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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I only burn them unto dvd so that I can play them on my dvd player and watch them on my big screen tv. I don't save any data on cd or dvd because I have 2 external drives for that.

11-12-11  09:24am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I want the performer to be fully clothed but it's also important that the clothes be appropriate to the character the performer is playing. If it's just a solo or standard sex sex with no plot than that the I prefer when the underwear to match and no skipping on panties or bras when it applies.

11-10-11  06:49am

N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I'll have to second rearadmiral's comment about your statement. That is too funny.

11-10-11  06:43am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I haven't watched the video but I've seen some stills from it. All my info is really from other people that have seen the videos. Mind you I'm aware of what Porno Dan considers good porn so I didn't need too many people to describe it.

It's basically badly lighted, badly shoot with awful camera angles and Porno dan won't ever win any awards as a good sex performer.

11-08-11  06:42pm

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

If you want to see the scene and don't want to buy th dvd then take a look at the link because the video is currently available on AEBN. Be advised that the most rabid Tanner fan is likely to be very disapointed in this video.


11-08-11  11:23am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I would never marry a porn performer anymore than I would marry a prostitute/escort and I'm pretty sure that I would also not marry a stripper. I know I may be old fashioned but I don't share my wife with anyone.

11-08-11  06:22am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Actually she already has done 2 anals scenes. I know one has been released and if the other hasn't yet then it should be soon. That was the good news. The bad news is that the majority of people that have seen them say that they are both unwatchable. I don't know if you are aware of Porno dan but she did both scenes with him and his style of shooting porn is awful.

11-08-11  06:19am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked somewhat because it's all relative to the type of scene being shot. In some scenes it's not important but in some others that eye contact at the right time can boost the heat in a scene to a new level.

11-06-11  09:31am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It's very important to me and that's why I almost never watch POV, cam or tripod videos.

11-02-11  11:27am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I love it but I'm not sure if my idea of BSDM is the same as many others. I keep returning to the Kink network because they produce some of the best porn available and their idea of BSDM is closer to mine. That is to say that it's more into showing performers having sex with some light bondage and very very little pain infliction. That last one is very important because the original content produced by Kink was unwatchable because it had too much heavy slapping, whipping and general pain infilction for me.

10-31-11  06:25am

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

The person who came up with the concept of female ejaculation or the more commonly called squirting is a genius. One day golden showers/watersports were more or less legal(it's not illegal but like fisting it's not clear enough to make it worth taking a chnace) and the next it was acceptable because of a name change.

If women could truly ejaculate like they do in porn then I can guarantee you that guys would have been talking about this for the last few centuries.

I've seen way too many squirting scenes where the liquid is a little too yellow to pass for anything other than pee.

10-29-11  10:44am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Bycicle bar a couple of times, stuck in the zipper a couple of times(blood resulted in one of them) and I have received various shots from different sized balls when playing sports.

10-27-11  07:18am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I always use that option when looking at any site.
If I like the content on one site then I want to see if any of their other sites have content that would be just as good. I also use it for the reverse. If a site is crappy then I want to know which other sites that company owns because there is a good chnace that their other sites will be just as bad.

10-25-11  06:53am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I'll pick none of the above.

10-23-11  07:41am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I notice that legs was not mentioned and I thought that would be a good one to add. That said. I would have picked all of the above because a woman is more than just a pair of breast or a nice ass.

I need the complete package for me to be really enjoy the performer.

10-21-11  07:10am

N/A Reply of Capn's Poll

I picked one month because that's the most common type of membership I use but I've been a Brazzer member for over a year and I will probably keep my 21sextury membership for at least a year. It's just that I would probably never join a site for that long. Maybe once a upon a time I would have but the way the porn business is these days. then almost any site/network could close and I'm not so sure you'd get your money back.

10-19-11  12:33pm

N/A Reply of atrapat's Poll

Thanks to Khan I at least understand what the poll question was about.

10-15-11  10:43am

N/A Reply of gggfan's Poll

Creampie eating is just another one of those gonzo circus acts that gained popularity in the 90's. I was never into this myself because it's not one of my festishes and I saw a few anal creampie scenes where the performer ate her creampie and the color implied that it included sone anal juice. Sorry for the visual. I like creampies ovwer cum shot because that means the guy came inside the girl and that's more natural then when the guy pulls out, gets up, moves around and then shoots his load on different parts of the body.

10-13-11  06:16am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

It's a question of context. If what the person wrote appears to be derogatory or insulting then the caps lock just add to the insult but sometimes people don't know any better or they didn't pay attention. I'm bad for writting stuff without looking at the screen and only realksise after a couple of lines that I was in caps lock and must restart from scratch.

10-11-11  12:11pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I think money as and will always be the biggest struggle for any porn performer. They all need a certain amount to sustain their life style and as long as they earn to satisfy that life style then they are satisfied. The problem is that porn is not the kind of job that's conducive to a healthy and happy person. Some can deal with it better than others but many of them use drug and alcohol to help them cope. These things cost money and they do more porn to earn that money which in return means they ned more drug and alcohol. This becomes a vicious circle where leaving porn is the only solution. Sadly too many of them have left it by dying at a very young age.

10-09-11  12:00pm

N/A Reply of gggfan's Poll

I don't mind them but I also don't care for them too much either. The creampie in ganbang is more circus act than anything else. It's rarely shot to appear part of the sex scene but is rather added at the end to satisfy a certain percentage of the customers who like this type of fetish.

It's quite a different thing when it's one-one-one because that's more natural. of course they have been known to make sure that it's far from normal but then again that's modern porn for you.

The only thing that I simply can't watch but many enjoy are facials and blowbangs. I'd rather not see any cum shot then to see a facial.

10-07-11  11:35am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I currently have 2 long term memberships and they both offer the same things that are a must if they want me to remain a memeber.

1-Price. This is not important twhen joining for
one month but a lot when you keep that memberhsip.

2-Quality of the updates. This is important to me than quantity because having a lot of updates that are crappy isn't all that good.

3-Quantity. This may not be as important as quality but I do need more than one or two updates per week to warrant staying long term.

4-Selection of models is only somewhat important because almost every girl winds up working for the sites I'm a member so it's usually a question of time before she does a scene and what she does in that scene.

*The amount of content isn't something a long term meber like me cares about because I have already downloaded any older content and I'm only staying on for newer stuff.

*Watching a live show in real time does nothing for me but I do enjoy watching some of them if they are recorded. of course this can`t be a cam show. I don`t think those are worth watching in real time and even less recording.

10-05-11  10:16am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I've never been a huge fan of booze and I tend to limit my drug use to Aspirin for a headache and a decongestant when I feel a cold coming. I grew up in the 70's but somehow skipped all the interest in pot. I think cocaine gained in popularity in the 80's (at least that's what I got from watching Miami Vice) but I also chose to skip that band wagon. I think Ecstacy was the drug of the 90's but I had reached a quater century so rave parties wasn't really all that interesting to me.

I never felt comfortable in a strip club because I was always affraid to meet someone I knew or worse know the stripper.

Prostitutes was never something that appealled to me. I've never been able to get the idea out of my mind that I'm the 8 guy this young lady is having sex with. It's like knowing that the Big mac you are about to eat has already been chewed on by 7 other guys.

Gambling is only worth it when you know you are going to win. Therefore it's not worth it unless you own the casino.

Cow tipping is an urban myth told to city folks that don't know any better. You can always try it but you may find out that Betsy although a slow moving bovine weighs a lot and if she steps on your foot well your foot isn't going to forgive you.

That only leaves TV. I assume that I can't watch porn on my TV and that would be too bad but I caould find plenty of movies and Tv shows to keep me occupied for a very long time.

10-03-11  08:58am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

The majority of my European movies were from the Marc Dorcel studio.
The company is still in business today and still releases new titles but somehow none of those original movies are offdered.

09-30-11  06:49am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

I may not have found all the movies I once had but at least I have found some streaming sites like hot movies that still have a few of them. of course it's not the same and it's also not cheap to stream an entire movie. My biggest problem are the European movies that I had which cannot be found anywhere. I think those are the ones that I miss the most because I simply can't find them anywhere.

I agree that it was getting hard to store all those VHS tapes but I still wish I had kept them all.

09-29-11  06:46pm

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