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Visit Glamour Models Gone Bad

Glamour Models Gone Bad
Reply of TrashMan's Review

The way to get the best value for the buck involving this site, in my opinion is to join through Crissy Moran's site at the 90 day price. You get this site, the Amateur Models Gone Mad site, Crissy's site, where they are posting excellent vids of Crissy weekly that I've never seen before (many are being cross-posted on this site) and several other bonus sites that have limited material.

If you like Crissy Moran at all I would recommend going for this site by joining hers.

02-18-09  07:58pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I really don't let other people dictate to me which sites I will or won't join. Reading reviews and comments are part of the information that I take in when deciding whether or not to join. Scores don't really matter that much to me. I'm more interested in the content of the review or comment in influencing my decision. But ultimately it's my decision, cause it's my credit card.

02-18-09  07:53pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of exotics4me's Comment

Teendreams has content of her under the name Sara - does Teendreams have any models under the same name as other sites?

02-18-09  07:50pm

Visit Zoliboy

Reply of exotics4me's Comment

One unfortunate thing is that Sophie Moone is retired now, so her site is no longer updating. But you're right, if you're interested in 21st Sextury material, you can benefit greatly by checking out to say what you're going to get when joining each site - then you make your choice fully informed.

02-14-09  10:18pm

Visit Suicide Girls

Suicide Girls
Reply of Wittyguy's Comment

I have yet to find a vid that is not akin to something that someone would post randomly to You Tube as opposed to anything that was intended to be sexy.

If there are any sexy vids on this site, I have yet to see them. The pics are hot though.

02-13-09  10:09pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

The problem with non-updating sites is that, even if the material is new to you, you're more likely to be dealing with a site that is being run as "Look Ma, no hands!", so not only will there be no updates, but no customer service, navigation that's breaking down, etc. So I'd be rather wary.

02-10-09  10:03pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I can think of girls I like that have every hair color. You gotta be careful with crazy colors, though I like 'em sometimes. There's a tall Asian babe I'm thinking of that looks fabulous with long straight black hair with little flairs of bright pink or purple.

02-06-09  10:22am

Visit Danni.com

Reply of xyzzy's Comment

I had cookies enabled while I remained a member, so I never had a problem getting back in, though I hadn't received any confirmation e-mail when I joined and didn't write it down, expecting to receive a confirmation e-mail.

I sent them a frustrated e-mail when I was going to cancel and got a very quick response - so I found the Customer Service here good from that respect.

02-06-09  08:48am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Poll

A toy itself is not all that attractive, but what a sexy woman can do wth them - oh, yeah!

Personally, I find tongues and fingers hotter generally than plastic or glass implements, but if you get to see a sexy woman's face reacting to the pleasure that she is getting from using a plastic or glass toy or her boobs and/or ass is bouncing with the rhythm of the thrusts - that can be hot stuff.

All you got to do is watch a cookie-cutter Vivid flick to see how un-sexy it can be to watch 2 humans fuck and it's clear that good or bad porn can be made with all the advantages or all the disadvantages depending on the sexiness and creativity of the people doing the work.

02-03-09  07:31pm

Visit Jack's Teen America

Jack's Teen America
Reply of TrashMan's Review

If you like Digital Playground material, joining DigitalPlayground.com is a much better deal. Frequent updates of a range of their material, including the Jack's stuff, with lots of photo set updates as well as vids. They don't allow downloading of scenes, though, it's all streamed - and the streamed display is decent, though not great. They also rotate material out without warning. And if you're joining to see Pirates, well it's not there.

I think when I joined Digital Playground, it was $19.95/month, then I was going to leave after 1 month and they offered me the site at $10/month. I stuck around a while. Then I got bored and they rotated out my favorite scenes - Nautica Thorn from the first and second Mission Teen America's - so I really had no reason to stick around since I've never been a big fan of Jesse Jane - and they're producing so much stuff that's just not hot.

01-31-09  07:38am

Visit Pix and Video

Pix and Video
Reply of morgentau's Reply

Joining one of the "second-tier" sites in the network, such as MandyIsKinky (I don't know about Lez Cuties) also starts you off with many more bonus sites - then you add 2 more each month.

01-30-09  06:55am

Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network
Reply of ControllingMind's Review

I joined this site, since it was $10/month at the offer I saw. It's got scenes with such faves of mine as Kacey Jordan, Jenavieve Jolie, Jenna Haze & Veronique Vega. There are over 100 scenes so far. When it went open widely, it already had quite a bit of material. I haven't found the downloading to be slow. I do have a problem with their pic navigation. They have the Brazzers-style thing of having a set of pics with every scene, but you can only navigate through them as BMP files, for some reason, unless you download the zip, which isn't the harshest solution in the world.

They do need to either start updating 3 times a day or stop claiming to be updating 3 times a day.

The scenes are comparable to Brazzers. They have more variety in that they're not all built around every guy saying, "My god, you've got big tits!" while every girl says, "My god, you've got a big dick!"

01-29-09  06:02pm

N/A Reply of TalonIcefire's Poll

It depends on what you're talking about.

Is fisting still shocking? To some people, for sure. But it is presented by a number of sites, such as ALS Scan as quite erotic.

If you're talking about stuff involving vomit or shit, well, that's just a turn-off as far as I'm concerned.

Of pat's list above,

Beastiality - not interested in the fucking least!
BDSM - quite arousing at times. I love the stuff that Bruce Seven did. Jules Jordan can get to that level at times. Kink.com aims for that tradition, but they don't achieve the same level of eroticism - hard to follow the masters sometimes.
Gang gangs - again, sometimes quite hot - Stephanie Swift's gang bang from years ago is one of my fave porn DVD's
torture - no, no, no - beyond a turn-off, I find it truly upsetting
scat - not interested in the least
watersports - I like ALS pee scenes often, so it depends how it's presented
squirting - funny stuff. I enjoy when the girl is surprised and delighted, as they often are when real squirting is involved, followed by "Oh, my god, get me a towel quick!" lol
Weird sexual positions - mmmm - Lil Lexie, who was Kimmie on Summer's site years ago, is a former gymnast. I love when she masturbates while standing on her head with her legs splayed open - hot, hot, hot!

01-27-09  06:03pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of messmer's Comment

Well, the good news for you is that ALS Scan has made a no-lollipop, hairy leg pledge - so all the lovers of French girls will be happy.

But the watermarks in the corners are there - I find them quite unobtrusive, personally - they're up in the corner, don't interfere with the images

Oh, and I'm lieing about the hairy stuff and the no-lollipop stuff.

01-26-09  05:57pm

Visit Sandy Summers

Sandy Summers
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

I just did my review of the site - check it out. I'll be interested to see yours.

01-22-09  06:14pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

You know, the set-up could flat-out stink, I suppose, and the setting could be some flea-trap that is just too utterly distracting, but other than that, I'm not too worried about it. The fact is that most porn that aims to be "like Hollywood pictures" fails miserably, in my opinion. I prefer the stuff that is more light-hearted and suggests a story then delivers hot sex. If I want serious content, there's a lot of serious content available. If I'm looking at porn, I'm looking at porn because I want to see hot sex.

One thing I hate about Vivid is that they hire so many people that don't seem to like porn. They want to do other things and they suck so they can't do other things and so they do porn - and they do shitty lame-ass porn with pretensions to be other than porn.

One thing I like about the gonzo stuff - and especially the good gonzo stuff like Jules Jordan & company is that they want to do porn and they focus on making it hot.

01-21-09  06:54pm

Visit Sandy Summers

Sandy Summers
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

I added a comment to the review that you're commenting about. Something about the review flat-out stank, in my opinion, so I double checked since my membership to this site is about to eclipse.

This bit about "bonus stes have been added" - where? Click on the "Bonus" page on this site and it is completely blank.

I asked the reviewer to ezplain the comment, but I don't expect him to. I think it was a BS advertisement and not a review, which is too bad, since this is a good site and deserves to be given kudos for it's actual merits and not to be overly hyped by BS advertisements posing as reviews.

01-20-09  05:50pm

Visit Sandy Summers

Sandy Summers
Reply of KWH1071's Review

One thing I've got to point out that adds to the questionable nature of this review is the comment about "bonus sites and other features have been added."

I'm currently a member. My membership is about to elapse. There is a "Bonus" page, but when I click on it, it is blank - there is no "bonus" content. Please explain what you mean by your comment.

Otherwise I've got to conclude that this is a BS advertisement instead of an honest review.

There is a lot good about this site and it doesn't need to be overly hyped.

01-20-09  05:46pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

What I think of when I see the term "Lost" sets are sets that were not released at the time that the model was at her "hottest" or most in acclaim and then the web-master didn't think about her again for a long while. That certainly happens with ALS Scan. They shoot a LOT of material and their releases are guided by member feedback as well as the desires of the owner/director Alex. So it's easy for him to get more involved in releasing sets of newer models and have a stash of stuff that he shot of models that people stopped talking about - and then some member will e-mail him about "how come we never saw that one girl's set where she was sticking gum balls in her pussy?"

And he's say "Oh, yeah! I totally forgot about that! I'll put it on the schedule!"

It's not lost, it's just forgotten and never released.

01-16-09  10:27pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Are there really people in this forum that are into porn as a rebel act? I once watched one of those talk-show things on porn - must have been in the mid-80's. There was a right-wing clergy-man, Andrea Dworkin, who was a well-known anti-porn feminist and Bill Margold. At one point, Bill Margold starts turning red and screaming at the clergy-man "It's your fault! You and all the repressive right-wing types are why there's a porn industry!" I thought it was truly weird that the guy that was there to claim that porn was not a problem was taking this line - and seemed really serious about it, given how upset he was.

01-12-09  08:56pm

Visit Vivid

Reply of mbaya's Reply

They've got such a big name in the industry because of their stars - they've shelled out to have the hottest contract girls - and wasted the opportunity by churning out crap so they could have a constant stream of stuff out there for business people to rent in hotel rooms - at least that's my theory. It's amazing to think what people with talent could have done with their contract girls. Such a waste.

01-11-09  09:24pm

Visit Danni.com

Reply of Monahan's Reply

In terms of Customer Service responsiveness, I've got to say that I've found Danni.com to be quite responsive - 5-10 minutes after filling out a form on their site, I had a response.

01-11-09  09:18pm

Visit Teen Dreams

Teen Dreams
Reply of Denner's Comment

For pics fans, they did make a nice change this month so that you can click on a photo-set and click next to progress from pic to pic. They had never had that before now.

01-08-09  10:21pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Reply

Well, Danni blew it on the lack of auto-e-mail confirmation, but I can't fault them on their Customer Service responsiveness. When I e-mailed them, they responded in 5 minutes.

Unlike Private.com, where not a soul has responded to me in several weeks and at least a dozen attempts by me to get a response through their site and an e-mail address where they had reponded to me on another matter - they are just thieves, I'm sorry to say. They're up there with the crap=heads that run MyaDiamond.com

01-05-09  06:11pm

Visit Vivid

Reply of atrapat's Reply

I'm a pic fan and this site will drive you bat-shit if you're a pic fan.


Well, the resolution on their pics has improved over the past few years, but get this - the pics on Vivid's site are smaller than the pics that you'll find that purport to be samples of the pics on Vivid's site - that's a flat-out rip-off, in my book.

The pics on the site are very poorly organized.

Think of what they could be doing - they've got their stars. They're doing promo photo-shoots. They're doing shoots at events.
They're doing "action" pics during filming. They're doing BTS shots.

They could be organizing things in various category by star by movie name and by event. But instead everything is a freaking mish-mash.

You can find galleries by star name that are a mish-mash of stuff, mainly action pics from filming, many of them very repetitive, poorly shot crap.

You can find galleries by movie name that are a mish-mash of stuff, mainly action pics from filming, many of them very repetitive, poorly shot crap.

I've joined for a month at a time a few times over the last few years. They wore me down with the frustration level. I seriously doubt that I'll be joining again ever.

01-05-09  05:50am

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