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User : Ergo Proxy (0)  

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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I sometimes send feedback but mostly to smaller sites where I think it has a chance to be heard and taken a little bit seriously.

11-02-12  12:23pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

Out of fun I chose the Prime Time, but seriously, I have no idea. I fear that the vids will take a more dominant role because of the availability of huge flatscreens, 3D, etc. And if they figure out more about the brain some implant jacks for the head with virtual cybersex streaming and that sort. That's where you will have to be careful about starving to death in your chair while being fucked 24/7 though.

06-30-12  12:44am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No. In the western world I don't think it is or will be possible. I like to cite Dr. House (don't remember his exact spelling) here: "If they ban porn from the internet there will be only one single internet site in the future with the title "We want our porn back"."

06-05-12  10:28am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Defintitely don't like it. I know the japanese love it but for me it's just a disgrace for the woman. In another context and with one man it could be OK. But with 10-20 men covering her whole face, c'mon who needs this shit (even not taking into account the health issues)?

05-26-12  12:18pm

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Poll

Desktop. What's a tablet, some sort of food tray?

05-21-12  05:22am

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Poll

Unless it's Trinity from the Matrix, please take them off!

05-04-12  02:18am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

No. The only underaged girls I got to see until now were Hentai and since it's no real person...I sometimes wonder though why the japanese are so obsessed with loli pictures. But OK, they also look at guro, so...

04-26-12  10:25am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Maybe it's like you said it is but I think you underestimate the society and its influence on the individual's decisions. Even if one is unaware of it.

04-22-12  05:28am

N/A Reply of Ergo Proxy's Poll

I am happy to see my suggestion for a poll. To clarify the point "Maiming the concept of love", I was struggling to get the expression in the way I wanted it to appear (and this one is also meant ironically of course). I wanted to give a choice for differentiation here between social and sexual monogamy. Although most people see these concepts intrinsically linked to each other, they are not. So the number one reason for most people to say that someone is unable to be socially monogamous is sexual promiscuity. Social standards don't allow one to follow this combination. My point for this 4th option was, however, that (from my point of view) the level of commitment and trust one puts into his relationships should be viewed independently from his promiscuity. There are different levels of "love" and they shouldn't be discarded by social standards. I found a citation in an article which expresses my thoughts on this topic quite well:

"While monogamy is the perfect form of social organization, its pressure is eliminating all other options and putting aside the persons that are not capable of it and want to experiment other life styles."


So I polled for point four. Makes the most sense to me. There is so much love going around, I wouldn't want it restricted just by social standards or stigmata.

04-22-12  03:21am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I once saw a documentary about a male reporter taking part in a porn casting. If the pressure for female actors is the same as for males (apart from the pressure to keep a hard on for some long time) I would certainly (and have) vote "Didn't know women have orgasms". So, I think (fake) orgasms are just part of the job.

03-07-10  11:08am

Visit 66 Latex

66 Latex
Reply of LatexRyan's Review

Nice review, thanks. But...
You should have also mentioned that there are some models whose appearance is rather modest at best. Maybe they replaced them, I don't know 'cause I was a member ages ago (1 year or so?) and was very disappointed by this site. Maybe the recently included dildo and pussy shots will make it up for the current subscribers. I am still not very tempted to join there, but that's just my humble opinion.

03-03-12  12:13pm

Visit 66 Latex

66 Latex

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Pictures have decent resolutions of 2000x3000

Galleries are offered in .zip format

87 galleries online with about 50-90 pics per set

Some tight and transparent outfits show plenty of skin and cameltoes
Cons: No videos

Only 8 models with moderate appearance, some at best moderate

Boring standard posing of the models in front of monochrome backgrounds

Very uninspired and not sexy site

Content and price/month are in no relation to each other
Bottom Line: This site looks like a poor copy of Rubber-models.com, but without videos, hot and juicy models and nicely shot galleries in front of interesting backgrounds. So to say, there is nothing left, which can be claimed worthwile to look at. I was a member for one month and barely downloaded a full gallery for my archive. This site is a good example for a failed attempt in relation to rubber, latex and fetishism. I wouldn't recommend to join.

07-24-10  08:13am

Replies (0)
Visit abbywinters

Reply of dracken's Review

I liked your review because you address many points I would have mentioned too and the final score seems fair. Have you ever considered to look at "I feel myself"? Personally I didn't like it much but in your case if you don't mind they have mostly solo scenes they do have decent video quality and usually the pacing is faster.

05-03-12  10:05am

Visit abbywinters

Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Maybe I can put it like this...if you see people idolize something which you can't appreciate or comprehend why they do it, it pisses you off. The time I wrote this comment my "tolerance button" was temporarily switched off. Therefore my weak excuses "erase, dismiss, ignore". Nothing profound.

03-13-12  02:41pm

Visit abbywinters



Seriously, how many reviews will this site get on what short time scales and how many praises will there be in the future? No one knows. Sorry, just had to get it out of my system. Erase, dismiss, ignore my comment, whatever.

03-13-12  10:52am

Replies (3)
Visit abbywinters

Reply of messmer's Reply

@ Drooler Nice to see that some others have the same opinion as me.

@Messmer Maybe you are right and it's just not my affair, though I appreciate Lesbian sites with "natural girls" in general. LittleMutt is quite good, though they have cut down on the g/g stuff lately.

10-02-10  11:34am

Visit abbywinters


95%, seriously?

I just watched a trailer from this site and mostly saw some half naked average looking girls doing exercises and such. Looking through the previews did not impress me either. One can really overdo this "natural girls" stuff. I got rather a bit disgusted here. Maybe it's not my genre, but where does the 95% rating come from?

10-02-10  02:47am

Replies (8)
Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yeah, it's not the VOD site I was talking about.

01-26-12  02:14am

Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire
Reply of pat362's Reply

Doesn't Adult Empire suffer from tons of lawsuits from the legal owners of the stolen galleries etc.?

01-24-12  10:12am

Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire
Reply of pat362's Reply

Seriously, who with a sane mind would subscribe to such a site and how can they even stay in business this long?

01-24-12  07:37am

Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire

massive copyright violations?

I just surfed through some Latex Fetish lists in order to search for new interesting sites. There were many links to "sample pictures" from Adult-Empire.com with a lot of pictures I know from other sites but with deleted watermarks. They obviously claim it's their stuff. Massive copyright infringement? I am stunned.

01-24-12  02:51am

Replies (9)
Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire
Reply of kev60's Reply

OK, sorry. But a 90% out of the blue with all the negatives on all sides seemed a little bit fishy to me.

03-03-11  12:01pm

Visit Adult Empire

Adult Empire
Reply of kev60's Review

I was stumbling across this one recently and judging from their unprofessional appearance and linking tactics I would not join. This review is probably fake.

03-03-11  11:16am

Visit AEBN Video On Demand

AEBN Video On Demand
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

First of all, thanks for the review.

"It all comes down to how you perceive the value for yourself."

That was a good final remark! I am also registered at AEBN for some time now and occasionally watch this or that title. I joined mainly with the idea in mind to obtain some old fetish titles in a decent quality, but alas it's true that the quality and quantity starts to suck if you go back in time.

03-13-12  11:09am

Visit All Gravure

All Gravure
Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

It is known that the japanese society puts morality on top of many things. Concerning sexuality they got even more prude after the american garrison. Prostitution and pornography is officially forbidden. So it is not surprising that even hardcore sites are not really that hardcore. I find this Gravure site pretty interesting despite the softcore content (I am no member though).

10-07-10  11:32am

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