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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Blacked.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: + Site design is nice and clean with almost no third party advertising.
+ Their selection of models is excellent with an emphasis on young women in their 20's(blond young women).
+ The sex is gonzo but it's a more vanilla version and there is an obvious desire by the producer to make it appear as though the models are truly enjoying themselves.
+ They cater to two niches that are almost non-existant on the net.
+ They update once a week and all their content is dated.
+ Each scene has an accompanying photoset that can be viewed online or downloaded as asingle zip file. Resolution on pics is an excellent 2000x3000.
+ Videos can be viewed online or downloaded. The downloaded videos come in six versions. 280p, 360p and 480p for mobile device and you have 480p, 720p and 1080p HD for the computer.
+They upload info on the next update about a week before it is available for streaming or download
Cons: - Site is still quite small with only 50 scenes.
- Site is still has a few glicthes when it comes to surfing the various options available.
-They have icons to help you find what you are looking for but most are not very useful and others simply don't work(see glitches).
-They tend to hire the same models so although there are 50 scenes available. It's not uncommon form some models to have two or more scenes.
-Gonzo fans interested in a brand of more intense interracial porn may be disapointed with their content.
-Price is rarely a con for me (unless it is very high) but I can't help feel that the 30$ join price is hurting them as it may put off some possible customers
Bottom Line: *I got a special email offer to join for half of the TBP price and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to join right away. I know that i would have done it sooner than later even if I hadn't gotten the special offer but it was definitely the catalyst that made me join right away. As a side note. I think the site would be wise to offer TBP members a discount as I know if will increase traffic to the site.

*Now my first impression upon seeing the site was wow what a nice clean site with little to any third party advertsing to clutter the screen(I can think of quite a few sites that could use a refresher course on how to design their site by looking at this site). Then it was an even bigger wow when I saw a few of the videos. It's clear to me that the people responsible for this site made sure to hire competent camera operators who know their art. The scenes are all well shot with just the right mix of lighting and camera angles.

*The sex is obvioulsy gonzo but it is a more mellow kind of gonzo and if I can say this about gonzo than it is also a more passionate looking gonzo scene. It is still purely all sex with little to any dialogue(other than at the beginning), no scenario and setup. There are appears to be a genuine desire by the producers to shoot a passionate scene than you usually see in gonzo porn. That can be a plus if you are someone like me or it can be a negative if you prefer your porn a little more crude and raunchy. I'm not saying that the sex isn't hot or intense because it is.

*There are a few glicthes with the site. Nothing serious but a little annoying. Their model section doesn't work if you go by model name. All it does is keep showing the same models regardless of the page you select to view. Their catwegory section is also not working properly. You have siome ioptions that give you only a few results when you know it should give you more.

**Now I don't know if the producers are going to add a new scene every four days instead of once a week but as I write this review. They have an update every four days now instead of once a week. I will ammend my review if i notice that the trend continues.

***This is a site that is well worth joining if you are a fan of interracial porn and aren't looking for any kind of setup other than there is a hot looking woman having hot sex with a well endowed black man. Anyone looking for a more extreme kind of porn should look elsewhere.***

03-07-15  11:12am

Replies (11)
N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

Although I feel that they are for the most part all accurate. That doesn't mean that they are all honest. What I mean by that is that I consider a site to be accurate when they pretend to offer in their preview section something that I know they won't in the members section simply by the fact that you can't actually view what it is that you will get with your membership. ie: if a preview section is all flash and no substance than you can be assured that the content will also be all flash and no substance.

03-06-15  05:19pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I can't say that price is not an issue for me because I'd be lying if I did but I don't usually look at the price of a site so much as what I'm going to get for my investment. That's why I feel comfortable in saying that the sites that are 30$ or more are often not worth half their cost and sometimes they aren't worth joining at all.

03-04-15  06:59pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I have some dvds in a dresser drawer and the rest are digital

03-03-15  01:53pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

You can rest assured that it will not get a perfect score because there are a couple of glitches with the site that automatically mean that they can't get 100%.

03-01-15  05:51pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

I can't dispute the facts that many established performers have shot for these guys but I still say that their brand of porn should not exist because it's simply too toxic for most performers (not to say all).

03-01-15  05:43pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

I will post my review next week and you can then compare what you wrote in yours to mine. I hope you will comment on it and let me know how I did.

03-01-15  05:41pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I can't think of a single free or 1$ trial that was worth it. The free one for obvious reasons and the second because all the ones I foolishly paid for wound up being a scam where you got to see nothing that wasn't available in the preview section.

02-28-15  05:18pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

I must disagree with you. The two sites you named are known to shoot extreme type of porn. I would say that queesnake shoots ultra extreme content so the type people interested in that are not your run of the mill porn fan. The women who choose to shoot for those sites know exactly what they will subjected to because it's just too extreme for them not to. The same can't be said for the women who get fooled into shooting for FF. I know because I read a first hand account of what happened to one of the women who shot for these guys. I'm talking about a woman who had already shot for a couple of Kink sites so she was comfortable with the more extreme part of the industry. As far as I can tell. She is the only woman to have walked out of her shoot before it got too violent. I saw some of the pictures and she didn't look good after just a few minutes of starting her scene.

I'm okay when the women who choose to shoot a certain type of scene know exactly what is going to happen and know that their safety is paramount to the people shooting the scene. that doesn't man that accidents won't happen but those are usually the exception and not the rule. You will have to point to me which FF scene you are dead certain that the woman was thrilled with what happened to her and would gladly sign up for another run. I have never seen it and I know some women have shot more than once for FF.

02-28-15  05:11pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

I'm sorry but you will have to point to me where they changed the type of porn they produce because as far as I can tell. It is pretty much the same stuff it as always been. They tend to be on par with the kind of stuff Brazzer put out except that their stuff is more vanilla in nature. I know they are the one mega site that shoots the least amount of anal of all the others but that's about it.

02-28-15  05:00pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Nope. The only thing that I have found are new sources for my existing fetishes but this happens less and less these days.

02-27-15  05:55pm

Visit Face Fucking

Face Fucking
Reply of Pyrenees's Review

I'll grant you it's rare and there isn't a single day that I don't wish that it was extinct. Their brand of porn is what you get when you mix the most fucked up stuff Max Hardcore did toward the end of his career and add a cup of insanity. They are the poster child for misogynistic porn.

There is no current site that compares to them which is saying a lot.
They changed their name from facial abuse to face fucking because they were probably having a hard time getting any woman to shoot for them. I would be curious to know how they manage to entice any woman to actually shoot for them.

02-26-15  06:12pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

I think my comment is in large part a warning to you and any other reviewer that giving any site and I mean any site a perfect score is paramount to a death blow. Not matter how well intentioned you are. Your review will always feel as though you aren't being honest. I haven't joined blacked yet but I know I will sooner than later but your review will not be a tool I can use to judge if it's really worth joining because you simply didn't write enough info to truly justify your score.

It's tough to review a site and even more so to remove oneself from the final judgement of the site. I looked at your review of Naughty America and you gave the site a score of 50. A site that scored in the 90's with TBP and normally scores pretty high with most other reviewers should never receive such a low score unless they altered their entire site since past reviews.

I think blacked has great potential and time will tell if if does but there is absolutely nothing original in their porn. It's still pure gonzo. You have one woman (sometimes two) with one male performer in a large bright room having sex on white furniture. The only thing that differentiate them from similar gonzo sites is that this is interracial porn which is sadly a niche that is sorely under represented. They automatically get a minimum 80# in my book because they offer interracial porn. I will wait until I'm a amber before I decide how much higher above 80 they get.

I hope to see more of your reviews and hopefully you add more info to them so that we can see what you truly like and don't like.

02-26-15  01:57pm

Visit Blacked.com

Reply of Pyrenees's Review

You are entitled to your score but by your own admission. It lacks certain things that you would like to see so it can't be a perfect site and therefore 100% is too high for an imperfect site.

You want to give it a high 90 than that is fine but 100% is not a score that should be used lightly. it also wouldn't hurt to have more meat on your review. A high score review should have tons of data to support the claim.

02-25-15  02:01pm

Visit Legal Porno

Legal Porno
Reply of haagar's Comment

Did you really think anything had changed since I posted my comments last year? They have a system that works for them and that is why they are not changing it. I wished that I had gotten a full refund as I never actually used any of the sites services but I at least have the right to bitch about their bad business practice because of that. You can now do the same. If enough people feel like you and I then maybe one day they will have to change their policy. Mind you by the time they do. The damage will have been to great and it will be too late to fix the problem.

In many ways I'm not sad that I didn't get to join. I like their choice of models and some of the stuff they get these women to do is right up my alley but every time I see a trailer. All I am left with is a sick feeling because it's just not sexually stimulating. You wouldn't think that porn shot in a bright white room on bright white furniture would somehow look dark and dingy and yet that is what I usually feel about what they produce. of course it doesn't help that it feels mysoginistic in nature and filled with circus acts.

02-24-15  06:17pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I almost never do because the clowning around can get in the way of the scene.

02-24-15  06:05pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No because the only credible source I use to know if a porn site worth joining is TBP/PU. I will from time to time check a rabbit review because he will have a more recent one than what TBP has but I take whatever he says with a grain of salt because no one will make me believe that what he writes is always accurate.

02-20-15  03:02pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'll go with everything rearadmiral said.

02-19-15  01:45pm

Visit Magma Film

Magma Film
Reply of bibo's Comment

I don't know if they do or don't but I think you are correct because if they really wanted to offer a second site for the price of one for long term members than you would have a system where you can select your new site without having to email anyone.

I don't want to call them scammers but their business practices are bordfeline.

02-17-15  06:38pm

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Poll

I've had some bad and I've also had some great experiences with tech support. I take comfort in the fact that bad tech support often results in sites not surviving.

02-16-15  05:01pm

Visit Naughty Julie

Naughty Julie
Reply of charlesincharge's Reply

Maybe the info in the past was very different but based on looking at the most recent reviews done by other review sites and the comments on this site then my guess is that it has been more or less dead for many years.

The site had 134 videos in 2009 which was the last time TBP updated their info but the porn inspector reviewed the site in 2012 and they showed 157 videos and rabbits review says that last year she was back down to 144 videos. Basically that tells me that the site was not worth joining 3 years ago and why would it be different now

02-13-15  05:23pm

Visit Naughty Julie

Naughty Julie
Reply of charlesincharge's Review

I'm kind of curious as to why you wanted to join a site like this one?
Was it because you had 30$ burning a hole in your pocket? I mean the one thing that TBP/PU is good for is make sure that we avoid joining sites that are obviously going to be a waste of time and a loss of important money that could be better used on decent sites. I noticed you posted a common on Rabbit's review so at least other people won't get fooled but I wonder if there was all that many people who were prior to you actually reviewing the site. I certainly don't remember hearing about this site.

02-12-15  05:48pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't use the word hate because it's not the kind of word that I think should ever be used except in very rare situation so let's just say that I really dislike them. Luckily only a few sites do that. Bangbros being the one that comes to mind.

Fuck me but you already have my money. Why would you annoy me with useless crap that will make me not want to come back.

02-12-15  03:07pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Porn is fantasy. If you do like Dorothy and look behind the curtain than you to will discover that the magic is just a smoke show. That`s why I don`t look behind the curtain and I dare anyone to prove to me that they know for certain that a performer is straight, a lesbian, bi or gay for pay. Even if you read about it in an interview doesn`t mean that what they said is the truth. In fact it`s probably better for them to lie as much as possible because a porn performer is not a real person anymore than a movie actor or actress is a real person. There is a real person behind the mask but most of us never get to see it and frankly that is probably for the best.

The only performer that I feel moderately safe in saying was not bi, a lesbian or even gay for pay is Taylor rain. I can`t remember where I read it but she made it clear that she was into dicks first, second and third. I think she did two lesbian scene but only one would really classify as a true lesbian scene as at no point does she kiss the other women, go down on them or even gets eaten out by the other two women. There is some touching and Jenna haze licks Taylor`s pussy for a couple of minutes and the rest of the time Taylor is fucked with dildos and strap-ons.

02-10-15  06:33pm

N/A Reply of LPee23's Reply

Thanks. I'm actually enjoying my The Classic porn membership. They have an amazing mix of Euro and American stuff which is what I'm looking for.

02-09-15  05:52pm

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