I don't know if the polls lead to great discussions, because the replies/comments are mainly short. But the polls seem to be popular, based on the number of members who vote, as well as post replies to the question asked. Like axel2001 states, some of the polls have interesting questions. And the answers can be interesting or humorous as well.
Also, it's nice to see that some of the ideas you have can be reflected in the opinions of other PU members.
1 TB external hard drives are now $100 or less. Anybody have any ideas on which is the best (most reliable, least prone to problems) regarding the model and manufacturer:
I have a hard time trying to delete old porn, even stuff that is real junk. It's much easier buying a new external hard drive. But I have to learn to delete some of the junky files on my drives, because I can't find the good stuff that's buried under all the files I don't even look at.
There's no problem if you want to sign up for 1 month. Just sign up for the 1-month recurring membership for $19.99, then cancel your membership before the month is over.
The site has a free trial 10-day membership with full access. Maybe you should have tried that first. It really can pay to read the TBP review for special offers, etc.
Sorry you wasted your money on a lousy site. But thanks for the heads up.
As far as I can remember, I have never been declined. But one of my credit card companies did contact me once about a payment to an adult site, because they thought it might be fraud. I told them the charge was valid. (I thought about lying, but who could I put the blame on for the charge? My brother, my sister, my mother or father? It was easier to say I was the one who did it, just like George Washington, chopping down the cherry tree.)
3 minutes should be plenty of time to get an idea of what the video offers. Actually, 1-2 minutes should be enough, but if the trailer is good, then maybe it's worth watching the entire clip.
All of the above factors have important weight in the value or eroticism or impact of a photograph. If you are a member of met-art, there are a huge number of photographers who have submitted their work to the site. They have used a large number of attractive models. But taking a picture is more than just snapping the button/knob/whatever on the camera. You want to capture an image, create an effect or impression, or do something that will have some value. A pretty model helps, but there's a lot more to a photograph than just the model, or even the model plus her makeup and costume and setting. There are entire books written on photography, college courses taught, etc. Some people are craftsmen or artists, others are hacks. The photography doesn't get much better than met-art, mplstudios, or femjoy (though I wish they would use more makeup on the models at femjoy).
Separately, but related, there is a creative element in photography, as well. A photograph of a lovely model can be boring or erotic. Part of this is in the mind of the viewer, but the photographer can create a picture that has meaning/impact/eroticism/whatever.
I really don't have a clear understanding of what is legal porn and what might be illegal porn.
Personally, I think the community standard test for porn is stupid. The entire community does not vote on whether the material is porn. A jury does not completely represent the community, because the jury is only a small sample from the community.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have the same problem of non-loading thumbs with Opera that I have with Firefox. I rarely use Internet Explorer browser, because I've heard so many complaints about security issues. There are security issues with Firefox and Opera, but I read about them much less often. But that is because Firefox and Opera are used by far less people than Internet Explorer, so the hackers concentrate on the most popular browser (Internet Explorer), and devote less time to hacking the other browsers. But there are security issues with all the major software (browsers, office applications, Adobe software, etc. etc.
If I knew more about PC software, I could probably get my PC to load the thumbnails in Firefox and Opera, but for now, non-loading thumbnails is something I just have to live with at some sites (other sites load the thumbnails with no problem, so it must be related to the server/software at the sites themselves as well as the software settings on my PC.
Personal psychology can be a funny thing. I've been a member of a few sites where I've had problems with the site (navigation, downloading, whatever), and after the problems, I don't bother using the site, even though my membership may have several more weeks left on it. I've paid for the use of the site, but don't use it because I got so frustrated that it just wasn't worth the bother.
For me, the link at TBP (and PU) to the site leads directly to the actual site, with no PDF file. The preview site itself has lots of hot links to different areas, as well as a small, short sample video that plays continuously. I don't see how they would put that into a PDF file without a lot of effort.
So my guess (and I'm no computer expert) is that this is a problem with your machine. I know that my own PC (and software) can give me problems viewing different sites, where sometimes I can't get the thumbnail pictures at different sites to load.
An apparently simple question, but to answer it completely, you would need to give a logical, thoughtful discussion. I don't have the time or energy or interest (or knowledge) to answer completely.
1. What is the sensation you experience when watching a porn scene?
That depends, to a large extent, on how well the scene is performed, how well it's shot. The simple truth is, most video porn is crap: poorly performed, poorly shot.
2. There is some good-to-great video porn out there, but it's much easier finding good-to-great pictures.
3. A very simple, not-very-good answer to the poll, for me, would be that sometimes the "making of a scene" that is done for box office movies that you get on some DVDs, or the commentary by the director/producer/actor/whatever, can add to the experience of watching a movie, whether porn or not, and can be interesting in itself.
4. Actually watching, in real life, the making of a porn movie could also be interesting. But hopefully the porn movie being made would be a good one, and not a piece of crap.
OneMan, I was trying to make a joke, which is why I wrote the word "joke" in parentheses in my reply. I guess the humor wasn't apparent. Maybe I should have used a smiley, instead. No big deal. :)
I've joined a few other networks, that have multiple site access for each network. At those networks, you can use your username and password to log in at any of the member sites of that network. But if it's easier for your programmer to use the method of a single entrypoint to the network instead of multiple entry points, it's a little less convenient, but no big deal.
What would be nice, as you point out, would be to make the hotlink for member access to Teen Mega World more visible. Just make the script/letters a larger size, so they are more prominent, and put it on a separate line by itself. I would think that would be very simple and easy to do. And the member entrance would then be much easier to see and notice and find.
OneMan, please don't be shy. If you liked my site review, feel free to say so in a positive way (joke). I really wouldn't mind hearing from people if my reviews are appreciated or not. You write a review, get no feedback, and wonder why bother writing.
Protecting Minors We are strong supporters of RTA and ICRA, two of the most recognized self labeling organizations. Our site is properly labeled to assist in the protection of minors accessing inappopriate content. For information about filtering tools, check this site.
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