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Visit AV Erotica

AV Erotica
Reply of Denner's Reply

Denner, I was just watching a German porn video, and I realized something. I could understand the Aaahhhs and Oooohhhs in German without any subtitles! Do you think I would understand a Danish porn video that was using the same Aaahhhs and Oooohhhs? I think the accent might be slightly different, because a German Aaahhh sounds slightly different from an American Aaahhh, but it's still understandable. Both the boy and girl were making the same kind of noises, so I think they were supposed to be showing excitement at what they were doing, which was having sexual intercourse in a bathroom.

(It's a slow day, very hot, over 106 degrees Fahrenheit. So I thought I'd toss off a note to hopefully cool myself down.) :)

08-25-10  03:19pm

Visit AV Erotica

AV Erotica
Reply of Denner's Reply

Denner, do you happen to know if the photosets of a model named Lora at AV Erotica have been deleted?

She is no longer listed in the preview section of the model listing.

And in the gallery listings, it appears that her sets have been deleted.

She appears at other sites, named:
Lora at Domai
Darsi A at Met-art
Darsi at Metmodels

Don't know why a site would delete the photosets, but I've seen it happen sometimes. I don't like it when it happens to one of my favorites.

08-25-10  12:42pm

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of BadMrFrosty's Comment

$50 per month for membership? I am not John D. Rockefeller. :)

08-25-10  10:06am

Visit Querro

Reply of Denner's Comment

I'm not a member, but your summary seems accurate.
The site seems similar to Met-art or MPL Studios.
The site has some cute models, that are new to me.
I've seen some of the photosets from this site, and the photosets could just as easily have been posted at Met-art, MPL Studios, Femjoy, or any other top line softcore teen site.
The reason to join would be because you haven't seen the models/photosets elsewhere.
But this is a much smaller site than the mega-sites I mentioned.

Edit01: A few of the models have appeared at other softcore mega-sites.

But I do believe the content is exclusive to this site.

08-25-10  09:52am

Visit Purrfect Girls

Purrfect Girls
Reply of tangub's Reply

My reply to a comment made by mr smut on 11-27-08 on the Purrfect Girls site: (quote): "One model, Eva, is absolutely yummy."

So I guess we like at least some of the same models. :)

My impression from the preview pages is that this is part of a small network, but each site is joined by itself. Which makes it expensive.

Most of the sites I looked at appear to have stopped updating in 2009. And the updates look to have been slowing before then.

The reannamae site appears to still be updating. But she is, to me, less attractive than Eva or Princess Alla (Princess Alla is named Christina at Purrfect Girls).

A shame, because they have some cute models.

08-25-10  09:36am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I don't think the season of year makes much difference. Except that during the holidays when you're around family the porn is obviously less viewed (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.).

08-25-10  03:46am

Visit Euro Teen Erotica

Euro Teen Erotica
Reply of nadiencendia's Reply

Very well said.

And that's why PU is such a valuable site. The members are intelligent, courteous, and helpful.

08-24-10  03:28am

Visit Euro Teen Erotica

Euro Teen Erotica
Reply of nadiencendia's Reply

I made a similar type comment in my review of Femjoy, saying that I preferred the Met-art look over the Femjoy look in the photosets. And I got a couple of responses that preferred the Femjoy look as more natural. So taste is very much a matter of personal opinion.

Nobody agreed with me that the Met-art look is better than the Femjoy look. :)

So I can't dictate what other people prefer. I was just making a comment that this site is more of a "natural" style than a "glamor" style.

I definitely do prefer a more glamorized style. Not ultra glamor, but some glamor.

08-24-10  03:21am

Visit Fucking Gamble

Fucking Gamble
Reply of FuckingGambler's Reply

I really appreciate the responsiveness of the webmaster to reviews and comments on his site at our forum. That shows a concern for customer satisfaction that is rare.

08-23-10  05:57pm

Visit Figure Baby

Figure Baby
Reply of Mr Fountain's Comment

The site models seem real amateurs, and the low current price seems attractive. I certainly don't recognize any of the models I saw in the preview pages. :)

08-23-10  12:30pm

N/A Reply of tangub's Reply

tangub's answer is very close to mine. I mainly prefer softcore sites. And since the videos at softcore sites are usually boring, no matter how attractive the models are, you are left with the pictures to enjoy. I am also looking at hardcore sites, where the photos are usually boring, and the good videos that appeal to my tastes are hard to find.

Good softcore pictures are found at many sites. Good hardcore pictures are difficult to find. Good softcore videos are almost impossible to find. Good hardcore videos are difficult to find.

So I focus on softcore pictures, because it's easy to find high quality, erotic photos.

08-23-10  11:58am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Not worth the effort. I almost always go for the 1-month membership. Haven't found any sites I am interested in that are offering me a $1 trial. Also, the $1 trials I've seen have a very expensive renewal rate, far more expensive than the regular 1-month fee.

08-21-10  02:16am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm still waiting for turboshaft and drooler and the rest of the PU members to post their tanline photos before I make my final decision. So I can't say if they really look better with or without. :)

But for female models, I don't think tan lines usually make a big difference one way or the other.

08-20-10  08:06pm

Visit Graphis

Reply of Capn's Review

Solid review of a disappointing site. I doubt many PU members are willing to pay for a year's membership before they can access the entire site.

08-16-10  01:02pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of Capn's Comment

Totally agree. I mentioned in a comment over a year ago that the site was very expensive, and wondered if there was a discount available. But there is no easy way to get a discount to this site.

08-15-10  05:14am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of Capn's Reply

Remind me to stay on good terms with you, even with an ocean separating us. I don't want any of your hitman buddies coming after me. :whaa

It makes perfect sense to me that the victim should blame the guy paying for the job. The hitman is a professional man getting paid for his work. Why should the victim blame the hitman? The guy that's paying for the job is the one with the grudge against the guy that's getting hit.

Actually, in many movies, the target of the hitmen is rather foolish. Instead of trying to defend against the hitmen, the target should be trying to kill the evil boss or the one who is paying for the contract. That might stop the hitmen from trying to complete the job, because the reason for the target to be killed would be gone. You kill a bunch of hitmen, the evil boss just hires new hitmen. You kill the evil boss, there's no one to pay the hitmen, so there's no reason for them to keep trying to kill the target.

08-13-10  06:12pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of Drooler's Reply

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who can get out of bed on the wrong side. Lol.

08-13-10  05:59pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Reply

Many thanks for the blog examples, nadiencendia. I think you have to be a real fan of these models if you are going to follow/read these blogs. I think the models are pretty, but the blogs simply don't appeal to me. I understand the idea is to help their fans feel a connection to the models, and to increase the fan interest and loyalty, but the blogs just don't connect to me.

On the other hand, I bought a DVD of Rabid, a movie that Marilyn Chambers was in back in the 1970s, from Marilyn Chambers at a convention, and was happy to get it, because I had seen the movie when it played originally in the theaters when it was first released in 1977. Marilyn Chambers was a famous porn star back in the 1970s, when porn movies were first gaining acceptance and starting to make big money. Rabid was a non-porn zombie movie by David Cronenberg back when he was still doing small movies, and he since went on to become a big-time director. I was happy to get the DVD. But I haven't even opened the case or played the DVD (partly because she signed the outer plastic cover with a cute message). But I still remember pretty much what the movie was about, even after all this time. It was just a low-budget zombie movie, but I thought it was well done and enjoyed the movie at the time, so the DVD still brings back memories. :)

And Marilyn Chambers seemed like a really nice and friendly person when I met her. Very down to earth.

08-13-10  08:51am

Visit Euro Girls On Girls

Euro Girls On Girls
Reply of nadiencendia's Review

Agree that the site seems expensive.
A 1-year subscription to this single site is $199.95.
A 1-year subscription to this site plus 9 other sites in the network is $239.95.

For the 1-month option:
Single site is $26.95.
10 sites is $29.95.

So if you are going to join this site, it seems you might as well pay a few dollars more and get the 10-site membership.

But that is a heck of a price to pay for a 1-year membership.

08-13-10  05:26am

N/A Reply of mistresskent's Poll

Where do you find these blogs? I assume you're not talking about model bios, but an actual blog that is done by the model. The sites I join might have a short model bio, which can often contain inaccurate data (country of origin, age, even getting the physical description of the model wrong at times). But I don't often come across a model's blog.

08-13-10  05:09am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of tangub's Reply

I'm located in the US, so I've never had to deal with regional pricing for pay sites. But I do know that people in Europe often get hit with unfair prices.

Khan (a PU staff member) says the regional pricing policy is set by the paysite, and not the payment processing company (which might be CCBill or Epoch), though the payment processing companies do get a lot of angry comments because potential subscribers blame them for the higher prices.

I went on vacation to Europe years ago. And at different places, our tour group was charged higher prices for items we bought, than the natives of the region. I'm talking about buying a can of coke or whatever at a refreshment stand or whatever. I felt I was being ripped off, seeing other people paying less for the same items we were buying. That was the first time I encountered what was basically regional pricing.

Except that in an extended form of regional pricing, maybe, when I went to college in the US, people from out of state had to pay a higher price to attend a state college than an in-state resident. So that might be considered a form of regional pricing. That is still true today, that out of state residents pay a higher price to attend a local state college, I assume. The theory is that the state colleges are supported in part by the income/property tax that residents pay to the state. Even though state sales tax is paid by anyone who purchases any item within the state.

What the theory behind regional pricing for porn paysites is, I don't know, other than businesses usually try to grab as much money as they can from whoever they can. :)

08-13-10  04:58am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll


08-12-10  03:49pm

Visit Nubile Girls HD

Nubile Girls HD
Reply of Goldfish's Reply

BadMrFrosty did a review of TeenStarsHD in May 2010.
He reported 72 videos at the site.

It is now August 2010.
There are now 75 videos at the site (TeenStarsHD).

So there have only been 3 videos added to this site since May. Which BadMrFrosty already noted in his reply/message #11.

08-12-10  01:20pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Just the ones I use. :)

08-09-10  12:03am

Visit Nubile Girls HD

Nubile Girls HD
Reply of dracken's Reply

I mentioned in my review that the posting dates for the videos/photosets are not reliable. A video (with its associated photoset) might have a posting date of last week, but you can see comments about the video/photoset that are dated months or even a year earlier.

So there is no easy way to tell how often the site updates with a new video/photoset.

I think there were 2 updates to NubileGirlsHD in the month of July.

This site is part of the Royal Cash network.
The way it works is this:
You join a single site, you get that site plus most of the Royal Cash network sites. Most, but not all. The specific sites you get is a mystery, until you actually join. Kind of a strange way of doing business. To know which specific sites you get by joining any specific site in the network, you would need to email the webmaster. And he would have to check with somebody else (I saw a reply of his at PU, where he answered someone with the information about some of the sites that were included when you join some site, and he had to check with somebody to get that information. And that information was specific to that one site chosen as the membership entrance. If you had joined a different site in the network, the sites you had access to would have been slightly different.)

(I've posted a couple of comments about what a stupid system it is, and confusing. Why not just give access to all the sites in the network when joining, instead of access to most of the sites?)

Anyway, most of the sites in the network do not update. When they add a new site to the network, they update that site for a while, then stop updating it, and add a new site, which they then update.

Someone could write a college research paper on their business plan (trying to find the logic in the plan).

Anyway, out of the maybe 33 sites you have access to, you will get about 17 updates a month total. That's my guess. 17 updates spread out to those sites that are actively updating, which might be 4 sites that are actually updating out of the sites you have access to.

08-08-10  08:43pm

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