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09-18-08  04:04pm - 5956 days #82
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
Registered: Mar 11, '07
Location: USA
The Thompson Twins parody is on that song "Hold Me Now," changed to "Blow Me Now." I recommend playing the video on YouTube and reading along with the parody in another window.

It was a nice pop song, but kind of dippy. "Blow Me Now" fixes that. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-18-08  12:39am - 5956 days #80
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

I also feel the same as Drooler, most of us more active members are known for joking around and having fun on here. Getting called out by other members is where the fun stops. I hope that I have stayed civil in all of this, just because I like TBP and PU and wouldn't want to disrespect their site or staff.

Speaking of joking around and just generally having fun, check out the dirty song parodies at What Freaks. I've contributed a few myself, under a different moniker, Rudee. (Somehow "Drooler" doesn't sound right to me for this site.) Look under performer, then Eagles, Damn Yankees cast, Richard Thompson, and The Thompson Twins.

And perhaps other PU members would like to pitch in some parodies, too. (FYI, it can take even a couple of weeks before they get officially posted.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-17-08  10:20am - 5957 days #10
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by messmer:

To Drooler:

I knew the title of this thread would catch someone's eye! :-)

I went for the thread instead of checking out another porn site, so that's saying something! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-17-08  10:16am - 5957 days #78
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by badandy400:

Damn it now Drooler. After all this you go off and win the $100 raffle. You are just trying to start shit again aren't you? :)

Me and my luck. You know, I waited until the middle of the following day to even check my email, and wouldn't you know, my measly 9 points or so lead to a $100 prize.

Well, that's chance for you. And I didn't even write a review.

There is a downside to this, though: Taxes. It all has to be declared as income. So the state and our lovely federal government will get a slice.

Let's just say I did it for AIG. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-16-08  01:20pm - 5958 days #70
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
Registered: Mar 11, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by asmith12:

But if looking at it from this perspective, don't you feel that there is no one single "proper" judgement? Some people will think (and tell) one thing about your reviews, some other will think and tell something different, so who's a "proper" judge for them? As all the people have personal and subjective opinions, my own (personal and subjective) answer to this questions is the following: there is no such "proper" universal judge "for everybody", everybody shall judge for himself.

Well, I never said there was a "universal" judge for "everybody." Nor did I say that there is a "single proper judgment." So much for that.

Look, society is full of unwritten rules and norms. You've never heard of anyone using poor judgment or proper judgment in a given situation?

In the situation here, it's not proper judgment to accuse someone or a group of people of writing bogus reviews in order to win raffles without at least some valid proof. It's not proper judgment because it unfairly insults them and makes yourself look like a fool.

Obviously, there's more to it than the fact that different people have different opinions. It's metacognitive skill called "judgment." And yes, it's not purely objective. I never said that it was. People may not always agree on whether someone has exercised good judgment or not in a particular situation. So what I call judgment is what I call judgment.

How could you possibly think it could mean something else?

And that's all I'm going to say about it. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 16, 2008, 01:29pm

09-16-08  12:48pm - 5958 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
Registered: Mar 11, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Wow! You found another review site that would say something negative about a site they were reviewing? That's an achievement in itself. The ones that I have looked at all seem like they are just trying to earn the referral dollars by saying nice things about every site they review.

That is! The achievement, that is. It's like discovering a new planet in the solar system. Switching now to PBS: "The planet Messmer was discovered to exist half the distance of the sun to the dwarf planet Pluto ... Radio waves emanating from it reveal an honest distaste for 'Granny Porn'..."

PU is about the only place I know where I can usually (not always!) get the straight poop. Most review sites are a bleeding joke, full of happy talk and very afraid to offend.

Once, in the Age Before Porn Users, I took on a review of Ebina Models at one of those sites. They were claiming that all of the stuff there was exclusive. I joined and found that most of it wasn't, so I was not such a happy camper. Then went to the review site and said so.

Boy, did they not like that! They kept insisting that I was wrong, that I didn't know what I was talking about.

BTW, Ebina Models got one review here so far. Score? 60 And one of the negatives is "seen it all before."

BTW, I love Messmer's title to this thread. Messmer, we might have to make you sleep on the couch tonight. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 16, 2008, 12:54pm

09-16-08  12:26pm - 5958 days #68
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

PS Droolers I forgot to add , in all honesty I can say I might have done the same exact thing, in fact I have just not here in this forum.

But whats probably cool is all the top 5 get to know that you are supported here even though you do get the cool stuff LOL. But seriously if anything this too validates that ppl trust you guys .

Thanks. I can probably speak for the "Big Porn 5" in saying that those kind words are very much appreciated.

Yes, it can be tough at the top. ;) And people who win big just about always have detractors coming out of the woodwork all set to make their cheap shots.

But the sequel is rarely as good as the original. What I mean, with some irony of course but in all seriousness too is that I really agree with what you said before about simply leaving it alone when a detractor decides to come out and stir the pot.

Maybe we can all agree to take your advice, because it's probably the best advice: When someone tries to get under your skin, just ignore them.

And so that's what I'll do, starting with the person who says, "Hey, Drooler. You're mixing your metaphors!" I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-16-08  11:50am - 5958 days #66
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by asmith12:

Hat off to you. I'm not sure if I would be able to do it in your place, but I'm pretty sure it's the right thing to do.

Nonwithstanding :-) ...

You have your own opinion, he has his own opinion, I agree with you, somebody else agrees with him, it's all about different people having different opinions, isn't it? All such "read the same" comments shall be read as "read the same to the person who's writing it", and IMHO that's his right to read it "the same".

Oh, sure he has the "right" to read it as "the same." And he has the "right" to say so here.

And I have the "right" to respond as I choose to.

And you have the "right" to tell me what you think of that.

And ... (?)

You see, "rights" are not the issue here. The issue is closer to proper exercise of judgment. And I know my own judgment about the whole "williamj tempest in the teapot" has been questionable.

And least I've learned again how to spell "judgment" the way an American is supposed to. Darn if I wasn't using the British spelling before! I mean, with all due respect to our friends across the Big Pond. Didn't mean to offend!

Anyway, "rights" are hardly the crux of the matter for justifying or criticizing behavior. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 16, 2008, 12:05pm

09-16-08  11:47am - 5958 days #65
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Originally Posted by Drooler:

So I gave him another quid pro quo, changing the "No" I'd given him to a "Yes," but editing my comment to maintain the record of what he did and my view of it, and of him.

Droolers, this is only my take, but I never ever give anyone the ability to have power over me. I view this topic and responses like Road Rage, one person does something and another responds equally.
Hey its just me but by allowing anyone to make you respond now that gives them power.

My problem is William did something bad and then the response is to do something bad to him? I do not see that as Civil. I see that as validating him and empowering him to get a response.

Do not get me wrong I think " he is a wining prick "
not only taking on obvious valued members but doing it in open forum was rude and very unprofessional.

I did not see a need why anyone should have responded to him, ya know hes just the rust on the can here you know and I know it. I get why you responded and thats normal to get pissed when others do shit like this. But that gives him recognition. Now if someone who meant somnething here attacked your Rep, then by all mean respond and take charge.

I have seen all to many times ppl respond in these forum and end up making the bad guy a good guy down the road.
All this stuff gives him attention in a site his was nothing and now everone knows his name and thats because of us not him.


You make a very good point that responding to him does "validate" him at least in the sense that it makes it seem as if what he says and does deserves attention. And maybe that's it. Both children and even adults will sometimes invite negative attention rather than have none at all. (And by adults here I mean only people of a chronological age of majority.)

I know that when someone wants to get a rise out of me that I have choices in how to handle it. This time around, I choose "guns blazing" even though I knew there were risks.

And I've also had my fun with it. Not the "trust rating part," but just the discussion on the thread.

And the kind of "power" that he may be seeking is a very shabby and sorry variety. What a loser. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-16-08  06:35am - 5958 days #59
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by wiild1:

Agree with asmith12 and Khan.

To me it looks strange that Drooler, badandy400, roseman all gave non trust ratings to williamj. At the other hand these three guys all got anynomous trust ratings which they probably think was williamj? It would be nicest if the people involved would all reevaluate their decisions.

We all like to argue, discuss and maybe we disagree but that doesn't mean we should not trust each other?

Non trust ratings hould be given to people that we belive are biased or maybe employed by a certain website.

Strange, is it? How so? Someone accuses you of faking reviews in order to improve chances of winning raffles and what should you do? Just lay there and take it? That's not in my nature, and I make absolutely no apologies for that. I'm happiest when all is civil and just, but when it isn't, I'm not going to be a human doormat. I fight back.

I know absolutely certainly it was williamj because his "Anonymous" on Sept 10th changed into "Williamj" on Sept. 15, yesterday. He changed his "No" to a "Yes," but his comment that my reviews "all read the same" and that he stands by that was not changed. So now he's talking out of two sides of his mouth at the same time. I'd call that "strange."

So I gave him another quid pro quo, changing the "No" I'd given him to a "Yes," but editing my comment to maintain the record of what he did and my view of it, and of him.

But saying that all of my reviews "read the same" is nothing but bullshit piled high on a buffet platter. The pros and con's may look similar in format, and I've already explained in this thread to anyone with a heavy "duhhh" factor in their feeble little brains as to fucking why that is. If Williamj is annoyed by books that have tables of contents, chapters, and indexes, it wouldn't surprise me.

And until the day that porn sites come in the form of animals, minerals, and vegetables, my pro's and con's will suffer a certain similitude. Hey, whattayagonnado?

But a fair look at the bottom line comments I've written about different sites shows for sure that they don't read the same. They're all unique to each site. Even the tone varies from "delight" to "neutral/analytical" to "pissed off." LOL.

I've given at least as much to this site as I've gotten from from it. And get this: 19 of my reviews were written this year, just 25% of the 75 in total. I wasn't even signed up for the raffles until 2008, and that wasn't until Jan. 20th. I'd already posted three reviews in January before even participating in the raffles. So only 16 of my reviews, 21%, had anything to do with my winning the raffles. See?

I somehow don't think that this was part of williamj's purported "homework and research." No, I think he missed that one. Why? Because his "research" was tainted by his agenda. So I write completely true and honest reviews, every last damn one of them, all on my own nickel, too, and get hit with this bogus claim that I'm cheating and that the other 4 most productive reviewers are, too. Yes, ALL FIVE OF US!

Somehow I think williamj would do beautifully in life as a fascist thug/informer. He's got the right stuff for that.

You know, I don't have to contribute reviews here. I can just go on my merry way. It wouldn't be any skin off my ass. None of us log in to PU to be handed a dose of shit from other users.

Believe me, if it keeps up, I'll be gone. And I won't give a damn if I'm missed or not. I don't need it.

Here's an idea: For some really devilishly prankish fun, now that we can fully edit all of our reviews, I could write a truly "generic" review and then replace the content of all of the reviews I've even written with that one! Ha-ha! THEN williamj would have a nice post hoc rationale for his silly claims. (Don't worry, I won't really do it.)

I just checked and as of this moment, my odds of winning the raffle today is 23%! Holy shit, and I haven't even written a review yet this week!

Viva la Inquisition! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 16, 2008, 07:54am

09-13-08  03:58am - 5961 days #38
Drooler (0)
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Posts: 1,831
Registered: Mar 11, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by wiild1:

Hi exotics4me, very interesting to read about your life and usage of porn, of course I do not fully understand your obsession/addiction, I just draw conclusion from your activities here on this site: you must be an exception in the way you can handle an obsessive comsumption of vaste amounts of porn at the same time as having a balanced life.

When you speak about obsession and addiction as a motivational speaker, do you admit to the audience that you are obsessed with porn and that you have been a paying member of 150 porn sites in the last year or so?

We could compare your situation to a person that have consumed 150 2litre bottles of $30 vodka over the last year, claiming that he is not addicted as he easily can afford the $4500 it cost him; of course it's not addiction: his wife sometimes enjoy a drink with him and he wakes up every morning at 8 to go to work. Is he an alcoholic? Can you imagine him being a leader/motivational speaker at an AA meeting and then go home to drink a couple of glasses of vodka?

I don't see how this contrived comparison to alcohol consumption has any true relevance. Addiction or at least heavy consumption is the only way in which porn and alcohol would have anything in common. Otherwise, it's a spurious comparison.

The trouble I'm having with Wiild1's statements and questions here is what motivates him to make exotics4me into a target. He's playing a game of "I'll accuse you of something and put you on the defensive while not having to explain myself as to why I'm doing it." It's pretty one-sided and self-serving if you ask me.

I wouldn't have said this before his most recent post to exotics4me. The first one (#25) seemed to possibly show genuine concern, but now he's turning contentious about it and seems determined to serve some kind of indictment.

So, Wiild1, what's your beef? Is it really so hard for you to handle the fact that not everyone lives according to the parameters that you set for youself? It's fine for you to decide for yourself the amount of porn consumption that's healthy and the number of subscriptions per X time period that crosses the line into "unhealthy."

But just how healthy is your intolerance of other people crossing that line, and even going way past it? You're getting worked up about something that doesn't even affect you. So there's something that's pushing your buttons that you haven't yet explained.

This is a site about porn, after all. There are people here who are pretty heavily into it. It shouldn't be all that surprising. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-12-08  07:26pm - 5961 days #34
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by williamj:

I stand by my comments. I've done my homework and research and my conclusion is that the top reviewers are using cookie cutter templates. I see nothing in the comments from fellow PU members to contradict my opinion.

When I write a review, I know that other users might want to know certain things:
1. Whether there are zip files or not
2. The dimensions of the photos and their quality
3. The dimensions of the videos and their quality
4. The frequency of updates
5. Whether the content is exclusive or not ...

Well, I could go on, but the point is that the same kind of information is needed in reviews of porn sites. Every site will have pics and/or vids and other features in common.

So you're accusing people of being efficient in their quest to be informative. What a terrible, terrible sin!

Looking at the sites themselves, I suppose you could say that a lot them use "cookie cutter templates," too. In fact, it's obvious that they reuse html and other code when they post something new, but they forget to remove image placeholders at the end, resulting in X's where thumbs were put during previous use. Sometimes they even forget to change the model's name or the title of the gallery. It's sloppy webmastering -- something I tend to point out in my reviews -- but at least they're reusing code and not writing every page from the ground up. Again, they're being "sinfully" efficient.

And you see nothing in the comments from other users to contradict your opinion? That's an argument? What do you see that supports your opinion? Opinions require support, not lack of contradiction. And it's not because someone agrees with your opinion anyway. A valid opinion is based on facts and the sound judgement to know what to do with those facts.

And this judgement is where you're lacking, very sorely lacking. You're unable to discern the difference between the form and the content of a user's review.

"Think before you speak" is good advice, but in your case, it doesn't apply, because it's apparent that you haven't even learned how to think.

Instead, you've just busybodied yourself around other user's profiles like an old fuddyduddy trying to find fault with the way they write reviews.

I suppose that we could write our reviews in different formats every time and then someone would whine about how inconsistent we are in the way we present the same kind of information. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-12-08  06:43am - 5962 days #32
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by williamj:

Honestly I couldn't tell you how the Raffle works because I can care less about it. My point was people that post a lot of reviews that are generic in many ways win money. Your not going to tell me that the top PU posters don't submit reviews at the level they do because they are altruistic. 8 reviews in 7 days to me seem very suspect? And Roseman is not the only PU member that falls in this category. Do a little research and check out the top volume posters and you'll understand better what I'm implying. Many other reviews that are submitted by others are great and I appreciate them. Why, because they don?t fall into the cookie cutter template that seems to be prevalent.

Check out Drooler's winnings. He's won every month the past 9 months except in March. In fact he's won twice a month every month. How is that possible? If you want to know check out his profile page and look at some of his reviews and the dates. No one joins six web sites in less than 45 days. Why would you? It takes a good 30 days to fully appreciate one site.

How is it possible? Because it is possible. All anyone has to do is post one approved comment and it becomes possible for them to win that week.

As for your saying that "no one joins six web sites in 45 days," well, seeing as how I did, someone does. You have reality staring you right in the face and you just deny it. Why would you do that?

And it doesn't take 30 days to fully appreciate a site. What a lot of nonsense that is. People have different opinions about it. You act as if yours has made a transformation into irrefutable fact. My opinion is that it depends on the site as to how long it takes.

Exotics4me said that there's a lot more whining and moaning here than there used to be, and I've noticed that, too. But your petty whining and finger pointing about how much certain people win the raffles along with your duplicitous denial that you even care about them really takes the cake.

So I don't know what your problem is, but you've not done yourself any good by what you've done here.

There's a slang term from the '70's and '80's that I think is due for a comeback: jive turkey.

And you can lead the way, williamj. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-10-08  08:32am - 5964 days #4
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by williamj:

Some PU members seem to post alot of reviews. If you read their reviews they seem to all be the same. If you look at other posting on the same site alot of the content is just re-written and repackaged. First of all who has the time to join as many of sites as some PU users seem to join. I'm not even questioning the cost of the monthy memberships. ITS THE SAME PEOPLE WINNING THE RAFFLES? If you look at the top 5 PU posters their reviews to me are all the same. I have to question are they making up as they go along? They include alot of information, the same information you can get from The Best Porn or from other review sites. I'll continue to visit the site but whenI see reviews by certain people I have to laugh because I already know what its going to say. A lot of nothing.

I did a little math on this, dividing the raffle winnings for the current top five ranking reviewers by the number of reviews that each have done so far.

1. Exotics4Me: $1550/151 reviews = $10.26
2. Roseman: $650/141 reviews = $4.60
3. SnowDude: $1110/107 reviews = $10.37
4. NYGiants03: $600/79 reviews = $7.59
5. Drooler: $650/75 reviews = $8.60

This is how much in raffle winnings each of the users have won for every review they've done. As you can see, plainly, there is quite a spread here, and Roseman has clearly been earning "below minimum wage" for all of the reviews he's posted.

However, it's a crude set of statistics because some of the reviews were written before we even had raffles at PU. But it does well enough to counter the accusations that you are leveling, particularly those at Roseman.

I have no idea, of course, of how Roseman gets so many reviews out, but he certainly isn't getting the payoff that the others in the top five are. Nor do I know how he can produce 8 valid reviews in 7 days, but I don't consider that inconceivable. Maybe he just has a load of dough to spend on porn sites and the time to crank out those reviews.

Statistics aside, and I mean completely aside, you're judging people only from a half-baked impression that has formulated in your own mind. You've jumped the gun and came out here and insulted the current top five reviewers here based on NOTHING more than that.

When I write a review, I take the trouble to gather detailed info, organize it, and present it as readably as I can. Call me arrogant if you want to, but I know damn sure that most of my reviews wipe up the floor with some of the chickenshit poor excuses that get posted here. And I'm not the only one who knows that.

So if they all look the same to you, pal, I couldn't care less.

Why don't you go to my page right now and give me a negative trust rating, which is what I think you already did to Roseman, too? See if I fucking care. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 10, 2008, 08:41am

09-09-08  02:45am - 5965 days #3
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

pics that seem designed to help you get through the exam to become registered as a gynecologist - turn-on or turn-off?

Actually, if it were part of med school, the pics would probably be a tad "different" from the ones we usually see in porn. And by "different" I certainly do not mean "pretty." Just start with yeast infections and take it from there ...

But of course I do get the real point of the question. Can't answer in an absolute sense because I'd feel a yearning if photosets didn't have at least a few good closeups of heaven on earth.

But stretching, fisting, specula, and the various forms of "rocketry" that are brought into the fold(s) take things well beyond my interests. And COPIOUS AMOUNTS, PAGE AFTER PAGE, are just a nuisance to me.

That's what's become of Karupspc, for instance. There used to be a better balance of poses and the girl's butts were shot in the ways I really liked. Not always (too tall an order), but often enough to reward a return every 3-4 months or so. Now it's very rare and it's been that way at least since all of the technical improvements were made to the site. It's become something like Teenrotica, with a really obvious emphasis on (Cookie Monster voice) "Pussy, pussy, pussy, good for me."

At least it's not as bad as SimonScans. There's a site I've just completely given up on. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 09, 2008, 02:49am

09-07-08  11:10am - 5967 days #28
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by pat362:

I read somewhere that the reasons why some of these women get the excessive tattoos and breast job is because they wish to leave the biz, but can't do it on their own, so they start altering the things that their fans like. After a while you can't get jobs anymore because no one wnats to hire you, and therefore you are abligated to leave the business. I don't know if that is true, but it does make sense. They certainly don't do it for the fans, because I've read enough forums to know that the majority of us do not like fake boobs, and excessive tattoos.

Interesting theory. I've seen the "poison pill" approach used in relationships, and I've actually used it myself, although it was with behavior rather than alterations of appearance. And it's been used on me, too. (I played dumb and got a little last laugh out of it.)

And of course it's used sometimes in business, as in "No, you don't want to buy us out. Not now."

But I really doubt that Nikki Nova, for instance, had that huge, and obviously expensive, color tattoo etched into her back because she was tired of her own popularity. After all, she's still showing up on some sites anyway. All she had to do was say, "OK. That's all now. I'm moving on to something else." (As did, for instance, Sanja Matice.) It isn't like she thought, "Aziani, Danni, and Marquis will be it from now on. How can I make sure of that? (Snaps fingers) I know ...!"

No, I'd be more willing to accept the theory that, as women do regard their bodies as "canvases" of a sort, that some of them just take it further than others do, and to us PornUsers, some of them just take things too far. And even some men aren't "immune."

If it can happen to Michael Jackson and Joan Rivers, why couldn't it happen to Denisa Keltnerova/Veronica DaSouza (now it's Eva something), who had a second breast enhancement and went blond, or to Susana Spears (got a boob job), or to Layla Rivera (major boob job), etc.

But I didn't realize that about Daisy Marie's back tat. Thanks for the info. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Sep 07, 2008, 11:17am

09-07-08  03:17am - 5967 days #26
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by squirrel:

I hate tattoos. Always ugly, all the time. I just can't believe how these young ladies choose to disfigure themselves so much.

Especially those damn ASS ANTLERS! Crimony! Take one of the most erotic areas on a woman's body, and they may as well have an advertisement for Pepsi or something like that.


I also despise nipple rings and studs and such.

If you're an aspiring nude model with this crap on your body, you won't make any money from me. If you're a photographer trying to make some money by shooting nude photos of models with crap like this on their bodies, you won't make any money from me.

The female body can be beautiful. But not if you ugly it up with a bunch of crap. STOP IT NOW!


You said it, man. "Always ugly, all the time," so "STOP IT NOW!"

Examples (sadly, just a small percentage): Nikki Nova. I hate to criticize her. I think of her as an icon -- make that an institution -- of softcore. She's still showing up at Aziani and Marquis and if you ask me, she's still hot as a motherfucker. But that tattoo ALL OVER HER BACK is ridiculous. Pisses me off.

Daisy Marie. Such a natural beauty in EVERY WAY. So why'd she have to go and have that boob job and ALSO a huge ugly-ass tattoo all over her back? Shit.

Tristan Kingsley. Have you seen how absolutely beautiful she is? Breathtaking! So what's with those hideous tats? (Gasp!) Let's just hope (against hope, probably) that she doesn't get a boob job. That would really finish her off. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-03-08  04:27am - 5971 days #20
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Originally Posted by pat362:

I'm not expecting a giant affro style bush, but must all female performers be without a single pubic hair today. I miss the well trimmed bush of the past. Do you realise that the shaving fetish is almost non-existent because of the bald pornstars.

I'm with you on the undies, silk or otherwise. Didn't anyone ever tell them that part of pleasure in getting a gift is unwrapping it. Letting our anticipation build as more is revealed with each little corner being uncovered.

No, I don't think they have to be without any at all. Some low-nap carpeting is fine by me. This is occasionally seen.

As for the shaving fetish, well, it's a fetish, which means that it's not something the average person is into. When I've come across them, I've gotten just a few with the shaving going on and tossed out the rest. Don't need the "LP side version." (Oops! Showing my age! ;-)

But the unwrapping is very nice to see. Seeing a girl's ass emerging from her coverings is especially delightful. The curves finally hanging out over the top edge ...

Sometimes I go to pains to match up a model stripping at one site with nude-only from another. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-02-08  03:36am - 5972 days #10
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

I think what has also been lost over the years in porn is a sense of story, fantasy, mystery, teasing that may be more erotic than always being explicit etc. I think this kind of porn is not common and once was more than now. Porn has become more and more just sex and not much else. Many PU posters have commented that something is missing that they would like to see. You have to really search for better material and us older guys miss these aspects of porn in the past. However, the women in porn have consistently become better looking as well as better sexual performers.

It really comes down to the model, the photographer or videographer, and those involved in the editing. There are some damn sexy girls out there who can really work the camera IF the other participants know what they're doing. And some girls with pretty faces and nice bods just don't have it. And tats, piercings, changes of hair color, etc. aren't going to make a damn bit of difference.

My point is that I agree that it's not really just about sex. It's about a feeling of intimacy, of being close and being turned on. Sex doesn't amount to shit without that.

So we are asking for quite a lot. So many things can go wrong. I really appreciate it when things go well all the way through. It's pretty rare. But it's still worth asking for it and it's not too much to keep asking. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

09-01-08  07:07pm - 5972 days #4
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Age may be a factor, but I don't think it's "the" factor in a user's tastes. The polls and discussions here have shown that the majority of "users" prefer natural breasts, even if they're small, and dislike implants, piercings, and tatoos.

As for me, also past the big 5-0, it's the same. But I also prefer shaved pussies. I like to see them unobscured by the fabled bush, and the ones we see in porn and nude modeling are often very pretty! (Sometimes the ones in real life aren't as nice.)

And silky undies, yeah. Can't go wrong with that. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-31-08  10:48am - 5974 days #2
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Yes, I'm definitely with you. Being generally more interested in pics than in vids, I've come across every problem you've mentioned.

The only site review in which I've mentioned the file naming problem was for Aziani. When downloaded in zips, the file names are great as they include the model name, gallery number, and file number, but individually downloaded files are just called "push." (?) This is inconvenient because I have to find the file in the zip to give it the same name as in the zip.

Some people might say, "So what?" My answer: "So why not just name the files the same way whether they're in zips or plucked straight off the gallery page? I mean, unless you don't mind if sometimes your favorite TV channel 15 is named channel 16."

MetArt is an example of a different sort. The file names from the zips are slightly different in number from those that are "cherry picked" OR from zip files of a different size (e.g. small vs. medium). Big deal, right? Well, sometimes there are pics shot at a distance which I still like, so I'll cherry pick those and then put them into the same folder as the zipped ones, but I have to watch it because, for example, the small X05.jpg is a keeper but could be overwritten by the medium-sized X05 which is actually a different image.

Then there are those sites that have NO zips at all and the file names look like freakin' alphabet soup. Like, which should come first, printpicCAC6F42S.jpg or printpicCAERKNQA.jpg? Those are actual file names, though the site, topmiss.com, isn't listed here because it's in French and looks like a "zombie" (no longer updating) site anyway.

But YoungBusty, which is listed here, has the same kind of problem: no zips, and file names that only a droid would appreciate. Not that I'd recommend the site, anyway. It's mostly non-exclusive, too, and tit size is the #1 factor in selecting the models rather than their looks overall.

Anyway, I do factor in +/-zips, download speeds, and file naming my reviews and in my review scores because the hassle can be substantial. However, the scores could still get into the 80's or even the 90's if the problems aren't too great and the other plus factors are significant.

For example, I think MetArt is one of the best softcore pic sites out there, in spite of the file naming problem, and some other problems that never seem to go away (darkness, blurriness, cliches, etc.). I'd still rate it in the 90's. I don't do the thing as I described above with their pics very often.

But they could think about fixing it just the same. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 31, 2008, 11:08am

08-29-08  03:46pm - 5976 days #5
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Exploitation is a loaded word. There are clear cases in which it's the right word; think sweathouses where minors work long hours for little pay, making tennis shoes and soccer balls. And sometimes it's hyperbole, of the "all sexual intercourse is rape" variety.

So the word itself is sometimes exploited. I don't know what Tera Patrick said that you paraphrased, so I'm not sure if she actually used the word. If she did use it, one reason might have been just to be boldly candid about her own opinions.

Answering your question, it is inevitable in porn, and for porn consumers, but just as it is for consumers in general. You can get a "free credit report," but the "offer applies with enrollment in Triple Advantage."

We have to be ever vigilant, in the neighborhood, at work, at the mall, at the voting booth, in front of the tube, and at that web page where we pay for porn subscriptions.

At least we have PU to help us out, but even here we have to be on guard for shills and such. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-25-08  11:42pm - 5979 days #15
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I can't say that I am tired of certain models as much as I am tired of them doing the same thing over and over again on multiple sites -- very boring and repetitive! It's as if no matter where you first see them they will continue to perform and look a certain way until they try some crazy niche site (though it can occasionally be interesting to find a model's older material, even if it's softcore).

There have been models over the years that I could not find enough of, or at least enough decent material of them. It can be a letdown to find a performer you really like and then never see her again.

Yes. Doing the same thing over and over again. Formula-driven porn. I'm so tired of it now, I don't believe there's a word in existence that could truly convey my frustration and boredom with it. It's ennui of the sort that one gets from seeing the start of yet another rerun of Gilligan's Island. Seriously. It's that bad. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-20-08  06:33pm - 5984 days #7
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Originally Posted by Denner:

There are quite a few decent french sites - but as this TBP/PU is an english-orientated place, there may be problems.
Anyway - the Drooler has som good hints about french sites, like www.topmiss.com for instance. It looks good - but this user (even if european based) never dared to join of one reason: Could not find the way to cancel rebill (it's also in french).

Topmiss is a weird scene. For one thing, they haven't had an update since mid-June, and that was apparently a skimpy 20 pics from what I know is a much larger photoset of Mia Stone riding up on a bike and enticing the viewer to a lovely back-door ride flat on a blanket. (Love that girl!)

And I gave up months ago trying to sign up for the thing. Used to be I tried and then I'd get this bilingual message (French and English) from a "Caroline" who would try to help me think of ways to solve the signup problem. I think that Caroline has since departed.

Anyway, it's too bad that some sites are only in a language whose world status is less than that of English. I might get attacked for saying that, but the way I see it, why not have translated pages in English, too? If the site changes then that's obviously a problem somewhere down the road, but wouldn't they make more with more subscribers anyway? Even with the dollar-Euro problem we've discussed to death in another thread?

There doesn't have to be a ton of elaborate text, anyway. It's just number of vids, number of pics, dimensions and formats, frequency of updates (toujours, s'il vous plait), dates (guess which month "Juin" is?), and a "join" button to take you to CCbill.

I mean, everybody in Europe studies at least some English, don't they? (It's not like mostly monolingual USA.) And they wouldn't be able to handle just a little bit of simple text for a nice porn website after all of those hours of English class? What the hell kind of education are they getting over there, anyway? (LOL.) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 20, 2008, 06:51pm

08-20-08  06:21pm - 5984 days #6
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I think the issue boils to whether or not you're a collector. Collector's want it all; the rest of us don't really care so much and want new stuff.

New models, you mean. To me, new stuff can be of models I like, and there are many, even the ones who have already had tons of exposure. Actually, it might be because there are so many that I rarely get tired of any particular one.

I do a lot of collecting, of photos, but I certainly don't keep everything. Usually the gallery has to have at least one dynamite "ass pose" or I'll skip the whole thing. I'll go through a whole 16 new posts in a day at ATK Galleria, for instance, and get nothing sometimes.

Well, make that 12 now, since they've just gone to 5 photo updates x 12 galleries (used to be 5x16) per week. That's a 25% drop.

But you're still right. I might look at a model I've seen a lot of and think, "Oh, you again." But then I also think that later I'll wish I'd gotten the pics, so I'll get them. And later, sometimes, I'm glad I did.

Still, I love it as much as the next horndog when a hot new model comes on the scene.

But for American models, I have a proposal. If you're American, you know those community service program ideas that the politicians like to tout every now and then? Why not make nude modeling or porn an option? Newly minted 18-year-old babes could do their 100 hours that way, then stop. You'd have a quicker turnaround of fresh babeness, then, wouldn't cha? And the websites wouldn't have as many "agency" girls to deal with, which are the kind we're mostly talking about here anyway, right?

Yes, I know, it's not normally what we consider as giving back the community, but if you think about it, it is giving "back" to the community! LOL I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 21, 2008, 03:08am

08-20-08  01:18pm - 5985 days #3
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Marina/Euphrat, Annette Dawn, Monica Vesela, Larissa/Nata/Helena/Et cetera, Zafira, Clara G, Peaches, Aurora Snow, Justine Joli, Suzie Carina, Susie Diamond, Gina, Britney, Lena Nicole, Renee Perez, Neveah, Laura Craft, Angelina Crow, Missy Nicole, Nikky Case, Evelyn Lory, Destiny (from Europe), Georgia (from Arkansas), Betty Saint, Carli Banks, Andi Valentino, Charlie Laine, Gitta Blonde, Veronica/Lola L, Hannah Hunter, Karli Montana, Mindy Vega, Aneta Smrhova, Susana Spears, Sandra Kalerman ...

... No, I've never gotten tired of any of them! Every time I see that there's something NEW of these girls -- and others (I just got tired of typing) -- I want to see it.

What I do get tired of is finding the same content on different sites, such as Babelicious and TeenDreams. That gets old, of course!

And I'm really tired of the way a lot of the content comes out poorly (see the thread "What makes you say 'No'?").

But the girls themselves I still adore. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-17-08  12:35pm - 5988 days #2
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They don't carry themselves the same way. The body language is different. They way they smile can even be different. But I find it hard to put into words. Even if I could, the reader would already have to know what I was talking about.

And sometimes I can't tell with certain models. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 17, 2008, 12:39pm

08-16-08  03:54pm - 5989 days #19
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Originally Posted by Colm4:

I'm totally turned off by piercings. A belly one ok, but in the tongue or 'down there' is something I hate.

Me, too, and I agree that the belly-button ones can be ok, but pussy and tongue piercings are just self-mutilation as far as I'm concerned.

Or the ones through the eyebrow. Then the girl has it removed and has this hair gap where it used to be. Real smart, huh? Vanity works in some pretty twisted ways sometimes.

I remember when Asia Carrera (a member of Mensa, btw), had this large spike thing affixed to her pussy. She could've mugged unwary pedestrians in dark alleys with that thing.

There's no accounting for tastes. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-16-08  12:44am - 5989 days #16
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Originally Posted by biker:

Hello Wittygut:

I agree with most everything brought up here. I would like to add one of my peeves that seems rampant through the industry.

When a couple are hard at it I don't like to see the models looking at the camera. If you are making it with someone then look at them. It ruins the scene if they paying attention to the camera, which means me, and not the person they are suppose to be screwing.

It makes them appear to looking for some approval from someone other than the person theit having sex with. If you are going at it with someone, then you should be paying attention to them.

It looks so fake that I get turned off by it.

I like fantasy with sex and this just pops the bubble.

I don't object at all to someone not liking the girls looking at the camera, but the truth is for me is that I do like that. Of course, it depends completely on HOW the girl is looking at the camera. Example: A video I got of Layla Rivera getting it belly-down flat in which she's facing the camera and starts moaning stuff to the viewer (as the plumbing churns visibly in the background). Layla pulled it off for me just fine.

What I don't like, though, are excessive, lingering frames of the girl's face as she's getting it. Man, I HATE that. I came here to see the action, not a prolonged closeup!

It all comes down to the fundamental sensibilities, and the people making the stuff can have the best equipment, the best babes, the best everything and fuck it up royally because they just don't "get it" -- or maybe they just don't care. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-14-08  03:36am - 5991 days #10
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Having just tossed out an otherwise lovely photo -- due to the idiotic cropping away of the right 2 inches of the girl's ass -- and having just given up on some pic galleries thanks to the brainless stamping of the girl's hair with the site's fucking watermark even though there was plenty of dead space elsewhere to put the bleeding thing without ruining my enjoyment ($30 subscription and thank you very much), I'm all set to go on this topic.

Before PU came along, I used to fantasize about posting a list of DO'S and DON'T'S, which should be printed out in large type, framed, and placed in a prominent place in the offices of nude and porn photographers and websites throughout the world:

1. Never, ever let the watermark touch any part of the girl's image.
2. Never, ever crop away any part of the girl's body (exception: about 3 body inches down from the upper thigh).
3. Include as many shots of the girl without her hands on her butt as there are in the exact same pose and orientation (Teenrotica, take note!).
4. Sunglasses, hats, all clothes come off at least 50% of the way into a gallery.
5. Drop the cliches: NO MORE angel wings, girls holding empty picture frames, etc. (See the PU user poll "In nude photosets, which is the most tiresome cliche?")
7. Natural skin and natural skin color, NOT lobster red or any other weird alterations (Sepia? Who wants pics of the girl that make it look as though she's living in the goddamn 19th Century? And leave the "lucite look" for furniture, picture frames, eyewear, and shoes.)
8. Composition: No photos in which the girl takes up less than 50% of the frame. (Your subscribers are not interested in calling long distance.)
9. Lighting: Aim for "even" lighting. In other words, no pics of girls brightly lit in some places, and lost in shadows in others.
10. Don't just post corrupted files and walk away. Subscribers obviously do not appreciate image files with the bottom part being nothing but grey emptiness. So check your work before you post it on the web and fix problems before you go live with it!

There's probably more, which I can add later. It's a good start, anyway. If the do's and don't's above alone were adhered to throughout the porn and nude photography world, there would be a lot of happier porn users, I'm sure.

Fat chance of that ever happening, though. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 21, 2008, 11:46pm

08-11-08  02:58pm - 5994 days #47
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Just noticed that Toadmix has an avatar that sort of looks like a really uptight Ken doll (post divorce from Barbie Ken doll perhaps?) What's the scoop on that?

I can see it now: "Trophy Wife Barbie and Chumpie Ken Divorce Set. Pricey Lawyer Action Figures and Repo'd SUV Sold Separately." I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-10-08  12:50pm - 5995 days #5
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Just a reminder to all that eurobabeindex is a very good place to look up the European babes by their many aliases. It's not completely comprehensive, but it sure has saved me a lot of work in certain cases. I've even come across a few sites I hadn't known about before.

The American girls tend to have a name and stick with it. Sure, there are a few exceptions such as Natalia Cruz becoming Sofia Santi and Swan becoming Justine Joli, but exceptions they are. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-10-08  12:33pm - 5995 days #2
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I've noticed that once the progress bar on a streaming vid is complete, the vid plays again and again just as if I had downloaded it.

So I tried something once with a streaming vid.

The fact is, it HAD downloaded, but it was in ...\local settings\temporary internet files. So I opened that folder, clicked OK when the "security warning" came up, and then sorted by "last accessed" at the top of the list. Sure enough, that video was there, albeit with a strange and cryptic file name.

Mind you, I'm not suggesting that anyone do anything that might be illegal, such as dragging that video file to "My Videos" or some other place on your hard drive. Actually, I don't even know if that is illegal, but it might violate the terms of your subscription, which I'm sure you have read.

I'm just pointing out that "streaming" can mean downloading for temporary use on your "local"/client machine. It makes sense. If the streaming vids were run ONLY on the host server, that would really put a strain on it, I would think anyway. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Aug 10, 2008, 12:56pm

08-09-08  09:50am - 5996 days #7
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Originally Posted by pat362:

KHAN..KHAN..KHAN. This concludes my impersonification of William Shatner. Let me add my thanks to Khan and all others that help make this site a pleasure.

I laughed and I'm still chuckling.

And "impersonification!" What a lovely invention. Sounds like a word to describe Spock attempting a comic impression of Kirk. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-08-08  07:04pm - 5996 days Original Post - #1
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When you find a model who looks familiar, but
1. has a different name from the one you'd saved her by earlier, AND
2. you aren't completely sure she is the same model

do you compare freckles, moles, or tats on the new and already saved content to confirm her identity?

I know, this is a weird topic, I suppose. I have done this when all else seemed to fail, and it has actually worked a few times! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-08-08  10:58am - 5997 days #5
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Yes, Khan and the rest of the PU staff deserve heaps of thanks and tons of praise. The ship is beautifully built and is run with careful attention to all of the details -- including those presumptuous spammers who are learning that they'll just have to take their schmutz somewhere else. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-05-08  03:07pm - 6000 days #16
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Take your spam crap and put it somewhere else on the internet, not here.

Yeah, we have real sense of ownership about this site. Spam OUT! And stay out! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-04-08  08:35pm - 6000 days #2
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I think that if the stats influence the way that porn is done, it will be for the better. I think that a stronger female influence on porn would make it more sensuous and less "mechanical" and formulaic.

Maybe I'm sticking my neck out making this kind of prediction, but it pales in comparison to what Oprah is doing. Once again, she's fearless, this time in bringing this topic into the mainstream, but it's about time. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-04-08  05:23pm - 6001 days #13
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With the US dollar having lost so much of its value against the Euro, sites have differed in how they've responded to it. 1byday, for example, had switched to a Euro denomination for awhile earlier this year; then they went back to their old dollar pricing for US consumers. Now I see they've raised their US dollar prices (was $29.95, now 34.95 for a month; was $179.00, now $199.95 for a year).

So some will raise their rates in dollars. Some won't, which makes the compared cost higher in Euros. And some will base the price in Euros and charge dollar-based consumers by something close to the current exchange rate, making it pricier than before for them.

It's hard to see how there are any clear winners or losers in all of this. It's an issue that both the sites and the consumers are struggling with. For consumers, it simply depends on what they are willing to pay.

If you think the price is too high, don't pay it. Wait until more content builds up in the site to make it worth it to you. Or take the risk of waiting for the dollar to rise again -- not that we can be sure of that. Or just do without altogether.

And if you're willing to pay the price they offer, do that.

So I'm just saying that we do have a number of options, and when we click "submit" for a payment transaction, what we're saying by doing that probably has a greater overall impact on pricing than what we say here at the PU site. Same goes for when we don't click that "submit" button.

What else can I say? It's a free market. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-03-08  03:00am - 6002 days #18
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Originally Posted by jr2375:

That was my mistake. I didn't pay enough attention to the PU reviews, applying to much weight to TBP review. I certainly now pay a lot more attention to customers' reviews, particularly as far as customer service is concerned.

Something I can say from experience is that the TBP review might give you some useful info, but the real dirt more often shows up at PU. I think the TBP is helpful for finding new sites and getting factual info (though that's not flawless, either). For straightforward opinions about sites, PU is the way to go. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-03-08  01:01am - 6002 days #7
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Originally Posted by Khan:

For the record, that site has now been added. You can enter your remarks at:

Thanks, Khan (now belated since the review's already up). You folks get it done quick. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-01-08  02:14pm - 6004 days #4
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There's a softcore site I was telling Denner about elsewhere here. It's called WalterBosque-Art.

I've spent probably three hours so far perusing through it.
It's a Latina site (though there are girls with names like Tatiana and Natasha, but maybe those can be Latin names, too? ;). It's worth a look. (And Natasha is hot!)

The big problem is there are no zips, and no videos, either. And some pics are grainy and/or blurry. So it's a big fishing expedition.

Some of the catch is pretty impressive, though! Lots of exclusive material, possibly all. There was one or two sets of Jaqui (who had appeared at Hegre-Art) which looked like stuff of her I thought I'd seen at MetArt, but I'm sure.

I've asked that it be listed at TBP/PU. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-31-08  01:11pm - 6005 days #2
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Marta's also been at MCN ... Mc-Nudes. Wonder if she's got any Celtic blood? ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-31-08  01:08pm - 6005 days #13
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It's logorrhea in an irritated state. Featured on certain political TV and radio shows in the US.

But I really like the use of "rant" as the title of this thread, because it gives it a sense of well-defined purpose. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-31-08  02:40am - 6005 days #8
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You've started this thread with an on-the-money summary of what is typically wrong with solo model sites. I'd add two more common problems: non-exclusive content (just a collection of stuff from other sites) and no zips of photos (happens too often).

There have been a few exceptions, but they've proven the rule that solo sites are to be approached with a strong dose of caution. I think it's even true with the reviews of them. Unless a review spells out specifically the number of videos and photosets, +/- zips, +/- exclusive, and update frequency, I'll tend to be sceptical.

While I've stayed away from most of them, I have joined a good handful and the results were generally disappointing. At least I could write a cautionary review here at PU.

The exceptions for me have been Evelyn Lory's sites (the official ones, which have been one changing into another over time), Sylvia Saint's (comes with the Evelyn Lory membership, and Sylvia's still a marvel IMHO), Mindy Vega's (but no zips), Sanja Matice's (but the door has closed), and Linda O'Neil's (now long gone).

And SexyJaime (Jamie Lynn's site through Penthouse) and Sexy-Cassia (Cassia Riley's) are worth a join since the content does continue to build, about one or two new items per week, and they are nice collections of these very desirable women.

Oh, and Rebecca Linares XXX -- with an acceptably low price for a "shortie" membership term, a lot of HC video can be scooped up and played with. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England. Edited on Jul 31, 2008, 02:46am

07-30-08  01:35pm - 6006 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

I prefer Spanish, you will notice that some of my sentences end up with the noun at the end, verb at the beginning. My wife speaks Spanish/English, but at home, she mostly speaks Spanish. Similar to what Toadsith is saying, when I first said "obscure" I was thinking of the very literal meaning, but shouldn't have said, "Sites with no reviews" since that is where the screw up on my part came into play. Like the site you just reviewed, I had never heard of it either, but am going to check it out. I really liked the one Denner reviewed, "My 18 Teens", but had never heard of it.

I think it's a very fine line sometimes, what is obscure vs. what has simply not yet been reviewed, and I think that applies to the site I've just reviewed, Radiant Nude, which has until now lived in PU obscurity. Kind of a metaphorically challenged little web site it is, given the name. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-30-08  01:44am - 6006 days #45
Drooler (0)
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Porn.com. Now there's a domain name to covet. Funny, I'd never noticed it before.

I looked at the Cumisha Jones. I wonder if that's her jealous boyfriend doing the hardcore honors.

I was checking out the Carli Banks and noticed that quite a lot of it is also at Matrix Nudes. So I guess the site's a mix of the exclusive and non-exclusive.

Anyway, thanks for pointing me to it! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-29-08  09:42pm - 6006 days #15
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by exotics4me:

One thing Drooler, that was probably a misused word by me. As a trilingual person, I sometime gets my sentences and usage out of whack. Mainly what I was saying by using the word, "Obscure" was the less mainstream sites, like those you mentioned. Where as, my out of the mainstream sites are just a handful or so. I'm glad you and Denner both join those sites since I wouldn't have even heard of most of those.

Oh, OK. Maybe Spanish or Italian? And while the usage might seem "out of whack," it's also a good thing because sometimes you can say things that are interesting in ways a pure "English only" person wouldn't think of. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-29-08  09:28pm - 6006 days #14
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by JBDICK:

difficult to answer this one without understanding the context for the expression...Sweetest Smiles Belong To

any of the young things at Met-Art, Hegre, Nubiles (Katherine is seriously cute) or others of this type will be 'Sweet' because of the implied innocence about them

of my all time favorites, i think Zara Whites had a near perfect smile...and I liked American Celeste...

but my all time favorite is Sara St James

All beautiful women with wonderful smiles. And I'll add Alyssa White, who might not be to everyone's taste but she had perfect teeth and anyway I thought she was really hot. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

07-29-08  01:31am - 6007 days #11
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by WeeWillyWinky:

I may have to go back to the Galleria and look Miss Blake up.

Anyway, another two girls for the smile prize: Abigail 18 and Piper Fawn.

I was just there and looked her up. Search for "Sarah" and you'll find her quick. There's a slew of pic sets (softcore and hardcore) and several sets of vids (segmented only), mostly hardcore.

ATK Galleria removes earlier material and sometimes puts it on their "Archives" site. The earliest on there now is gallery series 56 and the earliest of Sarah is in series 58 (the latest is in 65). In other words, if you're really interested, you might not want to wait too long.

FYI, the pics are all 1024 pixels on the long end.

I'm reminded that at ATK Galleria, lovely sweet Sarah was enjoyed vigorously and repeatedly by an often bearded guy I've nicknamed "Mr. Scruffy." He has shown up with all kinds of fine looking girls on Karups Hometown Amateurs, too. I guess the stars were in a fine alignment when he came into this world. ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

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