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Erotic Beauty

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Partner: Met Art Money 2

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Feedback History  (25)

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Review by TheBestPorn:

TBP Review

Date: 03-06-18

Type: 2.0

+  Thousands of Hi-Res Photo Sets
+  New Exclusive Galleries Added Daily

User Reviews (9)

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LKLK (0) 02-09-21  05:45am
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lk2fireone (0) 05-16-19  01:29am
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LadyLover (0) 01-31-18  08:25pm
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skippy (0) 09-23-12  05:17pm
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tangub (0) 03-09-11  06:18am
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nutcrackr (0) 06-06-09  03:25am
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hondaman (Suspended) 11-13-08  08:19pm
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jd1961 (0) 12-03-07  03:48am
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Drooler (Disabled) 06-17-07  12:01pm
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Status: Review is over 2 years old and no longer counts toward score.
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User Comments (11)

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skippy (0) 09-23-14  06:39pm
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It's all B roll!

I rejoined EB as part of a special with Watch4Beauty. The EB site has had a slight freshening, but I'm not terribly impressed with the most recent content. First, it is all "B" roll! It seems as though these are sets of slightly less attractive models or, if mainstream models, slightly lesser quality sets. So they may not have been good enough for the main site, Met Art, when they were taken. Second, it is an odd collection of old and new sets. I recognize several models that retired back around 2008 or earlier and here they are in "new releases" this month with different names and the exact same look. A few models have sets from 2007 and new sets in 2014 and they look exactly the same...because they are old sets just being released now. (To their credit, EB lists the age of the model when the sets were taken, but I don't think those ages are accurate.) That usually only happens because the set was not rated very highly back when the model was popular but now, what the heck, who cares, release it! Fourth, some sets of once popular models might be a bit off because when these sets were taken, these models were very near retirement. There are a few sets where I looked at the model, recognized her and although she was still very attractive, she was several years older than she was at her peak. My typical male reaction was "Wow, what happened? She used to be really hot!" There is nothing that reminds you that YOU are getting old more than images of a favorite model showing that SHE is getting old. Depressing. There are also a few sets from the time before a popular model perfected her look. A lot of eastern European girls took a little time to perfect their looks and some of these sets are the "before" pictures. And lastly, releasing a set in 3 parts is positively annoying. There is no reason for this other than to string us along and get more money. Many Met Art sets have 120-160 images in them. These EB sets usually have 40-60 images spread over 2-3 or more pages of 20 images a page. They either do that to minimize load on their servers, or to make it look like there are more images. Either way, its a really cheap trick!

This site is still better than a lot of others out there, but it is really unfortunate when a good site goes mediocre.

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tangub (0) 03-29-14  05:02pm
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Still updating daily but.....

In recent months they have been splitting their photo sets up in to 2 or 3 parts so instead of a complete photo set every day you now only get a half or third of a photo set for your daily update and usually have to wait 1 to 2 weeks to complete the set. A disappointing development for one of my once favourite sites.

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Denner (0) 08-23-13  08:56am
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The former input about this?

Just a simple question: What happened to the earlier input about this site - and the One Dollar Offer????

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lk2fireone (0) 10-04-12  08:35am
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No more email confirmations of subscription data?

I signed up for Metart and Erotic Beauty yesterday morning. The processor was CCBILL, a well known agent.

What's surprising to me is that I did not receive any confirming email with my subscription details.

I wrote down my username and password, as well as the credit card I used. With my sometimes spotty memory, that's for safety's sake.

But I was surprised I did not get any confirming email with my subscription details.

If you forget your username and password, or the details on your subscription, you can look them up at CCBILL online.

But to get the details on your subscription on the internet, you need to have 2 out of 3 pieces of information:

1. The email address you used to sign up with.

2. The credit card number you used to sign up with.

3. The subscription number you were given.

Since I did not get a subscription number assigned to me when I signed up, I was able to use my email address and credit card number to find my subscription details at CCBILL online.

But I am really surprised I did not get a confirmation email on my subscription details. Especially from a company like CCBILL.

I have checked my email inbox. And I checked the spam folder for that email address.

No email confirmation.

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Vegas Ken (0) 02-16-12  11:19am
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Special $14.97 price in this weeks Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

We have gotten a limited time special price of $14.97 for Erotic Beauty. The special deal will be launched in the newsletter this friday, February 17, 2012.

On a side note, we will also be giving away $200 in prizes in ths weeks newsletter as well, so if you are not recieving and reading our newsletter, join up today!

As always, Thanks for using our site!!!

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RLane (0) 01-26-12  12:29am
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Name change?

Did they get a new buyer and is that why they changed it? How much different is it from the past look? I'm not happy with the change, for the price isn't $14.99 anymore.

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RLane (0) 12-11-11  02:05pm
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How much do they update in a month? I want to know because it's been a bout a year since I last joined them.

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gregdd (0) 12-03-10  11:17am
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First Class Ass

Damn fine site! You could write a book on the amazing variety of erotic beauty on this site and how well it's presented through the images and videos available. Classy and professional -- something you rarely find with today's porn sites.

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TalonIcefire (0) 01-09-09  03:47pm
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It's no MET Art...

MET Models sells itself as the highlights or special emphasis of MET Art. While the photo sets are good, the model naming convention and site navigation leave much to be desired. Available download content is a lot lower than MET Art, which may be good or bad depending on your focus. Overall, I will be returning in 6 months for site updates.

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mbaya (Disabled) 11-15-08  10:32am
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dvds and cds

I see the site sells both dvds and cds. Has anyone seen them? Are they worth buying?

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      Site Name (Reviews) Score TBP
1. MetArt (0) N/A 95.5
2. Erotic Beauty (0) N/A 93.5
3. The Life Erotic (0) N/A 92.0
4. Errotica Archives (0) N/A 91.5
5. Sex Art (0) N/A 91.0
6. ALS Scan (0) N/A 90.0
7. Viv Thomas (0) N/A 89.0
8. MetArt Network (0) N/A 88.0
9. Met Art X (0) N/A 86.0
10. Eternal Desire (0) N/A 85.0

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