I was a member a couple of years ago, so you can consider my information dated.
But there were very little tatoos on the models. Most girls are tatoo-free, the others are only modestly tatooed.
This is a mega-site for teens.
-5,600+ models
-1.4+ million pix
-1,400 vids
The quality of the pix is mainly good. The clarity (focus) of the pix is mainly good, the colors of the pix are mainly OK to good. The quality of the pix is not as good as Met-art or MPL Studios, but the quality is still decent for a lot of the pix.
The attractiveness of the models varies, but they do have a lot of the top European models on this site.
The vids I downloaded as a member were mainly soft core solo shoots of each model. There is hardcore on the site, both pix and vids, but as I said before, I'm not into vids that much because it's really hard to find attractively shot vids; quality photo shoots are just easier to make, for a variety of reasons: lighting, make-up, dialog (hearing these models speak destroys the illusion of glamor or style you want them to have), etc.
I do agree that the search feature is poor. I honestly do not know why these mega sites can not have a simple, easy to use search like met-art. Another problem is that different models can have the same name, which adds to the confusion. And the same model can have different names.
I think Teen Dreams is definitely worth joining at least once, to check out the massive collection of models, pix, and vids that are available.
But if you have specific desires that don't fit the simple criteria of a a mega teen site with a lot of pix and vids, then you are better off looking elsewhere to spend your time and money.
Disappointment mainly because the site does not live up to my expectations:
-There is lack of quality content.
-There is limited content.
-Some content I was expecting to see is not on the site.
-Site navigation problems. Hard to find the specific content I am looking for on the site.
-Download problems. Slow download speeds.
You can search for all photo sets of a model in an easier and simpler way than searching by updates for each individual year.
There is an Alphabetical Model list.
If you find a model that you like, and want to see what photo sets she has on Domai:
1. Go to the Alphabetical Model list.
2. Select the first letter of the model's name.
3. Scroll down to where the model's name is listed.
This will show the model's name, with hot links to each photo set she has on Domai.
There is a thumbnail of each model above the model's name, to help you identify the model.
(I didn't know whether to put this in a "reply" to this PU review, or to make this a separate comment, where it would be more easily visible, and thus more useful to PU members who do not know about the Domai Alphabetical Model list.)
Trying to look through a complete listing of each year's updates, to find the photo sets for a particular model, takes a lot of time and effort.
The Alphabetical Model list is really helpful, in searching for a model's photo sets.
$35 is a lot of money for a monthly fee. Would only join the site if the content was really exceptional. And then I would only join for one month, grab whatever the site offered, and not return for 6-12 months or more.
A cutoff doesn't make sense to me, because scoring is an individual issue. Does the site look good to me, is it worth the price to join? I read the reviews to get an idea of major pluses and drawbacks of a site. But what I want to know is whether the site contents are appealing to me (a matter of individual taste), how much content there is, are there any site problems (poor site navigation, download restrictions, other download issues, DRM, low-quality pix, low-quality vids).
The only thing I question is your opinion that there might be gentlemen on the PU site to read your review. The PU membership tends to lean towards the redneck/caveman/pervert persuasions.
This is a solid, detailed review. Very well written.
I'm not sure, after reading this review, why you are having doubts about "Re-Review Dilemma, opinions?".
It really sounds like two different people are writing under one name.
One writer is extremely focused, giving solid details and opinions.
The other writer has a strong OCDC (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Complex).
Hoping the split personality/two writers will learn to live with one another.
Again, this is a solid review, a nice addition to the PU site.
Actually, you have written a huge number of reviews, and all of the ones I've seen are excellent. You are one of the best reviewers on this site, so it makes little sense to question your reviews.
I've seen some pretty stupid-looking goggles that girls were wearing in some photoshoots. But instead of having her eyes closed, this way the girl can better see what she's doing. So, designer goggles is the way to go. Maybe the idea will catch on, and I can get an early copyright and make some money.
The important thing is taking care of the models, so they are not the walking wounded. We need professional standards in the world of porn.
Sorry, I was not thinking that clearly when I replied to your concerns about downloading software safely.
What I wrote before, about being safe with downloading software, is true and good advice.
But you do need to download software from Virtua Girl HD if you want to enjoy/view some of their video files.
Virtua Girl HD is a well-known porn site.
The software that you download from that site, to play their specially encoded visual files, should be safe.
I would still scan the downloaded software from that site, with an anti-virus program, but you should be safe downloading and installing the program to play their specially encoded visual files.
I would have edited my original reply, to include this further opinion, but that reply can't be edited after a few minutes have passed since the original posting.
If a site has good material, then it can be worth joining for a month, even tho the site does not update.
After that month, when I've had the chance to download everything I want from the site, there's no longer any reason to be a member. Especially since the site is not updating.
It would be helpful if you gave the site URL that you are referring to.
As for viruses and other malware, most PC experts advise not to download software from a site that you do not thoroughly trust. And even then, if you download software from a site that you do trust, you should scan it with an anti-virus program that you have kept updated on your PC.
Also, before you download any software, it's a good idea to do a Google search on that specific software, to see if there are any commonly known problems with that software.
There's a lot of malware besides viruses, and once your PC gets infected with this malware, it can be easy or very hard to get rid of the malware.
Anyone connected to the Internet needs a currently updated anti-virus program plus a firewall. And even that is just the start of trying to be safe.
Color of hair doesn't really matter, as long as it looks natural.
But a lot of redheads photograph with odd-looking hair color. Don't know if that's something to do with photography, poor dye job, or what.
Natural tongue and fingers are the best toys.
Then maybe a plastic penis.
Natural is better than plastic or phony, less obtrusive.
But for girl on girl, a dildo can fit into the action.
Too much emphasis on toys takes away from the impact of the action.
In your original (updated) comment, you asked that people don't tell you what you already know. So you can skip my reply to you as you like, because I am not an expert on email.
You ask if people have noticed an increase in spam.
Personally, I have not. The increased spam you have seen lately is far beyond what I get in my email boxes.
Even accounting for your 3 email addresses, for public, personal, and business, you are getting a large amount of spam. I've had one main email address for over 10 years, and I don't get anywhere near the spam you are reporting, in sexual, career, or other types of spam.
Somehow your email addresses got into the spam databanks.
So like I suggested before, either you get a really good filter, which will direct almost all the spam to a spam box, or you get new email addresses. I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that once you're in the spam databases, you're screwed, because the spam will not go away in the future, as long as those "infected" or "exposed" email addresses are current.
I still have a few old Playboy and Penthouse magazines. But I don'r really consider them porn. I wouldn't say that I hide them, but then again, they are not out in the open, but put in a closet with no lock.
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