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Reply of
Khan's Poll
I have preferences, but there are always outliers that I will join once in a while. In the grand scheme of things, the benefits of trying something different far outweigh the risk of being dissapointed...especially when your only talking $20 or so.
01-21-13 10:52am
Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of
otoh's Reply
Thanks! I try not to use DL managers because it tends to...dilute the best stuff with a whole lot of just OK stuff. I already have nearly 2 terrabytes of stuff collected since these sites first started appearing on the Internet and that's after I archived the oldest stuff.
That would make a good survey....how big is your collection...
01-21-13 10:49am
Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of
KET924aab's Reply
Nearly all of the videos are behind-the-scenes sets of the photo shoots and are pretty short. A few were done separately at the photo shoot site with nice POV. It seems like the girls that have their own sub-sites have slightly better videos...Monika, for eexample. Nearly all of them are 2-3 minutes or less, probably to keep the size down. I think they are all 720p but a very few older sets, like some of those of the beautiful but retired Marketa, were remastered from lesser resolution. Most of the soundtracks are music and there at least a couple of older videos that have distracting animations or effects in them. Largest video file size I see is about 150k.
01-20-13 04:04pm
Reply of
graymane's Poll
It's the whole package, but some things trump others. The really good news for us is that, when you're talking porn sites anyway, there is plenty of variety and we can all afford to be picky!
01-17-13 07:20pm
Casting Couch X
Reply of
Denner's Reply
Just so you know, I'm not complaining at all about the way the trial was described at TBP. I am complaining about the way it was abused by the site. TBP was told the trial included three partial videos. OK, the site lied. I was charged the upcharge upon the third CLICK on the site. I saw one girl, returned to main, clicked on another. BAM! No warning or explanation of any kind! I was on the site for less than 45 seconds before they hit my credit card for $39.95! That's what I consider inexcusable... Would you accept that kind of crap from Amazon? What about Met Art? Would you tolerate a live chat site that didn't delineate between free and pay links and arbitrarily charged your card for browsing? No? Of course you would not. No reputable web site of any kind would rip off a customer like that if they EVER cared about that customer enough to want to see them again. Well, they will never see ME again! OK, I'm done.
You set this PU site up so people could give their honest opinion about the sites visited. This is my honest opinion.
12-08-12 04:40pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I'm not into pregnant, but there are a few scenes where girls in shape, but lactating. That's kind of interesting.
12-08-12 10:36am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
In college. Half the frat house was watching as we were on a beach weekend... I saw one or two as they walked by, but didn't know they were ALL watching until we were done and I don't think she ever knew.
12-08-12 10:30am
Reply of
Drooler's Reply
Ditto for me. The MA network is tops, although you don't get access to all of the sites without paying extra.
12-08-12 10:25am
Reply of
Denner's Poll
Depends on your definition of gay site. If gay means men only, then no. If ALSSCAN is a gay site (lesbian), then yes.
12-08-12 10:22am
Reply of
Denner's Poll
All of the above.
12-08-12 10:17am
Reply of
OneMan's Poll
My answer is F: too much fake grunting, groaning and moaning.
12-08-12 10:10am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I never do the live webcam thing but once I was on Met Art and saw a girl named Mila, one of my all time favorite models, in an active webcam. I got into a 1 on 1 with her. She was everything I imagined she would be and the interaction was terrific! 10 minutes and $50 later (including tip) I was the happiest guy on earth. That will be the only time....probably...
12-08-12 09:59am
Reply of
Cybertoad's Poll
Kind of a gap there. I download more than 10 but less than 50.
12-08-12 09:55am
Reply of
graymane's Poll
I've known several dancers and a handful of pornstars. I WOULD marry a dancer (most of the ones I knew were financing their educations and got out). I would NOT marry a pornstar. The problem is that literally all of the pornstars I've known have been drawn into pornography from dancing, then nude modeling, then porn. Somewhere around doing porn, the sense of normal gets really messed up. The girls are highly influenced by the folks around them, most of which have a twisted sense of what normal is. The result is implants and enhancements, extreme acts, and other things that the girl might not normally do. And that is just the external influences. Layer on the childhood background some of the girls have which say it is OK to do porn. Something tells me conversations with her dad would not be particularly normal. Then there's the psychology of the girl herself. Ever heard of polyamorous? It is a very poorly understood psychological condition of a person who can't love just one other person. It is one of the effects...or maybe one of the motivators behind many pornstars.
I'm not saying there aren't a few pornstars out there with terrific, perfectly normal personalities. What I am saying is that I would find it difficult to maintain common values with most pornstars, which is a primary basis behind marraige, isn't it?
I am very happily married. Porn is a release and a fantasy. Why screw that up?
12-08-12 09:38am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Two words...CROSS SELLING! I have unchecked all the boxes, only to find them mysteriously rechecked after something like a mistyped CC was corrected. Once or twice I didn't notice until processing was complete. NOTHING misses me off more than that and I've blasted several sites because of it.
12-08-12 09:23am
Reply of
graymane's Poll
Hello? King sized bed! Towel off and move to one side or the other!
12-08-12 09:20am
Reply of
messmer's Poll
I did not vote on this one since the answer "in whatever location is the least obtrusive" was not an answer. Danni's hard drive had a huge logo but most of the time they put it in whatever corner worked best. Most of th esites I prefer don't have them.
12-08-12 09:17am
Reply of
Claypaws's Poll
You really need an "Other" here. For me it is the whole package, including the girl, set, quality of photography, etc. So it is a 1x1x1x1 thing where something missing(a 0)= 0.
12-08-12 09:13am
Reply of
Cybertoad's Poll
With most girls, a little makeup is a good thing. I absolutely can't stand the bright color or rainbow eye shadow common in Eastern European countries. Makes a girl look like a clown.
12-08-12 09:09am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
See my response under "TVs" poll. Including game consoles and computers, I have 12. Never watched a blu-ray porn, though. :-(
12-08-12 09:07am
Reply of
Drooler's Poll
If I find a model particularly attractive, I will move all her stuff into my OMG folder, regardless of name. There are about 10 girls in there now out of about 200,000.
12-08-12 09:04am
Reply of
Colm4's Poll
I don't really have TVs. I have A/V setups in 3 rooms with A/V recievers, Tivos, stream-capable Blu-Ray players, and game consoles. One setup is a dedicated A/V room with the setup bove, plus a PC, a projector and 12 foot projection screen.
The problem with TV and TV related services is that they are too clean. I can get PPV porn on any hotel TV, but not in my own home because Amazon and the other mainstream vendors won't carry it. Huge, huge, HUGE market opportunity when you consider what VCRs did for the industry.
12-08-12 08:57am
Reply of
Colm4's Poll
Eh, it's more about the ability of the photography team than the location. Well..Although outdoors is usually fine, I'm not thrilled with the girl in the woods shoots where she pretends there is no photographer present or is partially hidden behind a tree.
A good photographer with a good model, good technique and a good demeaner with that model can successfully shoot anywhere.
12-08-12 08:45am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I was in Vegas several years ago for business and the hotel was hosting some kind of porn convention. Can't recall what it was...maybe Vivid. Everybody had lanyards and badges, but I was able to walk right in because I had a lanyard and badge from my covention...nobody really looks at the things. Lots of toys, dolls, porn stars, etc. Remember Raquel Darrian? She was there. That pegs the timeframe. '92 maybe?
12-08-12 08:35am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I am all for legalization and taxation at both the state and federal level. It would help the economy and allow the DEA to go after the heavy hitters dealing with the really bad stuff. Bot...
The only concern I have is the impact this would have on kids. For drinking, laws are strict and the impact of small amounts of alcohal on the development of kids brains is generally minimal (as proven by studies and by European countries that allow kids to drink). Don't bash me, but I am not convinced that pot does not have an impact on the development of young brains. As a kid in the 1970's I was 11 when I started smokong pot and was pretty much done with it by college. I do think it had an adverse affect on me. As a kid, I did not delineate much between pot and marginally more dangerous drugs like coke (the snorting kind back then, thank god), speed and quaaludes. (Adults, with a more developed sense of reason, can probably understand the difference and not leap to other drugs.) I also think legalization might make it easier for kids to get weed, especially if it were a common thing around the house (purses, top drawers, etc). Alcohol laws prevent an adult from giving alcahol to a minor, but do not prohibit kids from raiding the liquor cabinet and do not encourage parents to lock up the booze. And as somebody above mentioned, unlike alcohol, second hand pot smoke is still effective at giving somebody, kids included, a buzz.
So, although I'm in favor of it, there would need to be several safeguards in place that I'm not sure are there yet. Some combination of both alcahol and tobacco policies would need to be implemented.
12-08-12 07:07am