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04-01-10  03:59pm - 5459 days #12
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Frank Zappa had a funny song about sex dolls: "Miss Pinky." Here's a live version. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-31-10  05:18pm - 5460 days #9
Drooler (0)
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Some time in the '80's, National Lampoon magazine had this hilarious fake interview with the Beatles, and at one point they had "Ringo" say, "Ploonk the Magic Twanger."

And they exaggerated the Liverpool accents so that "up" was "oop," and "gum" was "goom." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-31-10  05:14pm - 5460 days #18
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

When I saw Sasha's appearance on Tyra Banks' show (you can find it on YouTube if you're interested) all I could think was "How can this one woman (Tyra) pass so much judgment on this other woman (Sasha, filthy dirty sinning porn star) without looking at her own life and career?" Didn't Tyra start modeling at seventeen or eighteen? Pretty much the same age as 'victim' Sasha Grey started her career, but I'm sure Tyra would argue modeling has nothing to do with sex or sex appeal...right, and I'm only on PU to improve my knowledge of geography.

Why are some people so obsessed with 'helping' others who they feel, looking through their special lens on the world, are on a wrong path or life? Why can't people live their lives and work their careers without having someone else shove their 'moral and values' down their throats? (Sorry for all the quotes, but they're necessary.) Who exactly is Sasha hurting or victimizing? Maybe at one time she beat out another starlet who needed work to pay rent or health insurance, but what apocalyptic revelation, social ill, society-will-crumble problem is Sasha or her fellow perverts pushing upon our poor civilization?

Grow up and wake up, Tyra. For a former swimsuit and lingerie model you certainly seem to establish an incredibly fine line between actual sex and the underlying sexuality in your own modeling. I don't think people stare at women in bikinis and thong underwear because they are interested in the fabrics and natural scenery...

I really think it's just a matter of people like Tyra having her cake and eating it, too. Porn stars will create a lot of buzz for the show's ratings. The things that Sasha has done on video just contribute to that. It's probably good for Sasha, too. But they can't come out sounding anything other than against it.

You know, if Sasha played a sadistic vixen in one of the "Saw" movies, or suchlike, they wouldn't be wagging their fingers at her. Here in the US of A, that would be just, you know, "normal." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-30-10  12:30pm - 5462 days #7
Drooler (0)
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I once saw this show on daytime TV in which two people, a man and a woman, were interviewing Sasha Grey and asking her why did porn. At the end, they asked her if she would stop, having pointed out the danger of getting STD's. She said she wouldn't.

The whole thing seemed rather strange and hypocritical. They were using porn as a way to entice a viewing audience while "legitimizing" the whole thing by speaking out against it. I mean, if they'd only met privately to dissuade Sasha from doing porn, that would have been one thing, but broadcasting it is quite another.

In real life, I avoid the "700 Club" types as much as I can. They're really nuts. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-30-10  09:30am - 5462 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

Just as an update: Take a look at PPs latest comment on ATK Petites.........

Hey, Viv Thomas has, too! They're releasing new photo material in 2400px. I never thought I'd see the day.

Now if someone could get Earl Miller to finally move up from his 1200's ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-29-10  11:45am - 5463 days #40
Drooler (0)
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I know this is probably a tough one, but the matter of exclusive content needs attention, too. Sometimes the reviews say that the content looks exclusive, but that's not quite the trip to home plate.

It seems that only way the reviewer can be sure about it is whether or not s/he gets deja vu when reviewing the site, or sees relevant comments made at PU before or after the review.

But it is a pretty important point. What to do? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-28-10  10:28pm - 5463 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Some of them really do listen, and even respond by making improvements to the site. I've had that experience with a few. Nubiles, for one.

Then there are the ones that simply don't agree with my suggestions. One solo site girl, for instance, didn't think her site should post images larger than 1200 px because she thought it would be too hard for users with slow connections. I thought, "What about the users with fast connections?" But I didn't press the matter. Maybe I should have.

Finally, there are the more negative ones, who either just ignore you, try to make fun of you, or get hot under the collar.

But as others have said, it's like it is with anything else. It's not surprising, considering how many sites are out there. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-26-10  07:44pm - 5465 days #17
Drooler (0)
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Count me out of the "elitist" camp. I don't criticize newbies for giving higher or lower scores any more than I do towards anyone else. Most of the time when I see an excessive score, I don't say anything.

I also don't say to myself "newbie!" and go extra hard on someone when they post on the forum.

I can't say that I've seen a lot of criticism of newbies here, though I have seen some regarding scoring. But even if someone is rough in their choice of language when criticizing a newbie's score, that doesn't mean they're "elitist." It just means they're being rough.

And I've noted that sometimes newbies get a warm welcome from other members of the PU community, which is great.

Newbies themselves are a varied lot, and some of them aren't so sweet, either. There's a syndrome, if you will, with certain people that are "new" to a place, be it an online forum or a place of employment. They do a lot criticizing of the people who have established themselves and one of the chunks of mud that gets slung is this label "elitist."

But it doesn't surprise me that ControlllingMind happens to be the one who is playing this card. You might not recall, but that name, "ControlllingMind," was not that person's original moniker at PU. That person actually changed it after getting very weird and angry about a comment I had made a few months ago on the subject of "faith." I said something about faith being the product of a controlling mind. Then this person actually changed his/her moniker to "ControllingMind!" That's a very weird thing to do! And CR (for short) has gone on a personal hate campaign against me, which really blows my mind as I had no intention of malice in saying what I had said on the subject of faith.

So Wittyguy, what you see as an excellent point by this individual is something that I see in a very different light. I see CR as a small, angry, mean, and emotionally unstable person who needs a place to act out. PU is one such place.

But even if someone else, anyone else, had said that we more "experienced" PUer's are "elitist," I wouldn't have bought it anyway. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-25-10  12:17pm - 5467 days #18
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by ControllingMind:

A car made in india would put me off.

Jap or German cars are best.

Be a devil and get a Honda Civic Type R.

Regarding your tag line, just because doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean that no one else can get it.

Does the concept "got a wild hair up the ass" mean anything to you, or is that gibberish too, you little speck? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-25-10  07:01am - 5467 days #14
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

You can add bolt-ons to the sad list of things Breanne did not need to improve her looks. I guess those had to come if she wanted to move into the gonzo world.

Bolt-ons!! On Breanne! Argghhhhh! It's like an arrow through my romantic, Breanne-inspired heart. Let's hope they don't make her lose those big beautiful eyes.

At ALS Angels, they said that she had "massive perfect natural tits." No need for a beefup at all! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Mar 25, 2010, 07:06am

03-24-10  03:49am - 5468 days #9
Drooler (0)
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"If you wish to converse with me," said Voltaire, "define your terms."

OK. If someone is called a porn star, we always (don't we?) expect that person to be found on video having sexual relations with others (genital sex, anal sex, oral sex, or least some kind of masturbation employing the hands or feet).

Self-masturbation is a grey area, I'd say. So it's understandable that some might call it porn, and some might not.

But posing naked and having facial expressions that say, "Give it to me!" is not porn. That's just nude modeling done particularly well.

I know we had a poll and/or other thread on this topic before. But that's OK. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-24-10  02:28am - 5468 days #5
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey99:

But I do agree that they need both options, the clips for those who want it and the full scene for those who want that.

I agree as well. Sometimes I'll want the whole shebang, but sometimes just one segment has the action that I'm after. As long as the maximum available quality of both the segments and the full video are on a par, then you've got the best of both worlds, or in this case a planet and its moons (?). I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-24-10  01:07am - 5468 days #3
Drooler (0)
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I recently watched a video of Breanne Benson, one of the darlings of my photo collection starting back when she was just nude model, being giving the rough treatment by this puffed-muscled -- and possibly 'roid-raging -- asshole. The video was like a checklist of the mean male-focused shit you're talking about.

Breanne still has her beautiful looks. Never needed the back tat or the blondy hair, btw, but hey that's porn, at least according to the conventional "porn wisdom." (A-hem.)

JD, I hate it as much as you do, and I won't waste my time on it as long as I can avoid it. Sometimes you don't know what you're in for until you've gotten into it. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Mar 24, 2010, 01:20am

03-22-10  03:36am - 5470 days #16
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Is it possible that they are losing more and more members each month because of their content? They have an update dated March 14 from a shoot in 2001. The name of the model is Trisha but that's not what she was known at the time. I just can't remeber her name. No offense but who wants to see a 9 yrs old shoot?

Actually, "Trista" at ALS Scan is much better known as Jassie. The SportyOne spot on her really doesn't do justice to how much she's appeared on the web (3 of the ATK sites, Digital Desire, EarlMiller, Nubiles, Penthouse, PinkFever, Suze, and even MetArt, etc.).

Personally, I'm happy that they're reissuing older content of her, and others, at better quality. And I'm a bit surprised that someone who doesn't seem to be familiar with her would object to getting better content of her now than was available years ago simply because it isn't spanking brand-new.

Maybe if they just didn't say that it was remastered, then the tree falling in the proverbial woods would never be heard. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-22-10  02:16am - 5470 days #7
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by ByteMaster:

So, in the past I always joined with ccbill and always selected the 30 day "recurring" option, BUT I always canceled just before the rebill date, this always worked and I was never charged for a second month, thus saving a few extra notes, (the rebill option is always a little less than the no rebill option) does this trick still work?

It works fairly often, and I agree with your wording that it is a trick. It tricks those unaware than they can cancel their "recurring" billing within a 30-day period and not be rebilled. They would pay more for the same thing.

About cancelling, what I do is bookmark the site as soon as I join it and I put the signup date in the bookmark. That way, I'm always reminded in a convenient fashion when I signed up, so I very rarely miss a cancellation. But as others have said, do it before you get too close to the wire. I always do it at least 5 days before the 30 days is up. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-22-10  01:21am - 5470 days #160
Drooler (0)
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Koko-Artchives is basically in Spanish (nod, perhaps, to Exotics). Even if you choose English, it's a mix of both English and Spanish.

You can get a fair idea of what's there from the visitor's area, though it's a bit clunky. The pics look nice and big, at least as far as the samples are concerned.

Billing is in Euros. I haven't tried to subscribe, btw. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-21-10  10:52am - 5471 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Oh come on, everybody needs come cholesterol! ; ) Get too much though and you might be a heart-bypassing Buddist!

Speaking of cholesterol, what's your favorite technique for hard-boiling eggs? Here are things I've learned:

-Get the eggs out of the fridge first so they won't crack as easily. (They'll warm up a bit.)
-Get ice water ready; put it in the freezer
-Get water to boil in a large saucepan; salt it a bit
-Put a tiny hole at the tip of each egg to allow inside/outside pressure differences to resolve (reduces chances of cracking and having a yolky mess in your water)
-Gently place the eggs in the water once you've got a full boil
-15 minutes later, put the eggs in the ice water (by now taken out of the freezer). Go back to your computer and visit PornUsers for a half hour.
-Return to eggs. Store in fridge. Discard all water.

Funny how it's kind of complicated, but it works pretty well. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-20-10  11:45pm - 5471 days #3
Drooler (0)
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Hey, does anyone know how to make an anal cream pie?

(Sorry I just couldn't resist! Maybe I'll have a real recipe later if I can think of one.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-20-10  08:37am - 5472 days #5
Drooler (0)
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MetArt and FemJoy are in my top tier.

ALS Scan, AvErotica, MetModels, MPL Studios, Hegre-Art, and Twistys are in my second now. TeenDreams used to be, but they've cut down on the number of updates recently.

Errotica-Archives is in the third, as is TorridArt (simply due to update frequency).

WalterBosqueArt is kind of between 2 and 3. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-18-10  04:03pm - 5473 days #105
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

That is a very nice thought. I like something very similar. I can not resist women drying off after showering. It is such a tease to me, and if they wear a robe after it makes it even better.

You know, after all of the talk about school uniforms and nurse uniforms, etc., one type of stripping that you don't see much of is girls stripping out of bathrobes! And I don't mean necessarily in the bathroom, either. There's a new set of Izabella today at MetArt, and she just looks great in this white bathrobe, which she fully removes in due course.

So you webmasters out there, how's about a bathrobe stripping and nudity site?

Or if it HAS to be hardcore, well, fine, a bathrobe pileup and double-penetration hardcore site! (Just kidding.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-18-10  03:40pm - 5473 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Some sites have smaller "archived" image sizes, which get specified. Then "recently" they're larger (spec'd again). But what's "recently"? In the past month? In past six? It's too vague!

Please say something more definitive such as "1000x2000 pics (50 most recent updates)." That would be swell!

Thanks for asking, Rick! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-17-10  03:49pm - 5474 days #7
Drooler (0)
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I like nudity, and ASS! That's at least a rant.5.

But I like stripping, too. Maybe 60% gradual stripping, and then 40% totally, utterly bare-neckit nyood prancing and lolling around and offering the humble viewer them heinycakes.

But that's me, I guess. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-13-10  01:53pm - 5478 days #14
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

Personally I have no interest at all in 3D pictures or video. I don't think it adds anything to the experience. Having to wear special glasses is just silly and crossing your eyes(!) that's just ludicrous. From what I've read that between 5% and 12% of the population cannot see 3D anyway, and another 30-40% can only see it in bursts (ie with concentration). Just look at the figures for how many people had to leave Avatar showings with nausea, dizziness, double vision and headaches.

I don't care for it, either. You can perceive depth from 2-D images. 3-D, on the other hand, just doesn't look like anything real. It's not a replication of reality; it's "3-D." It forces your visual cortex to lose and have to constantly regain a focus. I'm not interested in having my nervous system overwrought by trendy bullshit. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-13-10  01:35pm - 5478 days #3
Drooler (0)
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I don't go for the "body pileups," as I call them, either, but it's not bisexuality for 1 girl to be taking on 2 or more guys at a time. At 21st Sextury, the guys aren't doing each other in addition to the girl. There's a lot of lesbian stuff, or g/g/b or g/g/b/b with g/g in it, so there is bisexuality amongst the women, sure.

I do what justme said, and pretty much pass over the multiple guys stuff. I don't care to spend a moment seeing a guy's hairy ass, either.

And I also agree with justme that Eastern Europe has the best girl-only, with for me is the solo stuff. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-12-10  11:08pm - 5479 days #28
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

A view I share, but so many companies are terrified to risk even the faint possibility of association with something illegal. Ignorance and paranoia can be two of the most dangerous things in life. Freedom, on many levels, is often the victim of those two.

Oh, I know what you mean. The people who are in charge wind up overreacting to minor concerns, turning them into "major" ones and pulling everyone else into it with them. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-12-10  03:24pm - 5479 days #3
Drooler (0)
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I would if I could. Hell, how often does an opportunity like that come along? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-12-10  01:53pm - 5479 days #43
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Thanks for ruining a great Nat King Cole song. Now everytime I hear "LOVE" I'll be thinking about TITS.

I would've done "ASS" but that's only three letters and off the topic. (Maybe "ARSE" ? ...) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-11-10  02:58pm - 5480 days #25
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Ed2009:

A lot of hosting companies don't allow schoolgirl uniform material any more. They reckon it attracts the wrong kind of client?

Sounds as if some people have the wrong idea about the schoolgirl uniform. I've never thought of it as indicative of pedophilia. It's just 18+ year olds in one type of sexy clothes, sexy when it's on them. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-11-10  12:47pm - 5480 days #41
Drooler (0)
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T is for the ticklish tips I see
I, the one who loves your mammaries
T so tantalizing, I'm a man infantalizing
S, I'm gonna suck 'em, like a baby, then I'll fuck 'em

Tits, the ones you got are good to me
Tits, no need for plastic fakery
Two, just normal make it
Take each out and really shake it
Tits, they both look fine to me!

(Parody I just came up with based on the song "L-O-V-E." Great tune, BTW.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-10-10  11:05pm - 5481 days #9
Drooler (0)
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It's the same as with any other thing. Amateur musicians don't get paid as much as professionals, and their "chops" aren't usually as good. So yeah, they rate lower.

And getting back to porno, as WG pointed out, the production values of amateur sites suck (well, I'm paraphrasing).

But some folks like to see "real" people doin' it, so there it is.

One thing that I haven't seen lately is a pro site doing faux-amateur content. Maybe Matrix Nudes still does, but Danni doesn't I don't think. Anyway, I'm glad that crap has been on the wane. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-07-10  01:49pm - 5484 days #18
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

It does not matter what the file extension is, you could rename a RAR file myfile.beer, that does not magically turn you file into beer, its still a RAR file :-)

When you open the file in winrar/7zip/winzip whatever it will try to read the file header, which is a kind of description of what the file is and other basic information. If it can understand the header, it can extract it regardless of the extension. Newer versions of Winzip understand what a RAR file is and can deal with it which is why it worked.

And as for the question about why sites dont zip/rar video files, well its pointless. If you compress a video file, even at the highest compression settings you wont reduce the file size by very much. On a 500MB file, you would be lucky to save 1 or 2 megs by compressing it. The reason for this is that modern video formats are already highly compressed thus compressing them again has little effect.

The same goes for JPEG images, they are already highly compress so the space savings are minimal but the benefit here comes from downloading 1 zip file containing a set of 500 pics instead of individually downloading 500 pics 1 by 1.

Now if sites started to offer all of their video content in 1 zip file, that would make life easier :)

Thanks for the info. It's amazing how little I actually know about the technology that I spend so time working with.

And I guess I have only one more question at this point: Where can I get the native format mysuds.beer files? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-07-10  04:09am - 5485 days #17
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Reg Berkeley:

Drooler's got some good stuff in there. But I would suggest the following correction -- JPEGs cannot degrade from opening and closing --- only from editing and resaving, thereby imposing additional compression.

So view all your images until you guys are blue in the face...the quality won't be affected at all. Otherwise, all us webmasters would be constantly having to redo our static assets.

Wow, that's a relief to hear. I thought the degradation (from repeated openings) would happen slowly, just an indiscernible bit at a time and that it might take 100's or more of openings and closings to have a noticeable effect.

But what you say answers a question I've always had in the back of my mind, which is how to keep stuff from degrading from a server getting tons of hits by users. (But maybe that's another matter, and the process continues to mystify me.)

I'd gotten this bit of information, and now some misinformation, from my reading of a "computer corner" kind of article a few years ago in the Wall Street Journal. I must have misread something in it.

So fine. And suppose that I've also been misreading their constant messages against financial regulation as being completely for the good of all, too. Whew. Well, that's a relief. I was starting to mistrust them.

BTW, I've got a "rider" question What's a .BridgeSort file supposed to do? I get them sometimes from extracted zips of photo galleries. I toss them out 'cause I don't think I need them for anything, but what are they doing there in the first place? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Mar 07, 2010, 04:16am

03-07-10  02:12am - 5485 days #3
Drooler (0)
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At least some DivX avi files will play in Windows Media Player, too. That's handy since you don't have to open yet another app to view vids.

And yes, some sites have gobs of video options. It's like going through the typical "hyperchoice" menu at an American family restaurant ... though the comparison breaks down pretty fast after that.

I mean there's Denny's ... and then there's Denys DeFrancesco. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-05-10  06:10pm - 5486 days #7
Drooler (0)
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To me, it's not really one particular thing, but it's the overall effect of changing for the worse.

Take, as a counterexample, Sandy (Zsanett Egerhazi). She's 33 years old, but still looks good. She had her breasts enhanced, but they don't look bad to me. And her ass just continues to amaze!

Then there are the ones that are moderate disappointments: Klara/Zoe, with her balloons but still a nice body; Klaudia/Cindy/Hope, who has fake tits that I don't like but still has a marvelous face and very nice ass. And LEGS! I still sit up a little straighter in my computer chair when I come across material of those two.

Then there are the ones that really have turned for the worse. Holly Sampson, who has one of the most beautiful faces I've even seen, has gone too far with the breast enhancements. Same with Sandra Kalermen; just look at the large pic of her from the link. That's WITHOUT the breast enhancements. She had wonderful natural breasts! What the hell was she thinking?

Tattoos are another annoyance, need I say. But Nikki Nova's full-back color art hasn't kept me from checking her out. When Aneta Smrhova had that tat added to her side, I chafed, but I did not diss.

I can't think right now of any of the ones I've given up on because of tattooing. I know there must be some.

Anyway, ink belongs on paper, not on human skin. Ink is not skin. That's my two bits.

And thank goodness for the girls that haven't wrecked their looks with enhancements! Here's a list: Bambi, Eve Angel, Marina/Euphrat, Peaches, Pure Angel, Suzy Black, Britney/Brigitte Hunter, Teresa Ilova, and most of the girls you'll find at sites like MPL Studios, FemJoy, MetArt, and Hegre-Art.

BTW: Faye Reagan is BEAUTIFUL! Just love her luscious face, flowing red hair, and her nipples! And she wouldn't be the same without all those freckles! I could kiss every one of them. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Mar 05, 2010, 06:38pm

03-05-10  04:16pm - 5486 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Good Heavens, Drooler, it's worse than I thought. I never knew that jpegs could deteriorate just by being looked at too often. Thanks for that bit of information. And I agree with you about TIFFS. Impossibly large files.

It takes quite a lot of opening and closing a good quality jpeg to notice the effects of degradation. As a somewhat crude indicator, I figure that any jpeg under 200 px at 1200x800 was probably compressed too much from the beginning.

But this is just a partial rule of thumb since file size also depends on the complexity of the image. Lots of colors and various shapes will make it bigger; a plain background containing light-skinned model with no elaborate tattoos will consume fewer kilobytes of hard drive space.

Anyway, having become something of a "nut" about these matters, I often look at file sizes to help me get a sense of image quality. Since smaller images both "stretched" on the screen and reopened X-x's risk degradation, I go for larger pic sizes. I guess that helps explain why I'm such a critic of sites that don't go at least to 1600 px.

BTW, other things that will hasten the degradation of a jpeg image is cropping it in a photo editor, or flipping or rotating it, and saving the result. So anyone who likes to doodle around with the photos ought to do it on TIFFs, not JPEGs. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-05-10  03:22pm - 5486 days #5
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

They are the result of compressed video files being used on DVDs (and in other video formats as well), particularly from older files that have been copied from one source to another. The problem is that DVDs use a lossy file format for their videos--raw, uncompressed video files are too enormous to be practical--and errors can show up from compression of the original files into the final MPEG-2s being used for the DVDs.

This can happen in JPEG images as well, especially after the file has been opened and closed numerous times (uncompressed and then compressed again), the end result is a more pixelated looking image.

(Wikipedia has an entry on compression artifacts too.)

What Turboshaft says is true! Once I realized that about jpegs, I understood why the images look so awful in the tours of some sites that have old, non-exclusive material. It's not just pixelation, with the tell-tale "halo" effect around a model's curvy edges, but loss of original color, too. The pics wind up looking "icky" after having been passed along through so many hands.

I make it a point not to open a jpeg image file more than I need to, to save extras of real favorites (opened only as a "last resort"), and to back up copies of everything newly acquired on a separate volume.

I suppose I could be even more extreme and anally retentive about it by saving them as lossless uncompressed TIFFs, but I'm too miserly with my hard drive space to do that! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-05-10  08:14am - 5487 days #6
Drooler (0)
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I can't exactly tell what's going on or why this is an "issue" here (i.e., Mbaya's question). I guess the raffle has something to do with it. Remember the big hullabaloo with William J a while back? Sounds like it might be a "lite" version of that so far.

A BFD if ever there was one. LOL. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-05-10  05:35am - 5487 days #2
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I don't feel particularly negative about it as it depends on how much content is on a given site in a network. If there is a lot, why not review the site but just note that it's part of a network? Of course, one could review the network anyway if the overall value of joining at the network price seems like a good deal.

If the network has a lot of small sites without much content, review the network, I'd say.

I've done at least one review of a site, StuffedPetites, but made detailed comments about other sites on the same network. I suppose if someone wants to complain anyway, let them. To that I'd just say, "So fucking what?" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

03-01-10  04:38pm - 5490 days #19
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Originally Posted by Capn:

They do seem to crop up quite often.
I was just trying to pin down where the appeal came from.

Cap'n. :0)

The pleated skirts is one thing I like. They cover a lot and yet a shapely girl looks nice in them. They can take them off by unwrapping them, which is appealing, yes! And the blouses with the sleeves folded at about the elbow are nice. Gee, I sound like a uniform freak. But I guess it's the fact that they're commonly seen clothing that helps.

I've been going over a lot of content at Judy Jade (a Verunka solo site) and though she starts with a lot of different fancy lingerie, I especially like it when she strips out of the more ordinary kinds of clothes like blue jean skirts and summer dresses. Just makes it seem more real. And the uniforms do that, too, if they're not too "linged-up," so to speak. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-28-10  07:15am - 5492 days #19
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Your reply seems to indicate that you, in fact, even know how to meet women. Drooler, a ladies man !?!?! Isn't that one of the biblical omens of imminent armageddon ;)

Wittyguy, you're at constant risk of overstepping and making yourself look small. You did it this time. Not my problem. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-27-10  06:11pm - 5492 days #2
Drooler (0)
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I like the schoolgirl uniform myself. The model might look "young," but she's bound to be of legal age unless someone wants their nads spanked. As for the mature ones, it's "nostalgic." Unless of course, she's really haggard; then it's a bit sad, yes. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-27-10  06:03pm - 5492 days #11
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Originally Posted by justme:

Because there is a percentage of porn buyers who like toys.

I still especially like when the girls play around with toys in their mouths! If for nothing else than the sheer absurdity factor!

Or are we just talking about labels here? Because isn't the classic definition of softcore mean "no penetration"? Maybe it's not so much the toy use in softcore that bothers you, but rather toy scenes being labeled softcore?

I've already explained what bothers me, if it's me you mean. Labeling toy play as softcore I don't have a problem with. Hardcore to me means b/g sex.

Labeling it as hardcore would be problematic. Imagine all of the incensed hardcore fans finding out that a "hardcore" site is really a toy play site. They'd be pretty pissed off about it, I'd think, and they'd be right to be angry. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-27-10  04:29pm - 5492 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Drooler is very anti- sex toys. He has complained frequently, and wishes the sites he joins would not use them at all, I believe.

Yes, if they didn't use them at all, I wouldn't mind. Yet I do join because, well, there aren't that many options outside of the FemJoy/MetArt-style sites.

So while I might seem intolerant in words, I'm far less so in action. And I think you know the proverb.

I know for sure that I would have missed quite a lot of good stuff had I not joined sites like ALS Scans, ALS Angels, the ATK sites, Bikini Riot, Danni, the DDF sites, Karupspc, Karupsha, Nubiles, Penthouse, Peter Girls, Suze.net, Stunners, and even SimonScans.

Really, the problem isn't toys. I can always delete the toy-play pics that I don't want. The problem is when a site takes such a strong approach to toy play that it becomes the whole point of a gallery, to the exclusion of another matter: ass. There are sites that used to be better at ass, but shifted to the toy focus so much that they seem to have forgotten about it. Nubiles is one; EuropeanGlamourGirls is another, though neither has become 100% oblivious. It's more like 93%. ;) And there are sites that are just toys-TOYS-TOYS!! TeenModels is a near-perfect example. They have such great image quality and fine-looking women, but it's nearly always about the damn toy play (or fists sometimes).

All of this toy obsession has lead to my "radicalization" against toy play, but it's a light form, more bark than bite. Really, I'm a pragmatist underneath the anti-toy bellicosity.

So I hope you understand that I am being realistic, but hey, I don't have to like it, do I? Some people might think mine is a hopeless cause, but I don't give a fuck, because I'm not into toys any more than I'm into processed frozen dinners.

Bottom line: Go ahead. Whip out those plastic phalluses. Knock yourself out. Just don't forget this.

And THIS. Oh, that's the shit! Damn!

See, there's wa-a-a-y too much toy play, and not NEARLY enough of pics like that one, immediately above, of Olivia York. And if THAT doesn't illustrate my point, I don't know what else can. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Feb 28, 2010, 02:57am

02-27-10  01:26am - 5493 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Fads come and go. That's my interpretation of why anal sex is so popular today. Just like shaved versus trimmed pubic hair. Fads can be irritating or enjoyable. If you don't enjoy it, try to ignore it. But that's easier said than done.

As fads go, anal sex in porn has lasted for a pretty long time. I remember in the days before internet porn when I was lurking the the "back area" of a video rental shop and they had a video announcing the "first anal" of Raquel Darrian.

I like pornwatcher's idea of anal sex being more of a niche item, as I don't crave watching it. But I'm not against it, either. I used to be pretty surprised by all of the anal sex coming out of Europe at sites like PixAndVideo; anymore I've just come to accept or at least tolerate it.

But are there women who really like it? I've yet to meet one myself. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-26-10  12:26am - 5494 days #7
Drooler (0)
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I like the "Clara G" approach to offering a discount. It's a nice surprise in the email. Much better that those things that pop up and ask you these obscure questions about whether you want to "navigate away from the page" (the "OK" button, which means "leave") or "cancel," which by some strange quirk is supposed to be naturally understood to mean "stay here and wait for the next round of pop-up stuff." Those things are all over the place.

Shitty communication can be very popular!

But you know, I'm always thinking. Kinda guy I am, I guess. Which is why I'd suggest instead -- I mean, if they're going to do that "offer-on-exit" thing-- using a box that pops up and has this message: "How about a discount?" and two buttons, one that says "Yes" and another that says "No." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Feb 26, 2010, 12:31am

02-24-10  11:46pm - 5495 days #43
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Not really putting up flak as such, but do remember
English is not Denner's first language. ;0)

Not trying to make excuses, but this is a limited medium for communication at the best of times. :0)

Best regards,

Cap'n. :0)

There was nothing wrong with the way Denner expressed his ideas to me anyway. He stated the problem and his disappointment. He didn't take things to any emotional excess.

It seems odd to me that someone would attempt to micromanage Denner's self-expression here. Really out of place. And though English isn't his first language, he's pretty good with it and has gotten better over the past 3 years. If anything, he should be acknowledged for that in a positive way, not finger wagged because he had a reasonable complaint.

Denner strikes me as a pretty happy guy. Control freaks, on the other hand, have a tough time being happy and content. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-23-10  07:53pm - 5496 days #29
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:


This site appears to be one where you can select your own username, so my guess would be Denner used his PU name or something similar when he joined this site which allowed them to know the IP that was associated with the name such that even when Epoch gave him a new login the site could track that to his IP.

That could be, I suppose. I hadn't thought it through in that way. Maybe we'll find out, or maybe we won't. There are privacy issues on all sides. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-23-10  07:26pm - 5496 days #27
Drooler (0)
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One thing about this has me scratching my head: How did the webmaster know whom to block so that he would block Denner? (assuming that's what actually happened)

Assuming that it he did deliberately block Denner, I suppose he could have matched Denner's IP address from his email to the site with the same from the server log of subscribers' IP addresses. I'm not sure about this, though, not being that versed in the tech.

The larger question is how anonymous we are to the sites we subscribe to. I've always believed that so long as we go through an independent billing processor to sign up, our access is primarily controlled by them, not by the site itself, and to the site, we're just IP addresses.

But that's not always the case. There are sites that get your actual name from the signup process and welcome you, printing, "Hello (your name)" on the page when you log in. That's happened before with signups I've done through ccbill (at In The Crack, for example).

Of course, some sites have download limits and can simply use the IP addresses to temporarily block excessive downloaders or permanently disable those suspected of sharing usepasses.

But do they know more about us than that? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-23-10  06:40pm - 5496 days #24
Drooler (0)
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Wow. I just came in on this thing. I think those Th76a839i -g87i7398r789l789376l6378s are really cute.

Hey! What was THAT! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

02-22-10  03:40pm - 5497 days #11
Drooler (0)
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Here's another, I think from the '90's. Randy Spears plays a porno director, sitting on his director's chair. There's guy and a hot brunette on a couch. They go through the preliminaries, start undressing each other, and then the girl turns to Randy and says, with regret, "I forgot my line."

Randy glances at the script and says, "It's 'Ooooh, baby, oooh, baby, ooooh.'" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

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