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12-17-09  03:24am - 5485 days #17
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Messmer - It's crap like what you're looking at that feeds what I think is the biggest part of my rage. Just about everything we buy now is all hype with nothing to back it up. Companies publish mission statements, telling us about how dedicated they are to their product and their customers and, when comes down to proving it, you get "Push 1 for____, Push 2 for _____". Call centers, when there is one, have people who may or may not have a working knowledge of the product they supposedly represent. What they do have is a quota - as in, they're supposed to handle each call in x amount of time. Do they care? If you never get your problem resolved, the only one it affects is you.

MicroShaft has a nice history with putting out operating systems before they're ready. The driver issues with Win7 is the same crap everyone went through with XP. So plan on getting your optical drive running sometime around 2011

Welcome to capitalism in the 21st century. Bend over and smile.

RB, you said it! All this crap about free market capitalism working is such total bullshit. The businesses run to make SALES. MONEY!! Gouged out of your ass and mine with a carpenter's knife. And once they've gotten what they want, they leave you high and dry, fumbling with their labyrinthine self-service phone system until the Minotaur finds you and does you in.

Damn, I'm so angry now. GRRRRRRRRRRR!

At least these companies piss off enough people that they sometimes go under, and they probably have no fucking idea as to why. And so they go through bankruptcy and get acquired by ANOTHER company that does the same shit. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-16-09  04:16pm - 5485 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Gateway has had a bad rep among the people I've known for several years, so I've never bought anything from them. In fact, I forgot that they existed.

BTW: My experience of support in general, in this information-age, "service" economy (a-hem) is that porn sites are often BETTER at it than a lot of other businesses, such as ISPs, phone companies (cell and otherwise), mass transit, and internet merchandise sales (well, that's a mix of good and bad).

Good luck with your Windows 7 problem. I'm sure it wasn't YOUR idea. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-15-09  12:31pm - 5486 days #19
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

It's a metaphor for a certain kind of 'hat' - and the people wearing them - used a soccer-matches. see these:


and this Very special version:


Ohh, okay! Well, when I read the description, there was mention of a "fur lining," too. Now I think understand. Yep, pretty sure.


And I guess that a certain Danish foreign minister wasn't very popular, huh? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 15, 2009, 12:35pm

12-15-09  11:52am - 5486 days #17
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Denner:

This is a very dangerous man...................LOL, but stil a Klaphat! (and in danish it's not namecalling)

Wittyguy is an "opera hat"? That's the translation I got. Maybe it's some kind of metaphor? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-14-09  09:43pm - 5487 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Again, Wittyguy is staggeringly hilarious.

I'll have to admit that I started a few "bomb" threads that never went anywhere. Who knows? It could happen again!

But I did get recognition for simply using as tag lines things that I'd seen on t-shirts and bathroom walls. Not bad! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-14-09  11:42am - 5487 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Well, I reckon I got a good deal from them.
I do agree with you comment about 'remastering' the older stuff though.

That said, whilst the older stuff is smaller & lower resolution.
The more recent stuff is fine.
There are several dozen truck loads of content.

Chances are very good that I've already been through everything at the site anyway, either when I was an "archives" member or when I was a "galleria" member years ago. But there was stuff of certain models, such as Britney ("Lulu" at ATKP) and this black-haired, light-skinned "Cynthia" that I'd love to see in larger dimensions. And Aneta Smrhova, and ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-14-09  06:05am - 5488 days #17
Drooler (0)
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After seeing it for a few days (I do check back often), I think it's fine. At first I thought it was too much like a promo, but I've made the adjustment.

I don't see what's hot about ATK Archives, though. If they'd use the site to release older photos in larger sizes, then they'd have something to crow about. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-13-09  11:47pm - 5488 days #6
Drooler (0)
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As far as the content is concerned, it's like sushi. Some people see you eating sushi and ask, "How can you EAT that?" For others, it's delicious.

The evident flaky security and bait-and-switch tactics are another matter. I don't know why the site has this problem, but like everyone else, I have enough hassles already, and I don't need to knowingly pay to have another one.

I did join once, in mid-2008, with that $10 for a month thing. Went from being disappointed and grossed out by the women (most of them) to just being bored.

I wish there were more sites that emphasized classy-looking girls that just enjoy a good fuck, instead of this carnival approach with wild, phat-ass tatted beasts of lay that do a lot of freaky shit. Too much hype just blows the circuits. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-13-09  10:02pm - 5488 days #2
Drooler (0)
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BadAndy400, just one more review and you're over the hump and into the PU 100+ Club. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-11-09  12:59am - 5491 days #24
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

I do not consider it an instance of intolerance when I tell someone that their belief in Hell is immoral and crazy. They have every right to tell me that they find my views immoral and crazy. We can both tolerate each other's right to express our opinions, but we are under no obligation to respect the actual content of those opinions, or even to "tolerate" them in a strictly intellectual sense. I'm intolerant toward the concept of Hell on an intellectual level and find the notion unspeakably evil, but I'm tolerant of the right of someone to hold that belief.

That's about where I am on it, too. I might try challenging someone to prove that Hell exists. But I also know that sometimes it's best just to leave it alone. There's no point in getting into one of those matches in which the two sides are just shouting out of their own rooms. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-10-09  04:50pm - 5491 days #137
Drooler (0)
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Hey, this is interesting! The Russian version of VirtuaGirlHD, it would seem! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-10-09  04:19pm - 5491 days #22
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I classify myself as an atheist: my view is that even if there is a god s/he/it is nothing like the interactive god of virtually most all religions to the point it really doesn't matter if god exists or not. However, adding to what WWW talked about, there are also militant atheists that bug the crap out of me as well. Those militants are the types that bitch about x-mas trees in schools, find offense at every mention of the word "god" in public and refuse to take an oath because it involves swearing to some deity. Give me a break, they're no better than the religious nazi's in my book. While tolerance is what I personally strive for, you're never going to find it in this world, especially when the orthodoxy of most major religions is that they're Numero Uno over all others.

My take is that most people are just basically sheep. They believe in god because their parents believed in god and their communities/culture at least tacitly promote religion. Very few people who claim to be religious intellectually question and analyze their belief systems and try to separate out the "mythology" (the ritual and mysticism associated with all religious movements) from religious principle and theological underpinnings. As a result, what is often done against minority religions in the name of the majority religion is actually just people's knee-jerk reaction to change or a perceived threat to the status quo to which they belong. It's basically an emotive response done in the name of piety that is the driving justification.

Among the religious people I've known, tolerance has been more of an exception than the rule. Really, it gets ugly very fast. I've had things directed at me and have seen things directed at other people by self-proclaimed Christians who feel they have the power of God on their side. And power and control is what they're really all about. Their relationship to their religion actually PREVENTS them from seeing their own flaws.

It's not Christianity's fault, but it's pretty ironic how the rottenness in certain people is actually amplified by their own "faith."

I see Christianity as a fundamental part of western history, culture, and civilization. Knowing stories and lessons from the Bible is part of being culturally literate. So I don't knock Christianity, nor any other major religion, for the same kinds of reasons, and I'm with you in agreeing that being an intolerant atheist is just as bad as being an intolerant anything else.

But I am an atheist just the same, or what I would prefer to call a "person." "Atheist" seems to imply the one with "the problem" -- not by simple analysis of the word, which comes out as neutral -- but by the the emotional baggage that has been hung on to it.

But because I am an atheist, if I claimed to have a personal relationship with a being that does not exist, I would be considered psychotic. If I were a Christian, I wouldn't be -- except maybe by atheists.

Before the development of science and the technologies that support scientific research, it was understandable that people might think there was a wrathful God that brought about disease and that everything in the Bible should be taken literally. (After all, it was written before the above-mentioned developments.) But certainly by now there's no excuse for living in some past century, to say nothing of attempting to force other people who know better to do so as well.

Things are changing, though. I think it was last year that a survey came out showing that for the first time in the US, under 50 percent of the adult population claims to have a religious affiliation. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 10, 2009, 04:41pm

12-09-09  04:14am - 5493 days #12
Drooler (0)
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The main problem with the Swiss referendum banning minarets is the message that gets sent to the Moslem community: you are a minority and a rather small majority of the overall community (about 57%) can oppress elements of your religious practice. And this is in a larger context, of which Moslems are keenly aware and sensitive, of Europe, where, for example wearing hijab in public schools in France has been banned for the past ten years.

So it's just one more insult that adds to the injury and deepens the divide between communities.

You might argue that nonetheless, it's the result of democracy, and Swiss direct democracy is something that I've marveled at in the past. We don't have it nearly as much in the US.

But what we do have is a constitution that states that no law be passed with respect to the establishment of a religion, and we've had no law in the works that at least I've been aware of that attempts to undermine that. Where I am, you see women in hajib every day, and it's simply accepted.

I've yet to live anywhere near a mosque that has a minaret for the call to prayer, but I wouldn't feel that hearing the announcement a few times per day would be any more of an imposition than any other form of sound waves flowing through space, be they police sirens or loud motorcycles or the neighbors next door who occasionally scream at other.

I remember that Dick Cheney said that democracy is the antidote to terrorism. It might be worthwhile to remember, for example, Oklahoma City, and that platitudes are the antidote the critical thinking. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-08-09  07:04pm - 5493 days #7
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

Edit: Rut-roh, Drooler has 666 posts...

Sending this message from Heaven. And what are you still doing down there? ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-08-09  03:53pm - 5493 days #20
Drooler (0)
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It's interesting how different folks are experiencing "diff'rent strokes." ;) And at different ages. It's heartening to know that getting past 40 doesn't necessarily mean losing your mojo. It's just a lot more likely. That's all.

Personally, I'm not as fresh 'n ready as I was as a teenager, back in the days when the girls still wore miniskirts to school and the trouser snake was so easily aroused that it was something of a management/impulse-control issue. Like, throughout the school day. I have yet to "cream my jeans" at the workplace I now go to, and there are lovely women there, too, though more is left to the imagination.

And THAT's still active.

But there's something NEW to complain about: Johnny's got a new mission statement, and it is no longer to seed the planet. There are those "no way" days, those "hey HEYYY" days, and most bothersome, those "hey HEYy ... aw shit" days. I fucking hate that.

I'll say this: I'm really thankful for the good times. And I'm clean and sober and don't take any medications. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-08-09  02:31am - 5494 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

For softcore photos, and mostly Euro women, I'd say it's MetArt. The photos are at least up to 3000px, and usually larger. They offer 3-4 image galleries PER DAY at at yearly price of $109. And the first of each month, they start with a few more. Zips download at a good speed, and navigation can be configured by the user. It also has a good search engine. For value, and also for quality, no other site I've seen can beat that.

That's not to say that it's flawless, but it's still the best, IMHO.

Oops! Well, read THIS, not THAT. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-08-09  02:30am - 5494 days #9
Drooler (0)
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For softcore photos, and mostly Euro women, I'd say it's MetArt. The photos are at least up to 3000px, and usually larger. They offer 3-4 image galleries PER DAY at at yearly price of $109. And the first of each month, they start with a few more. For value, and also for quality, no other site I've seen can beat that.

That's not to say that it's flawless, but it's still the best, IMHO. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-07-09  04:19pm - 5494 days #4
Drooler (0)
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For what it's worth, her page at SportyOne. Wow, I didn't realize she'd hit 30! (Still young for me!) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-07-09  03:38pm - 5494 days #2
Drooler (0)
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I think Michael Franks had the line: "You, you're the quiet, shy type/Always whisper, never shout it." And I've known some myself.

Frankly, it's not necessary to make much vocal noise to enjoy sex. I don't myself, either.

And it's not necessarily cultural. I once witnessed a woman of a certain stereotypically "repressed" culture -- Japan -- carrying on like nobody's business, and it wasn't on a porn flick, either. It was real life. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-05-09  02:39pm - 5496 days #7
Drooler (0)
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I tend to lean in the RagingBuddhist direction. There are some very nice outdoor shoots that have found their way into my personal collection, including some real favorites!

But good lighting and light shadowing must be there, to say nothing of varmint control. (How many times have we seen flies and such alighted on our lovelies?)

I hate pics where the top of the model is in full light, but her ass is in Dark Shadows (cue theme song: da-da-DAHH-da-da, da-DAH-da-da ...). Or on a beach with the damn sun going down, or as a storm approaches! (strains of Copland's Cloudburst heard in background) RB is right, these people have to show what they're good at. Some of them just go ahead and post their unsatisfying content, and when I see it, having already paid to, it winds up in the bin.

Really, that's worse than the almost daily ritual of "retrieve junk mail from post box, place directly into recycling bag."

Denner's point was that some sites overdo it with the outdoorsy stuff. I believe that a good balance should be struck. Not 50-50, but maybe 30:70 outdoors:indoors. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-05-09  01:13pm - 5496 days #5
Drooler (0)
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Denner, I think you've hit the nail on its proverbial little pointed head. (I guess it's a finishing nail.) The DDF content is mostly indoors, whereas the art (pronounced "Ahhht") sites do more stuff outdoors at far-flung outdoor locales, which seem to include some of the run-down, weather-beaten, weed-ridden specimens that could just as well be shown on the History Channel's Life After People series.

True, when you think of corroding iron bridges and cracked slate by the riverside, do the supple skin and come-hither eyes of a nubile Ukrainian Aphrodite follow quickly by free association?

Hell, I think I've just talked myself into it! (LOL) Beats picking burrs off my socks!

There are times, though, when I wonder if the model is not in some danger. I've seen shots of them perched quite precariously on tall cliffsides, and sometimes they look a bit unnerved by it themselves. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 05, 2009, 01:18pm

12-04-09  11:04pm - 5497 days #9
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

One for FTV, what is sexy about a woman lactating and licking the milk off her fingers? That's as bad as Give Me Pink making glam models squirt milk out of their butts.

This one in particular had me laughing ... because I've seen that stuff too and wondered the same thing! Certainly, there's no accounting for tastes!

And here's a new spin on the question form: Why post one zip of an entire photoshoot when you can force the subscriber to download a separate zip for each page? (Believe it or not, there are STILL ... as 2010 approaches ... sites that do this silly shit.)

And here's more: Why not have a bunch of pics in which there's at least 40% empty space above the model's head (Aziani), or better yet, 90% background with the model utterly dwarfed by the setting (FemJoy)? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 04, 2009, 11:43pm

12-04-09  01:09pm - 5497 days #2
Drooler (0)
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About the interviewers stuck in the 5-second "wow!" cycle, maybe they should have cards ready with question, space for answer, and a variety of exciting replies (one for each question) like:
Really, now!
You don't say!
Why, I had no idea!
Is that a fact?
You're putting me on, aren't you?
Well, I'm certainly hip to that!
You're kidding!
Get out!
Holy shit!
I don't believe you ...
I say! (lower jar jutted out, air rushing out between teeth on "say") I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Dec 04, 2009, 03:54pm

12-03-09  01:25am - 5499 days #15
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

If you want to see porn made properly, join one of the premium Japanese sites.

The Japanese are smarter than we are.

I guess I'm not so smart. I don't have any problems with visible pubic hair. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-02-09  11:45pm - 5499 days #11
Drooler (0)
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There should be a site called "SlowAndSavory" that features just that.

I find that FuckedHard18 does pretty well with this, but of course not always. Sometimes there's a "click" and hey! 5th gear.

Uh, make that "SlowAndSavoryFuttbucks." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-29-09  01:02am - 5503 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

I can understand that, but the Teen Dreams bonus content is a pretty large draw. The main point I was making is that not all bonus content is useless. I'm a member right now on Teen Dream and have downloaded 8 videos from the Viv videos bonus content only 6 from TD itself, over the last 3 days. I know one of their staff members had mentioned that a lot of members don't realize that the Viv videos are downloadable. The pictures however aren't zip downloadable on the Viv bonus content part. The videos run 640 high end, iffy 1000 bitrate, but it is all of the same videos that Viv's video site charges $30 a month for, for 640 high end, 2000 bitrate.

Exotics has a point. I'd say the TeenDreams Viv Thomas bonus content is certainly better than the average bonus site content, at least as far as pics are concerned. You don't get zips, and they're 1024px, but they're professionally done and there's loads of them in a growing collection.

The video collection grows there, too, but I'm not terribly thrilled by the quality on offer. There's only so low you can go before something free is simply not worth getting. Those 1000 bitrate VivThomas vids might look OK on a Blackberry, but not on a computer screen. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-28-09  04:05pm - 5503 days #4
Drooler (0)
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It's rare to get "bonus" material that isn't a letdown. It's not like sprinkles on ice cream. It's more like crappy bonus merchandise from a credit card company, or the schlock from Publishers Clearinghouse (if they're still doing that). I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-26-09  02:55pm - 5505 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by figurebaby:

Some sites are staying strong, but strong as defined by their business plan. FigureBaby is one of them. We continue our regular update schedule only because we planned to be conservative from the start. Sites that didn't over commit or over extend their content are weathering the storm. In the process they can hopefully find interest in their niche as people get bored with the cookie cutter content of the big sites, and start to look for something more interesting and specific. We're doing all right, and lots of others will too.

Isn't "Noname Jane" on your site (as well as her own) also known as Violet Blue? (And I wonder why she goes by "Noname Jane"?) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-25-09  11:10am - 5506 days #6
Drooler (0)
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I've never understood the 'rette fetish, but it is a turn-on to see a woman's pretty lips wrapped around a drinking straw. That's kinda close.

There was a girl in my high school who wasn't a babe but not ugly and had really nice lips with gloss on them. She was in my English class. I used to spy on her, hoping not to be noticed and draw attention, watching her with a pen. Then I had a horny dream about her mouth and lips.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I realize that lips haven't been given enough "service" here. So who are the porn babes you'd say have really lovely lips?

I'd say Iveta B (at MetArt), for one. And Klaudia/Cindy/Hope. And Marina/Euphrat! They all have very kissable lips. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-25-09  11:00am - 5506 days #4
Drooler (0)
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What I've noticed are sites that either close down or, in more cases, thin out the updates. I can't say that reduced demand would the the only factor in every case, but there has been a general trend.

Nakedby, Skokoff, TorridArt, Pretty4Ever, Stunners, Babelicious, EuropeanGlamourGirls, and even Matts all come to mind (my "soft core" mind, LOL). Every one of those sites has reduced output considerably -- extremely in some cases. Like, Nakedby had only one update last month! Stunners has gone from two galleries per day to one. Matts didn't update between Nov. 9th and Nov. 20th.

Then there are the ones that seem to have thrown in the towel: ClubSilviaSaint (I don't quite buy the official reason for no more updates), BlueFantasies (two updates in October, zero this month), and Denudeart, which has been 404 for a while.

At least some sites seem to stay strong and haven't gone down the "slim pickin's --> fewer subscribers --> slimmer pickin's --> ..." tube. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-17-09  03:19am - 5515 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Reminds me of Bonita Saint. She didn't stay for the long haul. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-15-09  01:26pm - 5516 days Original Post - #1
Drooler (0)
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I've noticed something about certain models that I've seen over the years and months, which is that some of them have improved in their photogenic abilities, their magnetism ... their sex appeal!

Examples I've found are Bianca Golden/Szofya Cox, Valleria (who doesn't seem yet to have a moniker that sticks), and Lea Tyron.

Used to be it seemed kind of hard to get them to crack a smile and really show some warmth, but they've all been doing better lately. It's nice! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-15-09  12:04am - 5517 days #7
Drooler (0)
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Thanks JustMe and WeeWillyWinky for two very impressive replies on this thread. My own verbal abilities are at a low at the moment; they're still swirling around in my first cup of coffee. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-14-09  02:28pm - 5517 days #25
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by jd1961:

I mean like Alexis Texas.
She has a pretty face, but a semi tractor butt. At least in some of her videos.

If you look at it closely enough, you can see Charlie Wilson out there pressin' the flesh. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-14-09  08:05am - 5518 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Actually, I think there should be a fast-food restaurant called "Booty Queen!" There could be standard sandwiches like "The Big Crack" and the "Fish-Smell Filet." And of course the "Tiny Ass" vegetarian option.

And when you want to super-size it, you have to say, "Make mine All Jiggly (TM)!" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 14, 2009, 02:25pm

11-14-09  12:57am - 5518 days #2
Drooler (0)
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There's no intrinsic worth of either pics or videos. It's a values question and the answer will depend on the individual. To me, they are worth paying for. I don't think it's "insane" to charge $30 for a really high-quality photos-only site, though like everyone else I'd course prefer paying less. I'd certainly not pay that much for a site month-to-month, no matter whether it was pics, videos, or half-and-half.

Regarding what sits in a folder or on the desktop, that's pretty much everything, isn't it? (And if you want to get technical about it, everything content-wise sits in a folder, as there is a desktop folder, too.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 14, 2009, 02:22am

11-13-09  03:45am - 5519 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

These are the same people who have a cellphone stuck to the side of their head in the grocery store, talking about stuff like how sick they got from drinking last night. People have become blind to their surroundings, like our electronics put us in a bubble where no one can see us or hear us.

I turned around and told the girl that she might want to give up drinking if it made her sick. She started to cuss me out for listening in when I interrupted her. "This isn't your living room and my ears aren't broken. If you can't wait to tell someone what color you were puking up, I'd recommend you text it".

The four other people in line clapped, and the cashier was laughing so hard she had to stop scanning.

I present a virtual "Atta Boy!" button to Raging Buddhist for his reminding the girl that there is such a thing as appropriate public behavior. Discussing one's recent binge-induced flashing of the hash at cell phone volume in a foodstuffs outlet is definitely over the top. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-12-09  02:34pm - 5519 days #5
Drooler (0)
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Thinking about sex and viewing porn is good for the world. I, for one, spend enough time on it that once I have a deadline to meet for work, I really have to move fast to get things done on time and done well besides.

What this means is that porn is good for developing one's capacity for efficiency, an important aspect of productivity.

Collectively, then, it's good for the economy. I just don't understand why porn consumption has not yet been considered as an official economic indicator. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-12-09  11:44am - 5519 days #18
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

Just wanted to throw a quick mention here that Mia Stone has a new set with Eve on Eve's new site! She looks a little different. Her hair now has a reddish tint to it and is shorter than it used to be, but she still looks in her prime.

I was wondering if Mia might show up on Eve's new site. The last thing I saw of her was on TeenDreams several months ago. She looked great! She had more muscle tone, and that same fire in her eyes. What can I say other than that Mia will always be a big favorite of mine.

BTW, I'd like to mention one model who has been in the biz for at least 6 years now and is still going strong: the Czech model Lucy Lee. I don't know if she's still doing hardcore, but she absolutely shines in recent appearances at European Glamour Girls, FemJoy, TeenModels, and OnlyTease. And she's never had breast implants, either! She's one excellent babe! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 12, 2009, 02:50pm

11-08-09  02:40pm - 5523 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

But there seem to be plenty of PU folks who are into big boobs and big buns. I don't know if Drooler fits into that category, but he sure seems to appreciate the female posterior (ass, for short).

Big isn't necessary, but shapely is. Think Monique Alexander, or Lucy Stratilova, who was an avatar of mine here for a little while. Maybe some folks wouldn't think of hers as shapely, but I like it! More recently: Dominika C, who displays it very nicely at MC Nudes.

Bigger bums like the set on Raylene Richards are pretty nice, too. Or Vendula! Yeah! Or Sandra DeMarco. She's got a big ass, but it's firm and shapely; it looks like you could crack an egg on it.

The biggest aren't necessarily the best in my book, though. Most ass sites are extreme about it, like "42 plus" or some name like that. It's just the same as with the boob sites. They get not-so-pretty women with big 'un's and that's that.

I mean, when an ass has got its own member of the House, it's too big.

Which brings us back to the topic ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 08, 2009, 02:58pm

11-08-09  11:22am - 5523 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by mr smut:

Also I would like to know what differs a Burger King Butt from a Mc Donald's Butt. I'd expect the second one to be less tasty ;-)

Either way, they're lower carb and Atkinsy. After all, they aren't on a bun; they ARE the bun. Er, buns. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-08-09  06:43am - 5524 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Yes, define "Burger King Butt." That's what Voltaire probably would have said.

I'll venture that a BBB is at least 40 IN on a BBW. How'zat? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-07-09  07:17pm - 5524 days #24
Drooler (0)
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Her name is Vaselina. She hails from the former Soviet Union. Accessorize from a wide assortment of "attachments" inserted into the rear cavity.

She's temperamental. Stick one in and you'll hear a "Nyet!" or "Da!" depending on her mood that day.

(Each attachment is sold separately, so you know that YOUR rear cavity is getting a workout, too.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-06-09  04:39pm - 5525 days #21
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I would like to see Drooler's avatar brought forth into the world in the form of some second rate cheap Chinese plastic, diplaying Da Drooler in the process of dry humping some porn starlets leg while it stares up at her ass. To make it a little more tasteful I would suggest adding the "bobble head" feature (to both the big and "small" heads) for that extra fun factor. Better yet we'll get it cast in pure lead (bobble head included) and covered in lead paint and sell it under the banner of "Before you blow your load, destroy mind in the PU Forum" and sell it as a holiday paper weight next to all the Thomas Kincaid "Master of Light" crap every store seems to sell. God I love x-mas.

Goes great with this piece by the Onion: "Chinese Factory Worker Can't Believe The Shit He Makes For Americans."

Especially when he says, "Sometimes, an item the factory produces resembles nothing I've ever seen." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-06-09  01:36pm - 5525 days #132
Drooler (0)
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Here's another: www.nekosai.com

It's in both French and English. Has a lot of the Euro models that we're familiar with. I can't tell what the image sizes would be, nor if there are any zips. Has vids, too. Seems to lean towards bondage themes, though lightly.

Maybe one of our intrepid European members would like to sample and report? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-06-09  02:12am - 5526 days #12
Drooler (0)
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I think exotics has a remarkable ability to get the inside scoop on things. Maybe it's because he knows how to get info from people from his practice of psychology.

I'm really sorry to hear about Aneta Smrhova being in an auto accident. She didn't fit the typical model "model," but she was a huge hit. A very photogenic girl! I know it's silly but Aneta is one of those girls that really got into my system and is still there! So when I hear about her having a great misfortune, it's kinda personal. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-04-09  05:59pm - 5527 days #3
Drooler (0)
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Messmer, you'd better grab that domain name fast, now! But as for me, it's www.lilcupcakes.com.

Well, I'll be damned. They do link to something, just not exactly what I had in mind. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-03-09  01:09pm - 5528 days #5
Drooler (0)
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I miss Breanne, Adrianna Catori, Linda O'Neil, Sanja Matice, Mia Stone, Lily Thai, Allisa (the incredible Ukrainian blond), Evelyn Lory, Lenka Horokova, Monika Hajkova, Lucy Stratilova (no, wait, she's at MetArt on Tuesday Nov. 10th! Yay!) ...

(I'll probably add to the list as I think of more.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Nov 14, 2009, 01:50am

11-02-09  02:21pm - 5529 days #11
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by mr smut:

It's more than 10 hours now that I can't connect to the ALS Scan website. Does anyone know what's going on there? I'm a bit confused and unhappy because I was waiting for today's update :-(

alsangels.com is still working but seems kinda slow.

I was there today. They're back though not with the vids, so for the Vid Folk, not yet. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-02-09  02:16pm - 5529 days #12
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

Are you thinking of Lily Thai, maybe?

YES! Bingo! (Or should I say, "Boingo!") I once saw a vid of her fucking this guy and she all of sudden says, "I'm a real squirter!" and then she sprays all over the guy like a skunk. She was very lovely, too.

So I'll toss in The Lily Thai "Splurter" with Interchangeable Spray Nozzles (90-Degree Radius, Jet Stream, 360 Fan Out, and Pulsing Massage).

And thanks, Raging Buddhist! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

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