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Visit VR Hush

VR Hush
Reply of Anth's Reply

No not using any download manager. I get speeds over 10 Mb/sec on other sites.
I just tried the site again and getting 600 kb/sec.

01-08-20  01:11pm

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Thanks for the reply. Must be because I'm from Europe I guess. I tried every possible combination; Paypal, creditcard, check, 30 days, yearly, etc.
Even tried using a different browser and not using the pu link.

I found an email on their main page so going to ask if they can check it out.

11-26-18  10:08am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of chores's Comment

The annoying fact is that videos from 2010 and earlier are still found on their pages, but when you click on them, the video isn't there.
I don't always check the upload date and so missclick a lot.

Guess it's their way to look like there are more vids than there really are. It's already error-reported (in april 2018), so I hope it will be updated soon.
I did some calculations:

Movies from June 2009 and older are gone. This means a total of 1518 missing scenes which is a percentage of close to 18%.

07-08-18  03:59am

Visit Jerkoff Instructions

Jerkoff Instructions
Reply of skippy's Review

I joined this site a few weeks ago and disagree with some of your points.
First, you say the jerk-off hand gesture seems weird. I disagree. The site is called jerkoff instructions, as to instruct you. So I kind of expect them to 'help me'.

Second, not getting off with the sound off doesn't really apply to this genre. It's all about dirty talk and weird situations, like babysitters wanting a raise, the girlfriend of your son who likes older men or even (step)daughthers/sisters who get hot by seeing you jerk-off.
Totally unrealistic, sure, but I think it works.

And ofcourse with over 1500 scenes, you can't expect every scene to be perfect. Some scenes ARE bad and have no chemistry at all. Just skip to the next one, there's plenty.

And lastly, 30 seconds isn't correct. A typical scene is 8 minutes where about 30-40% is build up and the rest is about the 'instruction'.
I would also like the scenes to be a bit longer, but it's not that bad.

12-20-16  12:08pm

Visit Strapon Cum

Strapon Cum
Reply of Ergo Proxy's Comment

For those interested in this site, there haven't been updates since 2011(!) and the total number of videos is now 82.

It has some amazing scenes so if you like these kind of movies, joining for 1 month to download everything is still truly worth it.

10-20-16  11:22am

Visit Babes Network.com

Babes Network.com
Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

Very annoying to cancel indeed. First of all, it was not possible to cancel the 1$ per month bonus area. Have to use their chat for that.

Second, I had to press confirm like 4 times. With every step, they asked something like "Are you sure?" etc.

3rd, the cancelation is instant; You can no longer login even if you have days left.

I'll never join them again.

05-09-16  05:42am

Visit Mano Job

Mano Job
Reply of Roberto281's Comment

Just to clarify a bit for future joiners: Fabulous Cash is just what appears on the creditcard statement. The actual company that bills you is RocketPay.
When I joined, this was mentioned.

06-02-15  06:42am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Since the arrival of Firefox, pop-ups are almost a thing of the past. It's very rare when I get a "Blocked pop-up" message. A decade ago, I used to see them all the time.

03-18-11  08:13am

N/A Reply of pornwatcher's Poll

I always edit the cunnilingus out of my movies. I just don't like to see some ugly guys head on a beautiful women. Want to see as little as possible of him.

10-21-10  06:19am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

VERY often. I'm slow with downloading, I just don't want/can't spend too much time on it.
I know it's like throwing money away but oh well, I can still afford it.

06-20-10  03:38am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm light autistic, so a loner.

05-06-10  09:56am

N/A Reply of Goldfish's Poll

The hottest girls come from Eastern Europe yes, but they do suffer from a severe lack of enthusiasm.
Well, at least they don't convince me that they are enjoying themselves.

05-03-10  10:41am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Yes me too. I get a fair bit more then 1 gig, but most of time I don't reach 10 gig.

05-01-10  03:40am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I use AVS Video converter and edit nearly every single movie I download. Sometimes just removing a few seconds from the beginning.
It's a bit of work but I want a scene exactly the way I want it to be.

02-22-10  07:27am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Late reply but oh well. I made up the poll cause occasionally I accidently click on a gay site thinking it was a straght one. Not something I would like to see.
Note that I have nothing against gay people, but it's just not my thing.

02-01-10  03:43am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I would stop if she got her boobs enlarged.

01-22-10  03:08am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I made the poll cause I often join a site and find I don't have the time to actually download anything from it. Weeks sometimes go by without even logging in. Such a waste of money...

12-30-09  03:50am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

No not even a national phonecall. Or even as simple as an e-mail. If something goes wrong with my payment I take the loss and move on.
I guess I'm just too embarrased to talk about that sort of thing (with the exception of like-minded people ofcourse).

12-28-09  01:38am

Visit Innocent High

Innocent High
Reply of TrashMan's Review

I'm a member of this site for several months now and like to mention some changes since the time of this review:

- A new site was added to the network called herfreshmanyears (somewhat similar to innocenthigh).
- No extra login required for network sites.
- Solo interviews unfortunately stopped updating. OyeLoca and therealworkout (and the aformentioned herfreshmanyears) are the only updating sites.
- All sites who are still updating, have now a streaming option. And this goes for all movies, even from several years ago.
- There is still no search, but you can view all girls in alphabetical order or view the updates by date added.

12-15-09  04:03am

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

Yes, a good preview will usually make me join. But the main reason for not joining a site is usually a bad review on pornusers.com!

12-14-09  02:16am

N/A Reply of OneMan's Poll

Mostly for checking out sites. I occasionally stumble upon a site and am interested what others have to say about it.
It's the most honest about the quality of a site. I always get the feeling that reviews on other sites are biased cause they may get sponsor money from them.

11-23-09  10:38am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I saw a UK documentary once where they did this. Average Joe's were pulled from the streets to perform in a porn scene.
It was pretty horrible. Some people had no idea what to do and just stood there watching. Most guys were pretty ugly like old/bald people, a few very skinny guys,etc. Can't imagine anyone interested in that.

11-13-09  02:05am

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I wish they would stay up longer. Like 3 or 4 days. It seems there's more activity in the poll then in the forum sometimes.

11-07-09  01:39am

N/A Reply of ControllingMind's Poll

No I wouldn't. I will just feel guilty about it.

10-29-09  02:47am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I have no porn on my pc. I download it directly to external harddrives. And my family is too computer-dumb that I doubt they will even figure out how to connect them to a pc.

BUT, I do have a drawer full of DVD's. I copied as much as I could to my drives, but some have copy-protection so these dvd's will be found. Need to find a solution to this as I don't want to throw them away just yet.

10-27-09  02:38am

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