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Tree Rodent (0)
351-400 of 708 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Page 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Next Page > |
10-19-10 06:36am - 5252 days | #19 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I second Pat's suggestion of seconding my opinion! The reason I do this Denner, is because I suspect your computer has a cd cutter but not a dvd cutter. I could be totally wrong about this. It's just mine has a cd/dvd drive marked but only a cd cutter. You need to find out first of all whether you have a dvd cutter on there. Newer computers all now have dvd cutters on them. My current one is now about three years old but did not have a dvd cutter installed. Then you need a burning software like Nero. I am sure your dvd player will be ale to play genuine mpeg2. It is always complicated to start with. As an older non techno whiz kid sort of person, I find it all takes a lot of getting used to. Edited on Oct 19, 2010, 06:40am | |
10-18-10 09:07am - 5253 days | #16 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Before you do that Denner, try converting a file to mpeg2 because some dvd players will not play avi but they will play mpeg2. You will always need software that will burn dvd's, plus hardware that will cut them, as well as a programme that will convert them to mpeg2. If you convert a file to mpeg2, then burn it, your present dvd players should play it. | |
10-16-10 08:58am - 5255 days | #7 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Try and use Any Video Converter to convert a wmv file to dvd(pal) or mpeg2. When you open AVC, on the top right there is a profile tab which if you click it has all the options. Then add the file you wish to convert, which you can do by looking at the options on the top left. See if you can convert to mpeg2 or dvd (pal). The output file should appear under its own folder under the Any Video Converter folder that the system creates for you. I am in Europe so therefore I convert to mpeg2, which plays on my tv. The dvd (pal) option should also play in dvd players. Some dvd players will not play avi files so I always convert to mpeg2. | |
10-16-10 07:32am - 5255 days | #5 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Yep. Pat is right about the burning software. Cucusoft has burning software within it, but Any Video Converter doesn't. So you will have to purchase something like Nero if you want to use AVC. However you also have to make sure your computer will physically be able to cut dvd's. Some of the ones from two or three years ago will only cut cd's. If that is the case you will have to buy an external dvd cutter, that will physically cut them. You have to have both the burning programme and the hardware to pysically cut them. It's one of the mistakes I first made when trying to do this. I had Cucusoft containing the software to convert and then burn, but my computer did not have the lazer burner capable of cutting anything except cd's, so I had to buy an external one, which is quite cheap. | |
10-15-10 09:10am - 5256 days | #2 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I've always been a dimwit sort of guy as far as technology goes. I'm usually a couple of years behind everyone else so by the time I finally catch up I'm already two years out of date. I use either Cucusoft or Any Video Converter. Cucusoft is not free but AVC is. Both of those along with newer software, that other more up do date members will be aware of, will do the trick. As long as you have a dvd burner on your computer you will be able to burn dvd's. If not you will have to buy an external one. Newer computers have dvd burners already installed so it will soon be almost as easy as cutting cd's. To play on your tv usually involves converting files to mpeg2. In addition you also have to make sure the format is pal for Europe and not ntsc. Edited on Oct 15, 2010, 09:24am | |
10-06-10 11:43am - 5265 days | #11 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Agree with messmer too. All the talking and waffling time could be used for a slow strip. It's the talking, acting, waffling that pisses me off, but a slow strip is part of the action. I just want the action, forget the plot. | |
10-06-10 09:52am - 5265 days | #8 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Totally agree with Denner. This is the reason I prefer little plot and little build up. This is at odds with those members who want lots of plot. The reality is, it's males and females who are paid to have sex on camera, so might as well get on with it. I far prefer that to some of the fast forward rubbish that takes up computer space and time. If they were actors they'd be acting. | |
09-15-10 05:14pm - 5286 days | #12 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
This may be completely coincidence since I am UK and use BT. Also the hours are different. But I have had the same problems in the afternoon to early evening, which I know are the early hours of the morning through to the early hours of the afternoon in US and Canada. So it shouldn't be related at all, but some sites just seem to stick without loading. | |
09-10-10 12:55pm - 5291 days | #65 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Wittyguy touches on something very profound and is something I have been trying to say in a clumsy sort of way. If at the heart of Islam is a people who consider stoning for adultery, and murdering someone for something they said, as just, then on no account do I respect that religion, or the people, and imo, nor should civilized society. If however there are what we could consider to be moderate muslims out there, now would be the time to stand up and say something, because the impression is of a people who support uncivilized behaviour and disgusting acts. If there are muslims against the fatwa and stoning there is some hope. If the religion has been hijacked by radicals, but the people on the ground believe in the religion but not the barbaric acts of their leaders and radicals there is hope. It all depends on whether there are a number of moderates who genuinely do not support the fatwa or stoning. That is the heart of the matter. Because if the people as a whole support the fatwa and the stoning, neither they nor the religion deserve any respect whatsoever. | |
09-10-10 05:42am - 5291 days | #60 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I have to say I'm with Graymane on this one. Like me he has probably gone from being an angry young man to angry old man. There are forms of barabarism, torture, and inhumanity that turn the stomach, but when a whole nation or large part of a nation or religion supports this sort of behaviour, there should not be understanding. We should not be understanding, we should be condemning. I have been against the death penalty for a number of years. Even a majority of Americans do not support the death penalty so long as life means life. That means at least if there is an horrendous mistake or injustice, at least it can be undone to a certain extent. I do not believe there is justice as the rich get better or favourable justice than the poor. That Americans have the death penalty should be condemned by civilized nations. However the amount of disgusting crimes carried out by muslim nations which are supported by the people shows what a danger to our society these uncivilized people are. It is why I brought up the Salman Rushdie fatwa. You will find very few muslims who will condemn this. They may avoid the question, or try to talk around it, but they will not say they are against it. Come to think of it I cannot remember one single muslim who has ever spoken out against the Salman Rushdie fatwa. Not one. One other thing to remember. The original Afghanistan invasion came after Christians had been arrested for distributing bibles. Their fate did not look good. I'm not a Chrisitian, but I remember the disgust I felt, along with others, for the treatment of those people, and something needed to be done. I still feel that way. I was one who celebrated the invasion of Afghanistan. Going in and getting bad people is costly in lives and money. The UK and US governments couldn't care less about innocent people. They have done what they have done because of oil and money. That I understand. But I still enjoyed the invasion of Afghanistan. Stoning a woman to death for adultery? NO! But this is Islam and what it stands for. Do I care about the inhumanity and devastation caused to their countries by UK and US troops, fighting an illegal war for phony reasons? I shall be honest. No. I am one of the few who liked the idea of the koran burning. It would have given a refresher course on what these people are like when they consider their religion has been insulted. We are disciples of the devil as far as that religion is concerned. That is how they think of us. If disciples of the devil are against stoning a woman to death for having sex, I know where I stand. Okay Rick and Khan. By this time beads of sweat will probably be forming on your brow. I shall shut up now. If the post is too close to the knuckle for your liking then you may have to remove it, but along with Graymane I had to register my disgust. The world cannot and should not stand by and watch disgusting atrocities committed. I know we do all the time. It is the lack of ability to do anything about it that makes us all angry. Edited on Sep 10, 2010, 06:21am | |
09-04-10 06:37am - 5297 days | #46 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
This hit the British news again last night. More than half New Yorkers are against the mosque. They had one man whose son had been killed. He said that when it all happened, Iraq, Iran. the middle east, all of the muslim world were cheering, muslims killed his son, so they shouldn't have a mosque at Ground Zero. They had an alternative view from a muslim who had lost a muslim relation too. Yes, muslims were also killed. My view is with the majority of New Yorkers. Ground Zero is a monument to the dead who were killed by muslims. That doesn't mean all muslims supported what happened but I would love to see Ground Zero considered a monumnet to those who died, with their loved ones being made custodians of the area. They should have the last say. There appeared to be very strong feelings against the mosque. | |
08-29-10 09:04am - 5303 days | #43 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Hodoyathink - Yes I have met them. Have even been to school with a few, some years ago. They always seem very quiet, very rational, until they start talking about things like insults to their religion. Then it's justified homicide. Maybe they are not all like that. The worrying thing is, some try to avoid questions about what we would consider uncivilized behaviour. They then start to talk about understanding their religion. Try to get them to disagre or condemn murder and they wont. I agree media is very good at distorting the truth. So I am hoping not every single muslim agrees with the Rushdie fatwa or killing a cartoonist who draws allah. I don't think you are mean. You should be asking these sort of questions. I don't mind at all. I know members here are saying what they believe and I respect them for that. They are not trying to stir up trouble. I really really hope that their view which is more optimistic than mine, is closer to the truth. Edited on Aug 29, 2010, 09:08am | |
08-28-10 12:53pm - 5304 days | #39 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Yeah I completely agree with that. | |
08-28-10 10:01am - 5304 days | #37 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
LOL that is a GREAT idea. It also brings me back to some of the points made in this thread. Yes, tons of atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, and some have been covered up in the name of religion. In the modern world the people protest against that behaviour and consider it disgusting and uncivilized. The difference with muslims is, their people seem to wholeheartedly support those atrocities. That is why I brought up the Salman Rushdie thing. Yes muslims seem quiet and civilized. Ask them about the Salman Rushdie fatwa or kiling someone for drawing a cartoon of their allah. This is the worrying thing. Their reaction to what they see as an insult to their religion is intolerant, dangerous, and disturbing. It is indeed like the religious dark ages where people were burnt and tortured. I don't believe America or Britain are free countries. A lot of things are censored in the name of decency and fear of causing offense. I really feel for those people who are trying to get over 9/11 and then have a mosque built on, or next door to, their loved ones memorial. It is a real kick in the guts for them. But yes, it probably will happen. Some will not be hurt by it, but some will. I find it brutal and disgusting. I really feel sorry for those people. Edited on Aug 28, 2010, 11:31am | |
08-28-10 08:37am - 5304 days | #2 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Some good ideas elephant. I have always thought there is a place for quality, and decent customer service. One of my concerns is the way American Vice folded. Can quality and good customer service survive in the current market? The Henry Ford quote of "sell to the masses, eat with the classes. Sell to the classes, eat with the masses," by Yariana on another thread holds some truth even though it must be over half a century old. Edited on Aug 28, 2010, 08:41am | |
08-26-10 03:14pm - 5306 days | #30 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I am thinking how the loved ones of the dead may be thinking. Some may find it okay, but if it hurts those who are left I think it is very insensitive. I am distant from what happened, but what I feel is those who had loved ones killed in that tragedy should be the ones to decide. If it causes more pain it should not be allowed on moral grounds. That is just my opinion. I would love the opinions of those connected with those who died to count. I hope on compassionate grounds they are able to have the last word and be able to decide. In many ways it is their place and a memorial/monument for those who died. I would hate to see more misery created for them. I truly hope a number of muslims do not support the Rushdie fatwa. The 9/11 thing was extremists, but if what are considered moderate muslims support the fatwa, that tells us something very profound about muslims and their religion. | |
08-26-10 06:05am - 5306 days | #26 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I am hoping there are more muslims around like hodayathink describes. What really settled it for me years ago was the reaction by muslims to the Rushdie fatwa. They were what you would consider to be decent normal muslims in Britain. They were asked about the fatwa on Rushdie, and not one would condemn it or speak against it. Instead they started talking about being understood and seeing it from their side and being a muslim. It doesn't matter how you look at it, killing someone for something they say goes against what we consider to be civilized. That is the difference how I see it. Fundamental nutter Christians are condemned by their fellow countrymen, same goes for Ku Klux Klan. The difference is the muslim people as a whole appear to support killing people for what they say, or drawing their allah god, or stoning someone to death for adultery. It doesn't look like they condemn it like we do as civilized people, rather they wholeheartedly support that sort of behaviour. I hope this is an incorrect view. I would suggest building a mosque within view of Ground Zero is an insult to those who died and their loved ones. For me that would be a good guideline. Next door or on Ground Zero = not acceptable. It's not whether muslims are all terrorists, it is what that mosque represents. It's a kick in the teeth for the dead and their loved ones. It will cause more hurt. They have been through enough. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 06:14am | |
08-25-10 05:12pm - 5307 days | #20 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I think sometimes we SHOULD have a problem assimilating foreign people and ideas. Take muslims for example. Being a muslim is more important to them than their country. They are muslim first. Looking at the example of the Salman Rushdie fatwa, they put out an order to kill him for something he said. I do not want the idea that it is okay killing someone for something they say, being assimilated into my country. This is why I regard them as dangerous and do not want them in my country. It's time we showed a little less understanding and tolerance towards that line of thinking. I consider they are centuries behind civilized behaviour. Their sort of thinking and ideas are so alien to us they are a danger to our people. Lade edit - yes I am aware that Islam is a religion, not a race or people. But the last thing we should be doing is accepting foreign muslims whose ideas are centuries behind civilized thinking. Kill someone for drawing something? I think we need a little less tolerance and a little more condemnation. Edited on Aug 25, 2010, 05:19pm | |
08-25-10 03:32pm - 5307 days | #18 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I would regard the building of a mosque as an insult to those who died, and I would expect quite a few of those connected would feel the same. To avoid the insult, the mosque shouldn't be built. It seems if you insult their people and their god they kill you, and consider they have the right to do so. Building a mosque at Ground Zero I regard an insult to those who died, to the American people, and the Christian god. Personally I hate all religion, so am not arguing from an alternative religious point of view. I think of the insult and hurt it would cause those who have already been through such pain. They start to heal and this sort of thing happens. It is similar to the pain caused by letting the Lockerbie bomber go. It's time we started protecting and supporting our own, and being more sensitive to our own people rather than being politically correct and bending over backwards for those who hate our guts. The Lockerbie decision looked to be a money decision by the Scottish government. They care as little for those who died as those who did the killing. Wouldn't expect anything different from government. As always it is the innocent who suffer most. | |
08-20-10 01:12pm - 5312 days | #6 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I think dissatisfaction with life. Seems to be an attempt to change things and social status, or just fit in. That's just my diy home psychology and I'm sure Exotics' comments will be more close to the truth. | |
08-20-10 09:54am - 5312 days | #4 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Horrible. Complete and utter turn off. I have checked out a number of sites and have decided not to join solely on the amount of fake breasts or tattoos on the girls. Outside porn I feel the same way. I consider it looks like scar tissue or a cancerous growth. I also think it's a sign of a stupid, ignorant, or mentally inferior girl. Exotics has mentioned how street gangs use them as badges. I consider those who need to wear a uniform as mentally inferior. If you need to have a tattoo as a status symbol, you must already be pretty low on the food chain. Upper class rich girls have them to rebel. Same comment applies to them. It isn't about money or social class, it's about how that girl reacts to her status or expectations in society. For me it's a sign of something dark and weak in the personality. | |
08-18-10 09:34am - 5314 days | #30 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I walked in a local town centre today and it changes every time. Never looks the same. A few weeks ago I returned to a town which I knew for 30 years and I hardly recognised it. I felt like Rod Taylor in "The Time Machine" looking at the shop front changing as he travels through the years in a few seconds. I felt old, sad, tired, and out of touch. Then I pulled myself together, gained some perspective and looked at the cricket and baseball scores. Oh NO, the Yankees won again and England batsmen are getting a spanking worse than one inflicted by a Mood Castings dom. | |
08-17-10 07:49pm - 5314 days | #27 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I got the point of this straight away and think it is a great help in aiding social understanding. It may be fun but also is very useful as a way of generations understanding one another. If older people read this it is easier for them to understand why there is little or no communication at times with the younger generations. If there is nothing in common with someone it is harder to get along. It shows how old you are, how different things are now, and how things have changed. It shows why generations have so very different experiences, and why those differences segregate. These are some of my favourite entries - if I am allowed to quote them. If not, apologies to Khan and crew, I did not wish to breach copyright. "For these students, Benny Hill, Sam Kinison, Sam Walton, Bert Parks and Tony Perkins have always been dead. 68. They have never worried about a Russian missile strike on the U.S. 53. J.R. Ewing has always been dead and gone. Hasn�t he? 43. Russians and Americans have always been living together in space. 32. Czechoslovakia has never existed. 29. Reggie Jackson has always been enshrined in Cooperstown. 22. Cross-burning has always been deemed protected speech. 20. DNA fingerprinting and maps of the human genome have always existed. 19. They never twisted the coiled handset wire aimlessly around their wrists while chatting on the phone. 12. Clint Eastwood is better known as a sensitive director than as Dirty Harry. 11. John McEnroe has never played professional tennis. 10. A quarter of the class has at least one immigrant parent, and the immigration debate is not a big priority�unless it involves �real� aliens from another planet." For me the saddest entries were the ones involving Clint Eastwood, Sam Kinison, John McEnroe, and Benny Hill. They are the ones that really make me feel old, sad, and filled with melancholy. | |
08-14-10 07:02pm - 5318 days | #33 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I think around about 1964 in this country. Instead of buy one get one free it's usually buy one and fuck off. Edited on Aug 15, 2010, 05:24am | |
08-14-10 06:59pm - 5318 days | #32 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
1) Yeah what is the point of higher speeds? - doesn't take long to use up 100gb. There's already some negative feedback on the BT forum. Lot of unhappy customers saying things along the lines of "wasn't unlimited in the contract?" "so when they say unlimited they mean limited?" and "time to find a new isp etc." 2) We may not even be related, lot of squirrels around, and we are cute - although admittedly a little destructive, and unlike me, some are even reasonably sane. Now if you get bats you're in trouble. They are protected and there's all that guano (which isn't a fruit). | |
08-14-10 02:47pm - 5318 days | #23 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I signed up for "unlimited access" with BT only to find they have decided my 100gb per month is beyond what they consider acceptable, so my speed will now be limited to 1 mbps for a month. Here is part of what they say "We emailed you recently to remind you about our Fair Usage Policy. Our records show that your broadband usage in July is now above 100GB. In accordance with our Fair Usage Policy, and to protect the online experience for all our customers, we'll now be restricting your broadband speed at peak times only (typically this is between 5pm and 12am, but these times may change depending on the demands on the network) to 1Mbps for a minimum of 30 days. We'll continue to restrict your speed and notify you by email as long as your monthly usage remains above 100GB. You have received this email because your broadband usage this month means you are a very heavy user (which is typically less than 1 per cent of all customers). If your usage has unexpectedly increased it may be for several reasons. If you have downloaded a peer-to-peer (P2P) client to your PC then your usage levels can be affected by other P2P users uploading files from your PC, you may need to adjust the settings or remove the client." | |
08-10-10 09:43am - 5322 days | #5 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I agree with Capn, but find myself using online and text shorthand myself on occasions. We often have people in the media complaining about falling standards, and sometimes I find myself agreeing with them. At other times I feel that language and spelling of words is merely a way of conveying ideas and opinions. It evolves to suit our needs and different lifestyle through the ages. It is our language and I feel it is similar to the law. We should be using it for our benefit and to serve us, not the other way around. The majority rather than the minority should be laying down both the law, and the law of language. On a personal level I prefer the old standards of spelling and grammar. But that is just my standards which are partly due to my education. I still use capital letters and don't abreviate words that often, but do find myself using LOL a lot. When I first saw people using LOL I wondered who he was, but he did seem to get around a lot. When someone first said to me "yw" I thought they were saying "you wanker," but thankfully managed to worked out what it meant before I told them to "f**K off." | |
08-08-10 01:37pm - 5324 days | #35 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Is she now extreme because she couldn't make it in soft so she now has to prove that's what she wanted to do anyway? Once one barrier was down that was it? She looks sensational. Give me the natural breasts and natural full figure look any day. In the picure on wiki, she still looks beautiful but she does look older and more worn. I wondered if you meant she had aged, she had screwed herself up physically from plastic surgery, or just gone crazy. It appears she certainly has aged. It doesn't happen to all women in porn, and I am not a porn star expert, but some do appear to age 20 years in 2-3 years. This opens up a number of questions. Is the industry that bad? Do they get mistreated by people in porn away from the cameras? Do they have to be already screwed up to be in the industry in the first place? Are people in porn treated so badly and treat others so badly that they end up looking 20 years older? Do they have unrealistic expectations of what the industry can do for them? Do they get promised one thing and end up with another? I ask questions because I don't have any answers, it's just guesswork. Some actresses do look in awful shape after a year or two in porn. I notice the same thing happening to some actresses in Hollywood. Expectation over reality? Stress? Lifestyle? Is it the industry doing it to them, or are they there in the first place because of a certain mentality and lifestyle. Is the decline inevitable, because an inherent self destruct code is already in there? Okay that's enough questions. In real life some people in other professions do take a terminal decline very quickly. Some look fine after years in porn, others look like it's killed them. I know one thing. I'm going to checkout some of her videos. Late edit - thanks for the info. I checked her videos out on VideosZ. Sensational figure. Not sure how many porn stars make just legal 18 and milf type videos in the same year. Edited on Aug 08, 2010, 03:03pm | |
08-08-10 06:06am - 5324 days | #29 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Was hoping someone would come up with some information. Everyone except me knows all this stuff, so I am now more informed. I am just not into the name porn stars but she is very attractive. I hate the look of most of them. I prefer hardcore to softcore myself. I was wondering whether she ended up getting a breast job and tats but it doesn't look like it. Have to check out some of her videos. The way exotics was talking I thought maybe she ended up doing a sort of Michael Jackson job on herself or just going completely crazy. The not pretty enough thing is a good indication of how far from planet earth some of these people are. Of course it could have been said to persuade her to do hardcore. If that was the case, it succeeded. Edited on Aug 08, 2010, 06:10am | |
08-07-10 02:37pm - 5325 days | #23 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Wow she looks gorgeous. Never heard of her or seen her before, but I would never recognise Eve Angel, Jenna Jameson. or any of the other names mentioned on here either, as I am not interested in the big names. I prefer the amateur natural look to the glossy made up look. Also with a full figure, no tats, fake breasts, or piercings, and no orange body make up. She looks different on the wiki site, but sometimes photos make someone look different to how they appear. They occasionally try hard to make someone look rough for sensationalism. Have to say she looks incredibly attractive. She probably now has fake breasts and probably tats. Is she well known? I presume everyone has heard of her and she is a famous porn star. "Wasn't pretty enough?" Crazy. Edited on Aug 07, 2010, 03:14pm | |
08-07-10 09:44am - 5325 days | #49 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I do like full panties in silk or satin. Any sort of full panties. I always like a clean line, which is why I like tight jeans and tights. It's why I have never liked stockings and suspenders. I don't like the legs beng broken up. (Although that does sound a bit strange) Maybe there's something about stockings and suspenders that reminds me of 80 year old prostitutes on a street corner with a kilo of makeup, asking "want a good time deary?" "Yes, that's why I'm off to see the cricket." Sorry to disappoint you messmer, you can join the long queue on the left. Edited on Aug 07, 2010, 09:59am | |
08-06-10 06:30pm - 5326 days | #38 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Thought I was all alone in hating thongs. Can't believe there are one or two on here who don't like them. Sorry mess - I hate garter belts too. Cotton panties are great. Just want to see somethnig that looks like it's meant to fit the body, so I love tight jeans and prefer just normal panties to something that doesn't look though it's meant to cover anything. This means I also like tights. Yes, I'm also old enough to like lingerie too. Is it an age thing? Not really sure. | |
08-06-10 02:47pm - 5326 days | #8 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Cheers. I think I have learned more about software and computer stuff on this forum than anywhere else. | |
08-06-10 12:51pm - 5326 days | #5 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Yeah likewise. Good to chew the fat over our pet peeves and dislikes. I had 21st sextury lined up as a possible about a year ago but never joined because of some of the comments on PU. New Sensations certainly suffers when compared to the newer HD material offered elsewhere. Will certainly miss American Vice as they were my favourite dvd site. Not sure who to join when I want that type of thing. I HATE Video Box and would not join them again. There were comments about DVD Box concerning not showing the dvd's in the correct perspective, which is something I hate. VideosZ would be my first choice now, but I hate their trickery on sign up and it has always put me off. Unlike you I do like the younger girls, it's just I like them to have what I consider to be a good figure. I don't see why teen should always mean emaciated girls with the figure of a 10 year old, or someone who has been locked up in a prison for 3 years. | |
08-06-10 09:35am - 5326 days | #3 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Messmer - New Sensations is the Reel Pass network. Take a look at the reviews before committing. I would say one of the drawbacks is that the quality is not great spec compared to some of the top notch sites. They are similar to porn.com and brain pass. They do have some good pics though. It is all very much the same standard with little exceptional material., at least it was last time I looked. But surprisingly as with some of the other low cost sites you can find some good stuff in there. Sometimes I prefer this sort of network to something like 21 Sextury simply because the 21 style is reported as very much the same across all their sites. That means too many close ups and cut off bodies. At least on some of the New Sensations/Reel Pass sites you get to see the whole girl on occasions, and they have some surprisingly good pics too. Others may disagree with this opinion. It's just I get sick of sites who show too many close ups and everything looks the same. I like the way porn.com and NS have some good stuff if you look for it. The network does have Unlimited Milfs but there are a lot of fake breasts in there. Overall it has all the negatives you would expect from a cheapish network, but I quite like it. It may be fast food but it occasionally tastes good. | |
08-06-10 06:32am - 5326 days | #16 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I am invoking code $%@"56D"* Okay everyone knows what that means. Justme is now one of "them." | |
08-05-10 08:48pm - 5326 days | #13 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
LOL sometimes brutal reality just comes and kicks you in the bollocks. | |
08-05-10 08:42pm - 5326 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
A lunatic asylum the way things are going. But apart from that cheery thought, I have been considering which site to join next. It's a right motley bunch. Contenders are 18Eighteen, Team Skeet, New Sensations, and VideosZ. I have noticed the biggest controversy seems to surround VideosZ. I am well aware of the drawbacks of New Sensations, but you know, this is the only one of the four that doesn't try to steal your money by tricking you with pre checked cross sells. I have avoided joining a pre checked cross sell site for nearly two years. Given half a chance I would grab whoever is responsible for that sort of behaviour by the throat, and rip out his fucking larynx. Unless he's bigger than me, then I would hire someone to do it. Apart form this I am intrigued by the Diggler review which seems a little harsh. I can always trust a Denner review and there are also some other trusted reviewers giving this one a high mark. I also noticed the Diggler/Ace Of Aces feud. The truth is out there somewhere but this site seems to divide opinion. It will probably be New Sensations. They have pics, and don't have pre checked cross sells, so I wont have the urge to kill anyone when I join. | |
08-03-10 04:35pm - 5329 days | #28 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Nice one turbo. Hope you remembered to foam at the mouth while ranting. But the important thing is what you say is accurate. Where will it all go in ten years? Some think it will go the other way, and there was a prediction on a porn documentary that it would become softer. That was about two years ago. Another irritation is the sites that have that fatal flaw. Yes it seems no no one can do anything right, at least not where I'm concerned. They have great girls but awful customer service, great customer service, great girls, but lousy camerawork, they have great camerawork and customer service, but fake breasted tattooed godzilla monsters for girls, great girls, great camerawork, great customer service, but lousy spec videos, no pics, and download limits. PS - thanks graymane, yes would be nice if they followed the PU manual, but I don't think anyone knows if those porn burgers sell because of all that crap or despite it. Here's the really frightening Twilight Zone type thought - what if they sell because of it? doo doo doo doo doo doo... Edited on Aug 03, 2010, 07:09pm | |
08-02-10 06:04pm - 5330 days | #20 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
LOL - Drooler said it better than me. Justme - I didn't want to bring money and cost into it, because cheap porn can look good. One of the reasons is they just shoot people having sex rather than trying to be the Jean-Luc Godard or Steven Spielberg of porn, or trying to get gynaecological close ups that make you want to watch Bugs Bunny instead. But you bring up an important point. It's how many people are willing to pay for quality over quantity. Then it all depends on what you call quality. If they spend shitloads of money on body makeup and special effects to make the girl look like some glossy blow up doll I'll pass. Give me the natural look with natural skin. It's how they spend their money that counts. Whereas for them what counts is how many people are willing to pay a premium for that particular quality or niche. Would I pay a premium for a site with my taste? I should say tastes because I have lots of them, but one of them is seeing the whole girl have sex, not just a part of her. I hate close ups. Others prefer close ups. Yes is the answer. One of the reasons is I think porn is dirt cheap. Apologies to older members for repeating myself yet again, but for all the newer members, the first porn video I bought was for 60 pounds (that's $100 for ONE video) in a time when it would get you 2 years inside if you were caught selling that sort of thing. To me cost is almost irrelevant. It does come into it but not a lot. I'll take my sort of quality over quantity any day. Sometimes that quality comes dirt cheap because people can still produce dirt cheap quality porn. It doesn't always have to be high production cost to be good in my opinion. To get that high quality softcore look in hardcore may cost more. I would be willing to pay but how many others would? I also hate a type of over made up softcore look. Give me the natural skin look but well photographed. I am not sure how many find cost is almost irrelevant. To me it is clear that you can produce good looking porn with a sensible attitude, without those top 20 hates we all have. That's a pretty good start. Shame they don't have that printed in a manual. If junior in his back to front baseball cap can learn to read, maybe he can use that as a guideline when shooting his next masterpiece. Edited on Aug 02, 2010, 07:41pm | |
08-02-10 04:46pm - 5330 days | #17 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I gave my reasons why I liked porn.com on another thread. I hate Videobox but some of the sites on porn.com have pics close to what I like. They show the whole girl rather than gynaecological close ups. It doesn't have to be expensive to be good, or even in high definition, which is one of the points I also made on the other thread. It is though sometimes just taking the pictures or video recording two people having sex is better than what currently passes for mainstream. Sometimes expensive is good. But just doing porn the old fashioned way sometimes looks remarkably good compared to what we see now. Edited on Aug 02, 2010, 04:50pm | |
08-02-10 12:17pm - 5330 days | #14 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
...and another thing. Maybe I should write a letter to The Times, but why do some sites get it all horribly wrong? Maybe they don't, and make a mint while sites who are customer oriented struggle. Ik2fireone was right about the site he reviewed recently. They have attractive young girls and yet they somehow manage to make them look unattractive. So many of those teen sites make beautiful young girls look like meat hanging in a butchers shop. The camera alters reality. I used to visit Mary Millington's shop where she quite often served behind the counter. This was when you could get years in prison for selling hardcore porn. The strain of the court cases was showing towards the end. That aside, you could see she was Mary Milington, yet you would just walk past her in the street without looking twice. She was attaractive but not stunning. The camera made her look stunning. I went out with a girl like that many years ago. She was attractive, but put her in front of the camera and she looked like a film star. The camera loved her. Look at some older women, and their flesh is still great and sexually attractive. In front of a camera they can look like something from those readers wives things in old softcore mags. Yechh. I always thought if you see a girl in front of you naked it is so totally different to on stage or on film. Quite a few of them look sensational with their clothes off, with all their faults, but put them in front of a camera and some look like dog meat, some the same, and some sensational. Often the camera alters reality to make women look better or worse, sometimes it doesn't, but I don't know why this is. Being able to harness that look seems beyond some sites. Then there are sites who have fatal flaws, or don't make the best of their resources. I thought the Torbe Network was exceptional for the girls but some of the camerawork was awful. Shaky close ups which were amateurish. Other times there was a brilliant shot of the whole girl having sex, which I personally love. It was awful for pictures too. Either no pics, pics which didn't download, or just a few you could capture. But it had great girls, was very original and different, and I wanted to bring them some customers through my review. Then poor old Ace Of Aces somehow pressed the wrong button and got signed up for something he didn't want, and I felt horribly responsible. Drooler and messmer seemed to put their fingers on what is lacking in the Karups organisation. They are right in talking about the pussy fixation on that site. Not enough ass and whole body shots. There is also a sameness about the lighting and settings which doesn't do the girls any favours. It's still good but they could do so much more. Porn.com for me had the best value on the net and I was going to do a review. I was a memeber of Lethal 18 and decided to cancel that to sign up for a month on porn.com which is the same site, just a different home page. I thought it would be easier navigation. I was going to review it as the best bargain on the net imo. As I cancelled there was a pre ticked cross sell to join a network for a discount. The network was porn.com under a different name and was offered at a discount of $34.95. So they were trying to trick me into joining a site that I was cancelling membership to, at a price of $34.95 instead of the $9.95 I was paying. I was so disgusted I did not sign up for another month and did not do a review, although I did make a comment under "This dirty trick should be stopped." Teen Core Club has for me some of the most sensational girls in porn. They have a completely non existent cutomer service. I have never received any reply to any email sent. I was going to renew for another month but cancelled rather than be treated by contempt when I asked them did the discount price for the second month still apply for the third month. I felt about them the same way they felt about me - f**k em. Their navigation is awful. Everything about them suggests they have total contempt for customers. No zips, no update list, lousy log in etc etc. I gave them an 82 but they should be scoring 92 if they were more customer oriented. Take a look at Dracken's latest review of one of their sites. Still the same crap. They just don't care. But they probably make good money. Maybe they all get things right. It's about money so maybe they make more money by doing things the way they do. Okay, they can continue to do things their way, but I am going to continue to complain about them. Who makes the best of their resources? American Vice would have got my vote. They were only a dvd site but they did everything you could possibly ask for within the limitations of that category. They had the best customer service on the planet. They're gone and complete assholes like TeenCoreClub remain. Life's a bitch. Edited on Aug 02, 2010, 12:22pm | |
08-02-10 10:02am - 5330 days | #11 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Nice one messmer congrats on the 1000. Your contributions have always been highly readable and entertaining. I thought Toadsith would be first to 1000 but it appears they buried him with Patrick McGoohan. Very astute comment too. I do generally want to drum up some customers for the site I review. Can't complain with my last review. It was replaced after 8 minutes, but by a very capable newbie. I have already left a trust vote for him. As GCode has pointed out we do get some really good newbie reviews. Khan, Denner, and yourself are right in suggesting I'm exaggerating. Some of the newbies are good, what really annoys me is the poor ones getting in the way. Yes I'm lazy, I just want to flick through all the good reviews without having to navigate around the poor ones. I just read another thorough informative review by Ik2fireone who really put his finger on a trend I have noticed recently, particularly in the teens category. It's a site with very attractive girls, who end up looking unattractive, so I'm ranting again on this thread later concerning sites who get it wrong compared to those who get it right. For a start, poor bloody American Vice and Reg Berkeley got it right, and they're out of business. There are those who make the absolute most of their niche and resources, while others just piss it all away. Oh yeah I almost forgot. Some very good replies, and hodayathink is spot on. Good well thought out post. Edited on Aug 02, 2010, 10:08am | |
08-01-10 06:45pm - 5331 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
This should probably be called something like Rodent Rant. It may fall short of one of Wittyguy's polemics but it is still a long ramble. First of all, sad though it may be, I spend hours doing a review. I do actually view the material and sample the site that I review, which is why I only do 3 or 4 a year. If it's a good site I hope the review brings customers to the site. It is clear that regular members also put in the same effort. Admittedly it is just for fun. Then along comes the 3 line newbie review consisting of great girls, great videos, great pics, what more can you ask, 100. This then becomes the front page review, which in all honesty, can't be that good for business. I already have a solution to the menace of the 3 line newbie review, but it will offend everyone, so I wont repeat it again here. However, the reviews section would be easier to navigate without having to negotiate those minimum requirement reviews. I believe business would also be better as it would generate more links. I regard them as a bloody nuisance that gets in the way of my browsing. Secondly, members here already know there is a limited style of porn available. The companies churn it out, it sells so they churn more of it out. When someone starts slapping the ass of the girl or shouting "you're a whore, what are you, you're a whore" while pulling the girls mouth so hard her eyes pop out, and it sells, everyone does the same, and you have everything looking the same. Occasionally someone tries something different and if it sells, everyone copies it. Most of us here hate what mainstream porn is doing. Anything outside that is niche. Messmer wants a site where he can watch women strip fom clothed to totally naked, with some lingerie involved, and there's nothing out there. I would like to see hardcore pics and videos with the same style and quality that you see on good softcore sites, but it's hard to find. I love to see the ass but for the most part I like to see the whole body, whether it is softcore or hardcore. I was discussing this with Drooler in another section, but I think we have both come to the conclusion that softcore has higher standards than hardcore. This may be perverse but I think some of the best hardcore photos come from the real cheapo sites. For instance, Jaw Dropping Asses has some great photos. You get to see the whole girl with the accent on the ass. It's another niche site of course, for big butt fans, but the photos are to my taste. Is this because they spend less money, so all they do is just take the photos of the girl having sex? No need to spend time and money on those close ups which would have even a gynaecologist throwing up in his corn flakes. I just can't work out why the can't do a Metart or Torrid Art job for hardcore. Fact is they can't, or maybe they wont. I wont touch the Brazzers Naughty America Reality Kings blow up dolls sites. Sounds silly but I don't want the girls to look like porn stars. I like the natural look. Somewhere along the line someone decided that the best look was the porn stars hookers clothes, the breast jobs, and the baked tan. It's mainstream porn and it sells. Suppose I can't argue with that. But why has it evolved in this way? Why would what Messmer wants or what I want or what you lot want be relatively rare? Most of the members here have already said what they think about the irritating male, the tats, the fake breasts, slapping the ass, the usual 20 or so irritating things that everyone here hates. Wonder why this is, and why our tastes are different to mainstream? I know it isn't that everyone here has identical taste. It's just we all seem to have the same top 20 annoying things or turn offs. Not all pervs are the same, but it appears most of what mainstream puts out is hated by us. Has it evolved like this? Is it easier to make? Is that what most people really want? Do they consume it like a porn McDonalds? It's easy and everyone consumes it so it must be okay. It's nice to see some genuine small sites still producing good quality material. We are still spoilt for choice. But the mainstream stuff doesn't even seem like mainstream. Go back 10 years and anyone looking at mainstream material now would be highly surprised at the content of the modern production. What is the best site for seeing the whole girl or the whole body rather than some gynaecologists nightmare? I know some of this has all been gone into before. The recession is biting. Standards seem to have fallen. Fewer updates and some dirty tricks are still around. Old material recycled as new. That means companies will play safe and do more of the same. I'm not jaded. I just want to see females looking like females. Strange thing is, on a lot of these sites they don't. So if I want a site where females look like females, real ones, where you get to see the whole girl/woman, it's a niche. Whereas what is now mainstream seems so far way from what used to be considered porn, it seems more like niche material. Edited on Aug 01, 2010, 06:51pm | |
08-01-10 05:44am - 5331 days | #4 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Agreed GCode. When I check in there is always something of interest. About a year ago, some were talking about not enough active members, but I think the site is really healthy. | |
07-23-10 04:21pm - 5340 days | #8 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Didn't think there was much room for improvement but that's an excellent idea. Well done Rick and Smithy. There is an increasing number of sites either not updating, or cutting down on updates, so that feature is more important now than it was a couple of years ago. | |
07-17-10 05:31am - 5346 days | #5 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Gets more and more strange. Opens up a lot of questions about what goes on behind the scenes. Why did she say "I can't do that" - is that because the judge is lying? It appears that she said she couldn't because it was not the "complete truth." So the judge maybe suggested rather than ordered. If that is the case, it questions the integrity and honesty of the judge. Have a feeling the story is going to continue outside the court. Really strange stuff. Delighted that Stagliano gets off, but what on earth went down here? What was so wrong with reviewing the material that was supposed to be obscene? Okay we all know that judges and prosecutors make Al Capone look like upstanding citizens, but ususally they are competent enough to keep their criminal behaviour and corruption behind closed doors. Edited on Jul 17, 2010, 05:40am | |
07-16-10 05:52pm - 5347 days | #2 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Definitely a whoo hoo. A small victory but it's heartening news. The strange thing is either the judge or the prosecutor is lying and it appears the case was dismissed on what seems more like a technicality than a test of what is permissable. At least the strain of a long trial is no longer hanging over Stagliano. Poor bastard may have HIV but he's not going to lay down and die. | |
07-08-10 07:47am - 5355 days | #8 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
That is a super list. I will also vouch for Any Video Converter which is great for grabbing YouTube stuff. I was not aware of Glary Utilities, and up to this point have tried ATF Cleaner, but that looks to be a good one. | |
05-29-10 12:44pm - 5395 days | #8 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
Yet it's harder for the male (okay, no pun intended). The girls just have to take it, whereas the guys have to get it up in the first place. Only a select few can do that on demand, when the pressure is on, every day, all hours. It's a job, one that I wouldn't take on even if I had the ability. | |
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