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Visit Nubiles.net

Reply of obsessedoverit's Reply

"For future reviews... maybe curtail my personal preferences a tad."

Don't do that. References to your personal interests are what make a review useful and provides context to your ratings.

10-29-08  07:19am

Visit Nubiles.net

Reply of obsessedoverit's Review

Just a comment.

As I see it the review was in conformity with the normal expectations of we Porn Users and was well written. I re-read the review and don't think that obsessedoverit ever suggested a bait and switch occurred with Nubiles. He simply said he likes ebony and flashing and that it wasn't available on Nubiles.

While I'm OK with ebony and flashing, it's not something I look for so that observation has no impact on my interest in the site.

I guess the only issue I have with the review is that P. U. offers the same discount as paysitesdiscount.com and he didn't mention that.

His review reinforces my interest in the site because his "pro's" are what I want and his "con's" are of no significant concern to me.

In fact, his credibility is really established by his comment that the site's focus is "not his niche" which explains his score. The site is definitely my "niche" because it has some hardcore and does a far better job of editing than FTV Girls.

obsessedoverit's review was very well done, in my opinion.

10-28-08  07:45pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

Alright. I answered PU because I'm responding to a PU poll...

Here's what really happens.

When I'm on holiday I always have my laptop with me and I check my email at least twice a day; once in the morning and once at bedtime. Sometimes if nothing else is going on, I'll check during the day.

I also check all of my financial accounts every morning, in particular my checking and credit card accounts, to see what bad shit may be going on. (Last fall, when on a week stay in Kauai, I did my usual check of my checking account and found that a bogus check for $5,000 had just been processed. Thank goodness I checked because that check was followed by two more and would have wiped out my checking account and the overdraft backup securities account. I called the bank's 800 number immediately and found out that the first check was processed two hours before I called so they were able to do a trackback instantly. Skip the details...but the shithead processed two more checks that were in the system. The best part, he tried a fourth check, but with a bank that contacted my bank to verify the funds were available while he was standing there. Bingo. They nabbed the guy in the act.)

Back to the subject. Then, after I check my financial accounts and email, I check Porn Users to see what's new on the site reviews, then the PU forums, and any replies to my reviews and comments.

Then I check VideoBox for the latest updates on that site and then any other sites I'm on.

That means that there's no need to "catch up" when I get home because I'm doing that daily.

10-28-08  07:26pm

Visit Danni.com

Reply of obsessedoverit's Review

Unless their customer service has been reestablished (it virtually vanished a year or so ago) I suggest keeping your money.

Content is, as obsessedoverit says, good and plenty, but when something goes wrong, as it does very frequently, the customer can be shit outta luck.

No replies to emails and no answers on their 800 number.

With Danni.com, it's a case of caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.

This site would be one of the top sites if someone with a decent interest in the customer took charge.

10-26-08  11:03am

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

Concept makes no real sense. The concept of porn is the notion that real copulation is occurring and that the watcher is stimulated by the fantasy that he/she is participating.

I would like to see technology permit olfactory transmission and/or user directed multiple camera angles.

10-26-08  10:55am

N/A Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Agree completely with Pink Panther's list and ranking.

Chatter by the stuntcock or the director is not an issue with me because I am into the action. If I don't like the noise, I just turn off the sound.

10-25-08  08:55am

N/A Reply of kkman112's Reply

Me too (Toshiba 17" Laptop).

10-22-08  02:57pm

N/A Reply of elonlybuster's Poll

Frankly, for me, I don't worry about it at all.

Given all the publicity about disease and all the "morning after solutions" to unintended impregnation, it's impossible to imagine a porn actress who isn't well prepared before the fuck scene.

As for the guys, if they aren't prepared, then they are subject to the Darwin effect. (Stupid people will die off faster).

Now, speaking from the User/Viewer/Wanker's point of view, I don't give a shit if rubbers are used or not because I am into the female body. I don't care for anal sex, for example, except when she's getting fucked in a reverse cowgirl position so I can see everything I enjoy seeing.

If a condom is used, fine. Show me the PTA.
If a condom isn't used, fine. Show me the PTA.

By the way, I have an associated question. I've seen scenes where the sperm jockey uses a condom, ejaculates his load in the rumbber, then the babe drinks it down. Can anyone explain why protection was used except perhaps the after-action is it's own fetish niche.

[PTA = Pussy, Tits and Ass.]

10-20-08  11:27am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

As is elephant, I'm mostly video these days. But if I decide to check out the photos of some babe, I'll check a shot or two near the end to see how far the set goes, then I'll D/L the zip. That way I can do the slide show at super fast speed on my photo program which almost makes the photoset an animated video, albeit a bit jerky.

10-18-08  10:46am

Visit DDF Busty

DDF Busty
Reply of roseman's Comment

Frankly, these guys are really missing the boat. If they stayed at $29.95, I bet they would be making a ton more from a lot more subscriptions at the nominally top price in the web porn biz of $29.95.

Consider the fact that the only real variable cost these guys have is the small amount of additional bandwidth needed to accommodate the new customer.

The proof of this is when you consider how many sites offer a "stick around" price when you cancel a membership.

(I am paying $5.95 a month for a site that I started at $29.95 after trying to cancel. It notched down from $29.95 to $19.95 to $14.95 to $9.95 to $5.95 as zi tried each attempt. They are getting $5.95 a month from me just because they have some content once in a while that I like. I don't want to cancel because, for the price of a Big Mac meal deal at McDonalds I can get access to a good porn site - without gaining weight even.)

I'd sign up for DDF Busty in a New York minute if they priced it at $24.95, and would put it in my A list at $29.95.

10-17-08  10:18am

Visit AV9898

Reply of Khan's Reply

Wow, you guys are fast!

10-16-08  09:51am

Visit AV9898

Reply of deadelvis's Comment

This is what appears in the TBP review:

Monthly: $9.95 (recurs at $29.95/mo.)
1 Year: $99.50 (non-recurring

10-16-08  07:02am

Visit FTV Girls

FTV Girls
Reply of apoctom's Comment


There are three things that FTV needs but does not have.

1. The search function that you want. (I'd give my left nut [well, not really] for FTV to have a search function like Twistys and Babelicious where you can get as specific as labia size in addition to the usual stuff.)

2. A full length download option instead of several segments.

3. Reduce the length of time devoted to just one activity. (7 minutes of a babe diddling her pussy with a dildo where the scene is identical at minute 1 as it is at minute 7 is boring as hell.)

I'd also like an archive that contains all samplers for all content, not just the recent additions

10-15-08  10:24pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of gamblinman's Comment

Candidly, I lost interest in BangBros when they pulled a price bait & switch, but mine was a promised discount listed on PU that billed at the full rate. Their response to my email complaining about it simply said that the discount wasn't authorized and that they had no idea who Porn Users is.

I had been a member for a few months a few years ago and was OK but was not motivated to continue my membership. They've got some babes in exclusive videos that, at the phantom discount, would have kept me on as a member for several months.

I really don't understand the logic in a site being belligerent with its customers. It's rare, fortunately.

10-15-08  10:15pm

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

None. I'm with Drooler on this one.

10-14-08  06:59am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of laxattack34's Review

Another issue is that their search function, while it functions well, is inaccurate. A babe who appears in one scene, Victoria Vonn, is featured in many of their ads on other sites but cannot be found anywhere unless you just happen to know that she's in their Babys with Boobs site and page through the chronological listing.

And they choose not to reply to email communications suggesting that they make the correction.

In addition, they lest several babes in their index that have only a brief bio and photo but no videos or photos.

I'll be writing a review soon but thought I'd toss this minor "con" in for consideration.

10-13-08  12:30pm

Visit Christy Marks

Christy Marks
Reply of atrapat's Reply

Ditto what messmer said. Thanks.

10-13-08  12:18pm

Visit Christy Marks

Christy Marks
Reply of atrapat's Review

As with CT, I like a bit of firmness too but well developed floppers are still a turn on for me. This babe's mam's are spectacular anyway and she knows how to play with them and other body parts to great effect. The public site's video samplers made little Willy excited until he became big Dick.

I've learned my lesson on single model sites, but at $30 for three months, and with the fact that the site seems very actively updating, I may just toss a few bucks in the bucket and go for it.

Questions for atrapat. You said, "Extras section is just a couple of videos from Busty Merilyn Sakova." Does that mean her site is a bonus site or just that there are a few videos in Christy's site? Also are there any bonus sites or other "girlfriends" material in this site?

10-13-08  08:17am

Visit Mano Job

Mano Job
Reply of 2 Free K's Review

I found this site today while tracking down all sites with Victoria Vonn content. (She's either out of the biz or is very selective because she's been around since mid 2007 but there isn't much.) Never heard of it until today, so I went to the PU listing and found your review.

I checked out a few of the trailers for some of the babes (Victoria Vonn is on page 18, +/- a page or two) and was very intrigued. (BTW, she also appears in the upper right masthead of the login page as well.) A few questions.

1. How long are the video sequences?
2. The quality of the trailers is quite good. Are the videos all equally good (or better)?
3. There seemed to be a decent front end tease segment in each trailer, but it's hard to tell. Is there a tease before the handjob where the babe shows off her assets in most, if not all, scenes?
4. The trailer sets all indicate the number of videos. Is that an accurate number as far as you know?
5. Is there any download limitation such as DRM or a maximum download limit?

10-12-08  04:16pm

Visit Rookie Slut Search

Rookie Slut Search
Reply of troglodite's Review

Now this is a quality review, loaded with information but economical with verbiage. And the explanation of the low score makes sense.

I'm signing up for the trial as troglodite did just to do a little "site-seeing" ;o) because the site's concept is intriguing and trog's comments make me want to.

10-12-08  10:28am

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

What Pat362 said, that's me...but I answered "Model Videos" because that's what I'm interested in. Adding to my inventory of videos of my babes list.

If the new site has reruns of old stuff that I already have I will still download it to compare quality and content (some vids have been edited down) and keep the best one.

Then I'll check out the inventory of babes to see if there are any that are new to me that catch my interest.

I used to be into photo heavy sites, I guess because I've been doing this since 2001 when videos were lousy and short. But the video quality and quantity has exploded so dramatically I've lost interest in stills.

{RECOMMENDATION} The new version (ver. 9.4) of the VLC alternative to WMP offers a neat snapshot feature that is instantaneous so anyone can make photos from a video that are as good in quality as the video itself.

VLC is free at VideoLAN. It's got some great features like the snapshots, a fast aspect ratio correction, and a better operating console. The one negative is that, unlike WMP, you cannot adjust color and/or contrast.

[I'm repeating this recommendation on the Forum, so if it seems familiar, that may be why.

10-12-08  10:14am

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

I agree with pat362. The raffle is a bonus, not the objective. If it's handled fairly, then there should be no "affirmative action" added to the process.

This site has made me and, no doubt many others, more money through the great reviews by people like me that steer me away from sites that are not up to their hype.

10-11-08  09:53am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

To save a few bucks, yesterday I tried to cancel two sites that I'm not that hot about. Surprise. Both came back with "stick around" offers that were good. I accepted one (a $29.95 site that offered a $19.95 price) and declined the other one. The second one came back with an even lower price (a $29.95 site that came in with a last offer at $5.95) so I OK'd that one too. In other words, I dropped a monthly $59.90 down to $24.90, a $35 save, and still have access to everything.

Bottom line, it could well be that porn budgets can all be tightened without losing any memberships just by trying to cancel a full price site. After all, if they accept the cancel without any deals, you can sign up later if you want and it costs nothing extra.

10-08-08  11:45am

N/A Reply of surferman's Reply

I'm thinking the opposite. If the boss is a female, any substantive answer will probably be converted into a sexual harrasment discharge or worse. The only safe answer is "No Comment."

10-06-08  08:38am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Poll

I'd ignore the question and, if pressed, I'd ask him why he is interested. (Why is it his business whether I watch porn or have cheese on my hamburger?)

10-06-08  07:10am

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