There is a site called Asia Nude 4 U that has a mix of softcore/hardcore with models much like the 88 Square site. Some of the models at Asia Nude 4 U are extremely pretty. Asia Nude 4 U is not extremely hardcore, but much more hardcore than Met-art, which is strictly softcore.
But 88 Square and Asia Nude 4 U are not really the site I was thinking of when I said there was a Met-art clone of Asian models. This is a site (or was, I don't know if it's still around) with high-quality softcore photosets of Asian models.
I'll try to remember the name of the site, but my memory is terrible, and the exact name might take a few weeks or longer.
Do you personally enjoy Met-art? If not, then you wouldn't enjoy the site I am thinking of, unless you get an extra special kick from Asian models. I think some Asian models are just gorgeous, and there are plenty of pretty ones as well, but tastes are personal.
If you like the Met-art site, I will try to keep digging for the name. The models were Asian, not Asian-American, I think. There are a very few Asian models at Met-art, but hardly more than a handful out of the 100s of models they have.
I put more weight on the comments and reviews by PU members that I trust and understand than on the scores or reviews of TBP. TBP scores are harder for me to relate to or understand. Drooler and other PU members are paying customers like me, while the TBP reviewers are professional reviewers with a different point of view that has less relevance for me. That's my personal opinion.
I usually agree with and understand the reviews of sites that Drooler reviews or comments on that I have been a member of. Our tastes are somewhat similar. Not exactly the same, but close enough that if Drooler finds a site to be excellent and well worth the money, chances are the site might be worth joining for me. (He does not find a lot of those excellent and well worth joining sites, because he has a lot of contrary opinion and orneriness. Maybe old age is biting him in the ass, or maybe he was ornery at birth. But you can depend on him (and some others) to give a somewhat clear and understandable review/opinion of different sites. I don't get the same sense of understanding from the TBP scores or reviews. TBP scores and reviews have value, but it's easier for me to relate to the PU scores and reviews of members I trust and agree with because I have read their reviews and comments and understand more clearly what they are saying.
If this site has some special attributes that definitely appeal to you, then maybe it's worth joining, in spite of Drooler's negative comments. He made those comments a little over a year ago, and maybe the site has improved since then.
But unless you have some clear evidence that the site has drastically improved since Drooler made his negative comments, or unless you have a strong impression that there are special elements that will appeal to your personal tastes, then this site is probably a mistake or a waste of your money.
You're probably better off paying for another site, but I don't know of any specializing in softcore Asian. There are some very nice-to-excellent hardcore Asian that PU members have reviewed.
Wait. I recall one softcore Asian site, don't remember the name. I will look around and, if I come up with the name, will offer it as a possibility. The site was like a Met-art Asian clone (but not really associated with Met-art).
I don't have a cell phone. Who's going to donate so I can buy one? Please, don't everyone send me $10 million at the same time, because I would not know what to do with all that cash.
Edit on the file size of newer "hi-quality" pix size. I'm looking at a new photo set where the individual pix are 4+ MB. I don't know what the technical advantage of such large-sized pictures is. But looking at the photos on my computer monitor, I can't understand the need for such large-sized photos. Maybe if I was looking at the photos on a big-screen TV I would see the difference in quality, and that's when I would understand the advantage of high- versus mid- versus low- quality pix. But just looking at the photos on a computer monitor, is there any advantage to downloading hi-resolution versus mid- or low- resolution pix?
I normally take the highest quality when downloading pic sets and vids. But if I was more careful of my hard drive space, I would probably check the quality issue more closely, to see if the "lower quality" stuff appeared to be lower quality when viewing it. When I have checked photos, "higher" versus "medium" versus "lower" quality" on my monitor, I sometimes realize that I can not tell the difference between the 3 qualities on my monitor. So why waste the extra space on the high quality?
And the high quality keeps getting larger and larger. Back in the 1990s, a nice quality picture could be 20-100 Kb or less. Today a high quality pic from Met-art or other sites can be 1-2 Mb or more, which I think is ridiculous. And even though hard drives keep getting bigger and bigger (not in size, but in capacity), I don't want to keep buying more external hard drives just because the new pix and vids keep getting bigger and bigger.
He is probably the greatest golfer ever, but has feet of clay. This guy was promoted as a hero and role model. His sporting abilities are unquestioned, but as a husband and father he's a real jerk.
People still watch movies of Clark Gable and many other actors who died. So whether a porn star died prematurely or not, I honestly do not see why a person has to feel ghoulish watching a film or clip of a dead porn star. You might feel sad the star died prematurely, if that happened, but you could still enjoy the movie or clip without being a sicko.
Rick, thanks for the explanation on capcha and the tip on using it.
This was only my second nomimation for a site review. I've been a member of PU for over 1 year now, so I figure I'm not included in the spam group.
Could you give me a reason or explanation why spammers would enter nominations or comments? It seems totally senseless to me. Or is it some kind of grafitti-type thing, where spammers just spam everything in sight as an exercise in power/artistic freedom/spite/who-the-hell-knows?
To submit a nomination for a new review, you have to enter the "secret words", to ensure that this is done by a real person, instead of a computer-automated program. I see more and more of that at different sites. It indicates a lack of trust. Are there really that many people spamming PU/TBP that it makes sense to require the "secret words" program?
Some of the programs make it difficult for a human to read the secret words, because the letters/numbers are distorted so much.
That's a great question. Now I'm trying to figure out a way to have my pron stash buried with me. Since it's on my hard drives, would I need to have an electric outlet inside my coffin, or would I be able to watch the hard drives with my ectoplasmic extensions? I figure external hard drives are better, because I don't have a laptop, just a desktop.
Things were simpler back in the days when pron was on magazines. I had an uncle who was buried with some newspapers in his coffin (he liked to read the newspaper, I guess). First time I saw that happen.
I go along with Monahan. Drinking cum or pee is disgusting. I don't know why it's a turn-on for some people. But the truth is people can get off on any weird or perverted idea.
There are a lot of young girls here, many are nice-looking (not really great-looking, but ok to nice). But with the poor quality and other problems, the site is not worth joining.
Personal taste varies so widely. The two previous PU reviewers gave scores of 88 and 90, the reviews were 9 months or less old, and written by established PU members.
But I give more weight to your review on this site, because when I've read your reviews on sites I've been to, your views generally agree with my thinking (Except I've never joined most of the sites you've joined. I focus mainly on softcore pix).
No, for different reasons.
It would make extra work for the site owners, without any real benefits.
If a straight reader doesn't want to read the gay site reviews, he/she can just skip over them.
Where do you put the tranny sites? Do you need a third, separate site for that category?
I think we can all co-exist here on a single site, and that it wouldn't improve the site by practicing discrimination (joke).
I don't think it's a real big deal, one way or the other. I do think it makes more sense, especially for the site owners, to have a single site, especially because I don't know how much traffic a gay-only review site would generate for the extra work.
But I will be curious to see how the PU membership votes.
Met-art has a large number of daily photoset updates, and they keep adding new models. No other softcore site comes close in terms of quantity. That's not to say the other sites don't have a lot of value: mplstudios, justteensite, mypreciousvirgins, etc. are all softcore sites that have a huge amount of models and photosets.
If you could confirm that the girl in question really had her tramp stamp done in kosher ink, that might help qualify the site to legally claim the name of Jewish Porn Girl Sex.
But the truth is, like you, I am holding my breath for the time when "" will be coming out.
Definitely delete it. If you bring your PC in to a shop for repair, and someone at the repair shop reports you for porn on your PC, you could go to jail. Or if someone visiting your house looks at your PC without permission, and finds porn, they could report you. The police could search your PC, because you joined some online porn site or for some other reason which might be legal or non-legal.
I've read that PCs (notebook PCs) were seized by customs police from tourists returning from Canada. Don't recall the specifics, but the police kept the notebook PCs of tourists returning to the US from Canada.
That's really a worthwhile warning. Many of the bonus sites have little to no value (my personal opinion). There are around 5 sites in this network that have almost all the value (worthwhile videos), and if you don't get those sites as part of your membership, the value of the membership goes way down.
I think it's irritating the way this network does not clearly spell out the sites that are included in each membership. The site owner/provider should simplify the membership network and make every site in the network available with a membership in any of the sites.
If you join this site and find you don't get access to all the primary (worthwhile) sites in the network, and you realize this fact (because you joined before or you read reviews explaining which of the network sites have the most value), you would be disappointed and feel the network had basically cheated you and was not giving full value.
End of rant. But I feel the way the provider slices and dices access to the primary bonus sites is disappointing.
Only if they make me the star of the porn production. Considering the way I look and that I couldn't last beyond 15 seconds of hardcore action, maybe I should start off as a softcore starlet, but I'm a little old to be a starlet (and the wrong sex).
I'm waiting for when we can get replacement bodies, because my own is wearing out, but I doubt I will be around long enough for that to happen for me personally.
I agree there are plenty of worse sites out there. Like you say, if you take the time to dig through the site you will find some nice pictures of attractive models. But as I get older, I'm less willing to spend a lot of time digging through the trash; I want quality photos (or videos) put on display where I can easily find them.
My suggestion of a score less than 70 for this site is really more of a quibble than a serious disagreement. I basically agree with the points you made in your review. I personally find it difficult to come up with a score for sites, because I believe a site score is very subjective. That's my belief, but I recognize that some people appear to believe their scores are written in stone and are based on immutable factors that should be obvious to all (I am not including you as part of that camp).
Switching from European or American porn to Japanese porn, there is a change in the mind-set, the ambiance, the mind-set. Change can be nice, it can refresh the mind and allow you to enjoy the same basic thing (sex or porn) more than the same-old, same-old thing.
I don't appreciate all of Japanese porn, especially the mosaics, but it makes for a nice change of pace. And there are some truly lovely Japanese porn models/actresses.
But tastes differ. If you are bored by Japanese porn, then look elsewhere for something that you can appreciate.
It hasn't come up. Thankfully, we don't live in a police state where we have to fill out a daily questionnaire on our sex habits. But maybe that would be a great idea to require for our grammar/elementary school students. Kick the perverts out of school and stop the contamination.
Personally, I think the model Tatyana is as good as you get. She's gorgeous, in my opinion, and the best thing at the site.
Her photosets alone are worth a 1-month membership, in my opinion. But if the models don't appeal to you, or you don't care for the photographs, then the site is a waste of your time and money.
I think the photographs are high quality. Yes, some of the photographs are too dark, but that's a flaw you find at almost all sites, on some of the photographs (poor lighting, poor focus, poor this-or-that).
But if you didn't find anything worth downloading, that must have been a real disappointment.
Sorry your membership turned out to be a waste of time and money. As you pointed out recently, there's always risk when joining a site.
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