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N/A Reply of mbaya's Poll

As a consumer, I'd rather not have to worry about download limits. I'm more into pix than vids, so my daily downloading is normally less than 5 GB. But if I'm at a video site, and I download the high-res videos, the amount of downloading for a single day can easily exceed 12-15 GB. And that's with a slow connection (about 150 kbps). High-res video files are large, and use up a lot of bandwidth. Who wants to worry they will exceed the daily download limit and be denied access for 12-24 hours, or have to keep checking how much you have downloaded in a single day?

09-19-09  08:04am

Visit Sinful Comics

Sinful Comics
Reply of dilbert4100's Review

$39.95/month membership seems very high. Especially considering the lack of regular updates. Would have to be an extreme fan of the drawing style to consider being a member.

09-18-09  06:44am

Visit Aziani

Reply of Drooler's Comment

You keep coming up with all these off-the-wall sites. Don't mean this site specifically, but where are we supposed to come up with the money to try them all? :)

09-18-09  06:24am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of dracken's Comment

Could you be more specific about your complaint? I go along with pat362, in that when you sign up for 1 of the member sites, you are actually get a membership in a large number of sites. The specific number of sites you get might vary, I'm not an expert on this network, because the number of sites you get, and the names of the specific sites, is not always spelled out clearly when you join. But whether you join for 1 month, or the 3 month option, you do get a number of different sites in the network. And the 1-month fee, and the 3-month fee, for this membership is the the standard fee for this network. You are not being charged "extra" for the extra sites beyond Gag-n-Gape; the extra sites are included in the basic price of your membership.

09-17-09  08:31pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

We need to subpoena the PU business records to make sure these perps are legally in the United States. If not in the United States legally (or they are residing in some pinko country outside of the Red-White-and-Blue borders, we need to round them up in a secret kidnapping attack (authorized by the highest powers of the land), throw them into some foreign jail where they do not have constitutional rights, and waterboard them into confessing whatever crimes they may have committed. Right on for the American way of life, which protects its citizens against immorality. Americans for America, is what I always say, whenever I am asked if I am a patriotic son of a gun.

09-17-09  12:14am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Wittyguy said it best: I much prefer a single model by herself, or sometimes 2 models together. You get 3 or more models in a lineup, what's the point? I'd much rather be able to look at all of a single great-looking women, than a crowd of beauties where you can't really see much of anything except that you know the women are supposed to be beautiful, but the photograph doesn't really show their beauty. Nude or non-nude (Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition), I much prefer to focus on 1 woman (or 2 women, if there's a connection) at a time. It's all my mind can handle.

09-16-09  08:40am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I agree with Capn and several others that the new review format is a definite improvement. Since that choice is not available in the poll, I didn't vote.

09-13-09  11:59pm

Visit Zemani

Reply of Drooler's Review

This site is very much like a junior Met-art. Zemani has some very yummy models, but one problem is that when you find a yummy model here, she often will only have 1 or 2 photosets, so you are left hungry for more. Site started back in late 2006, and I'm glad they are adding the updates at a much faster rate now.

09-08-09  11:39am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

Personality can be as important as nice face and body. What's nice for face and body? There can be a wide range of what's appealing.

09-08-09  11:10am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of largeun's Reply

I read some reply or post at PU from a member that said if you email the billing agent, CCBill or epoch, requesting the same price for a membership to a site that U.S. members pay (the equivalent in euros if you live in Europe), the billing agent will sometimes give you the lower U.S. price. Or you could try an email to the paysite itself, requesting the lower price that U.S. members pay.

If you do a search on Threads for the word "regional", you come up with 10 different threads, at least some of which are directly on the topic of regional pricing:

Currency problems - protests does it - sometimes.

Sites that charge more in EUR than in USD

Regional Pricing

Currency traps and tricks

I don't know how much practical advice you will find if you read those threads, but maybe it would pay you to skim them. If nothing else, you will find that other PU members are as angry as you at having to pay higher prices than U.S. members pay.

09-04-09  08:57am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Variety is good. Pigtails is just one more way to style a model's hair. Nothing wrong with that. As far as making a model look younger, that really depends on the model. I don't go for the models that are in 20's or later who use stuffed toys and a lollipop; that just looks corny and unbelievable.

09-03-09  12:58pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

Wittyguy's answer is on the mark. I'm not saying all hardcore would disappear, but the balance would definitely shift to softcore, and that wouldn't be all bad. I wouldn't mind less "cumshots on the face, little anal sex, lots of sexy clothing, real dialogue, and real story lines." Maybe I'm not into sexy clothing as much as Wittyguy, but this guy is definitely thinking in the right direction.

09-01-09  04:36pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I think badandy400 is the purest form of porn addiction I've ever seen, but at least he seems to be enjoying it. Which is great. We've reached the next stage in human society: Porno Badandyicus.

08-28-09  08:11am

Visit Amour Angels

Amour Angels
Reply of Fingers's Review

It would take more time if you write your review in your native language, and then translate that review into English, but I believe the review would be more easily understood.

Welcome to PU, and you have written an interesting first review.

08-28-09  07:51am

Visit Kara Duhe

Kara Duhe
Reply of Drooler's Comment

If the two sites are the same price, and you get so much more quantity at the Ron Harris site, I don't know why anyone would join the Kara Duhe if they knew about the Ron Harris site carrying the Kara Duhe photosets.

But like you mention, to be satisfied with a membership at either site, you have to like the Ron Harris style of photography. You mention that a lot of pics are nearly the same pose. What bothers me more is his glossy style of photography. I can get bored with his glossy pictures very fast, for some reason, even though he has some very attractive models. That is why a site like Met-art, with a large number of contributing photographers, is so much easier to appreciate. Met-art has a huge number of attractive models, and the photographers can present them in photos that are worth looking at. Obviously not all photosets will be equally attractive to all viewers, but there is a wide selection of styles where you can find the photosets and models that appeal to you.

08-28-09  07:12am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of morgentau's Reply

The prices you show are much higher in Germany than in the US. You are being charged around 43% higher prices for the same membership (some memberships you are being charged an even higher premium than 43%).

The price offered through PU/TBP can have a slight discount from the regular price, depending on the membership option chosen):

United States prices:

1 month: $15.96/month recurring (billed every month at $15.96)
3 months: $9.59/month recurring (billed every 3 months at $28.76)
12 months: $6.66/month recurring (billed every 12 months at $79.96)

1 month: $19.17/month recurring (billed every month at $19.17)
3 months: $11.99/month recurring (billed every 4 months at $47.96)
12 months: $6.66/month recurring (billed every 18 months at $119.96)

So for the premium membership, even though it states a 3-month recurring membership, it's really a 4-month recurring membership.

So for the premium membership, even though it states a 12-month recurring membership, it's really a 18-month recurring membership.

08-28-09  06:39am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I look at the info to make the girl more real for me. But I realize that much of that info is made up by the site itself, and that it's not reliable. The age is often wrong or outdated. Area of birth can be wrong (doesn't agree with the country listed for the model at other sites she might be at). The physical description can be wrong: You often see girls' bra cup size wrong: an A cup is listed as a B or C cup, or described as large breasts, when the girl herself is flat-chested (an A cup). So if the physical description is made up, how accurate would the bio information be?

08-26-09  05:01am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of largeun's Comment

Why is that that all UK blokes love to get buggered so much? Is dry buggered better than wet buggered? At least in the US, if we are getting screwed, we say ouch (at least some of us, anyway).

Anyway, I agree that regional pricing is stupid and unfair. Glad to see some Brit members at PU, adds more flavor to the posts.

08-26-09  04:51am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of turboshaft's Review

Another great review. A wonderfully complete description of the site. Clear and easy to read.

08-23-09  08:38pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of Denner's Reply

I think of the idea of opening a new sister site as a marketing tool, to increase interest in the site (with the hope that more members will join) and with the possibility that the new sister site might be a source of added revenue. If you look at met-art and metmodels, that is what was done, I believe. The main purpose of metmodels was to increase the revenues (money) that was paid by potential members of met-art. Maybe the owners/operators of met-art and metmodels can claim some artistic or intellectual reasons for the creation of metmodels, but I think the basic reason was just to make more money. There is no real reason for metmodels to exist separately except for marketing purposes: The two sites are the same, except that metmodels is a site with far less content and a much smaller amount of updates. You join metmodels only if you want to see the additional photo-sets that are not posted on met-art. Personally, I don't have the extra money to join both sites, so I spend my money at met-art, which is the much more valuable site because of the massive content and frequent updates.

08-23-09  08:51am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of turboshaft's Comment

I am not a member, but I love giving my opinions, even when I know little about what I'm saying.
I do like eye candy, and the tour pages of inthecrack has some lovely models.
If the owners start a sister site, they could charge separately for the new sister site, or make membership in the new sister site part of the basic membership for inthecrack. There is obviously additional expense for opening a new, separate site, but the amount of content for a new site would probably be small, and even if current/former members of inthecrack really liked the Czech girl named Lexa for her looks, it doesn't seem likely the new sister site, by itself, would generate enough revenue to pay for its costs. Especially in the current economic downturn, when porn revenues are supposed to be dropping, and even major sites are supposed to be hurting financially.
So I think the best approach would be to offer membership in the parent site, inthecrack, and the new site (call it Lexa, for simplicity), for the same basic fee. And then, if the new site does become popular (measured by membership hits or whatever), the owners could possibly consider raising the membership fee, instead of spinning the new site off as separate membership fee.
Am I just spinning my wheels, or am I saying anything useful? Not really sure.
But even if the main focus of the new Lexa site is Lexa, I would assume she would have "guest" models on the site, because that is what many solo model sites seem to do. And if the sister site increases the amount of content available for your viewing pleasure, as long as the membership fee is not increased, I don't know why members would object to the new site.
Sorry, I don't really understand what your objection is to: Is it the creation of a new site, because you think the model Lexa will appear less frequently on the old site? Or is it that you wouldn't mind a new sister site, if they chose a good-looking model that did hardcore action instead of the mainly softcore Lexa? Or is it something else?

08-22-09  11:20pm

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of largeun's Reply

OK, UK. Like I said, go to the sign-up page, and check what prices are shown, then compare that to the PU/TBP prices shown.
Some regional members (outside the US) have found that if they are being offered higher prices than what are shown for US customers, if they contact the site and ask for the US prices, then a link or whatever is sometimes offered that will give them the lower US prices. Depends on the site. I don't have any personal experience with regional pricing, since I live in the US.

08-21-09  06:06am

Visit Sex Asian 18

Sex Asian 18
Reply of largeun's Comment

Yu Aizawa: 0 movies, 0 galleries at this site.
So no movies or photosets of her here.

There are plenty of hardcore videos at this site.
Most videos have the mosaic censorship, that's just part of normal Japanese porn. So you just have to get used to it. If it really bothers you, you can find some videos without the mosaic, but that is very limited material.

Regarding regional pricing: Go to the sign-up page to check what the pricing shown is for you. You don't state what area/region you are (is that a secret?), but when you see the prices shown on your signup page, you will know whether you would be charged regional prices by comparing those sign-up prices with the prices listed at PU/TBP.

There are both non-nude and nude photosets at this site. Depends on the model what is offered. This site obviously does not have all of the photosets for each model that are available thru other Internet sources. There is more focus on the videos at this site, but the photosets the site has are a nice bonus to the videos.

The daily download limit is generous. Unless you have a very fast connection, you will not be bothered by it too much. The trick is to download all your daily material into one folder, to keep track of your bandwidth usage. One separate folder for each day's download, to tell how much you are downloading.

08-21-09  05:58am

N/A Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

That's the kind of honesty I respect and admire. Probably the best answer yet.

08-20-09  08:33pm

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

I'm not sure about the accuracy of your statement regarding hunger and the 12 cum loads she swallowed. Cum might be like a Chinese meal, where you get hungry again soon after you finish eating. But I'm not really speaking from personal experience, I'm afraid (I'd be even more afraid if I was speaking from personal experience).

But making a 180 degree turn, I'd say that someone could have a relationship with a porn star like Marilyn Chambers, who was was still promoting her older videos at conventions. I only met her once at a glamourcon convention in LA, but she seemed warm, real and friendly. I don't know what she was like as a person (I can't read people that well to know how they will behave), but she seemed to be really nice and down to earth. I think and hope that a woman like she was could have a real marriage or real relationship with someone who cared for her. Maybe I'm a romantic, but she came across as a really nice person.

08-20-09  07:40pm

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