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N/A Reply of turboshaft's Reply

Everyone's different, which is kind of a useless generalization that has some truth to it. But to date/marry a porn star, you would need a thick skin, which I don't have. You would also need a way of accepting your wife/girlfriend having "professional" sex with other men or women or both, and I just don't think that way. Different strokes for different folks, as they said back in the 1970s.
I am surprised at the results of many poll answers, because I think the PU members are responding with their honest feelings in many cases. You would expect a lot more bullshit or posturing in the replies, but I think, partially because of the anonymity of the usernames, that we are being more honest than I would have expected.

08-20-09  04:41pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

The simple answer is, it's none of their business. People have a right to privacy, and I don't see the sense in broadcasting what would be a controversial fact. That's my position. But some men would enjoy the sensation they create, and that's them, not me.

08-20-09  05:50am

N/A Reply of jd1961's Reply

New review format is a big improvement over the old one. Much easier to read and understand, with more content.

08-19-09  06:09am

N/A Reply of exotics4me's Reply

I thought I was reading a James Bond parody when I read your reply of brutal leg scissors, the dreaded nipple twister, the pussy grind aided face sit and the 3 finger jammer-slammer.

Would even James Bond be able to stand up to female opponents using these dreaded techniques?


08-19-09  05:55am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

Teen sites (at least the mega-sites) feature girls/women that are in their teens to early twenties. I can accept that. What's annoying is when the women who are supposed to be teens look like they are in their thirties or even beyond. Nobody expects 100% truth in advertising in the porn world, but if they advertise a site as teens, then the site should be mainly teens to early 20s.

08-18-09  05:33pm

Visit Naughty Julie

Naughty Julie
Reply of HonestJoe's Review

A great review: detailed, extremely comprehensive, you have a ton of background knowledge of this site.
Hope to see more reviews from you in the future.

08-18-09  01:50pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of Drooler's Comment

Some web sites don't use zip files, to reduce the chance of piracy. But a web site that posts zip files that their subscribers can't open is obviously more intelligent than a non-zip web site. This way, the pirates will waste their time trying to crack the un-usable zip files, instead of trying to steal the individual photos and videos.

Not replying to emails for customer support might also be part of the piracy defense.

Some pay sites I've joined don't answer emails. I can't say what percentage, because I rarely send emails to the pay sites I join, but there have definitely been times, when I had a problem and I emailed support, that I got no reply.

I know you've had similar experiences.

The old expression, "grin and bear it", seems to apply.

08-16-09  08:53am

Visit Teen Dreams

Teen Dreams
Reply of xbigvmanx's Review

Very nice, interesting review.
I read the pros and cons very easily, read the bottom line, and then when I was finished, looked to see where the review was going to continue. It didn't, because it was already over. Wondered if I had read a comment, but no, it was a real review.
A short review, but with good details.
I read it like a snack, and it left me hungry for more. That's not a criticism, just a note that it had a strange effect on me. I don't think it was deliberate, but you have a very interesting style of writing. Something like stream of consciousness.
I give this review a two thumbs up.

08-15-09  06:13pm

Visit Showcase Eufrat

Showcase Eufrat
Reply of Drooler's Comment

I think the economic downturn has really hit the porn industry. Seems like a lot of sites are either dying or no longer updating, much more than what was happening in the past.

08-15-09  06:59am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I prefer natural to fake. But if a woman has had breast surgery for cancer, and she wants to go for implants, that's her choice.

Is bigger really better? Not in my opinion. But there must be a huge number of male fans who like the big, oversized look, judging from the number of porn stars who get implants.

08-14-09  09:37am

Visit Porn Access

Porn Access
Reply of Monahan's Reply

I had a 30-day membership, which I got for $5 on a special offer. I had no problem cancelling, and was not charged any extra fees. I'm not sure why you had a problem with an automatic renewal. If you had a 30-day membership, or a 1-month membership, and you were renewed before the 1-month was finished, you should be able to get the site to reverse the renewal charge. I've been a member of sites belonging to the company that runs this site (they also run the netFameSolutions network of 19 sites), and they've always been very fair and easy about billing.

Unless there is some special reason why you want to belong to this site, I'd suggest cancelling your membership, and using the money for a better site.

Here is a link to a special $5 membership to the netFameSolutions network of 19 sites at PU, that gives you full membership to all 19 sites for 30 days. Some of the sites are very worthwhile, such as Devils Film, SilverstoneDVD, roccosiffredi, and peternorth. There is good quality DVD clips at all these sites (as well as a bunch of junk), but the good stuff is much easier to find there, and there is a lot of good DVD clips. There are also other sites in the network that are less attractive, but that you might find something if you hunt thru the junk. What you might like depends on your personal tastes, but the sites I listed have a lot of what I think is good material, that is good (but not great) video quality.


Click the link above, you get a special offer of $5 for 30 days full membership in the netFameSolutions network of 19 sites, which includes Devils Film.

Remember to uncheck the special offers that are part of the sign-up process, or you will probably be re-subscribed to PornAcess. Lol. You have to specifically uncheck the special offers when signing up for any of the sites run by this company, but they have some very nice offers: a special low price for membership to a bunch of nice sites.

But you have to remember to cancel the 30-day membership before it renews, because the renewal price is much higher than the price you can get thru PU/TBP, or thru some special offer that might be available.

08-14-09  09:11am

Visit Porn Access

Porn Access
Reply of Monahan's Reply

Regarding site score: You said you "stumbled into some really great stuff", and that's the problem. Either you get lucky, and find some clips you really like, or you stumble around in the poor-quality junk and lose patience to keep looking. My problem (one of them) is that I get frustrated easily. If I see one lousy clip after another, I just stop searching for the good stuff that might be there.

The site has a huge amount of content. If they organized it better, the score (value) of the site could increase dramatically. But they really need to delete the massive number of duplicate links to the same video clips, because that adds to the difficulty of searching thru the clips.

They also need to give the clips some simple descriptive title.

They also need some way to highlight the better quality clips, to make them easier to find.

The current structure of the site is like a garbage dump, where they just toss all the junk (and good stuff) into a common yard, then write up an inventory listing that is almost worthless to try using.

08-14-09  02:16am

Visit Nubiles.net

Reply of turboshaft's Review

Great review. As good as any I've seen. Lots of details, interesting opinions, wonderful bottom line summation. I'm thinking of hiring you to write my next review!

I also like that trick of using the reply function to extend your allowed word-count. First time I've seen it done.

This review is definitely in the best-in-class level. No joke.

08-13-09  03:36am

Visit Explicite Art

Explicite Art
Reply of rome476's Reply

I realize there is plenty of good content at the site. I was just in a cranky mood when I made the comment.

At the same time, we both agree the photo flashes can be intrusive.

08-11-09  05:20pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

I'd go along with Drooler that a model's acting ability adds or detracts from the value of the scene.

The idea that the quiz reflects the person's view of acting is nice.

I would add that the quiz also reflects the person's appetite or style of eating: when you watch a porn clip, do you shovel it into your mouth and wait for it to digest, or do you go for gourmet style, and try to appreciate the different elements of the scene?

Most porn is better viewed with your eyes closed and your brain turned off.

08-11-09  08:30am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

If the preview is really great, I will sometimes join a site, even if it does not have any comments or reviews. I joined paysites before becoming a member of PU, and the experience could be hit or miss. With PU as a guide, I've done much better. But if the site preview is really enticing, I will join a site that doesn't have any reviews at PU/TBP.

Then again, there are so many enticing sites out there, that I want to join but don't have the time or money for. There's only 24 hours in a day, and I can't spend them all on watching porn (I have to stop and eat sometime).

07-31-09  01:30am

Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie
Reply of mbaya's Reply

In honor of the Indian review I wrote, and the interests of accuracy, I went to an Indian restaurant today that I sometimes go to, for lunch, to hear how the waiters talk. The owner was born in the Indian state of Punjab. But there is also a Punjab province of Pakistan with a lot of Punjabi people. Anyway, the owner and the waiter both spoke English with an Indian (not British) accent. I'm calling how they spoke an "Indian accent", just like I'm calling what Americans in the United States speak with as an American accent, even though both terms are probably not correct from a technical standpoint, but I'm not a linguist, just trying to get the idea across that you can sometimes tell where a person is from the way he/she speaks.

The point is, there are some models at this site that are Indian, but there are also some models that are not Indian, based on the way they speak English. The models all dress up like they are Indians from India, but that is part of the fantasy. It's supposed to make the video more exotic and erotic if the model is from India, no matter where the model really is from.

Am I allowed to charge my lunch to PU, because of the research I was doing?

07-30-09  04:36pm

Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie
Reply of mbaya's Reply

I'm no expert, but I believe at least some of the models are from India or a near-by area, because of their accents. I believe, because England once controlled India, many Indians acquired a British-type accent, and some Indians (the wealthy ones) even went to England for some of their formal education. The accent can be a British-sounding accent, or a different type of accent that is different from the British accent. But there are definitely some models at the site that I believe are native Indians, even if they moved to where-ever it was that they made these porn videos. I doubt they made any of these videos in India, simply because it would have been too dangerous (against the law).

But there are a lot of fake "Indian" models at this site that are just Americans, from the United States, based on their "American accent".

07-30-09  09:29am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I'm not sure what the difference is between "Maybe" and "Not sure". Both answers seem about the same to me. Anyway, it definitely takes more eroticism in a picture to arouse me than it did when I was a teenager.

07-29-09  12:46am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I don't use wallpaper. Just a simple blue desktop with the icons for files and shortcuts on it.

07-28-09  07:35pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I look at the PU/TBP reviews, then check the preview pages at the site, to get an idea whether the site might interest me. I don't usually bother with outside reviews, because I generally go for sites that have been reviewed at least a couple of times at PU, and that gives me enough of an idea of what I might expect.

07-21-09  12:31am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of GCode's Reply

Follow-up to lack of email response:

I did get an email reply today from this site, in response to my fourth email to them.

The email was friendly and generous.

The email stated the site was giving me 10 free days of additional membership to the site, based on the problems I was experiencing.

The email asked me if I was using a download manager.

It also explained that support did not receive the first 3 emails I sent to them about my problems. To send the first three emails, I used the site software, where you click on the hot link of the Banned page message, a popup box appears where you enter the email message stating your problem, and then click the send link, using the internal site system. I would have thought the system would be more secure and less prone to error than trying to send an email to support using your own email program. But none of those emails were received by support.

The email that was received, my fourth email, I sent using Yahoo email, to the accounts@sexasian18dotcom address I found at the site. Someone at their site found that email in their spam box.

I am hoping I will get an additional email, that explains how I can use a download manager and still avoid being banned. The site Knowledge Base states that a download manager is allowed. The download manager should be set to download a single thread at a time. After the first day, I have only downloaded 1 file at a time. But I don't know how to specifically set my download manager to download 1 thread at a time, because that might be different from downloading 1 file at a time.

If anyone reading this reply knows specifically how to set up Free Download Manager to download 1 thread at a time, I would appreciate instructions.

I have read elsewhere that Free Download Manager might split a single file into sections and then download them simultaneously. But I don't know if Free Download Manager is splitting a single file into sections and downloading them simultaneously, and that is what is causing me to get banned before I hit the 12 GB download limit.

Using Free Download Manager would make it a lot easier to download multiple files from the site, and save me time and effort, if I can use it without getting an early and wrongful ban.

07-20-09  04:59pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of GCode's Reply

GCode, thanks for positive feedback on my review.
The truth is there is a large element of luck with some of these personal experiences. I had problems, but evidently you and jd1961 and nbaby8 didn't, as reflected in your much higher scores. Another person might join and not get banned as often as I did, or have better luck with support answering their emails.
I still don't know why I have been banned so often. I assume it's because their software for counting bandwith usage is buggy, because I never exceeded the bandwidth limit.
As for never receiving a response to my emails to support, someone else might have better luck or they might experience the same lack of response.
A few PU members mention poor email support for a site in their reviews or comments, but I think most PU members don't use support unless they are having a really serious problem with that site.

07-19-09  07:42pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

Porn stars are supposed to be adults. If you are an adult, you have the right of free choice. That means you (and porn stars) can refuse to perform sexual actions (anal, dps, etc.).
I think the question is confusing the issue of contract, which is legal, with slavery, which is illegal. Being under contract does not make you a slave.

07-17-09  05:38am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of GCode's Reply

I have not had any reply from customer support yet on my emailed problem. The site advertises 24/7 support, and that any email request will be handled within 48 hours. I sent my email yesterday morning, so it's been about 30 hours so far.
Actually, the counter for download bandwidth limit resets each day at Midnight EST (I read that somewhere inside the site.) So even though my notice of being banned from the site stated 15 hours of banishment, I was able to get into the site and download starting around 9pm PST. I found that by accident when I went to the site and hit a download button, and the stupid file started downloading (stupid, because I had already downloaded a previous copy of that particular photoset).
What really surprised me was that I downloaded that file, 43 MB, in only a few seconds. My download speed is only about 157 kb/s, so the computer somehow used the previous copy already on my PC, or some other copy that it stored in some temporary storage folder, to make that new file copy, even though it was being downloaded from the paysite.

Anyway, I will report what customer support tells me, if I get a reply. At some paysites, they advertise 24/7 email support, but the truth is that you don't get any response to your emails.

07-16-09  04:33pm

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