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Visit X-Art

Reply of LKLK's Reply

Hello, LKLK, and thanks for your reply!

I also found X-Art EXTREMELY expensive, and that's why I didn't join the site earlier. For me, with this regional CCBill pricing, it would be over 40€ to join for one month (over 50€ for the non-recurring option) and that is just crazy.

However, I did find a nice discount online. I am not sure if I can mention them here of if there is a rule against that, but if you google "porn discount", "adult discount", "porn deals", etc. you will be able to find them. In my case, I paid 9,95€ for just X-Art.com, recurring at 19,95€ (and in this case, given the amount of material in their archive, I will stay for at least two or three months until I get bored or run away of new videos to watch).

And once again, be careful with preselected cross-sales, since there is always one at the bottom. I really hate this, I think it is annoying and unfair and irritating, but I guess they make a lot of money out of it...

06-02-21  02:51am

Visit Puba

Reply of nadiencendia's Review

Just one addition to my own review: one thing that I have noticed, and that annoys me, is that it is not possible to see videos on a descending chronological order - that is, most recent videos first. You only get a "most viewed videos", and even if you go to a specific site you still don't get newest videos first: when they are published they get mixed with the others. I guess this is a "trick" to cover the fact that they are recycling and republishing content, but it is... just not cool.

05-10-21  01:25am

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Yes, it is true, at first it can be confusing to see all those categories mixed together. To be fair, when you enter the "Channels" section (on the left column menu), you can chose between three categories: "Adult time originals", "Channels" and "Series", which I think, more or less, responds to what you are saying. I guess they didn't what to have too long a menu and so they decided to merge all those things in one single tab...

I will take this opportunity to mention another little bug that I found: now, whenever I enter the site, I have to go to "videos" and activate the lesbian videos under "Sexual preferences" (which right now are my go-to category), otherwise it appears as hidden by default and I only see straight videos. It may have to do with the fact that I use "private browsing" these days, but the site should be "smart" enough to remember my preferences, right?

10-20-20  02:40am

Visit Sex Art

Sex Art
Reply of elephant's Comment

I took advantage of one of those 1 day free memberships, and although there were some somewhat confusing offers to join other sites, if you are clever enough not to tick the boxes or not to click on the ads that you don't have to tick or click, and if you in fact cancel the membership before the day ends, you won't get charged for anything. And yes, you have complete access to their material and can download the pics and videos you like.

02-27-14  06:44am

N/A Reply of marcdc1's Poll

A different language... from which one? I am a native Spanish speaker, and I mostly watch Hungarian and American porn so...

In fact, I have gotten so used to watching porn in English, that it is strange for me now to watch Spanish porn -also because Spanish porn normally is not very good.

08-28-12  02:36am

Visit Streamate.com

Reply of ace of aces's Comment

A while ago I had some problems with them too. For some reason, my account was blocked and I had to email them to solve the problem. Then I tried opening a new account, and when they discovered that it was me they unblocked the old account and told me to "stop opening new accounts". A bit rudely, if you ask me...

In general, customer support at Streamate is really good (probably the best I've seen in this adult business), but they do seem to have occasional problems with their billing department...

01-09-12  12:10pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

As others, I wouldn't join a site JUST because it has a discount, obviously; but if I see a site that looks good, AND it has a discount, I will probably join it.

07-03-11  06:02am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have owned a cat and a few fish (not at the same time, obviously :P), but right now I am pet-less. If I ever get a pet again, it will definitively be a cat.

07-01-11  03:27am

Visit Streamate.com

Reply of roseman's Comment

Same thing happened to me once. Entered the free chat, said "hello, how are you", she said "horny" or something like that, I said "good", she said "fuck you" and permanently kicked me off. I don't remember the name of the girl, otherwise I would post it here for "publicity".

All in all, girls are quite nice. I specially love chatting with SexyAngel1 or Lolli, they always have a smile on their face even if you tell them you are not taking them private that they for whatever reason. Others are more "straight to business" and will (temporarily) kick you out thee free chat if you don't seem ready to pay.

06-15-11  12:34pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Yes, as others have said, the rush of finding a new previously unknown scene that you like is almost as fun as watching the scene in itself. In fact, I rarely look at the porn I download, because I've already seen it and it's not new or surprising... :)

04-02-11  07:39am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

So, it looks like a sub-poll has naturally appeared here: do you use your regular email account for your porn-related issues? :)

So far, Capn, badandy400 and monty2222 use their regular email accounts, while myself, tangub, slutty, and I guess yote78 and JayG, use a specific account.

There are two reasons why I don't use my usual email account for porn: firstly, because I think entering this email into porn sites attracts a lot of spam; and secondly because of privacy issues: I want to be have a clean email inbox which I can show to anybody (for whatever reasons) without suddenly recieving an email titled "your suscription to BigBoobsForever has expired"... :D


P.S.: Hahaha, I just made up the name "BigBoobsForever" as a joke, and now I see that there really IS a website with that name. Amazing!

03-28-11  05:56am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It depends: I use a special email account only for all things related to porn, and I usually check it every 2 or 3 days; but sometimes, if I am not expecting any particular email, I could go for a week or more without checking it...

03-27-11  01:30pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

This poll is begging for comments, isn't it? :)

I am not quite into solo action: it's ok, but it gets boring; I like g/g action, a lot, and b/g action but nothing too extreme. I like mostly Eastern European and Asian women, but I wouldn't kick an American pornstar off my bed. ;) And of course I have my favorite niche: foot fetish. So I would say: several niches, thank you.

03-25-11  02:36am

Visit 21 Sextreme

21 Sextreme
Reply of Denner's Comment

I can see how Denner got confused by this email. I would have probably made the same mistake. The idea of a membership that does not let you watch or download stuff sounds kind of strange. And calling it "trial rights" doesn't clarify much either, unless it comes with a little star and a note which specifies what are those rights.

I wouldn't call this a fraud, really, but I would say it's a very confusing offer. On a side note, I also don't like those big red ads on the 21st Sextury homepage that say that you can get access to the network "now for only 9.95$ a month". What they neglect to add is that this is the price that you get if you buy the annual membership OR if you stay as a loyal member for 4 months.

Anyway, it's obvious that we should always read everything carefully before clicking "accept". But it would probably also be a good idea for Sandstone to calm down before answering to a user's criticism, even if it as harsh as this one.

03-24-11  10:44am

Visit Streamate.com

Reply of atrapat's Comment

You probably know this already, but I'll say it anyway.

If you are logged in, when you make a search or choose a set of characteristics on the column to the left, and you get the results (the images of the girls with the yellow "online" label), if you pass the mouse over the image, a small video-screen will open which will let you see if the girl is really online; if she is doing a private session (and you are offered to join); if she is doing an exclusive session (in which case you may not join) or if she is taking a short break.

Also, this option has another advantage: that you can peek at the girls to see how good-looking they are and how they interact with other users, without entering the chat (and allowing her to kick you out if you don't go into private, for example).

03-24-11  06:42am

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

Thanks for the information! Amazing! How do you know all this? :)

03-24-11  05:16am

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of monty2222's Reply

Hi, Monty. Well, I would be very surprised to discover that 21st Sextury and DDF shared content: I have always pictured them as the two main competing companies in the area of European (mostly Hungarian) porn. Maybe that set was produced by a third company who "sold" it to both of them... It's a gorgeus set, by the way :)

03-23-11  04:37pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of monty2222's Comment

Hi, monty2222! If this is your first time with DDF, yes, you are up for a treat :) I've been a member of their sites for almost ten years now, and although lately they have somewhat dissapointed me, they are still one of the best companies around for online porn.

As for your questions, I would recommend some of their "classic" models, such as Sophie Moone, Eve Angel, Eufrat, Anetta Keys or Nella; or more recent ones, such as Blue Angel or Boroka. As you say, there are so many good-looking girls, that it is easy to get lost...

Good hunt, my friend!

03-23-11  07:46am

Visit Nude Fight Club

Nude Fight Club
Reply of RustyJ's Review

I basically agree with your review, although I rated the site a bit higher, because it showed promise. If I reviewed now, I think I would rate it a bit lower (more or less like you), for two reasons: the site is incredibly monotonous, as you described; and also, lately it has tended to rely more and more on backstage sets, which are basically the same "regular" sets but filmed from a different angle with a different camera (this is a problem that also affects other 21st Sextury sites, Sweet Sophie Moone for instance...).

03-23-11  07:41am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I used to edit them to cut the scenes that I really wanted to keep, when I was pressed for space in my hard drive. Now that I have a bigger hard drive (I mean, in my computer), I am too lazy to edit them, and I leave them just as I downloaded them...

03-23-11  06:43am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I've taken a few risk shots in some of my favorite niche: foot fetish; and I also joined Hypnogirls without reading any reviews first -and I regreted it.

Right now, I wouldn't join a site without checking PU/TBP first, and I really think it twice before joining a site with no reviews. So thank you all for your help chosing my porn! :)

03-22-11  10:48am

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of slutty's Comment

I also feel a bit dissapointed when I join DDF lately. I think they had amazing talent five or seven years ago (Sophie Moone, Eve Angel, Jo, etc.), but since then, they haven't been able to replace them with other models with the same charisma, and 21st Sextury has been able to atract the fans of all those "classic" models by offering them solo sites (some of which are also going downhill, btw).

Right now, DDF offers well produced action with cute models, but it doesn't have that soul or glamour or something extra that it seemed to have...

03-18-11  04:04am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

As others have said, I think it is much less stigmatized than it used to be, specially in (Northern) Europe. However, I wouldn't openly talk about porn with somebody I have just met, just as I wouldn't openly express my political or religious ideas to someone I just met. It's not exactly taboo, but it's still a sensitive topic.

03-14-11  10:05am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I prefer the kind of "foreplay" that tells a story, sets the mood, etc., more fiction-like. On the other hand, I don't mind interviews, but as a separate feature, to get to know specific models and see if they do have something interesting to say (some do; some don't)...

03-03-11  07:53am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

PC with Windows Vista. I tried installing Ubuntu in my previous laptop, but as I have no idea of programming, it was too hard for me, and I quit and went back to Windows. I am always amazed by how Linux fans say it is so superior to Windows, and it probably is in so many aspects, but it is still much less user-friendly for the technologically limited, like myself.

02-26-11  09:30am

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