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N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I normally use the hand that's more in the mood than the other.

02-26-18  05:57pm

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

No because by definition if you can't see a listing than it literally means that you do not know what you are going to get for your money and I doubt any of us would join a site like that even if they offered a discount.

02-23-18  06:06pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Call me stupid but what's a non-nude amateur site? Unless I am way off than we are basically talking about Facebook pages.

02-23-18  05:58pm

N/A Reply of Onyx's Reply

I suspected space shooter might be best kind of games to play with VR Gear but the expenditure and ultimately limited use are why I have never gone beyond the curiosity phase.

Unless I am way off than all you currently have in lieu of VR porn is POV style porn with the viewer being placed in the role of the male performer. While I am more than willing to believe you that this is a better use of VR gear than computer games and I'm even willing to concede that it must make the viewer feel a lot more invested in the on screen action. I can't help but point out that it is still POV porn where you can only see what the male performer could see and therefore looking behind you may be fun the few times you do it. The action will still be in front of the viewer.

02-14-18  06:10pm

N/A Reply of Loki's Poll

No. As long as the discussions are civil than why should we be ban them. Let me rephrase that last part by adding that the subjects should be legal. Child pornography, bestiality scat porn should definitely be avoided.

02-14-18  10:09am

N/A Reply of Onyx's Reply

Let me see if I can explain the reasons why I am interested in VR computer games but not in VR porn. I think that VR computer games are able to use the VR technology to allow for a more immersive feel to players by allowing them to see all the action around them and because computer games are in real time then those various actions do affect game play but unless I have significantly misread VR porn than all you can do in VR porn is see what the cameras shot and therefore while it may be interesting to look around. All of the action is still happening in front of the user. It's still a POV scene with the user playing the part of the male performer in the scene. The user can't move around to see the action from different angles. At least not unless that is what the producer did with his 360° cameras.

That said the use of VR gear in computer games can often be more of a distraction than anything else because while you get a more immersive feel. Your brain still knows that you are wearing bulky head gear and I wear glasses so that is another pain to consider.

02-14-18  10:04am

N/A Reply of Onyx's Poll

I'm interested in VR but only when it pertains to computer games. I have no current desire to watch VR porn.

02-12-18  05:42pm

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

No they wouldn't.

02-08-18  09:25am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I picked that I love it but that's a very nuanced love because there is a very small window in which I love or even like it. The first thing is that it must be something that the woman attempts to do on her own without her male counterpart trying to help and the second it must be something that she can do without looking like she is about to vomit. I find that very few women can do an actual deep throat and of those women most will never do it in such a way that I enjoy it.

02-07-18  09:42am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I don't watch football but I like feel good stories so I will be happier if the underdog comes out on top.

02-01-18  06:38pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Yes but a long time ago.

02-01-18  06:36pm

Visit Pure Taboo

Pure Taboo
Reply of mbaya's Reply

I believe that the P T producers would love to be able to do that but sadly the economics that govern the way they shoot porn are such that they are not given a budget large enough and probably never will.

That said I can't help but notice that sometime they don't know what they are doing and it as nothing to do with budget and everything to do with lack of talent behind the camera. That's a little bit less obvious with some of P T videos but glaring with Girlsway videos

01-28-18  11:27am

Visit Pure Taboo

Pure Taboo
Reply of mbaya's Review

Thanks for the review. I applaud the producers attempt to shoot porn with a scenario because that is something that is sorely lacking in modern porn and I even appreciate their use of lenses that make the scenes look grittier/darker because it makes their stuff look less fake.

Where they kind of lose me is in the execution because ultimately the producers ultimate goal is to shoot a sex scene that happens to have a simple story and what they should instead be doing is shooting a simple story that will at some point include a sex scene. That means that they should concentrate a lot more time to the story part of the scene to the point where they do dry runs, multiple shots and maybe even 2 day shoots to make sure that the story is as good as the sex scene.

If anyone is a fan of this site and also likes lesbian porn than you should check out Girlsway because most of the videos on Girlsway are also produced by these people.

01-27-18  07:26pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Somewhat but ultimately it would have to be a site that was already on my radar. I wouldn't join a random site just because I can now get access for a few dollars.

01-27-18  06:56pm

N/A Reply of merc77's Poll

8mm and 16mm were the first formats I saw but VHS was the one where I started to enjoy what I was seeing.

01-25-18  06:09pm

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

I might have aspirations of directing a porn scene but I have no desire to own a porn site.

01-17-18  06:15pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked live chat but not many sites have that option. I usually use email and wait until they get back to me.

01-15-18  07:22am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

None and I don't plan on doing anything about it.

01-13-18  08:45am

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

Ultimately it's my age because while my taste have pretty much remained the same all my life. I'm sure that I find many more women beautiful today than I once did because my taste have matured. Just like I have.

01-10-18  03:56pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

No because I have dozen upon dozen that I keep track of.

01-10-18  03:49pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I am a very picky downloader so unless the site is one that only offers huge video files and a pretty frugal download limit then I will never face that problem but I guess I might be willing to pay a little more for no download limit. It would really depend on the join price.

01-04-18  06:35pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I picked the 80's but that's mostly because that is the first kind of porn I watched and the kind that I enjoy the most. That said the kind of lesbian porn that got shot in the early 2000 is superior to anything that came before and often what gets made these days.

01-01-18  10:03am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Poll

As much as I love my porn collection. I get way more pleasure form my regular movie collection and that's why it's no contest.

01-01-18  10:02am

Visit Anal Sex Zone

Anal Sex Zone
Reply of benmar51's Comment

Let me see if I can help you.

1-The site has a score that is barely above 70 so why are you even willing to waste your money on what is likely going to turn out to be a turd?

2-I don't know how much of the content is leased material but some of the more recent updates are many years old.

3-Seeing as the site has so little content then a 10GB limit is unlikely to be a problem.

It's your money so if you want to spend it on this site then please go ahead but I can guarantee you that you will be disappointed with the content.

12-17-17  05:51pm

N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

I much prefer a script and plot but the problem is that everyone that shots that kind of porn has no budget or talent to do it properly so in many ways it's almost better if there isn't any has it usually adds very little to the scene and more often than not makes what might have been a good scene nearly unwatchable.

12-17-17  05:41pm

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