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

What about my entries for my review of Digital Desire?

08-05-20  01:31pm

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

Probably a bit more than is usual for me these days. I've had 4 subscriptions since the start of lockdown in March compared to just 5 in the whole of 2019. Being paid government money to stay at home these last few months has also given me the time to focus on a healthier diet and lifestyle with a lot of exercise and I've managed to lose 15 lbs in weight at the same time.

08-03-20  01:59am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

Home desktop PC with 24 inch monitor 99.9% of the time. I have a small 10 inch laptop that I rarely use apart from when I'm travelling.

06-04-20  07:38am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I selected Absolutely I collect pics but since I only collect solo , glamour, erotica type content that answer could just as easily apply.

05-01-20  09:03am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I prefer the totally bald look although if a girl is hot I'm really not that bothered if she has hair down below, I certainly wouldn't kick a girl out of bed for having a hairy bush.

04-18-20  02:40pm

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

A difficult question to answer. Since my main interest is in collecting photo sets of solo models, (sites like Metart, ATK, Nubiles, ALS etc) and that's the only kind of content I'm willing to pay for then as long as the sites I join have downloadable photo sets preferrably in zips then I don't really care if the videos are stream only or downloading since I don't collect them.

If I'm in the mood to just watch generic hard core porn which isn't very often then I'm happy with the free tube sites so my answer to the question would be zero if that was an option.

03-18-20  08:45am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

My first pornsite subscription was back in 2003 and coincided with my upgrading from a dial up connection to my first 500k broadband connection and the ability to suddenly display a photo on my monitor in 3 seconds instead of the old 30 second wait for each photo.

Most of the earliest sites I joined are a long time dead, the first was a site called Nasty Virgins which was followed by other subscriptions to The Next Girl, Teensfix, and Crush Photo. I believe all those sites are long gone but their photo collections live on within my hard drives.

08-01-18  04:21am

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

I've never deleted any and thankfully never lost any. I still have all the photo sets from every site I've ever joined since I started joining adult sites back in 2003. I did start becoming concerned about the prospect of losing some due to a hard drive failure so bought another 2 x 3 TB drives last year to back up the whole lot since much of it has become irreplaceable due to many of the sites it's from going out of business.

06-14-18  10:16am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I did once when I was in Amsterdam around 1986. There were never any dedicated porn movie theatres anywhere near where I lived although I did see the occasional soft porn flick in the mainstream cinema like the old Emmanuelle films.

05-08-18  10:18am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

A few years ago I would probably have said PU/TBP was my primary source for finding out about new sites but that's no longer the case. Most of the new sites I discover now are usually as a result of browsing galleries posted on a forum or some free image hosting site like imagefap and it's very rare that I ever find any of those new sites getting listed at PU/TBP. Even just this afternoon I bookmarked another 2 sites for a possible join and when I searched for them here got zero results.

05-08-18  10:13am

N/A Reply of pornwatcher's Poll

Ditto what Elephant said.

04-16-18  02:30am

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Poll

It can be hot but as Monahan said I think it depends on the girl. When I think of girls with braces the first one that springs to mind is Leah Luv and she was one of my favourites back in my early years of porn surfing and collecting.

02-12-18  12:33am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Yes most definitely but only if it's a site that was already on my radar.

01-30-18  11:04am

N/A Reply of Wraith0711's Poll

All of the above apart from unknown stars, I don't mind joining a site with talent I've not seen before if there's a decent tour so that I can see what models they do have.

01-11-18  03:20am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I'm unlikely to buy lots of porn memberships but I might buy one if any of the sites on my radar come up with an unbeatable special offer but it would have to be $10 or less because money is a bit tight this month. If nothing entices me I still have several thousand photo sets from my last subscription at ATK Galleria to unzip and view so I'm not that bothered.

11-09-17  06:25am

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Don't know yet....still got 13 years to think about it.

10-13-17  07:21am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

With more than 13 years still to wait until I can sit back and collect my state pension I seriously doubt whether there will be many sites still around worth joining that cater to my interest. Ten to twelve years ago there seemed to be an abundance of new sites coming online trying to emulate what Met Art had already been doing for years in the field of softcore erotica but sadly many of those have now fallen by the wayside and I hardly ever see any new sites in that niche these days.

10-13-17  07:18am

N/A Reply of Rick's Poll

I would partially echo what Jay said, for me it's the beautiful women but even the less beautiful women can still be sexy....it is only the women for me though as my collection is kept man free.

10-13-17  07:10am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I can appreciate female beauty in all shapes and sizes and every model is an unknown model the first time you see her so the only option there that would make me pass up downloading a set or video is the low quality.

10-06-17  02:05am

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