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Reply of
Cybertoad's Poll
I use pretty much all of them for work, but my own machine is Mac OS, has been, well, forever. However, I'm not the zealot I once was, and am reasonably content to use Windows where necessary. Apple's increasing iOS-ification of Mac OS is bothering me, though; I may jump ship sometime and if I do, it would be to Linux.
04-02-12 12:08am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I guess I don't mind too much, as long as a feature is not made of it. If it's incidental, and not prominent, I don't think it would spoil a set/video for me...
03-31-12 11:21am
Reply of
RagingBuddhist's Reply
Hmm - actually I agree with RB (er, not that should be a surprise!)
I generally prefer solo, no toys - au naturel is always better, more realistic. Occasionally I don't mind toys; and if it's girl-girl, then I think a bit more raunchy is better than some of the more insipid touchy-feely material.
03-30-12 12:23am
Reply of
roseman's Poll
I haven't been tricked yet - since I don't really trust basic tours. Most/all sites I have joined are those with full access to the list of models/sets.
03-26-12 12:35am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I usually just download using the browser. I use a manager - DTA - occasionally when I want to queue up some very large movies for overnight download (my ISP account is capped, but overnight doesn't count).
Also as Tangub has said, to fetch images where no zips are available - with a bit of thought it can usually be done.
03-23-12 03:24am
Reply of
My 2 cents's Review
As others have said, welcome thanks for a good review!
A shame too about the site - it was also one I was tempted by. I like Japanese girls but not so much the nature of their hardcore porn, or the censorship in the hard and the soft. I'd prefer that the naughty bits be implied rather than blurred, and they seem to do that well at Graphis - but the negatives are too strong to warrant a join. The search continues, I guess!
03-21-12 08:54am
Reply of
Cybertoad's Poll
A tricky one, since multiple apply. I chose to find the best sites, since between TBP and PU, I find a wealth of information.
Almost chose no friends - I have a few, but not really any I would be comfortable to discuss porn with, so it's good to compare notes here!
03-21-12 08:50am
Joy Mii
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
Thanks for a comprehensive answer :) They are fairly similarly positioned, and your details confirm that; I was trying to figure out why I'm drawn to one rather than the other. I think it comes down to:
* Purely aesthetically, I like the colours and the camerawork I see on Joymii more;
* X-Art seems to be very focused on models 18-20 with very few outside that range; Joymii seems to be slightly broader which again appeals to me a bit more
I'm definitely looking for something with a little b/g material - they both look good sites, but Joymii is the one on my list to join!
03-21-12 08:47am
I Feel Myself
Reply of
Ergo Proxy's Comment
"Joining is like to be getting a member of some special community which despises the watcher of "common" porn"
Whereas I'm not that familiar with the site, I agree with you wholeheartedly, EP - especially as the webmaster has basically concurred with the statement.
I confess it was a bit of a step for me to admit I like smut enough to pay to join sites, but having got over that, I've learned a lot about what turns people on, and whereas my tastes are fairly restrained and/or vanilla, I wouldn't at all judge what others like in that respect - and although some porn is obviously mass produced, there is plenty that's not, and features amateur, real models, but that is still proud to be smutty and pornographic.
This isn't a comment on the site itself; again there are different types of porn that appeal to different folk and if this works for people (it may well do so for me) then great. But this is a site where folk pay to see girls masturbate and I can't really see how that's not porn :|
03-21-12 08:43am
Joy Mii
Reply of
lk2fireone's Comment
I concur - I'm not generally into hardcore but like it occasionally and this site is high on my list. From what I've seen, I agree with you about the lighting and colours - it has a clean, modern feel which sets it apart from much other porn.
I guess this is similar to X-Art but for some reason I am more drawn to Joymii, it seems to have more character - have you joined both?
03-19-12 08:56am
Figure Baby
Reply of
Capn's Reply
Aha, thanks for the info, Cap'n - I haven't joined the site since the new photographer started.
I actually quite like the style I see on the previews - but it is a little more glam/mainstream. If the previous photographer is no longer featuring, I think it's a shame not to have the two different styles - there was a more relaxed, natural charm to it.
03-19-12 02:24am
European Glamour Girls
Reply of
tangub's Reply
Concur with tangub - this was on my to-join list, there are a lot of models I like on there. But - assuming all set/videos were accessible to members before, I can't at all see the logic of increasing the price fourfold because the site has stopped updating!
03-19-12 02:21am
Reply of
Denner's Poll
I chose poor preview. I don't mind if a site has limited content, slow updates, or few or no videos. I'm pragmatic enough not to even care (too much) if they charge a few extra $ for non-US visitors. But I would like a good idea of what to expect, so I applaud sites that give members good samples and full browse access to all sets and models.
03-19-12 02:13am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Probably less - not for want of sites to join, I have a long list - just that I seem to have less time this year. I haven't joined a site yet in 2012!
03-19-12 02:11am
Reply of
Colm4's Poll
As others have said, anything humiliating baffles me as much as it turns me off. But as per Denner, not into anal, and especially gaping - and any kind of prolapse activity is guaranteed to provoke a very genuine I-wish-I-handn't-seen-that response.
03-05-12 10:07am
90s Panties
03-02-12 05:55am
Replies (3)
66 Latex
Reply of
LatexRyan's Review
I concur with tangub - both in thanks for another good review, and in being a bit uninspired by the settings. This is definitely the kind of glam latex wear that appeals to me... but I prefer a bit more context to drive the imagination - the plain studio backgrounds are lacking a bit and make it perhaps more of a non-starter for me than for you.
03-02-12 05:51am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
It's not the most important factor, but a factor nonetheless - although I suspect more for cheaper sites.
In that I would certainly mark up a site I like for being cheaper - OTOH, if a site is a bit more expensive... well, I knew that when I joined, so I don't necessarily count that against it.
As my mum always told me, something is worth whatever you are willing to pay for it... although I'm not sure she had smut in mind :|
03-02-12 05:34am
Reply of
Denner's Poll
I think it's a combination of model and site - sometimes one chooses, sometimes the other. Agreed it can be confusing! But there are a couple of good sites around that help locate the aliases.
02-28-12 11:18pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
Well, overwhelmingly yes - I am all for parity and it is simply a rule that's different for men and women, and it shouldn't be that way.
However, although that logical part of me thinks that a topless woman is no different from a topless man, that breasts are no big deal... there's the part of me that's here at PU/TBP. Breasts are a big deal :) and there's a case for preserving mystique...
02-24-12 12:56am
APD Nudes
02-23-12 01:34pm
Replies (0)
Bella 1010
02-22-12 06:39pm
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In The Crack
Reply of
Denner's Reply
Concur with Denner - thanks for a great review, this looks like a fine site, but the content is perhaps a bit too, er, focused on the business end of things for me. I am, however, looking for a slightly racier-than-my-usual join so will bear it in mind!
02-22-12 02:37am
Sexy Panthose Models
02-22-12 02:34am
Replies (0)
Reply of
Denner's Poll
Well, that was easy.
A fairly decisive poll, I suspect...
02-22-12 02:15am