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Explicite Art
Reply of
orgasmation's Reply
I posted a comment at PU (this site) on Aug 11, 2009 about how photoflashes by photographers ruin some of the videos. I also said that the artsy style of the photography is an acquired taste. The site has both good and bad points. So it's up to the viewer whether he wants to pay for a site membership.
Regarding lack of response to emails requesting help, that's a problem at other sites as well. And I have posted at PU when I did not get a response to emails requesting help at different sites.
So your experience is not unique. And it's helpful when you state your opinions clearly, so other PU members can decide whether a site is worth joining.
I did not disagree with your review. I was merely pointing out that some PU members enjoyed the site and gave it good scores (in spite of any minor problems they may have had).
But your experience at the site was poor, and that results in a lower score.
03-12-10 03:23am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Probably not. Unless there were some very strong reasons to overcome his prejudice against porn. But porn does seem to be a great flag-waving issue, where everyone should unite against the dangers of porn and pot and whatever other evils communism has sent to weaken our moral fiber.
03-10-10 01:04am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I've only had my new laptop for about 2 weeks now, but I still prefer to use a desktop if at all possible. A desktop is easier to use and more comfortable to use in many different ways. Maybe in a few years the ease of use of desktops and laptops might be more comparable, but for today's times, the desktop is much easier to use than a laptop.
03-09-10 06:34am
Reply of
Duante Amorculo's Poll
Does size matter? Back in the 70s there was a lot of talk about how size did not really matter, it's what the guy did with what he has that counts.
03-09-10 06:26am
Explicite Art
Reply of
orgasmation's Review
Welcome to PU. Interesting review. Sorry you had such a poor experience with this site. Porn is very much a matter of personal taste. The previous PU reviews all gave this site pretty high scores, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
03-09-10 04:20am
Reply of
james4096's Reply
"My girlfriend will stop me from looking at porn when she pries it from my cold dead hands!"
That might be sooner than you think, if she ever finds out the extent of your porn stash. Lol.
03-08-10 10:57am
Reply of
Colm4's Poll
As far as I can tell, most of the female orgasms shown in porno are fake.
As far as the male orgasms, it doesn't really appear the guys are enjoying it all that much. Yes, the guys are cumming, or ejaculating, but it's more of a job than a joyful or exhilarating experience.
03-06-10 01:37am
Reply of
lk2fireone's Poll
I believe most porn directors should be shot, not heard. That would improve the quality of your average porn film by a factor of 2000X.
Bringing in new directors, who had seen what happened to the talky directors of old, would give the viewers a chance to watch new porno without the talky-talk directors getting in the way with their talk.
03-02-10 05:38am
Reply of
Duante Amorculo's Poll
Gradually, or not at all. I'm much more into softcore than hardcore. And I would prefer that my favorite softcore models stay softcore rather than get into hardcore. That's just me.
02-28-10 12:34am
Reply of
Wittyguy's Poll
I bought a new laptop a few days ago, my first laptop. Still trying to get used to it, because a desktop is easier to use (keyboard, mousepad, monitor, etc. are all easier to use on a desktop compared to a laptop).
A little over a month ago I bought a 1 Terabye external hard drive from Iomega. The price on computers and peripherals keeps dropping every year. It's amazing what you can buy today compared to a few years ago, for the same number of dollars.
But the computers still have the same old bugs, or maybe they are new ones. The switch from Windows XP to Windows 7 is sending me back to the books, trying to make the windows look more like WinXP which is familiar and easier to use.
02-26-10 12:20pm
Real Teenie GFs
Reply of
slutty's Comment
I do not know why, but it seems the common practice for porn sites to charge a higher membership fee when you join through a trial offer than when you join directly without the trial.
But there is a similar type of unfair pricing for "legitimate" businesses. Newspapers, for example, will offer a lower subscription fee to non-subscribers than to subscribers. So instead of rewarding people who are "loyal" subscribers with lower rates, they offer the lower rates to non-members in the hope of increasing the number of members. The difference in pricing can be large.
02-25-10 11:26pm
Teen Core Club
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Review
Welcome back after a long absence. You wrote a solid review, as usual. Hope to see you much more often, for reviews, comments, general posts, whatever.
02-24-10 09:02pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Desktop, easier to use. I just got my first laptop, and trying to get used to the keyboard, the small screen (nice-sized for a laptop, but much smaller than a desktop size), the mousepad, etc. is driving me crazy.
02-24-10 08:49pm
Reply of
Duante Amorculo's Poll
This is not a fantasy that appeals to me. Not sure why it would appeal to any guy, but there's all kinds out there, or else they wouldn't be producing that kind of porn.
02-24-10 08:44pm
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
I've re-joined met-art a number of times (had at least 2 or 3 yearly subscriptions to it, as well). Have rejoined some of my other favorites 2 or 3 times.
02-24-10 08:39pm
Innocent High
Reply of
exotics4me's Review
Nice solid review stuffed with details and opinions. Took a look at the site preview. I think some of the girls are a little old to be in high school. Were they held back for further instruction in sexual behavior?
02-16-10 11:00am
In Focus Girls
Reply of
Helvetic's Review
Nice first review, with good details. On your profile page it states you are 99 years old. Is that a joke or mistake?
02-16-10 10:52am
Reply of
badandy400's Poll
This is the only review site that I visit. It's more than just a review site. It's a place to hang out and share ideas, shoot the breeze, whatever.
02-16-10 10:47am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
There are a few members who submitted a large number of reviews after they first joined. But as time went by, the frequency of new reviews from those members dropped off.
I'm just guessing, but I think that's the general pattern for most members: they submit reviews most frequently at the start of their membership in PU, and then the frequency of submissions drops off.
02-14-10 06:44am
Reply of
Wittyguy's Poll
I used to really enjoy a super bowl of popcorn. But life's little pleasures seem to be slip sliding away.
Maybe it's the price of popcorn in a movie theater that's sticking in my throat.
02-12-10 06:53am
Reply of
messmer's Reply
If you add story to a porn clip, it can change the erotic/sexual content/value almost completely. What is stupid or boring can become interesting and arousing (which is one of the main reasons for porn in the first place). That's if the story is good. But amateurish acting and stupid dialog can also make the action even worse than stupid. Whether the porn is a movie clip, or a novel or short story, it really helps to have an intelligent story-line, one that creates interest, that pulls you into the action.
It also helps to have great-looking women in the action. But please, try to keep the action a little realistic, and reduce all the fake moans and groans. A few moans and groans can actually add, if done realistically, but that's the exception rather than the rule.
02-06-10 09:10am
Reply of
brummie's Review
I agree that site does have some absolutely lovely, yummy models. Also agree the models are not your usual porn star types, tho I would love to see them in softcore clips.
02-06-10 08:45am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Stupid and boring.
02-06-10 08:29am
Reply of
surferman's Poll
Watching porn is watching fantasy, a movie or clip. Is James Bond real? How long would a real James Bond last, taking all the risks he does? Do porn stars fuck and suck as much as they do on-screen? Kinda doubtful they do.
02-06-10 08:26am
Reply of
Drooler's Poll
Not especially into uniforms, but a brightly colored outfit is nice for a model to start off with before she strips to show the goodies underneath.
02-03-10 03:25am