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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't really collect many photosets because I'm primarily a video guy. That said. I avoid all large video files because I can't afford to waste my allocated download cap on just a few videos. therefore I usually stick with middle of the ground resolution for most of my vieos.

01-07-12  06:39am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I think pregnant women have a certain beauty that is hard to describe but I don't want to see them nude and I really don't want to see them have sex. I have noticed that this is a fetish that seems to be gaining in popularity these days.

01-05-12  12:44pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I am but I wish we had a lot more participation than what we currently have. We have lost many people over the years but it's so rare to get replacements. Of course there are some that have joined our little family and are regular posters and I thsnk you for that.

01-03-12  12:01pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I used to but not so much in the last few years. It's pretty much agreed on that most New Year resolutions are usually a bad idea. This is not the right time to make them because we are normally in a party mood.

01-01-12  08:44am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've never been a member and I'll never be one so I have no facts to support this but can a solo non-nude model site even be considered porn?

Who exactly pays money to watch a girl remain dressed in all her pictures and/or videos?

I can see buying into a site that has models that do nude and non-nude content but a site that contains all non-nude stuff baffles me.

12-30-11  10:52am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've seen my share of fisting over the years and I've come to the conclusion that it falls undera few different types. There's the circus act where it's like watching someone try to push objects of larger and larger size up their pussy or ass. The best example would be Alyssa. I can't watch her scenes because I find nothing sexually appealing about them. Then you have the ones that do it for the pay. These girls aren't into fisting but the money was good enough and the girl doing the deed has small hands and she will only fist the other girls pussy. Those can be good but rarely are because the girl isn't into it and the scene lacks any heat. The stuff on 21 sextury's teach me fisting falls undr this category. The last group is limited to performers that are into fisting and those women truly get off getting fisted. Good examples would be stuff that Amber Rayne and Dana Dearmond have done for Kink`s Everything Butt.

12-26-11  08:34am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No. If I have the funds and want to join then that's what I do.

12-24-11  11:49am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

The reason I picked maybe is because it depends on the cost but more importantly on when they stopped updating. I've joined a couple of sites this year that although claimed to still be updating. The reality is that they were releasing remastered older content. The deal was good so I wasn't disapointed but I also got burned more than once and my reviews show that.

12-22-11  10:19am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I usually play most videos in WMV because I have Windows 7 and that's the primary one but I think VLC is still the best player I have ever seen. I've never seen a video type that it couldn't play.

12-20-11  06:36am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked other because it's pretty borderline cheating. Afterall you are interacting with a woman who isn't your wife and I don't think your discussing the weather with her. It's not like getting turned on by a picture of a model or the movie just reacting to what she's doing.

I think the moment it truly becomes cheating is when you repeatedly go back to the same model instead of picking a different one.

12-18-11  08:54am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

The first thing that might change is bareback porn may become a thing of the past in the US. That's not a done deal but I suspect that too many people are pushing for condom porn and there's no one with a better idea working in the industry. I have heard of a great idea but the man is not really in the industry so doesn't have the power to affect those changes.

The one thing I'm pretty sure will change is that the greedy bastards behind the .xxx will get sued by many companies and loose their court case.

12-16-11  09:53am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I picked Jessica Rabbit because I honestly didn't want to start thinking about who else might be a better choice.

12-12-11  07:46am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't like it.

12-10-11  07:33am

N/A Reply of rearadmiral's Poll

I don't save an entire sites content but I do save more than what I want so it does happen that when I'm searching for my favorite scenes that I also delete content that I don't care for anymore.

12-08-11  08:59am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I love many different types of porn but there are about 2 or 3 that always make the top of my list so I tend to look for sites that have more of those types.

12-06-11  06:07am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked 720p 1280x720 because that's an excellent
resolution but I think 640x480 is more than enough for me. I've often mentioned that I have a limit on the amount of GiG I can download without paying a surcharge so I pick the resolution that gives me the best video quality for the smallest file size.

12-05-11  07:27am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I picked a pretty face but I normally concentrate first one the lips and nose and then move to the eyes.

The question was somewhat tricky because if I happen to be standing behind the girl or if I'm seen a shot of her back then of course her butt is what I'm going to be looking at.

12-02-11  12:59pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm a good old boring straight guy.

11-30-11  07:28am

N/A Reply of Jay G's Reply

At least you have other because I don't think they could have come up with a category that fits you.

11-30-11  07:27am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No and I'm sure that I've never given a positive trust rating to many other member's who's reviews and participation I appreciate.

11-26-11  08:19am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Never happened and I hope it never does. Can you imagine the complexity of getting to a telephone and calling 911? Exactly what do you tell the operator?

I'm not certain if any of you have ever seen the movie from which this below scene was taken but it's a weird take on Jekyll & Hyde. The important scene start at the 5:30.


11-24-11  06:01am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I know I've encountered this on a couple of sites but I can't remember which ones.

11-22-11  07:28am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I think using the term actor to describe the vast majority of performers in todays porn may be a slight exageration of the word and I'm not really talking about their ability to play a particular part but there lack of pretending to enjoy what they are doing. There are still exceptions but I find that for the most part porn has been reduced to a number of people inserting various objects in another persons different orrifices all the while that person is repeating the same words over and over and barely looking like she's having sex.

I think people have always chosen porn because it is a quick way to make good money and that hasn't changed but at least there was a time when people appearing on screen at least tried to appear like they were enjoying themselves.

11-20-11  11:14am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've seen almost all the celeb sex tape at least once. I skipped certain of them because the title of celebrity was a little dubious. What i'v come to realise is that most of them vary from awful to good. The only one I own is Tila tequila's movie and I would say that it's a step above all the other ones because she filmed knowing all the time that it was going to be relaase as a porn film. She even starred with 2 actual pornstars.

11-18-11  06:51am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I'll second Denner's mention for feet. I'm not opposed to seeing but if the camera skipped over them then I wouldn't loose any sleep over it. Not too mention that I'm not a huge fan of feet and genitals in the same shot. That's not common but I have seen some movies where the girls use their feet to play with the guys penis. It makes me more uncomfortable than anything else.

11-16-11  06:53am

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