Different sites have different set-ups. Some sites have forums where they are happy to hear about what material you particularly like, but will get rather irritated if you post about problems with the site. So then you've got a line drawn about "praise here - problems there". As Drooler says, ALS Scan is a unique site in that the owner/webmaster truly wants to hear from the site's members and will often respond directly and will encourage more direct feedback.
I've experienced a range of feedback from sites that I've had issues with and, overall, the surly/negative/crappy C/S/webmaster responses are in the minimum. Most sites that I've joined are smart enough to give at least decent C/S.
Given the state of the economy, I have to conclude that sites that don't give good C/S or give surly responses or flat-out lie about "it was your fault" are fucking idiots. They would have to be posting unbelievably arousing stuff to get me to join their sites again and sites that have fucking idiots as their C/S/webmasters rarely are.
I asked Videobox if the new both-premium-sites-for-one-price deal was going to be extended to existing members, received an answer that was basically - "here's our FAQ's, sucker", which I interpret as "No"
If you're an Amy Brooke fan, you should check out the stuff that she did with ALS Scan - do a google search and you can find some of their official samples, I'll bet - stunning, simply stunning.
She reminds me of Courtney Simpson - stellar bod, charisma off the charts - except that her bodacious bootie is in a class completely her own.
Different tastes entirely - I see a strong aspect of "delight" in Rocco's work that I find missing in Kink's stuff, which I check out from time to time, but always find cold and unappealing when I do. Rocco makes very clear how hot he finds the women - in the recent scenes that I've seen. For instance, there is an amazing recent scene with Amy Brooke and Dani Jensen. The harshest word I've seen in most of his recent stuff is "nasty", which is a word he likes a lot. It's obvious in the recent stuff that I've seen that the women are really into the intense physicality of the sex and that there's no victimization going on.
I like this recent stuff much better than older Rocco rough stuff where he'd be fucking women in toilets, pushing their heads in, etc. Yuccchh!! That shit kept me from watching his stuff for years.
Kink on the other hand sets the "doer" and the "being done to" roles so strictly that I just find it boring - we know what's going to happen and to who - and what implements are going to be used, so there's no adventure - for me. Rocco's stuff, like the best Evil Angel stuff, is utterly free wheeling and seems like it could go anywhere - and frequently surprises, which is why I enjoy it as much as I do.
hodayathink and tangub have it correct - If a site is being honest about the state of the updates and has a wealth of content, and a reasonable price, given the lack of updates, it can still be worth a join.
It's even more a crap shoot, though. A site that is no longer updating can have lots more broken link problems, etc, and if it's a site that the webmasters aren't paying any attention to, then any problems that you run into can be problems that nobody will care about resolving.
At $9.95/month, this site is an awesome deal. There's not much overlap between this site and the updates on the EA channel at Videobox - I think it's pretty easy to see the updates on both sites - but there is a fair amount of overlap between this site and the network of sites that includes Buttman.com, except that network sometimes has a lot of web-only scenes and live shows that are not on the DVD's so they wouldn't appear on either DVD site - at least for a long while.
The big attraction on this site NOT available at either the EA premium site or the network site I described is the Rocco material - and his newest stuff is absolutely brilliant, in my opinion - crazy and very hot - rough, but not abusive, in my opinion.
Short-sighted and dumb of RK. They may have a difficult time defending this case. I remember hearing Harvey Levin of TMZ explain TMZ's lame-ass jingles by saying "We have no money to license real music so we have to make up our own ridiculous crap."
"The photos sadly were broken links, not working and causing the server to screw up. We tried to re upload them but because they are so small in comparison with the others in the same category, it was causing the script to bottom out all the time. Very frustrating for us.
We shot a ton of new photos though so it'll be populated quickly. Videos/camshow wise, a lot of older stiff that didn't fit into the new guidelines so yeah, they had to go.
I know some people don't understand it, they get frustrated, they think I am imposing some massive rule or something. These people need to read Talia's blog, the girls are very, very happy with the changes.
Just because a girl does something for her site, doesn't mean she wants to do it. Sometimes it's because she felt she had to do it or nobody would care."
Given that the webmaster lives in a different country, though, and takes pride in doing his own photos of his models, it's hard to see how this site is going to build up to any great size in less than 6 months - and their new guidelines are "No toys, no masturbation". Apparently their models didn't like doing that stuff and only did it because they felt they had to. The new webmaster made the ethical decision to say, "Well fuck that - you don't have to do it and you're not enjoying it so we won't have it on our sites."
No, they were sexy aerobics vids - but to tell you the truth, having downloaded them when I was a member of this site a long time ago, I would rather watch Met Art vids than Ron Harris' "sexy" aerobics vids - and Met Art vids are the Gold Standard of boring vids.
Unless you really want to see old soft-core stuff - and not the best soft-core stuff that you could find either - I don't recommend joining this site for the crusty old "sexy" aerobics vids.
It's because from the time they started, they deliberately wanted to put themselves out as a "Hollywood"-style studio, like Universal Pictures, which is why they seized on the ability to have Jenna Jameson as a contract star to put both Jenna and Wicked on the map.
For some reason, Karups PC seems to have more sets of the same girls, while most of the models in Karups HA only have 4 photo sets done of them - just my impression from browsing around KarupsHA. I'm on my first subscription there - the big draw for me is that there's tons of material of faves of mine, such as Amy Reid, Aaliyah Love/ALS Molly, Amia Miley/Moretti, Faye Reagan, Franziska, Kacey Jordan, Kara Novak, etc that I had never seen before.
One thing to pay attention to - this offer is for the first month only - after that your subscription would continue for the full regular price.
I've got to say that NA burned me in my last subscription with them. I had an initial price deal and when I went to cancel I got one of those "would you like to continue at a reduced price?" offers. I accepted, never got a confirming e-mail - which is usual - then I was charged a higher price and they denied the offer had been made.
I told them "OK - you got me - and now I'm done subscribing to your site"
Good review - more than fair to a site that needs to kick it into another gear. The weirdest thing about the current lack of updates is that they actually took down the best vid that was on the site - it was over 30 minutes of hot 3-some sex - even with The Tattoo Guy it was undeniably hot.
When you've stalled your updates to the current snail's pace and you take down your best material, that's not a good combo.
I wouldn't recommend this site to anybody that's not a huge cam show fan - because that's the big deal here. The woman has a stellar little bod and does 2-hour cam shows that usually involve girl/girl, solo masturbation and then some boy/girl - usually her pussy's sore from all the previous activity and she does bj's.
If they start archiving the cam shows or start more regular updates and increase the size of their photos, which are really substandard, that might change my recommendation.
Who goes to the movies? Teenagers with money to spend and time on their hands, mainly. They're going to see movies with good special effects, they're going to see big dumb fun comedies and they're going to see horror movies. None of those 3 categories depend much on reviews. Reviews can help with smaller films, but not so much with big ones.
21st Sextury - I had no access at a point when I was on a 3-month automatic rebill sub. I e-mailed them, they told me - "Oh, we weren't able to bill your credit card, so your membership was cancelled." So after thinking about my options, I joined a different 21st Sextury package - when I got my next credit card bill, there was a charge for the original subscription - I e-mailed the person that had given me the initial incorrect info, was given a refund right away.
Mystique Magazine.com - notorious for putting out all kind of various deals involving life-time memberships and then rebilling. You have to do their book-keeping for them - it's not quite the same thing as a rebill after cancel - but damn, were they a pain in the butt to deal with - and not friendly either, after you had done the work to prove to them that they owed a refund - they'd get you the refund, but left you feeling like they really wanted to rip you off.
Private.com - Prior to the recent re-design, their site had a self-cancel thing, you got no e-mail confirmation after the site tells you that you have successfully cancelled your subscription, then they would rebill you, then they wouldn't respond to the first 10 e-mails or so, then by the time they DID respond, you would have been billed AGAIN, so you would still have been hit with one charge after you had cancelled - THIEVES!
I've joined a couple of sites on impulse, but most sites that I've joined, I'd thought about joining for a while - checked the tour for updates, checked out various sample sites, etc, checked reviews, etc.
E-mail them - see if they'll a) cancel your sub and refund you for the remaining time or b) come up with some other solution that you'd find acceptable.
Unlike many sites, I find the responses that I've had from 21st sextury actually seem like responses from another human being, though you might get answers to only part of a question the first time. It's worth a try.
I don't believe that the Zero Tolerance and Third Degree sites ever lived up to their promises to post DVD's BEFORE their general on-sale date. These sites just put up promises with no intention to live up to them, unfortunately.
There is an ebb and flow to the quality of updates to Videobox.
There were years when I was looking at high ratings for this site and checking the updates and thinking - Meh - I can easily skip this!
At a certain point, there was a lot of archived material that was of interest to me plus a lot of recent updates that were of interest to me and I joined. At a point when I felt that they were providing enough of interest to make worth my while, I joined long-term.
They're in rather a fallow period for updates these days, for my tastes, so I'll be keeping my eye out for when my subscription runs out and seeing whether I want to re-up or let them buid up an archive that I'm interest in again.
The question is overall value. If there is a site that is $9.95 a month and doesn't draw me to it very often and another site that is $34.95/month that excites me every day that I'm a member, I'm not going to be a member of that $34.95/month site on an ongoing basis, most likely, but I'll rate it higher than the 9.95/month site that has little of interest for me, because - everything taken into account - the $34.95/month site is giving me a better value.
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